Downfall: Culminations


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"She's doing great. It's kinda' getting hard to realize how old she is though." I chuckled.

"Tell me about it. Taylor and Sydney are in college already. Can you believe that?"

Taylor and Sydney were Joanne's two kids. The last time I had seen them, they were actually in elementary school. Time really does fly.

"Wow! College huh? Lilly isn't that far behind. She's just wrapping up this year and then she's in."

For some odd reason, the air seemed to heat up. I unbuttoned the first clasp on my shirt.

"Where does the time go? Anyway, the reason I was calling was I was wondering if you and Helen wanted to come over for dinner next Tuesday. The kids are going on a trip up to the cabin so it'll be a nice night for adults. Claire's down as well and would be joining us."

I could feel the blood begin to relocate in my crotch as my member began to stiffen. My eyes scanned the room. Where the hell did this come from?

"Well... I'll have to check with Helen, but I don't think it'll be a problem." My cock continued to rise.

"Great, I'll tell Claire. Have a good weekend!"

"Alright, you too!" I stammered as I hung up the phone.

I immediately looked down at my rising bulge.

"What the fuck do you want?!?" I whispered to it desperately. (I did not expect a response.)

I grabbed my briefcase and opened it. Trying everything I possibly could to focus all my attention on my work. Ah! Numbers! ... Let's look at numbers! That should be good to bring order from the chaos in my head.

Every attempt I made to ignore my enraged beast did me no good. In no time, I was left with an impressive hardon and with no reason but boredom.

My blood pumped through me filling every vein with energy. Anything in my reach I squeezed as hard as I could in a desperate attempt to calm my senses.

Feeling myself loosing this battle, I glanced to the door.I could lock it. The shades are already drawn. I looked behind me to see the beautiful view of the brick wall. I was alone, and horny. No reason why not?

I slipped the zipper to my fly down as I reached for the intercom.

I pressed the green button to the lobby.

"Hello, Jen? Do me a favor and forward all my calls to my voicemail. I really have to play catch-up here."

Jen's voice came back from the other line.

"Okay Mr. Crawford. But before you do that, you have a visitor... do you want me to send them in?"

Every time she said that phrase I felt like I was in prison.

I exhaled my frustration. This has become my 'Favorite' day.

"Go ahead," I told her as I clicked the intercom to 'off'.

I shook my head as I zipped my fly back up. I could swear I heard my cock scream at me.

A moment or so later the doorknob turned. In walked Lilly dressed in an impressively professional business blouse and black skirt. She wore black rimmed glasses and had her hair up in a ponytail. She carried a brown bag with her. My eyes went wide with multiple levels of shock.

"Lilly... What are you doing here?" I stammered. "And what are you wearing?"

"I borrowed some of Mom's clothes. They fit me well, don't you think?" she asked as she spun on her black pumps. I couldn't deny that my little girl filled out the curves of Helen's outfit better than she did.

"They certainly do..." my eyes kept traveling across her. My cock laughed its evil laugh. Damn it Jack! Get back to the situation!

"Lilly, why are you here? You have school today."

"I did have school today, but I figured I'd skip it. Today, I figured I'd come by and help you out," she mentioned as she looked at her watch.

"That's very sweet of you Lilly, but..."

"Is your cock hard yet?" she interrupted.

...How in the hell did she...

"Excuse me?"

She stepped closer.

"Your cock, Daddy... Is it hard yet?" she said very slowly with a wicked grin.

It was certainly beyond the definition of hard. I could cum diamonds right now were my balls full of coal.

"How did..."

"Good!" she chirped as she strutted around the desk. She pushed my chair back and sat on the papers right in front of me. She crossed her legs and sat up straight. "I was worried it wouldn't be. The last thing I want is for you to be soft right now..."

She spread her legs revealing her wet black panties caressing her mound. She raised an eyebrow.

"You wanna' fuck, Daddy?" she taunted.

I couldn't find any words. I was immediately thinking of the others outside the office.

"Don't worry... I locked the door as I came through..."

That little vixen.

"How did you know I would...?" I wanted that answered at least.

"I slipped a couple of Viagras in your coffee. Don't worry, I checked the warnings."

That fucking vixen.

She smiled as she pulled the edges of her skirt up her thighs some more. Her panties were completely soaked. Looks like I wasn't the only one ready. I watched as she brought her hands to a small clasp on the side of the black underwear. She undid the clip and let the ribbon fall to the side. She did the same thing on the opposing side and pulled the fabric away, unveiling her wet cunt to me.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked. I nodded already breathing hard.

"Good," she moaned as she began to rub her slit. I watched as she masturbated right in front of me. I undid my own pants and shed them. My hand grasped my cock as if on auto pilot. I pumped my hard on while drooling over my daughter.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" she taunted.

"God yes. I'm gonna' fuck you Lilly. I'm gonna fuck your brains out." My pre-cum oozed out of my cock already coating me. My hand was a blur as it slammed against my shaft.

I stood out of my chair and stepped towards her.

"Wait!" she panted.

Why, dear god! WHY?

She looked up at me and smirked. "I needed to prepare too."

I watched with desire as she brought her hand down to her slippery lips and pushed her fingers inside. Her lips pursed a moan as they slipped in easily. In another moment, they made their way out. Her fingers sparkled in the light as they were coated with her love juice. As they came out completely, she held two tiny silver balls in her hand. Those very same Ben Wa balls that started our descent to lust.

She dropped the metallic balls to the floor and brought her fingers up to her mouth. I watched as she slipped it inside. Her succulent lips closed around it, sucking her own flavor with her tongue. She slowly withdrew.

"Mmmmmmm." She purred. "Ready to put that big cock in me?" she asked. Her puppy dog eyes blinking up at me.

"You're damn right, Baby." I mumbled

"Goody," she started. "But I want you to bend me over and fuck me from behind." She demanded.

I'd be a fool to say no.

She hopped off the desk and bent over, presenting that gorgeous ass to me. I wasted no time in stepping behind her and lining up my member. Her wet labia met my crown sending shivers through us both.

"Oh GOD Daddy, I feel it. Put it in!" she pleaded. I pushed. My member sank deep into her. She grabbed me hard all around my tool. I thrust my hips against her shoving every bit I could deep inside. I wanted to plunge further into her depths than ever.

Reaching out, I grabbed her pony tail and pulled her head back.

"Oh YESSSSSSS!" she screamed in a harsh whisper. We tried our very best to keep our moans down as our carnal act continued.

"FUCK Daddy! It feels so good. Harder! UGH... Fuck me harder!" she cried

I slammed against her ass for all I was worth. My balls would be bruised from slapping against her. I let go of her hair and reached further. One hand grabbled her shoulders and pulled her against me on every thrust.

"Oh DADDY! You make me want to screeeeammm!" she murmured.

"Don't scream, Baby. Oh God. Here," I said as I reached further. I covered her mouth with my hand as she cried out against it. Her teeth pushed into my flesh. I felt her lips part and take a finger into her mouth as she bit it. I've never felt anything like it.

"Oh baby you make me want to cum!" I could feel the moment approach.

"Just a little longer, Daddy! I'm sooo close!"

I gritted my teeth as I pumped harder. I wanted her to cum, but I didn't know if I could hold off. I grabbed her ass and sank my fingers into her hard. She covered her own mouth as she screamed into it. Just a little longer...

I was losing time. I was inches from defeat in this battle when I felt her clamp her vise against me harder than ever.

"I'M CUMMING!!!!" She screamed against her hand. I pushed against her again and again as she convulsed on my cock.

"Daddy's gonna cum, Lilly. I'm gonna...." I plunged into her one last time as I pulled her against me. I erupted deep inside spewing forth my seed. She moaned again as I filled her womb as my swollen cock was still sliding in and out of her soaked pussy. The feeling was so amazing I didn't want it to stop. My cock was still hard.

"Oh Daddy..." she said surprised as my movement continued. "Can you keep going?...Are you serious?"

"Baby you feel too good to stop," I moaned as our over stimulated organs were ground together once more.

The slippery feel was more intense the second time around. Our senses were drunken with pleasure. I drove my cock to the hilt again hearing the sounds of our love-making.

Lilly lifted up her leg and put it on the desk. Her pussy spread against my already drowning cock.

"Oh My God Oh my god oh my god oh my god..." whispered my sweet daughter. It surprised us both how close we were already.

"Daddy! Holy shit! I'm already there!" she cried in a hoarse whisper.

"Me too baby!" I grabbed her cheeks and spread them as I continued to thrust into my dear Lilly.

The second orgasm shook us within moments. The entire world was blocked out once more as our bodies rippled with aftershocks of pleasure. It was more intense then the first, seeming to pile on the effect. We collapsed together onto the desk. Our bodies spent. Muscles suddenly developing aches and pains.

My cock was still in her. I didn't ever want to leave.

Lilly was beneath me with her head tilted in my direction. She stared into my eyes as I did into hers. Those wonderful jewels could bewitch any man. She smiled that wonderful smile of hers.

"Feel better?" she asked.

"Much..." I purred.

"Good. Now what can I do to help?"

To be honest, the rest of the day flew by. Lilly was an absolute doll as she aided me with the deals and closures I had to do that day. She mainly handled the paperwork and calling back clients for me. But even something as simple as that is needed every now and again. It was because of her that when we finally left just after 5:00pm, I was satisfied with what we had accomplished.

As we walked to our cars, Lilly stayed right beside me. It still amazes me how I could just glance over and see an absolutely gorgeous woman who had sprouted from my being. It was one of those moments where it hits a father that their child has grown up.

The parking garage was completely void of life as we walked through. The only two vehicles left belonged to us. The sounds of our footsteps echoed off the cement walls as we walked down the wide ramps. It always amazed me how much it felt like a cave down here during any part of the day. It could be warm and sunny outside but down here it would be just cold and devoid of natural light.

"By the way," Lilly suddenly began, "I thought I would give you a heads up. Celeste will be coming over for dinner tonight, and probably staying over." Celeste was Lilly's best friend and just as much as a handful as she. As a matter of fact, I had completely forgotten about her since that night weeks ago. In a way, Celeste was part of the reason that Lilly and I found each other the way we did.

I looked at Lilly as she had an odd expression on her face. It hit me then that I had been thinking in my head for longer than an appropriate amount of time.

"Sorry... She's coming over tonight?" Each syllable seemed to bounce off the walls and come right back to us. The feeling was more eerie than anything else.

"That was the plan... I can call her up if it's a problem," there were those eyes again. Damn hard to say no when gazing into them.

"It's... It's okay. You know she's more than welcome in our house." A warm smile fell upon Lilly's sweet face.

A moment of silence fell between us. The hollow steps of our pace barely brought us comfort.

"...Lilly," I said softly not turning towards her. "You shouldn't have done that today..."

Her brow tightened in confusion. "I thought you liked it."

I exhaled all the breath in my lungs as I suddenly stopped. "I did. Trust me I did, but you drugged me, Lilly. That was dangerous. I don't ever want to even hear of you doing that again."

I stared deep into her eyes as she did back into mine. We looked on each other not as lovers in this moment. She was looking at her father. The silence enveloped us once more.

My sweet child. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and squeeze every bad thought away but I needed to hold my ground. Slowly, Lilly lowered her eyes.

"... I'm sorry, Dad." She whispered.

Now I was given the freedom. I reached out and welcomed her into my warm embrace. She lifted her chin and rested it on my shoulder.

"It's okay Lilly. It turned out just fine." I ran my fingers through her hair as she hugged me tightly in return. My wonderful child.

Slowly, our hold on each other fell. She stood staring at me again. It's tough to see her like this.

"I'll tell you what. I'll call Helen and let her know we are having a guest for dinner. Chances are I'll just pick up something to eat on the way home... Any suggestions?"

"I don't know. How about Chinese?" She suggested. I had the feeling I was about to endure that cuisine constantly next week. The brief hints of a smile came back to her beautiful face making it difficult to deny her.

I kick-started my own grin "Sounds good to me. I'll call in an order."

A wide grin crossed her lips lighting up her frame. She leaned in and kissed me full on the lips. "Thanks Daddy."

I couldn't help but laugh at my child as she jumped around suddenly giddy again. She looked so business like and professional just a moment ago and suddenly... Oh how I envy her.

Lilly ran around to her driver's side of her car and opened the door just as I made it to my own. I fumbled with the keys and got the door unlocked just as Lilly backed out. Suddenly, she stopped right next to me and rolled down the passenger window.

"Dad! Just one more thing." She called from the driver's seat.

I turned and leaned down.

"Thanks for the Fuck, Daddy!" she said proudly and then sped off.

I stood there shocked. As the car sped away, not a sound could be heard over the echo of "Thanks for the Fuck, Daddy..."

* * * * *

There was an extra vehicle in the driveway by the time I arrived at the house. The scent of 'Sweet & Sour' Sauce mingled with Chop Suey had filled the small confines of the car. It was one of my most dreaded tortures.

As I walked in the door, I was immediately greeted by the sight of the table being set. Lilly had changed into a relaxing set of dance pants and a tank top. Celeste came strutting in behind her dressed very similar in sweat shorts and a tank top. Her long, toned legs were accented very nicely with a single golden ankle bracelet. She seemed to be having a difficult time bringing in a leaking bottle of soy sauce. She set the bottle down on the table and brought looked at her fingers. A dark droplet began to course its way down her hand. She quickly brought the finger up to her pouting lips and sucked the juice clean.

"Oh honey, let me get you a napkin," Helen stated as she was bringing in some dinner plates still dressed in her work clothes. She must have arrived just before me.

All three lovely ladies turned to see me as I shut the door. Their faces filled instantly with smiles of welcome... or it might have been merely that

they noticed the bag of food in my hand.

"Have no fear, dinner is here!" I sang as I walked up to the table.

"That was pretty lame, Dad." Lilly laughed as she set down some glasses.

I shrugged it off as I stood beside Helen and kissed her 'Hello' as I set down the bag. "How was work?"

"Oh you know," she replied as she took the disposable chopsticks from the bag. "Same old, same old. How 'bout yourself?"

"We had a surprise visit from the big office, but aside from that... the same." I pulled out a box of beef with broccoli. "Oh! You would never guess who called today!" I suddenly recalled.

"Joanne Anderson?" Helen immediately mentioned as she opened the box.

How the hell did she know that?

"Yes, actually, she inquired about dinner on Tuesday... How did you..."

"She called just when I walked in. Something came up and she had to cancel." She popped a broccoli stem into her mouth and winked at me. I just laughed as I shook my head.

We set the places and enjoyed a very fulfilling dinner. The variety of flavors bounced and danced across my taste buds with every bite. It was a nice way to end the day. What caught be by surprise were the side effects of my raised libido beginning to take control.

During the past few weeks, I had been finding erotic sights right and left. The most unusual places awoke dark feelings. Lilly's twisted mind took advantage of any situation. I'd blame her for this dark awakening, but I know I am just as guilty.

So now I sat at the dinner table and focused on sights I've seen hundreds of times earlier; yet this time through the eyes of a corrupt individual. The three women near me ate their meals with pleased smiles on their faces completely unaware of my eyes trailing their movements. The most tempting of such were the use of their chopsticks.

The long, slender tools resting between their delicate fingers. I was transfixed as Celeste controlled these solid rods, gently squeezing tiny pieces of glistening mushrooms. The soft sides concaved ever-so-softly as she brought the tiny article of food to her lips. She opened her luscious mouth and slipped the bite inside; her lips closing around the two dark sticks. She slowly pulled the rods out, trailing them against her teeth. Not a single drop of juice passed her lips as the tips exited clean and shining. A smile crossed her lips as she savored the flavor bringing her visual pleasure. A different degree of pleasure than what I felt at that very moment.

I've turned in to a dirty old man.

The rest of the meal mainly consisted of me staring at my plate as I shook my head at myself. I tried to tune out the simple teasing the girls began to give me as I insisted on using a fork. I would be surprised if I would ever be able to eat Chinese again, to be honest. Looks like I was in trouble for next week's trip.

Our plates began to show their colors again as the meal drew to its end. Now felt as good a time as any to unleash the news of my travel onto these ladies of my household. I was worried of the reactions because, for some reason, I expected the worst. I'm not sure why, but I did. Regardless of what I thought, they were excited for me. Saddened that I would be gone, but joyous over the opportunity it presented. It caught me off guard, but I was still pleased no one was upset.

Helen and I finished up the few dishes as the girls ran off to Lilly's room. The task we took was quickly completed so we each grabbed a glass of wine and retired to the living room. We were just getting comfortable when the irritable ringing of Helen's cell phone parted the pleasant mood. She dove across the room and pulled it from her purse.

"This is Helen," she spoke into the phone. I watched as she stood with her back to me with a hand on her hip. She never got a chance to change out of her 'lawyer attire' at all. Watching her from the back reminded me of our sweet daughter and her surprise visit today. It would be easy to mistake them as sisters these two.