Dream of the Unlikely Princess Ch. 04


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The sat rigid instantly, each one staring into the other's eyes as a connection was established between their bodies.

He didn't know how it was possible. The type of nerve endings that he sought would only have been on the outside of a female, here and there on her inner lips. But he'd found one inside of Oksana. It shouldn't even be possible, but...

They both gasped again as the single nerve pod on him which had connected now sought to exploit what it had found, It took a long second, but Yevgeny felt himself as Oksana with him deep in her core.

Oksana felt his throbs from inside him and not herself for a moment. For the briefest instant, they both felt as though they might easily trade places, and then the connection was firmly established.

They were locked and dreaming together.

Not wanting to frighten her, and not trusting himself to guide them on a journeying dream yet, Yevgeny decided instead to feed her his memories in this fashion. If this could be done once, he thought, it could be done many times and there was no need to hurry now. He felt so humbled to have the love of Oksana. She surprised him at every turn.

Oksana found herself looking at so many of his people. She saw what she knew to be mothers standing in groups talking to each other and she could even understand what was being said. They stood on their long graceful legs with that long and lovely stripe of a mane running down their spines to end just above their short tails. Many, though not all, had similar stripes down their sides to those that she'd seen on Yevgeny.

They all had long and thin arms that they moved with a lot of grace as they expressed their thoughts to each other in the way of all females, she thought, even those here on Earth, with hand movements designed to enhance the nuances of conversation. All of their hands ended in long claws, but that didn't matter. They had slender necks, and long hair framed their faces - those beautiful faces of his kind.

In conversation like this, Oksana seldom saw any teeth -- unless they were laughing for a moment as they shared a private joke, perhaps. Then one or both would pull their heads back in a smiling laugh just as humans do in the same way and their graceful teeth would show then. Many of the females wore simple jewellery, thin bracelets or thin and simple necklaces. All of them were breathtakingly beautiful to Oksana.

They talked of the things that any group of mothers might talk about while waiting for their young ones to leave kindergarten for the day. They spoke of their children and the bumps and scrapes that they picked up, or a particularly nasty case of the sniffles that one's child might be suffering from at the moment as their young ran and played around their legs. The smaller ones hung from their long hair and now and then would mewl into their mother's ears and a female would reach up to take the kitten from her hair and bring it to her breast -- all without missing a beat in the conversation.

Oksana found herself among many of them walking along what looked to be a street, singly or in groups. In this scene, she finally figured out that the legs of the males were very long. It just hadn't occurred to her until now. She'd assumed them to be proportionately shorter than those of the females for the way that they looked if the males were on all fours. But that wasn't the case. They were HELD that way so that the back was almost parallel to the ground for when a female might ride there, but if they walked alone the legs were long and well-shaped like those of the females. Oksana finally got it.

It was all about the size. The size difference between the sexes she thought. Yevgeny was right. For a girl who had always been diminutive, Oksana would have run a little closer to the tall side for these girls here, she thought, but still very much in the normal range.

She got the rest of it right away, as soon as she saw couples together. It was like seeing a petite girl with an all star high school football tackle at a party, but this was what was normal among these beings. A pair of them would walk short distances side by side. She saw a few who were obvious sets of lovers from the way that one or the other would reach out to take the tail of the other in hand as they walked down the street for maybe a block to what looked like some kind of restaurant to Oksana, but for much longer trips than that, the females would almost have to trot to keep up -- as long and graceful as their legs were. Either that, or the males would have to stump along far too slowly for their own degree of grace.

The next thing fell into place for her just as easily. That was why the females rode on the backs of the males over longer distances. She even noticed pairs moving slowly among the others, and these were obviously peace officers -- one male ridden by one female, talking as they surveyed the crowds, and obviously not connected by any romantic tie. They were just at work, plain and simple.

She looked around herself and wanted so much to be like them, to be one of them.

After a moment, she saw a few subtleties among certain individuals which were quite plainly paired couples. She watched two pairs which were obviously friends talking and laughing, looking like they'd just bumped into each other on the street there. Gradually, and every so often, a female might reach for her male's penis to give it a light grazing brush with her hand or a gentle squeeze. This happened in front of the other couple and it was noticed, but not remarked upon, just as the male of the couple might take the female's tail and caress it. It happened several times before the couples split up and continued on their separate ways. Oksana decided to follow the ones who had exchanged the light touches.

When they reached the corner, they stopped and exchanged a long kiss, just as she and Yevgeny did, and the female said something in a smiling way to the male, He eased down onto the backs of his large hands and she caressed his shoulder for a moment before swinging up onto his back. They were moving even before she got herself settled, and from this, Oksana guessed that the females here were quite used to riding the males.

She sat up straight for a moment as though she were on horseback, but it was only long enough for her to settle onto the place that she preferred. Then she leaned forward, placing her elbows between the male's shoulder blades and gripping his mane. She shifted one more time, and Oksana saw by her face that she was sitting in just the right place to get the most out of the ride. She smiled with pleasure and after a while, even held on by only one hand so that she could let the nipples on her swaying breasts brush against her own palm as they went. This was all done in plain sight and there were other riding females here and there who were doing it too. The odd thing to Oksana was that more of them were doing this while riding in one direction than the ones who were coming the other way. All of the couples spoke to each other as they went as though they were humans talking in a car on a drive here.

Oksana thought it a bit odd until she saw where it was they were going. It was a large park in the middle of the city. The middle part of it had many artificial waterfalls and cascades. The whole thing was beautiful to her, but she saw several line-ups, and her eye was drawn there.

In the line-ups, couples waited, some of them talking to each other. There were even one or two same-sex couples here and there. Several of the females were still sitting on their males and talking to other females, and she noticed a few that were talking about the weather or the lovely day while fondling their own breasts in plain view of the other couples. One of the females had dismounted and stood talking to her male, who was still on all fours. She was chatting with him while caressing his scrotum. It was quite obviously a normal and everyday gesture between them.

Oksana grinned. These people obviously had a pretty healthy outlook on sex. It was very pleasant to watch.

When the couple that she'd followed were admitted, she tagged along. Nobody seemed to notice her or be able to even see her. They stopped at the bank of a pool under a cascade and began to mate. Up to this point, for all of her feelings for Yevgeny, she was somewhat at a loss for what the best position or positions might be for a pair like them and the difference in their sizes. She'd even struggled, wondering if it might not be better to ask him if they could just have sex while he was like a man. At least she'd be on familiar ground.

But she knew that this couple here were very active lovers from the way that they'd carried on, and so she watched intently. Armed with what she'd just learned from Yevgeny, there was a difference if the male was in love, and that difference, though Oksana wouldn't be able to tell from this distance, would keep the male hard for a longer time.

It became plain that she'd been correct about the couple. They were deeply in love and Oksana was given an unwitting show of their complete list of positions. She filed it away in her head, intending to show Yevgeny what she'd learned just as soon as this dream ended.

The whole thing was incredible to her. This place -- this whole scenic and wonderfully landscaped place, with its many secluded pools and waterfalls was a public place for people to make love if the thought came to them. It was accepted and encouraged among them. It was normal for them and there was no shame among them at all. More than once, she saw that two couples shared one pool and they mated as though they were alone there, one on the bank and the other twenty feet away in the shallow water of the pool. She felt her mouth fall open when she saw that they still conversed between the couples, about nothing at all during less intense moments.

As she watched while the male helped his female wash in the shimmering droplets of the cascade, she couldn't help but shake her head in a bit of sadness.

You couldn't build a place like this where the citizens of any city or town in any country on Earth might enjoy each other where it wouldn't get screwed up sooner rather than later and be closed. She looked at the beauty of it once more, and suddenly saw what it would look like covered in spray paint tag lines with used condoms and syringes littered everywhere.

She wanted to be one of these creatures now more than anything.

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TaLtos6TaLtos6over 12 years agoAuthor
It's pronounced "Yev-GEN-nee"

This story is a little weird - well, for more than the obvious reasons. As part of a bigger story, this was originally written as a little part - like if you were walking down a hallway in a large building and looked into the doorway of a room as you passed by. To put it here, I had to flesh it out like crazy, so that could have been done better. And also, I wanted Oksana to know exactly the emotion that she was looking at in that alley - once she'd had time to review it a million times over the next months.

Yevgeny is used to being on his own and doing what he needs to do. Falling for Oksana after so long alone, he WANTS to open up, he needs to share something of himself once he knows what he has with Oksana in his arms. Remember that living alone on Earth must be such a lonely existence if you can't tell anyone what you really are - and of course, we're all so dang friendly here, aren't we? We can live our lives and know nothing about the person next door. I wanted to show that the people of his world aren't afraid to just begin a conversation with a stranger on a street corner.

You won't see it here, since I've ended this part in another chapter, but in the whole story that this is a part of, you'll see more of Oksana and Yevgeny. His people love him because he dealt with the "slug" problem before he sank into his despair - I just didn't spell it out because this was just supposed to be a little tale here. He is known as a great king among them - and in the meantime, they've learned that they can bring him back. It's a big deal to them that a king must have a queen. Because he was so loved, they chose not to have a new king while Yvgeny lives. Now that he's basically chosen a new queen, his whole world rejoices - he just doesn't know it yet. Neither does shy little Oksana, she's in for a huge surprise.

But that won't appear here until I begin to put up the larger work. I don't know yet, it might have an overused name like "Wings" or it might be called "Frankie's Toy". It ought to be beginning around Christmas time.

canndcanndover 12 years ago

Please tell me how to pronounce his name! I'm still stumbling over it. If you could spell it phonetically that would be great!

I think the story is going well. I like that she was able to see his world through his memories. I'm still unsure how he feels towards her and how she felt such powerful feelings for him so soon, but I'm glad they both found someone and I look forward to seeing their relationship grow and develop as they get to know each other. I was surprised she didn't feel the need to ask if he could love her fully after he explained this uncharacteristically love and connection that existed with his Queen. Most women would be intimidated by that type of relationship in his past and be afraid he couldn't ever love her the same way.

I'd also like to see him in the role of King in his memory. He has changed or at least shown a different side of himself as he went from the in control man who gets whatever he wants to this almost shy and unsure man who is showing his weaknesses to her. I think it's great he can show her that side of himself but hope that he also shows that other side again too.

I think the idea of him having this paradise that is like the parts of his world that he misses was a great idea. I like it as a place that can be special for them and where they can most be themselves and express their feelings while in there.

MizTMizTalmost 13 years ago
I Must be Tired

I has to read the final paragraph and sentence three times to get to the point where I realized she wanted to change because of the beauty and not to trash it. I told you I'm tired.

I got everything else right, I think. She chose to show her love for him in a way she thought he would enjoy it most. That she got alittle thigh action in was just an accident. hehe-he.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

lucianloverlucianloveralmost 13 years ago

for trying to describe him,but unfortunately my imagination is still not up to the task of morphing a hyena and a sloth!!! So could you pretty please illustrate him in the next chapter?!LMAO!!!!!!


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