Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 03 Pt. 04


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"And do what exactly?" he croaked out.

"You need to get ahead of this. Be ready for it when it all comes out. And when that happens..." Cordelia paused, reaching back so she could be handed a piece of paper. "We have a speech prepared. This will not only protect you, but the team as well. To get out of this unscathed, we need you to read this at a press conference, word for word. In affect... you will be selling out this program. And Pastor Rob. And... even Jeanie. Confess that you learned what they did to you, and be public about the life they inflicted upon you. I've read all about it... the restrictive, conservative, anti-porn, anti-sex... that stuff doesn't play well anymore. Chad, you will be sympathetic if you lay it all out like this. If you own what happened. If you're up front about the fact that you only fuck older women. If you play this right, you will be the hero of this story."

"I... just don't know..." Chad admitted. "I can't just sell out my wife like this..."

"Chad... you already have," Cordelia said. On cue, the women resumed one of the movies on the screen, his encounter with Renee. He shook his head at this, but the point hit home.

"You've betrayed your wife, Chad, and the stories gonna come out whether you like it or not. She's gonna know you did it..." she stated. Chad didn't even think about that point. She's gonna know what he did, and soon. "My point is, what's done is done. You have to accept it. Your marriage as you know it is over. The program you've worked with is finished. The team will have your back, but you need to have ours. Your best path forward is the one we've given you..."

"I... I'll think about it," he stammered out. "But... I need to call Jeanie. I need to talk to her about this."

Almost immediately, every person on the HR team said "No!" and shook their heads.

"Chad, this is a legal matter. We've already got team lawyers working on this. Anything you say or do will be used against you. I can't stress this enough. You cannot talk to your wife, period. Not without a lawyer, and even then I wouldn't advise it. You need to keep your distance. Don't go home. Don't talk to anyone with the program. Not until this all comes out."

"Then what do I do?" Chad asked. "Where do I go?"

"Do you have any friends around you can stay with?" Cordelia offered. Chad shook his head. "Perhaps..." she began, dancing around her point somewhat. "Maybe a romantic partner?" she said, clearly guiding him in one direction.

"What?" he asked.

"Chad, you shouldn't be alone with what's about to happen. You need someone who can take care of you. Protect you. Stand up for you. Who can handle a lot of this craziness. Someone who will shield you and take all the bullets, and will keep as much stress of this whole situation off your shoulders. Do you know anyone like that who fits the bill?" Cordelia asked.

Behind her, a frozen picture of Chad and Renee in the heat of passion remained on the screen.


Chad was sitting in the driver's seat of his car in the parking lot, not moving. What the hell could he do? His world was collapsing around him. He wanted to call his wife and talk to her, but he understood the reasons why not to. Jeanie was the one person he trusted to have these big discussions, and she was the person they were all telling him he couldn't trust.

Unlike so many of these recent events, he didn't feel boxed in. He felt adrift. What he wouldn't give to have some advice on what to do from someone he trusted. His mind was a whirlwind of turmoil, of stress and heaviness. He hated this shit. He hated having to think this much about such complicated stuff. He was not equipped for it.

His mind bounced back to that encounter with Renee. At one point, she offered him this exact thing. To take care of him. To stand as a buffer between him and the bullshit of the world, offering him a stress-free life where he could do what he loved most, with no consequences. His wife used to be that comfort, but now, it was all stress. All chaos. A dead end that was about to blow up.

Renee... she could offer him everything he wanted. He needed.

On top of that, all the stress was reminding him of the heavy swollen state of his balls, his cock desperate for the good stuff, and it felt like the not only his desires but everyone around him was telling him this was the right thing to do. Fate had seemingly tipped the scales, and he had trouble talking himself out of it. As crazy as it sounded, it really seemed like the older woman he'd vowed to stay away from for good was the person he now needed most.

He pulled out his phone. She'd been sending him texts every day, and he'd stopped deleting them, as if some part of him knew this was coming. Shaking his head, he texted back to her for the first time.

"Renee... I need to see you."

Within moments.

"Yes! Can you come over right now?" she sent over, followed by a picture of her ass in a thong, followed by another text telling him her address and saying, "Just pull up to the gate. I'll let my guard know you're coming."

Fuck... was this really happening?


(Three Days Later)

"I need to make a statement," Chad said, coming up to the podium at the postgame press conference. It was another win. With a gameplan more suited to Chad's instincts, his performance only improved, as did his confidence. But his play wasn't the point of conversation.

The story about the program with Pastor Rob and his group came out the day after Chad met with the team. It explained to Jeanie why her husband didn't come home that night, causing her to freak out and call everyone, trying to find him and make sure he was okay. Upon seeing the story, her messages to her husband were flat out denials, that she had no idea about any of this.

The story was essentially that there was footage of Pastor Rob in bed, with whom appeared to be a hot brunette coed going around social media, the events of this encounter escalating to where even more girls were eventually involved. This had spurred some intrepid reporters to do a little digging, turning up signed documents with his name on them that seemed very incriminating to his true intentions. This revealed some of the contracts they'd convinced Chad to sign, which seemed to favor Rob's organization far more than it should. The whole thing started to really look like a fraud, and some of Rob's panicked messages after the fact only added to that. Stories started coming out about how he was a bit of a sleaze, and that he liked getting girls to join his group and do as he wanted, like a little cult. Jeanie claimed ignorance, but the evidence certainly didn't look good. She asserted to her husband that their love was real, not some scheme, but it still looked really bad for her.

The sex tapes started to make waves the morning of the game. When Chad showed up, some of his teammates were giving him a knowing look. During the game, it felt like there was a shift in the crowd as more became aware of the news. And somehow, a chant started as Chad was leading the team down the field, the crowd screaming out with glee:

"Motherfucker! Motherfucker! Motherfucker!"

Finally, the team talked to Chad after the win, making it clear the news was out, lead by Cordelia, leading him to the podium to make his prepared statement on the matter.

"A few months ago, I became aware of some accusations lodged against Rob Reidenchold, a mentor of mine who'd helped me out in some dark moments. The accusations seemed legitimate, and it led me to questioning the work he did, which caused some irreparable issues to arise with my marriage. I tried to put on a brave face, but the longer it went on, the longer it ate away at both me and my marriage. It not only affected my headspace off the field, but on as well. I confess that in the meantime, I have had some encounters with other women, as you've all clearly heard about or seen by now, I'm sure. I admit it was reckless to do so in the manner I did, but I will freely admit I have not been in the best of places lately, especially as I realized that my marriage might not be what I thought it was. But with these stories coming out, I hope to see the positives and treat this as a new start. To embrace the opportunity and the changes that come with it. I'm not looking backwards but forwards. I'm sure there will be a lot more questions and legal issues arising, so I can't say much more. But all things considered, I am in a good place now, and I hope you guys stick with me as I go through a lot of big life changes. That's all. Thank you."

Jeanie was a bright, high-spirited, tough young woman, but damn, this speech was enough to make her fall to her knees and cry as she watched it on TV.

It's not often someone essentially announces he's divorcing his wife on live television with millions watching.

She had no idea where any of this came from. He seemed a little moody lately, but nothing out of the ordinary. However, the whole thing with Pastor Rob and the program, and the implication that either Jeanie was one of his girls, or that she had knowingly suckered Chad in... it was baseless, and completely out of nowhere. Some of the shit Rob did was clearly inappropriate, based on the footage that got out, and admittedly, some of those documents did look bad, but there was no grand scheme to milk Chad's success. And if there was, Jeanine was completely unaware of it. Chad had agreed with everything every step of the way, following Jeanie's advice. She loved him, and he loved her. They trusted each other. But now, with all this coming out... did Jeanie miss something? Because she was only ever looking out for Chad's best interests. She didn't think she did. She was always especially thorough about stuff like this.

And then it came out that he was cheating on her... not just with one woman but multiple women. Where the fuck did that come from? Sure, he had a bit of issues with shutting out those old desires of his. There was the porn thing, sure, but he immediately admitted that to her and he was in the process of working that out of system. It wasn't easy, yet he was working hard. But going from that to full-on cheating on her with multiple women... how the fuck did that happen? It didn't make any sense. Something about this whole thing was off. It felt like one of those heists from a movie, only it wasn't money, but a man. And she was the patsy who got all the blame and made a fool of.

Jeanie kept searching for answers, but none were coming. Friends turned against her. The church turned against her. People suddenly looked at her like she was trash. Even strangers were laughing at her for not only having her husband cheat on her, but doing so with older women. That was extra humiliating, to not only lose your husband, but to be outclassed by women twice your age. Seriously, people on TV were totally on his side in all this, blaming Jeanie and that wonderful group for the bad things they did, almost openly supporting Chad despite his bad behavior.

What the fuck had happened? Nothing made sense anymore!

The part that added extra sting was the fact that Chad never once talked to her about it. One day, all was good, then suddenly, he was gone. No response. No explanations. Nothing. The first she heard from him was that statement he'd made after the game, and he sounded so firm and resolute in that statement, as if he was fully behind everything he was saying. That he truly believed he'd been betrayed by not only the rehab group, but by his wife. That was the worst of it... he sounded like a different person when saying all that. Like he had bad actors in his ear taking him down the wrong path. Chad was a sweetheart, but he was too trusting sometimes, and it seemed like someone had gotten to him without her knowing. All she wanted to do was talk to him once, to explain her side, but she never had the chance. Suddenly, they were living separate lives. She got served divorce papers through lawyers, who were currently working through litigation to sue Rob and everyone in the program for what they'd taken from him.

It was madness.

As for Chad, he'd felt guilty about how this whole thing played out... at least at first. Similar to how Jeanie felt, he wanted nothing more than to talk to her and figure out what was going on. But with everyone on his side telling him not to do so, he went along with it. He felt guilty about his own behavior, and he felt worse that it was being spun against his wife when he knew that wasn't why he'd cheated. Even if the accusations against Jeanie and the rehab program were true, he didn't like that his own dishonesty was getting ignored. That he was getting a free pass. He was confused by everything, and it seemed the rules he'd been living by had been rendered moot.

Perhaps if he'd allowed himself to truly think it over, to ignore the advice and follow his own instincts, perhaps it all would have played out differently. He was cut loose from any restraints, and instead of feeling free... he felt listless. The only guidance he got was from the team, specifically that HR woman, Cordelia. She told him to find someone to stay with. To seek someone who could take care of him. She practically told him to go back to Renee, and in the state he was in, confused, adrift, horny... he didn't know what else to do.

For the first time in what felt like years, he was freed up from all obligations, and nothing was stopping him from taking the reins over his own life. He was in the driver's seat... literally. This was the freest he'd been in some time. But instead of taking time to really explore that notion, he followed the only directions he was given.

That was how he ended up at Renee's massive estate, his mind buzzing as he was let through the gate, feeling as if he was approaching his doom. That was how he ended up meeting again with the one woman he'd vowed never to meet with again.

They had a lot of sex, almost immediately upon him showing up. Welcomed into her big house, welcomed into her nice big bed, the older woman gave the stressed-out young hunk all the comfort he needed. After a night of this, he was feeling much, MUCH better. After a couple nights of this, despite his life falling apart, he was practically floating by the time he showed up at the stadium for the game. With a clear head and empty balls, he made that statement at the podium.

Renee constantly fucked him like she was trying to prove something. She did not like that part of the scheme involved him fucking another woman, so she fucked him like a demoness to really assert her superiority over that other bitch. Truth was... the professor was just as good in bed as Renee... but Renee was first. She had planted her flag on the handsome hunk, and everyone else he hooked up with would always be compared to her. Renee was front and center in his mind. That's why he would inevitably come back to her, and it was why there was zero chance he wouldn't.

And while he was fully enjoying the time he spent with Renee, fucking her like crazy whenever she demanded, there were a few small nagging questions that arose in the immediate days and weeks after choosing her. Specifically, the more he got to know her, the less her initial story made sense. He saw no sign that she was ever religious, or that she had ever entered any program to recover. She made no reference to it, and her massive house had zero reference to any previously held religious beliefs. For Chad, he couldn't stop thinking about what he'd done, but for Renee, it seemed like she was unbothered in the slightest by her seeming loss of faith. In fact, the more he got to know her the less it seemed like she'd ever change her behavior about anything. She wanted what she wanted, and she would take it without shame. She just didn't seem wired in such a way as to truly withhold from herself what she desired in favor of some sort of personal growth. That meant the story she presented to him upon their infamous meeting was a lie, or a misrepresentation of the truth. But why would she do that? Why would she lie?

He wished he could find someone to talk to about these doubts, but there was literally no one he could do so with. While the Niner's organization had helped him out through this entire uncomfortable time in his life, he wasn't about to have this kind of personal conversation with them. Obviously, his relationship with Jeanie was severed thanks to all the shit that had happened, and God, some part of him really did want to talk to her again. He understood all the warnings not to do so, but no matter what they all said, he was never fully on board with the idea that her and the program had been taking advantage of him. He knew Jeanie better than anyone... she was his wife! His best friend! His biggest supporter. He wanted so badly to talk it out with her, to figure out what the hell happened, but after everything that had transpired, he just couldn't. Too much had gone down by this point, and even if she was innocent, he was still very guilty. He'd betrayed her terribly, and he feared facing her down after what he'd done. But an even worse fear of his was looking her in the face and finding out the accusations against her and the program were true. He'd rather live with the belief that she was innocent than to meet up with her and find out she was guilty. Nonetheless, in his heart of hearts, he knew she deserved better than him.

The only outlet left was the Church. It had provided a vital support system to him these last few years, and even if a small chapter of it had taken advantage of him, there was still value to it as a whole, right? He was tempted to return, to the point of pulling into a parking lot at a church one day after practice before he returned Renee's place. But as soon as he got close, memories of what he'd done would flood to his mind. He'd badly sinned, doing so in such a brazen fashion, committing adultery in the middle of a church, proclaiming his sinful nature to the world, rubbing it in the Church's face. He was still bursting to talk to anyone about all the stuff he'd gone through, but he got cold feet as soon as he was facing down the possibility of stepping into a chapel again. His sin had been so grand that he felt marked by it, wearing it for all to see. He didn't belong in a place so pure. He'd allowed his sinful ways to fully bloom in a holy place. He didn't deserve salvation. He'd done too many sinful things to ever earn such a thing. Like it or not, this was his nature, and he could no longer deny it. He thought he'd bettered himself, but after what he did with Renee in that church... he couldn't deny what he truly was. And deep down... some part of him slightly resented the Church, it's teachings proving to be a weak armor against the temptations of sin. Chad willingly cast himself out from the Church for all these reasons, knowing he'd probably never be able to go back. He was sad upon this revelation, knowing that this would leave a hole in his soul that wouldn't be so easily replaced.

But this didn't erase the questions he had about what he'd experienced. The pieces just didn't fit right for him, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't ignore that fact. He kept on with Renee, continuing to fuck her every night, but these doubts reverberated louder and louder within him. He was more of a jock than a brain, but he wasn't stupid. Examining what had happened to him over these last few months with a skeptical eye, it really didn't add up. He hadn't thought about older women in any real way for years, then all of a sudden, there's seemingly a full-court press of MILF temptation targeted against him which brought his long dormant desires to the surface. He gets gifted from out of nowhere a membership to a MILF porn website, then a MILFy doctor comes in from out of nowhere and warns him of the danger of older women to a young stud like him, putting him in a fragile state. And that doctor recommended this charity that is oh so coincidently was led by a top-shelf MILF that absolutely demolished him upon their first meeting. And then, somehow... this encounter was all caught on camera in perfect clarity, as was his hotel hook-up with Professor Albright...
