Dream Job


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Bailey deep throated his cock until she heard him groaning loudly. He was close and if this was indeed the last time than she wanted it to be memorable. She scrambled up to the pool deck and got on all fours.

"Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" She yelled.

Bailey guided his rock hard tool into her soaked vagina. Whenever he pushed forward, she pushed back. The sensation in her pulsating pussy was incredible and she reached back to finger her clit. Andre's cock was deep inside her, fucking her to a state of bliss.

"OH God! I'm cuminggg!" he bellowed.

One last flick over her clit and Bailey erupted along with her lover. They remained locked together for a long time. Andre' withdrew and she fell to her side totally spent. He was looking for a towel to clean up.

"I'll be right back love, I need to find some towels," he said.

Bailey lay on her back soaking up the sun. She was going to miss this but she was determined to tell Andre'. Already she felt guilty about what had just happened but she found it impossible to stay away from him.

As Bailey enjoyed the suns rays on her naked body, it seemed like Andre' was gone for an awfully long time. Where is he? She questioned silently. She dressed in her short set and walked toward the house. When she neared the sliding glass doors, she saw someone and her heart nearly stopped. It was Jordan.

The door opened and Jordan waved her inside. Andre was sitting on the arm of the sofa with his head in his hands.

"I'm glad you could join us," Jordan said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Bailey wanted to run and hide but she was rooted to the spot, shaking with fear. Jordan was holding a large brown manila style envelope.

"Would you like to see some interesting photos?" Jordan asked in the same sarcastic voice.

Bailey shook her head.

"Of course you do! There are some especially flattering ones of you, my slut sorority sister."

Jordan opened the envelope and withdrew a dozen or more eight by ten photographs of Andre and Bailey engaged in various sexual acts. She held them in front of Bailey's face making her look.

"This one in particular is my favorite," Jordan stated scathingly.

It showed Bailey on all fours with Andre' screwing her from behind. Bailey started to cry.

"No! No! No tears my dear. You certainly weren't crying when my husband was fucking you silly,"

"Please don't tell Jay, I'll do anything you ask." Bailey mewled.

"Ok now, let's see...hmm...it's a little too late for that," Jordan declared and her eyes shifted to a figure sitting in a chair with a perfect view of the pool area.

When Bailey saw her husband, his face vacant, bereft of emotion, she wanted to die. He had seen her sucking and fucking Andre'.

"Perhaps you two would like to be alone, to talk things over. Andre' and I will be in the kitchen. We have so much to discuss, like our impending divorce and how much it's going to cost him," Jordan stated angrily.

Shame and guilt thundered through Bailey's heart. She walked towards Jay and tried to put her hand on his. He recoiled in horror and ignored her momentarily before he turned on her.

"You fucking whore...You miserable fucking lying whore," he screamed.

"I can explain..."

"How the fuck can you explain this! He shouted.

"I swear Jay, I was going to end it today..."

"Really? So tell me, you fucking whore of a wife, what were you doing out by the pool earlier? One last fuck for old time sake?" he shouted.

Bailey burst into tears. Her life with Jay was destroyed. Her self indulgence and total lack of judgment had cost her dearly. He turned on his heel and walked as fast as he could out of the house. She followed him imploring him to stop and let her speak but he ignored her.

As Jay was getting into his Lexus, he snarled at her like a cornered beast,

"Stay the fuck away from me! You goddamn fucking slut!"

Jay tore down the two lane access road and left her on the driveway, crying my eyes out. Hysterical, she ran back to the room and grabbed her overnight bag. The catch popped and the contents spilled on the floor.

As Bailey was gathering up the contents and shoving them back in her suitcase, she heard Jordan and Andre' engaged in a loud verbal battle. All she could think about was getting away from them as fast as she could. She left her belongings on the floor and ran to her car parked in the driveway.

Her marriage was a train wreck now, smashed to smithereens. Without regard for Jay or the consequences, her sexual debauchery had demolished her personal life.

As she sped towards home, Bailey's psyche reached panic level. The reality of her actions sank in and she realized that Jay was lost to her, possibly forever. She had betrayed him in the worst possible way. By giving her body to Andre', she'd made a mockery of their marriage vows.

When Bailey arrived home, there was no sign of Jay or his car. In the master bedroom his dresser was plundered and she knew that he was gone, probably for good. Another crying jag started and it would be just one of many.

She practically ripped the clothes from her body and took a scalding hot shower, soaping and scrubbing, desperately trying to wash away the sin that stained her soul.


After Jay checked into the motel, he slumped in a chair and stared at the opposite wall, his mind a whirl of questions. He couldn't erase the image of his wife, his Bailey fucking Andre' with an expression of pure lust on her face. He saw it with his own eyes and shuddered with repugnance.

When Jordan had telephoned him last week, he refused to believe her. They agreed to meet at a restaurant on the outskirts of Los Angeles. She showed him the photographs and he recoiled with disgust. The images were sharp and clear, there was no mistaking who the people were.

Jordan explained that she wanted to catch them in the act and how she set up Andre' by telling him she was going out of town with friends. She invited him to possibly witness first hand what they saw in the photos and he accepted.

How many times had Andre and Bailey fucked? How many times had she sucked his cock? Jay shook with fury at the mere thought of Andre pumping his seed into Bailey's pussy. No wonder she refused his advances, he thought, his fury rising even higher. He punched the wall in frustration, breaking several bones.

As he held his damaged hand, the pain intensifying, Jay felt a terrible sense of sadness, of loss descend on him. His anger turned to tears and he sobbed his heart out.


For a week Bailey tried reaching Jay by cell phone, leaving multiple messages imploring him to talk with her. She had nowhere to go and nothing to do. Her dream job evaporated along with her marriage the day they were caught by Jordan.

Numerous times her cell rang but it was Andre's private number and she refused to answer deleting his messages before she listened to them. She had nothing to say to him and dreaded the day she would receive a formal order to appear in divorce court.

Bailey paced the floor like a caged animal, her soul empty and her heart full of desolation. Early Saturday morning Bailey heard her cell phone and saw Jay's number on the screen. She answered and croaked out a weak hello.

Jay informed her he had found an apartment and wanted to pick up some of his belongings. But, he preferred that she wasn't there when he did so. Bailey was speechless. Her voice failed her and she started bawling.

"Bailey...Bailey...stop your fucking crying," he was shouting on the tiny speaker.

She picked up her phone.

"Jay, please listen...I'm sorry...I made an awful mistake...can we at least talk about it?"

"What's there to discuss? I saw you with...him...screwing your brains out...what could you possibly want to talk about...how fucking great it was!" he yelled in her phone.

"I love you Jay...I'm so sorry...it got out of hand...Andre' can be very...charming..."

"So what does that make me dear? A piece of shit? Sorry? You're just sorry you got caught!" he blasted at her, his voice filled with bitterness.

"I do love you...Jay...I..." the tears flowed anew.

"Stop telling me you love me. If you loved me, if you truly loved me...oh God! You make me want to puke!" he shouted and ended the call.

Bailey threw herself on the couch and cried her heart out. She was telling Jay the truth, she did love him. What happened with Andre' was her hedonistic pursuit of sexual pleasure. He meant nothing to her.

But, if Andre' meant nothing her why did she have sex with him repeatedly? Jay was sure to ask that question. She knew in her heart that she didn't have an answer but once she started on the slippery slope of infidelity, she found it impossible to stop.

Another week went by before Jay called. The mortgage was due on the house and bills had to be paid. They had an important decision to make about their home. Although she was looking for employment, Bailey doubted she'd find anything close to her previous salary. If they put the house on the market, then in a symbolic way it was the truly the end.

"Can we at least try counseling, just for a little while?" she begged him repeatedly.

Jay balked at the entire idea. Why should he go to counseling when Bailey was at fault? She obliterated their marriage by carrying on like a two bit tramp. His Bailey, his wife fucking Andre' with out any regard for him. What did that make him? Nothing, he was nothing to her and that hurt more than anything else.

"No Bailey, if you want to go to counseling, you can go by yourself. I can't even stand to look at you right now let alone be in the same room with you. You revolting piece of shit, you disgust me!" he shouted, shaking with rage.

In spite of his harsh, demeaning words, Bailey refused to give up on Jay and asked every time he called, begging him to try at least one session.

"Please Jay. I don't want it to end like this. I made a huge mistake. I know you may never forgive me but...I love you..." her voice was strained with emotion.

"Stop saying you love me, you goddamned whore!" he was screaming through the phone at her.

Bailey tried one last time.

"Please Jay. I'm begging you, please,"

Jay felt his rage dissipate to just anger. Something in Bailey's voice, her pleading voice...

When Jay grudgingly agreed, Bailey felt the tears run down her cheeks and for the first time since that horrific day, she felt a glimmer of hope.

The first session with Neil, the marriage counselor was close to what Bailey expected. Jay yelled a lot and she cried a lot, apologizing repeatedly but by the end of the session, he wasn't yelling as much.

The second session started badly and ended worse.

"I thought I knew you Bailey but I guess I really didn't." The sorrow was evident in his voice.

"It was a terrible mistake...I regret it so much..."

"Judging by the photos of you and Andre', screwing each other at the drop of hat, rutting like two dogs in heat, you weren't regretting anything until you got caught, were you my whore wife?" he shrieked at her.

Bailey cringed from his verbal assault but his words were partially true. Sex with Andre' was incredible, there was no denying it. But, she was paying a terrible price because her personal life was in ruins

"Please believe me...I was ending it that day...I swear I was..." she pleaded and the tears coursed down her cheeks.

"I'll never believe anything you tell me again. When I think of all the lies you told me...I know you'd still be fucking him..." Jay was overcome with rage and held his head in his hands.

Bailey's heart sank in despair. Her actions had reduced two lives to rubble.

"...I do love you..." Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Jay turned and looked at Bailey with an expression of revulsion.

"Don't you dare tell me you love me, you filthy whore..."

"Why don't you believe me..." and the tears came twice as hard.

"Because, I don't believe you can love someone and go off happily screwing your boss...it doesn't make sense to me...did you ever once think about me! No, all you thought about was fucking him!"

Jay paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"If it was once or twice, maybe I could understand, the fascination, the desire to have...but this went on for...what...all summer!" he was yelling again.

They sat in silence for several minutes, Jay glowering and Bailey crying into some tissues.

"Maybe if I'd been a better husband, a better lover than none of this would have happened. In a way I blame myself. Something in your life was missing and I...," he stammered.

Bailey saw the emotion, the tears in Jay's eyes. He was searching for answers and looking at himself as the cause. She wanted to go to him and put her arms around him. When she got up and made a move towards him, he jumped out of his chair and away from her.

Bailey slumped back in her seat with her head in her hands.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you. I'll always wonder what you're doing, who you're fucking behind my back," His voice was heartbreakingly sad.

Bailey was crying again his words stinging her heart.

""You really played me for a fool, I thought you'd found the job of a lifetime when what you found was the cock of your dreams."

Bailey had no answers for Jay.

The session ended with her sobbing her head off and Jay pushing past her consumed with anger. Neil, the therapist tried to console her but Jay was right, she had lied and cheated on him, behaving as though he didn't exist and now...it was too late to be sorry.


In the days that followed, Bailey found employment at a small computer company but at a lot less than her previous job. At night, she lay in bed with the place beside her empty. Without Jay next to her the loneliness was crushing. She never paused to realize during her affair with Andre' just how frightful the cost of her infidelity would be.

Bailey was driving to her new job when a sudden terrifying thought crossed her mind. In all the upheaval, she forgot that she missed her period. She was never late and she was already two weeks overdue. She was a nervous wreck the first day on the job.

On the way home, she stopped at the pharmacy and purchased an EPT kit. But, Bailey's intuition was telling her that she wasn't going to get her period for at least another nine months. She followed the instructions on the package and sat on the toilet lid staring in disbelief at the result. She was pregnant.

There was no doubt in her mind it was Andre's. During the entire affair, she neglected to think about adequate protection preferring to count the days like her Catholic mother did. "The rhythm method" it was called and even her mom said it wasn't fool proof.

"I know a lot of women that had babies using that method," her mother once told her.

She felt like a complete and utter fool.

In despair, Bailey made an appointment with the clinic to have an abortion. It was the only possible solution to saving her marriage. On the morning of the procedure, she sat in the parking lot having a furious internal debate.

Although Bailey wasn't a practicing Catholic, her beliefs prevented her from getting out of the car. Every time she tried, something stopped her. She couldn't terminate the life growing inside her and drove home feeling completely depressed and terrified about the future.

Bailey had to tell Jay but when... she waited until their next counseling session. In the reception room, she felt nauseous. She was deathly afraid of Jay's reaction and her hands shook with anxiety. It was only their fourth meeting and she was dropping the atom bomb of bad news.

As they sat in front of Neil, Bailey had the overwhelming sensation she was going to be sick.

"Bailey, are you ok? You look so pale," Neil asked.

Bailey's stomach was churning and she fled to the powder room. With her head in the toilet, she vomited. She was experiencing morning sickness from the pregnancy. When she was physically able to return to her seat, Neil suggested postponing the session.

"No, no...I'm alright," she croaked.

Neil did a quick review of the previous meeting and asked her what she wanted to start with. Bailey swallowed the bile that was rising in her throat.

"Ah...you see Neil...I...discovered that I'm...ah...pregnant." she hung her head in shame.

The silence was deafening. When she looked up, Jay had a look of pity on his face; no anger, no harsh words, no recriminations.

"I'm sorry to hear that Bailey," Jay said softly.

Bailey burst into tears. She would rather have him screaming at her than pity her. His indifference was a sign that any hope of reconciliation was fading fast.

In the parking lot, Jay took Bailey's arm because she looked unsteady on her feet. It was the first physical contact from him since...she couldn't remember.

"What are you going to do?" he asked. His tone was even.

"I won't get an abortion, I can't..." she started to cry again.

Jay stood in front of her and watched her bawl. A part of him wanted to hold her, tell her everything was going to be alright but the other part of him was repulsed by the very thought that it was Andre's child.

An awful melancholy fell over Jay and his heart ached for what was lost. They had talked about starting a family. Bailey wanted to have children but her "dream job" ended any further discussion.

"Bailey, can I ask you something?" His tone was soft.

"Yes," Her voice cracked from crying.

"Was I a bad husband? Did I do something that made you unhappy?"

"No, It was me, my stupidity...my..." her eyes were awash with tears.

Jay helped her get into the Lexus.

"I know that you don't believe me but I love you...what I did was unforgivable...but it wasn't your fault..." her voice was shaky but honest.

More than anything, Bailey wanted him to hold her. But, she had hurt him, hurt him so deeply that she realized that there was no going back. She gathered all her strength and stopped blubbering.

"Jay, no matter what happens, I do love you. I gave my body to Andre', but I couldn't help myself. He has a kind of animal magnetism that...but I don't love him, I never did and he didn't have any feelings for me, it was purely sexual..." She held her head in her hands weeping in misery.

"If I could take it back, I would, a thousand times over. But, I can't and I can't change how I feel about you..." Bailey's soul was filled with anguish.

Jay was incensed. How could she do it? She had wounded him to the very core of his being and it still infuriated him but she was vulnerable now, pregnant. The fact that it was Andre's devastated Jay.

Bailey was telling him the truth and although it struck a nerve, he realized that he still had feelings for her. On what level he was unsure but he couldn't abandon her, not in her present condition. Why did he have to do the noble thing? He asked himself.

When Jay left her that day in the parking lot, she was sure that it was over for good. Her marriage had been ripped asunder by her flagrant indiscretion and now she was pregnant with Andre's offspring. How could she possibly expect Jay to stick by her. Everything about her future looked grim.

Jay refused to answer any of her calls until they met at the next counseling session. Bailey's eyes were puffy and red, she'd obviously been crying a lot. But, his heart was heavy with despair and he loathed her for what she did to him. He wanted to know why, why she found it so easy to deceive him, lie to him and have sex with another man. He asked her point blank.

"Was Andre' more of man than me? Is that why you fucked him so often? Am I just some wimp you found it easy to walk all over?"

His blunt questions stunned her.

"He's a very charming, persuasive man who's used to getting what he wants and he wanted me..."