Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 01 Pt. 01


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During this process, as I tried to figure out everything, I kept one eye on Jenny, studying her patient notes at the facility she was currently at, studying her reactions to the events forced upon her, and how those reactions affected me. It was amazing how far a person could fall once they stopped trusting their own mind. That, combined with some of the drugs they had her on, left her in a pretty broken state. Jenny had lost it, and at the rate she was going, she wasn't getting out any time soon.

Is it wrong to say this turned me on too?

Obviously, it sounds bad, and well... it is. But the knowledge that I had impacted someone so fundamentally, that I had taken part in breaking and the crushing underfoot of another woman... it was a turn on that was beyond belief. It's fucked up, I know. But there was something about proving yourself superior to another woman in the most ultimate of ways, by making the man she loves and trusts the most fuck you instead, committing himself completely to you and forsaking his wife in the process... It was thrilling beyond any sort of accurate description. And I was only on the sidelines of it. Gina and Matt were the truly guilty parties here. I simply enabled it... and bore witness to it... and in exchange, I was allowed a piece of the action. And even that was enough to rock my world. I couldn't imagine what Gina felt encountering this feeling full force. It's no wonder she would do such a thing at the expense of her own daughter. Damn... that must be sinful pleasure at its most potent...

I stayed especially close with Gina for a good long while afterwards as I adjusted to my new normal. If Matt or Gina had any hesitation with this new arrangement, with me being involved in their business, they didn't show it. I got a primo view at what comes after such a cruel, harsh, hot as hell betrayal, and the results were fascinating. You would think that a bond formed in such a manner might be an explosive one, but... it was quite the opposite.

Gina and Matt were undoubtedly perfect for each other.

They were all over each other, both in private and public. The fire between them burned bright once I'd help ignite it, and it only got hotter and brighter. Despite their many contrasts, they fit perfectly together, a fit so complete that you couldn't imagine them being separate. It was pure chemistry, the bond forged between them a powerful one that once formed could never be broken. They were together now, and there was no going back. Matt thought that he was meant to be with Jenny, but in truth he was destined to be with her mother instead. And you simply couldn't imagine it being any other way. The heat generated between them forged something stronger than any normal couple ever could. His flimsy marriage to Jenny didn't stand a chance when faced down with this. And everything that had happened between them since their first encounter together only cemented this fact.

Within months of their first fuck-session, they were married, she was pregnant, and Jenny was out of the picture completely. Her sexual whims had truly upended their worlds. Their union caused some social upheaval on his end, as he had betrayed his wife for her own mom, an older woman, and many who knew him wouldn't stand for it. But I did, remaining friends with both as they delved deeper into their new relationship, keeping up with her and Matt as she imparted more life lessons on me every time we were around each other. And well, when you and another woman fuck a man at the same time on multiple occasions, working the same cock, even working over each other, for both Matt's benefit and our own.... the point I'm making is that when you and another woman see each other like this, at our most exposed... you start to gain an understanding of each other. I learned so much from her, both in and out of the bedroom, and she had affected me more than just about anyone else in my life.

Like a college girl discovering booze, I really threw myself into this whole thing with them in the immediate aftermath. She imparted some tricks of the trade in terms of sex, showing me some of the things she does to really make a man lose control and completely surrender. She taught me some of the things that can't really be put into words, setting an example, showing how she truly was a force of nature in bed.

Some of the training was more, um... tactile. Namely, her helping train me how to take a cock up my ass. That was certainly something I'd never planned to try. The feeling on the matter was split among the women I'd met with in my role as a sex therapist, the ones who'd mentioned it at some point. Most said they'd never try it, or that they'd tried it once and swore to never do it again. But there was a small percentage of them that said they loved it. They swore by it, saying it was the best thing ever. As to where I landed on the matter, I was shocked to find myself falling in that latter category. I didn't expect to like it, and sure, there was definitely a learning curve, and it certainly took some getting used to. But fuck... there really was nothing like it. When you cross that barrier and begin to truly enjoy it... it was a rush like nothing else. The first time I had a screaming orgasm with Matt's cock up my ass, Gina looked so proud.

I spent a lot of time with them beyond just the bedroom, at their place, or out on the town. She gave me advice on how to best project myself, to not only increase my appeal but gain a certain control over others from the moment of first introductions, and how to maintain that control over your image from that moment on. This included guidance on how to carry myself, both in attitude and choice of dress. It was all really good stuff, a lot of things I'd never really put much thought into in my daily life.

But in other ways, she acted more like the wicked older sister who was a terrible influence. After a somewhat boozy dinner between just me and her, she convinced me to get a tattoo. I'd never had an inclination to get one, but she was selling it so hard! She was saying that when men see a girl with a tattoo, it's like a bull seeing red. Good girls don't have tattoos, but the bad girls who know to treat a cock right always have a slutty tat. She said for someone like me, it would be the perfect thing to do to make myself stand out. I wasn't fully convinced, but she was so passionate about it, and I didn't want to disappoint her, and I was a bit buzzed, so... That's how I got a tramp stamp. Nothing too crazy, a pink heart, done in a cartoon style that made it look kinda like a balloon, giving it a certain curvature that made it look like a round, juicy ass. Which was fitting, given its location directly above my ass. There was a line in the middle of it, further inviting the comparison, acting as the crack between the round shapely cheeks of this faux ass. At the top of the crack, where the round edges of the heart were supposed to meet at a sharp point in between, you could see that's where the heart was beginning to split. Starting in that spot was a cartoonish fault line propagating downwards through the balloon-like tattoo, the sides of the heart breaking apart. A "Heartbreaker", if you will, which is what the tattoo was literally titled in the binder of designs we had skimmed through.

The resemblance of the tattoo to a round butt was obvious to us even in our buzzed state. I wasn't convinced at first that this was the design I wanted to put on my body, thinking that it was the type of tattoo a teenage girl would get on spring break. But Gina's reading of it, that the only reason the heart was breaking was that the ass was so round and so perfect, that the heart wouldn't be breaking if the ass was less impressive... the similarity between that idea and Gina's worldview was enough to convince me. So, I got that "Heartbreaker" tattoo marked onto my body forever.

In the light of day, I wasn't so jazzed about it, finding it to be rather... gauche. But a tattoo, ideally, is supposed to be a permanent marking on your body that represents something significant, an important moment in time. So, in that sense, this marking on my body after such a monumental moment... getting a tattoo made sense. Looking at it that way... I didn't regret it. I think even Gina knew it was a bit trashy, but... that was kinda the point. And seeing her proud smile of approval afterwards let me know I made the right choice.

I could have kept talking to Gina and learning from her for years, but I knew eventually, the lessons had to end. I had to stamp out my own path. I had to leave Gina's tutelage and fly out on my own. Make my mark on the world the same way she had, and do it in my own way. In a sense, I felt like my self-imposed leash had been removed. I was ready to wreak some real havoc, like Gina had. To delve deeper than even she had gone, to places no one else ever had gone before.

And this was the start of it.

I was standing in my office early in the morning, ready to get back to work, now a changed woman in so many ways. The whole Gina, Jenny, and Matt thing started fast, and it had gone on for months and months and months. When the smoke finally settled, and the happy couple settled into their life together, I opted to take a few weeks' vacation to clear my head and sort everything out. I was long overdue for a vacation anyway, so this lined up perfectly, an opportunity to take in the breadth and scope of my last few months and begin anew. I relaxed, cleared my head, got pampered a bit, and prepared myself to return to work fully energized. And, with recent events very much top of mind, I allowed myself the leeway to be irresponsible, doing something I never thought I would be capable of, namely having a one-night stand with some random guy. It was perfectly good sex, enough to sate my immediate hunger, but it was nowhere near as good as what I experienced with Matt and Gina. To understand why, I would need to really hammer down on this stuff. It was time for me to go home. As fun as this break was for me, I was eager to get back to work and dig into all of this further.

My first morning back, I found myself examining my reflection in the mirror as I waited for my first patient of the day. At Gina's urging, I had evolved my whole look, letting my hair down, wearing more flattering clothing, using more expensive makeup. I had never paid too much attention to this stuff, but now, thanks to Gina, I understood their importance. Even I had to admit these small changes really worked wonders. My brunette hair now cascaded in waves down my back instead of being tied back. My sharp, intelligent eyes were behind a pair of thin, stylish glasses instead of some chunky, functional specs. My lips looked smooth and plump, a fresh coat of some really subtle lipstick making them look extra inviting. And my fresh, golden tan made my skin really glow. I smiled proudly... I looked really goddamn good!

I admired the rest of me as well. A nice, crisp navy-colored skirt, down to my knees, hugging my legs and my heart-shaped ass. Below my skirt, I had on some dark stockings, flattering my slim, taut legs, all leading down to some very expensive high heels. I was never one for retail therapy, but spending a little money on myself really did seem to pay off. Up top, I had a slim blazer which matched the skirt, and underneath it I had a pearl-colored blouse with one button unbuttoned, allowing at glimpse at some skin while keeping it professional. No cleavage, unfortunately. Hey, I still had a job to do.

I'd been working out more lately, and it fucking showed. Everything about my body had firmed up and tightened, but what really showcased my renewed efforts in the gym was my spectacular ass. My butt was pretty good before without really even trying. But now, after putting in just the slightest bit of work, it was just like... wow. Jutting out from my slim frame, each cheek firm and juicy and shapely, as soon as I turned around, it was like... BAM! It just jumped out there, perfectly round and mouthwatering. It really stood out in just about any outfit I wore. I kept catching guys staring...

Thanks to my new workout routine, combined with my renewed confidence and new outlook on life, everything seemed to be going my way. I was even standing up straighter and prouder, which made my breasts look even bigger. I was already blessed with pretty large breasts, but the old me was so buttoned-up and reserved that people didn't really notice. Big boobs like mine are meant to be appreciated, not covered up. As Gina taught me, a big pair of tits could do more damage than any weapon. I had a pretty impressive pair, but I'd never used them for my benefit. Even the lucky few who had seen them bare would underestimate their size. A lot of people thought they were DD's, but now, with the new me who stood up straight and carried herself proudly, there was no mistaking their size. I had a nice, juicy set of EE's, and I would not let a day go by without showing them off in some way. I was ready to make up for lost time.

I looked good enough where I was half-tempted to text a selfie to Gina, just to let her see the results of the hard work she'd put into me. But I held back. I had started to feel like she was as ready to let me strike out on my own as I was, so I didn't want to pester her. Last I knew, she and Matt were headed to Barbados for a week of illicit fucking. That amazing bitch was probably on a beach right now, her luscious body spilling out of a filthy bikini, no doubt, driving Matt crazy with lust. I was probably the last thing she was thinking about. And honestly, as hot as Matt was, and how good as he was in bed, I couldn't blame her.

Besides... I had work to do.

I'd found something... amazing. Something that couldn't be put into words, but that was the thing. I had to put it into words. That was my job. I had to figure this out. Document it. Sure, what I had done was not exactly ethical. But I was not so naïve to think that all great discoveries were made by following the order of things. If anything, stepping out of the norm was exactly what was required to find something great. And I'd just gotten a taste. A sample. While all that I had learned with Gina and Matt was great, these were lessons learned in an uncontrolled setting. Certainly fun and obviously life-changing, but difficult to quantify. No, to really figure this out, I needed to do the work myself. Keep track of my progress every step of the way, and sum up my lessons learned. Assemble them all together, and share the results when the time was right. Sure... it's doubtful everyone would agree with this subject matter, but I had discovered something so sinful it would be irresponsible of me to ignore it. For science, and for my own sake, I had to do this. I had to dive back in those waters of sin and get a better feel for it. It was my duty. And I was ready to do what was necessary to get the job done.

It could be my life's work...

Smiling to myself, readying myself for the day, I headed to the desk and buzzed my receptionist.

"I'm ready."


Annie had been a patient of mine for a while.

To sum it up, she had a lot of things going for her. She was a pretty young blonde with a bright, effervescent smile. She had a good, well-paying job, and she was happily married. But being raised by a very demanding aunt gave her a lot of self-esteem issues, so she found it helpful to come to therapy to talk things out. As I came highly rated, she sought me out, and for a few years now, we'd had a good thing going.

As Annie stepped into my office, she gave me a surprised look, admiring my new appearance.

"Wow... looking good, Jen!" Annie said as she gave me a hug.

"Well, I thought I'd try something new..." I explained warmly.

"Well, it's working. Wowza!" she said with a big grin. We made further greetings as we settled in, me sitting in my chair with my notebook in hand, and her on the couch. As we began chatting warmly, I reflected on our history. Even though I was the doctor and she the patient, opening up as she did is a very intimate act, so it was hard not to let a friendship form between us. She was about five years younger than me, so we had developed an almost sisterly relationship, with me as the knowing older sister, and her as the unsure younger one. Since we'd known each other for years now, she trusted me completely, and I'd never given her any reason to doubt me. My advice had always checked out, so she had faith in my wisdom, no matter how much she pushed against it initially.

As we got talking and got caught up on things, our conversation quickly turned to the one thing it always seemed to in these talks. Her husband. Annie had hoped that marrying Eddie would put an end to her self-esteem issues, but it only caused them to flare up more.

"It's just..." Annie stated, trying to find her words. "I mean, I love him, obviously. He's the one. I love him, and I know he loves me. But I just can't shake it... I just can't shake all those negative thoughts."

"That he's gonna cheat on you?" I finished, knowing her meaning based on previous discussions, but wanting to confirm nonetheless.

"Yes!" she replied. "And, it's like..." she paused, rubbing her forehead in consternation. "I don't want to do this again. I can't! You know my history, Jen. I've torpedoed so many relationships because I freaked out and got convinced my boyfriend was cheating on me. And you, Doc... you helped me get over all that. I know that it's not a good look, and I'm doing what you said. But... ever since we got married, it just keeps flaring up. I can't shake it. He's the one. He's my soulmate. And I'm convinced I'm eventually gonna screw it up somehow."

"What kind of things make you paranoid?" I asked calmly.

"Oh, fucking everything," Annie said exasperatedly, leaning back into the couch. "If he's late at work, I imagine some fucking harlot is there flirting with him. When he goes to the bar with some friends to get some drinks, I imagine that he's probably getting hit on every step of the way. When we're at a party and he's out of my sight, I always think that some whore is riding him in one of the bedrooms. Even, like, when he's on his phone, and I don't know who he's talking to, I'm afraid he's texting with some girl. Some side-chick. I know it sounds crazy, but... that's what I think about! I literally have to stop myself from checking his phone!" Annie said, shaking her head before putting her face in her hands, frustrated with herself. I waited for a moment before replying.

"Annie..." I began patiently, smiling warmly at her. "You know what to do in times like these. Just step back, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that all these negative thoughts aren't true. You are strong... you are confident... you are not that woman anymore. You are not that person. You are not the woman your aunt would say those awful things about, and you never were." She smiled at this affirmation, but she seemed unconvinced. "And besides... he did put a ring on it. I think he actually likes you." I said with a grin.

"People get divorced all the time..." Annie said, smiling sadly, still looking at the negatives.

"Marriage is based on trust and faith in your partner. It's okay to... not think about these things. To just bask in your marriage and settle for the peace and quiet. Obviously, marriages require work to stay healthy, but you can't let the poison infect it when the roots are still forming. Strengthen them. Nurture them. Live the life you want with the man you love and set the tone for the rest of your lives together." I stated. She paused and nodded and gave me a knowing smile.

"I know..." she said. There was a long pause before she spoke up again. "The stupid thing about it... and I know this shouldn't matter, but... Eddie's the hottest guy I've ever been with. If I screw it up, I'll never be as lucky to get someone as hot as him again." I grinned as we shared a sisterly smile.