Dream Vacation Pt. 01


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Then she looked down, and allowed herself a slight gasp of pleasure when she saw my manhood. "I knew you would have a powerful cock," she whispered. "Let me kiss it and suck it for you, please..."

She didn't wait for me to actually give permission, but lowered her wet lips over my member and swallowed half my length into her warm mouth. Slowly her head bobbed up and down, her tongue twirling around my head as she came up and sliding along the shaft as she pulled me inside. I had never had oral sex with my clothes (and hers) still on before, and somehow that made it feel even hotter and sexier than it would have if we were both undressed. What with the buildup of anticipation for the past few days and especially for the past few hours, I couldn't hold out for long, and within a minute's time I was ready.

"I'm going to come," I whispered.

"Then come on me, and in me," she invited. "I want to taste you, lover."

I thrust upward and shot my cream into Trina's throat. She moaned with lust and sucked it all down, not letting a drop escape, and soon she was licking the last of it off my head with just the tip of her tongue.

"Did you like fucking my face?" she asked me with a smile.

"Mm-hm," I replied.

"Good," she said. "Because later you can fuck my pussy, and that's even better. Now come on, lover... the party's still waiting for us."

* * * * *

Well, I'll say this for Trina: she sure knew how to break the ice. I found myself a lot more relaxed and willing to mingle after our little encounter behind the palm, and we made our way around the room together with my hand on her tight little ass and a smile on both our faces. During our interlude, some of the other women had been "taken" by other guests, but there were six or eight available and Trina assured me that there were still good companions to choose from.

Looking around the room, I couldn't help but wish I had every woman there to myself. Oh sure, I'd be completely exhausted before the night was half-over, but the idea of having them all was an irresistible fantasy. I suppose it's just a male instinct to want every attractive woman he sees. Besides, the fact was that if I could have afforded it they all would have been mine, and knowing that the fantasy wasn't actually impossible made it all the more exciting. Of course, it wasn't going to happen, and actually I wasn't that disappointed. Seeing as I was about to embark on a whole week of wild sex with multiple partners, it would have been silly to get upset over not being able to have them all on the first night!

Still, I was finding the choice almost impossible. How to decide which of a dozen beautiful and sexy women to take to one's bed? And what if the best ones were being taken even as I tried to make up my mind?

"Hard, isn't it?" Trina smiled at me.

"Perhaps you could help me?" I suggested. "After all, you must know these ladies better than I do."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I guess I would like a lot of the same qualities that drew me to you," I said. "Open personality, great body, beautiful eyes, and a deep kiss. And... I think you'd look terrific with a blonde."

"I like blondes," Trina agreed. "Hm, let me see... ah, I believe I know just the woman for us. Come with me."

We crossed the room to find a pretty girl in a green floor-length dress talking to one of the other guests. Of course, it was only polite to wait our turn and not interrupt, but I found myself hoping very much that we would get that turn because she was definitely fine. Her eyes were wide and bright blue, her long, wavy hair reached the middle of her back, and her lips were painted a bright, vivid red. She never seemed to be quite still, speaking in an animated way and giggling frequently. I couldn't help but think that she must have been a cheerleader once.

Fortunately, the guest speaking to her moved on, and I got my turn. Trina went to her and took her hand, guiding her over to where I stood waiting.

"Xavier, this is Candi," she said. I took Candi's hand and kissed it, looking her in the eyes. She smiled at me and I thought of her pretty red lips caressing my manhood the way Trina had.

"It's so nice to meet you," she said sweetly. "If I know Trina, you must be enjoying your stay so far. Maybe you'll let me help you enjoy it even more?"

"I believe I'd like that," I said. "So, have the two of you... worked together before?"

"I prefer to think of it as playing together," Candi said as Trina slipped into her offered arm and the two women drew each other near. "And yes, we're very close. We even get together on our days off."

"Candi's very uninhibited, not at all shy," Trina said. "You can ask her anything."

I decided to take Trina's advice at face value. "The only question I have, Candi, is will you give us the pleasure of your companionship tonight?" I offered her the second rose corsage from Trina's wrist.

Candi smiled with pleasure and accepted the flower, sliding it on. Then she turned to Trina and the two women kissed each other's lips, opening their mouths to let tongues slide together. They looked as hot as I might have imagined, and my cock began to stir back to life even though Trina's fantastic blowjob was still a very recent memory.

After a moment, they pulled away from each other and looked at me. "I hope you don't mind," Candi said. "I've been wanting to do that all evening, and I just couldn't wait any more."

"I hope you'll indulge yourself even more when the three of us can be alone," I suggested.

"Why wait?" Candi asked, and moved in on me this time, her red lips wet and panting as they reached for mine.

She kissed with force and passion, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth and twirling it about, sucking with her lips at the same time. As I imagined what lay in store with this lovely blonde and my smoldering brunette, I knew I had started my experience with some excellent choices.

* * * * *

Dinner was delicious, but the need for food seemed like a trivial thing compared to the greater hunger inspired by the two lovelies on either side of me. Samantha introduced herself and formally welcomed us all to the resort, and briefly introduced all the ladies in the room. Then she invited the guests to each say a little something about ourselves, even if it was just to say where we came from and what brought us here.

"I'm Mark," said a fortyish-looking executive type of guy. "I'm from New York, and I arranged to stay here in the Caribbean a few extra days at the end of a business trip. Some of the other fellows at the firm have been here before and from the way they talked about it, I just had to give it a try." His companion, a hot Latina woman with flowers in her hair and seashells over her tits, stroked his arm and gazed up at him lustfully as he sat down and leaned over to kiss her. I remembered her as Elisa.

"My name's Brad," said the next guy, who was in his late twenties and dressed in a tux with his shirt unbuttoned. "Recently divorced, just cut loose the ball and chain, and I'm celebrating! WHOOO-YOO!!" Brad tossed down the rest of his drink (he'd obviously already had a few) and sat down with his arms around both his girls, a pair of Asian hotties who could have been twins (Akimi and Kiko were their names, though I had no idea which was which). Aside from me, he was the only guest at the table with two companions.

"We're Ted and Jean," said the next guest, the male half of the married couple. "We like to come here twice a year or so to throw a little zip into our sex life. Jean is bisexual, and this way she gets to indulge herself and I don't have to worry about who she's with." Ted and Jean were fortysomething and twentysomething, respectively. Jean was a good-looking woman with red hair who could have easily held her own with many of the escorts around the table, including the dark-skinned Jamaican beauty by her side (Keisha).

"I'm, er, Tom, and I'm from Massachusetts," said the next guy, and quickly sat down. Tom was a thirty-plus man, a little overweight, and obviously very nervous. He never made eye contact with anyone at the table, including his companion, the sultry blonde named Lexus who I had met at my private reception. Somehow, I got the idea that he had come to lose his virginity.

It was my turn next, so I stood up. "I'm Xavier, and I'm from Houston," I said. "I had a sudden windfall and decided to live a fantasy I've always had. I'm married, but the wife doesn't know I'm here." There were chuckles around the table at that, and a guffaw from Brad. "Oh, and I'd like to thank Samantha and these charming ladies for the hospitality they've shown so far. I know it's going to be a great vacation."

I sat back down with my girls. Candi gave me a kiss on the cheek and Trina squeezed my thigh. It may have been my imagination, but I got the idea that they were glad to be with me and felt like they'd gotten the best among the guests.

The last guest stood up. "I'm Earl," he drawled through his beard, "down from Alabama, and I'm here for a helluva good time with a fine-lookin' gal." Earl sat back down and patted the knee of his escort, a pretty Latina with unusually bright green eyes who I remembered as Sonya.

Samantha stood up with her glass raised. "Fantasy Vacations extends warmest welcomes to all of you," she said. "We're delighted to have you here with us and to be able to offer you the very finest in service and pleasure.

"I must remind you all that we do have standards of behavior that need to be adhered to, for the safety and comfort of all of you as well as our staff. When you go up to your rooms after dinner, you will all have an hour to freshen up and relax before your companions arrive; I suggest that you all use a small part of that time to familiarize yourselves with the red card you will find on your bedside table. It will explain our resort rules and the expectations we have of our guests. Please understand that we must take transgressions very seriously.

"While you are here, we hope that you will take advantage of the many recreational opportunities the island has to offer, including snorkel tours of the reefs, paragliding, award-winning golf courses, equestrian tours, and the excitement of the local markets and nightclubs. Our ladies are well-versed in the amenities of the island and will be pleased to guide you throughout your vacation. As guests of the resort, you are all invited to enjoy the VIP package at the Ocean View casino, and twenty dollars in chips will be provided to you compliments of the management.

"Of course, there are also the amenities of the resort itself, not the least of which is our staff of lovely ladies. Our girls are very friendly and outgoing, and they love to have fun. I think you'll find our girls to be extremely stimulating company, in more ways than one, and I encourage you to be open with your companion and let her get to know you, so that you get the most from your vacation. If you find that the companion you have selected is in any way incompatible with your needs, you may change companions at no charge before eleven o'clock AM; and should you wish to experience the pleasure of a second companion for the day and evening, you may choose any of the available ladies for a small fee. All this is spelled out in detail on the red card in your room. While our girls are dedicated to serving your needs in any event, a generous tip can go a long way to ensure that your experience is as wonderful as it can possibly be.

"Other facilities at our resort include the swimming pool, a private beach, a massage parlor, always-open full bar, exercise room, and fine dining. This week, we have a special event in the Dominican Club Room featuring a sexy striptease revue with our ladies and other performers from our sister resorts. This is a not-to-be-missed event!

"Once again, welcome to all our guests and a toast to a most pleasant vacation for all of you. For now, enjoy your dinners, and especially enjoy your first evening with us in the comfort of your rooms and the companionship of our beautiful ladies."

* * * * *

After dinner, Trina and Candi both escorted me to my room and gave me a long kiss before leaving me to myself. My bags had already arrived and been unpacked, so I took a moment to shower, dress in a silk robe that I had bought for the occasion, and sat down to read the information card.

Most of it was pretty much what I had expected, rules that essentially boiled down to behaving oneself and treating the staff with respect. It mentioned again that tips were "welcome", which I took to mean that if one wanted the girls to do anything special, one would have to pay for it. Unsurprising, but I didn't like having to deal with money and made a mental note to make some kind of arrangement to have it taken care of automatically. There was a note to the effect that each companion was to have time off between nine and eleven AM and another hour at her discretion, but that otherwise they were ours for the whole day. There were also rules regarding photos taken at the resort (allowed, but for private use only, not for publication in any way) and a request to keep the confidentiality of the other guests. All in all, no surprises.

My complimentary champagne sat in an ice bucket chilling and I sat on the veranda doing much the same as I waited for my ladies to return. My suite was the best one in the resort, and it looked over the swimming pool and the ocean beyond. I found myself wishing that my wife were someone whose company I could enjoy at a place like this, even without the companion girls. I decided that with whatever money I had left over at the end, I would go ahead and take her on a cruise to give the rekindling of our sex life another shot.

The steady wash of the waves was relaxing and even a bit hypnotic, and to my surprise the time passed quickly. It seemed like only moments before I looked down over the courtyard and saw the escorts begin to emerge from what I assumed was their private quarters and head off to their rooms. I looked for my girls, but didn't see them.

The knock at my door startled me. I got up and went to open it, taking a deep breath before I did so. This was it!

I opened the door to find my pretty girls locked together once more at the lips, which immediately got my blood going and put me back in the right mood. I had told Trina that one of my biggest turn-ons was watching two women kiss, and I was glad to see she had been paying attention!

They pulled apart and turned to me with sensuous smiles. Both were wearing lingerie under sheer silk robes. Candi wore a white robe over blue, which set off her eyes and blonde hair. Her tits were cupped by a satin bustier trimmed with white lace, and she wore matching panties. Her stockings were white fishnet, something I'd never seen before but that looked enticing on her long and smooth legs. Her heels were likewise blue.

Trina matched Candi in every way, except that she wore red with black lace and robe. Together they presented a matching set, enhancing the idea of two women as sexual partners, and it was one of the most exciting images I had ever seen.

"Aren't you going to invite us in, lover?" Trina asked.

I stepped back immediately. "Please, ladies, right this way," I said. They came inside and Candi raised a hand to stroke my cheek with one finger as she passed, grinning mischievously.

"I just know we're going to have a great time together," Trina said to me. "And Candi here just can't wait to feel you. She's really hot, you know. Would you like to touch her? I know she'd like that."

Candi said nothing, but smiled and winked at me as she stood with her hands on her hips and her legs apart. I went over and gently laid hands on her barely-covered tits, feeling their firm roundness under the tight satin. She tilted her head back and sighed softly, letting me roam my hands around her as I pleased.

"Ooh, I want to touch her too," Trina said as she embraced Candi from behind and slid her hands up under mine to stroke Candi's breasts as well. I stood back slightly so I could watch Trina feel her up, and see the expressions of pleasure on Candi's face. When Trina began to kiss her neck, the blonde woman's sighs turned to moans.

"Want to see her tits?" Trina asked in a husky whisper.

"Yes..." I replied.

I expected Trina to pull down the top of the bustier, but instead she reached her fingertips into some hidden catch under Candi's breasts and lifted away the cups, tossing them aside and leaving Candi's globes encircled with a trim of satin and lace. Freed from their confines, her beautiful breasts stood out shapely and firm, white and creamy against skin tanned slightly by the Caribbean sun. Her nipples were pale pink, still soft and waiting for the touch of another's lips to bring them to hardness. Traci's slim hands caressed them gently and held them up for me to see and touch.

"Give us a kiss, love," Candi said playfully, shaking her tits slightly back and forth.

I leaned down and touched my lips to one nipple, sucking it gently and then blowing across it to make it grow hard. Then I did the same with the other one, and licked it a little as well, as Candi stroked my hair and invited me to continue by pulling me gently toward her.

Suddenly there appeared to the side a second pair of naked breasts, slightly larger and surrounded by red satin instead of blue. I moved my kiss from Candi to Trina, then back again as the girls pressed their tits together and let me take a nipple from each of them into my mouth at the same time. When I looked up, they had each other's tongues in their mouths, and I rose to join the kiss and feel their embrace.

There's nothing in the world that I love more than kissing two hot women at the same time, and these two were very good at it. The rule when kissing with multiple partners is that it's better to give than receive, and they gave well, their tongues twirling in our shared center, their lips full and sweet and questing. It was a delightful taste of pleasures to come.

"Let's go to the bed, lover," Trina suggested.

The girls encouraged me to lie down and then stripped me nude, their hands stroking my legs and thighs but deliberately not touching my rock-hard member. Then they stood up before me and slid off panties and silk robes, leaving the lacy bustiers and the stockings on. Trina was shaved clean and Candi had only a tiny heart-shaped patch of blonde curls over her pussy. Again they kissed, deep and slow, touching each others' bodies and pressing their tits together. Then they turned back to me and began to crawl onto the bed, looking hot and wild as they approached.

Candi reached me first and kissed me deep, and then Trina, and soon we were all kissing together again. I felt like I couldn't get enough of their tongues and lips, and when Candi moved aside to let Trina on top of me, I almost told them to stop and just keep kissing me together all night.

Then the moist lips of Trina's pussy came down over the straining head of my cock, and my needs abruptly changed.

"I want to fuck you so bad," Trina hissed. "And I'm not going to stop until you come in me. Are you ready for my pussy?"

"Yes," I managed to say.

I felt Candi's hands on my member, guiding me into Trina's moist opening.

"We're going to fuck each other lots of times this week," Trina whispered as she prepared to take me inside. "I want you to remember this first time, lover. Look into my eyes... don't look away, not even for a moment..."

Then, with slow deliberation, Trina lowered herself down over me, sliding me inside her warm wetness and purring with pleasure through pursed lips.

"Oooh... I knew you would feel good inside me," she whispered. Her hips began to rock back and forth, gently moving me in and out of her and bouncing her tits slightly up and down. Her eyes narrowed and stared right into me, hot with passion, burning with lust. She took me deeper with each thrust, until I could feel her wet pussy lips touch my skin as I thrust all the way into her.