Dreamboat Ch. 10


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"Bacon," piped up Sasha.

"Coffee, I need coffee," Honey contributed.

"...you would like," Reid finished. "Okay then."

He busied himself getting breakfast together, hardly noticing anymore that only Honey was dressed. Wren went over and draped an apron around him, murmuring that hot bacon and precious naked bits didn't really go well together.

Later, with the bed folded away and the table in its place, they ploughed through a huge stack of pancakes and bacon with syrup.

Finally, Reid leaned back with a sigh of fulfilled pleasure.

"My appetite seems to have grown," he said, cradling his coffee between his hands.

Too busy eating to answer, there were noises from the other three that indicated they too shared that observation.

"Must be all the good sea air we're getting."

More noises of assent.

"Whose turn is it to clear and stack the dishwasher/"

Honey soundlessly raised her fork, happily chewing crispy bacon.

"Then ladies, if you would please excuse me, I think I'm going to head for the bridge to check on things."

The noises this time were tinged with disappointment, and he smiled.

He rose and walked out onto the stern deck, peering over the side to marvel at the aquaplanes that angled out and down from the side of the hull, cutting through the water so cleanly that there was little wake from them. What wake there was seemed to come from the centre of the boat, Reid noting by looking over the stern that the propellers seemed to be centrally placed rather than outboard at the rear. Unusual.

He turned to climb up to the bridge and then stopped and stared. A week ago he had climbed onto the roof over the bridge to examine what turned out to be a solar power array. It wasn't open right now, and he could see it neatly folded against the short mast. But when he had been up there, there was nothing on the roof apart from the mast, the radar, the radio aerials and the smooth metal of the roof itself.

Now that smoothness was disturbed by what looked like a large shining white boom, such as might be found at the exit of a car park, but a lot more solid.

"What the fuck?" he whispered to himself as he climbed the rungs fixed alongside the door to the bridge and swung himself up onto the roof.

The 'boom' was more substantial than he had first assumed. Connected to the bridge roof by a cylinder a foot in diameter and two feet high which was bolted to the port side of the roof, the 'arm' of the boom extended from this 'foot' some ten feet to starboard, neatly tucked over the width of the bridge. The boom itself was constructed from six inch square alloy over its full length and looked rock solid in its mounting.

He climbed over it and discovered a control panel on the far side of the foot.

Reid shook his head. Things were going from suspiciously weird to Twilight Zone. And yet there was still nothing he could do about it. He just had to accept it.

He climbed down and shouted for the crew to join him in the bridge. When they trooped up the stairs and onto the bridge he managed to drag his prurient attention from two pairs of gloriously naked breasts, and pointed upwards.

"We have a new addition to the boat."

They all looked up and then realised he meant on the exterior of the ceiling. Wren led the charge back outside and they stared at the contraption uncomprehendingly.

"What is it?" asked Honey.

"Apparently we have a davit," Reid commented, looking around the control desk.

"A David?" asked Wren.

"Is crane," stated Sasha.

"That's right," Reid continued. "It is a crane -- a davit is the word for a crane on a ship, I think. It grew up there overnight. I certainly didn't see it yesterday, although it was dark at the time..."

"It would be more logical to think that somehow, someone got on the boat and installed it," Honey pointed out.

"Sasha, you were on watch. Did you hear anything? Or did you maybe fall asleep?"

"Nyet! I was awake all night."

"Were you listening to us?" said Wren, her eyes teasing the younger woman. Sasha blushed.

"I can't help listening. You are very noisy during loving!"

Wren prodded her waist with a couple of fingers and the two got into a short, noisy tickle fight that had them both giggling helplessly. Honey couldn't help laughing along with them, and even Reid had a broad smile on his face, although that might have been due to the sheer amount of naked, jiggling young flesh on display.

When they settled down again, trying to get their breath back, he turned back to the console, and at last found what he was looking for -- a small set of nine buttons that he couldn't remember having seen before.

"Honey, can you step back out and watch the davit for me? I hoping I've found the controls for it."

She nodded, stepped out and looked up. "Ready."

He pressed a button. Nothing happened so he tried holding it down.

""Ooh, it's lifting up," she called. "Thirty degrees, forty five..."

He tried another.

"Now it's swivelling round towards the back. It's stopped... It's extending and a hook on a wire is dropping down."

There was a bang and Honey called out in alarm.

"The wind is blowing the hook around! Pull it back up!"

Alarmed at the loud crashing and banging coming from the exterior of the bridge, Reid spent a frantic two minutes jabbing at the console until he found the right combination of buttons that returned the davit to its resting position. It was probably best not to try and operate the crane while the boat was doing fifty knots, he thought.

He was relieved, after making a quick inspection outside, to discover there was no serious damage, and returned to the helm.

This time his attention was caught by the long range radar display. It showed nothing anywhere near them, but according to the plot of their route on the AIM, their current journey was about to finish just ahead.

As he noticed this, the engine note gradually began to lower in pitch and he realised they were slowing down. He quickly hobbled out onto the rear deck and looked over the side, wanting to watch and fascinated to see that, as the boat slowed enough to come off the plane and settle into the sea, the aquaplanes lifted and folded into the hull. There was a soft clunk as they settled into position, leaving the hull almost pristine in its seamless pale blue livery with very little sign that the triangular aquaplanes were ever there.

The engine noise quietened and then went silent as Sasha appeared next to him and put her hand on his arm. "Electric motor is running. I go for check fuel levels."

He nodded, pleased at her forethought. She disappeared towards the bow, buttocks rolling delightfully as she moved with ease, despite the side-to-side rocking motion of the boat now that they had slowed almost to a complete stop.

He gazed out of the bridge windows at the slow rolling ocean waves. The sun was high now and the glinting off the tops of the swells was almost painful to the eye. There was nothing but open sea in every direction.

He checked the radar again. The screen showed their route would continue in the same direction for almost a mile, then take a sharp turn to port and travel back parallel to the route they were on now, for the same distance.

What the hell was the boat doing, he wondered. He couldn't work it out.

There was a bang on the front window. Startled, Reid looked up and saw a hand come into view and slap the glass. He crossed the bridge and saw Sasha beckoning to him from the foredeck, her face worried. Once he acknowledged the gesture, she disappeared below decks once again. He turned to exit, then stopped and turned back again.

The hole in the glass from Hordiyenko's shooting at them had disappeared.

He hadn't realised it before, but then acknowledged to himself that after he had been shot, he hadn't really wanted to inspect anything but the inside of his eyelids, and his subsequent inspections had simply overlooked it. Had the glass been replaced? Probably not. So the boat had somehow sealed off and repaired the damage.

He tried to put it out of his mind. It was currently the least of the strange occurrences that seemed to happen almost daily.

As he entered the engine room, Sasha straightened up from where she had been peering into the depths of the port engine. There was a smudge of oil on her cheek, which made him smile. She looked so earnest and capable in this world of engines and tools, and yet here she was, stark naked -- apart from the boots she always slipped on when entering the engine room -- with only a wrench in her hand. Then he remembered he was as naked as she was, and wished he had a pair of boots like hers. You never knew what you might stand on in an engine room. At worst, it could be almost as bad as a child's Lego-strewn bedroom.

"Fuel levels?" he asked.

"Full," she replied tersely.

She beckoned him over. When he was close enough that she could speak in hushed tones, she pointed at the two engines.

"These are fake," she said.

He didn't understand what she meant. What was fake? Sasha picked up on his confusion.

"Captain, these engines are not engines. They are fake, like handbag or watch. Not real thing."

He gaped in astonishment. She had removed part of the cover on the port engine and he peered into the opening. There were mechanical things inside. Unlike the rest of his family, who happily rebuilt car engines in their garages in their spare time, he had never found the pleasure in that. He knew the principals of course -- no science degree would be complete without imparting the general workings of the combustion engine, the steam engine and even the nuclear engines proposed for future space travel. Oh, given time he could have worked out what each part did, and how it operated in conjunction with all the other parts to provide power to the propellers. But off the cuff, he had no idea what he was looking at.

He looked at Sasha and raised his palms to her. "Why do you say it's fake? You mean it's not manufactured by the company whose name is on it?"

He stepped back, looking around for some sort of name plate, or company logo stamped into the metal housing.

"No Captain. This is not engine. It look like engine, but can never work. Feel!"

She took his hand and placed it on top of the engine. "Is cold, yes?"

He nodded.

"Engine running boat at fifty knots for long time take hours to get cold. These sound like engine, vibration like engine, but are not. Inside parts do not make sense. Pieces of motor in there do not fit together properly. They cannot work together like this. Fakes!"

He checked the temperature of the starboard engine, confirming that that too was cold. Whatever had powered them to this part of the ocean, it wasn't these things.

Reid turned to look at Sasha, and realised that she was terrified of what her discovery meant. There were tears lurking at the corners of her eyes, and he felt an overwhelming sympathy for her fears.

Instinctively, he opened his arms and she ran into them, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him close for comfort. His own held her gently, his right hand stroking her hair and the left moving gently over the small of her back.

"What is this?" she asked, speaking of the boat.

For a moment, he had the guilty thought that she meant his burgeoning erection.

Despite himself, his body had reacted automatically to the feel of her soft flesh pressed hard against him from knee to shoulder, the smell of her shampooed hair intermingled with the clean, natural scent of a healthy young woman, and her emotional need of his reassurance. And it had responded in the millennia old instinctive way of offering sex as comfort. Humans were mammalian animals, and the genetically imbued response to danger always seemed to be the four F's - fight, flight, freeze or fuck -- and the first three of those didn't really seem appropriate.

Reid didn't think the last of those were appropriate at the time either, but Sasha had her own genetic instincts, and feeling his erection pressing against her belly brought a response.

She raised her face to his, her brown eyes wide and deep and inviting him to drown himself in their depths. Her lips parted slightly and he saw her nostrils flare for a moment as she drew in his scent in turn. Then she drew his head down and kissed him, her lips warm and soft and tasting of some exotic fruit -- perhaps the one from the Garden of Eden. Perhaps that was what the story from the Christian bible was all about. Perhaps mankind's fall came about because of a stolen kiss.

If that was true then it all made sense, he thought dazedly. Because Adam could not have resisted responding to a kiss like this, no matter what prohibition had been placed upon it.

Her lips parted and she did that little snake thing with her tongue again as his mouth opened in turn, feeling it dance against his own, ramping up the desire in both of them.

Reid knew, of course, that she was a virgin and that she wanted him to be her first. Both she and Wren had made that abundantly and unsubtly clear on several occasions. But somehow he had envisioned wine and soft bedding and candles might play a part - not the cold, harshly metallic environment of an engine room.

Then she lifted her right leg and wrapped it around his hips, pulling his groin even more firmly against hers, and all thoughts of appropriate environments vanished from his mind.

His hand lowered to her butt, stroking and fondling her cheeks and feeling the solid muscle beneath the softness of her skin. She moaned into his mouth happily and, putting her arms behind his neck for support, drew her left leg up as well, hitching herself up against him so that she hung from him like a baby monkey to its mother. His erection -- now full and as hard as he could ever remember -- slipped between her thighs and up against her labia, each of them feeling the heat of the other's parts and immediately responding.

Sasha heard someone moan loudly, and belatedly realised it was her. She wondered when she had learned to make noises like that, and then made the sound again and again as he limped across the engine room, each step bouncing her on his cock, much to her delight. When he reached his destination, he sat her on the workshop bench, relieved that she kept the workshop area clear and tidy, and ran his lips down to her neck, nibbling and nipping at the soft skin and making her shudder with pleasure. She felt his teeth seemingly threaten the hollow at her collar bone as he gave a little growl, and she shook with delightful fear.

One hand rose to her breasts, and she felt his fingers circle her areolae, avoiding the nipples despite her desire to have him touch them directly. His mouth lowered over the upper reaches of her breasts and then down, nibbling their way in arcs over the lower slopes before finally heading up towards...

"I forgot the forward cabin," he said suddenly. Before she could draw breath, he had lifted her, slung her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and was heading towards the bow. Squeaking with both startled astonishment and unexpected pleasure at being treated like a cavewoman, she grabbed the phone as they passed close to where she had left it on top of one of the engines. Upside down, she tapped on it urgently, unable to hit the buttons properly as she rocked against his back.

Foretre cabnm. NOW//

She hoped Wren and Honey would understand. She had begged both of them to be there to support her when Lachlan took her virginity, and they had promised that they would. Honey had been a little reluctant, but when Wren pointed out that she was a doctor and that there would logically be some bloodshed, she acquiesced.

The fact that Reid hadn't been told of the plan never crossed their minds. For some reason, her virginity was such a female thing that the man taking it wasn't really part of the equation. As he laid her gently on the bed in the cabin, Sasha suddenly realised that they had been wrong. He was as important a part of it as she was.

"My captain, the others... I ask them to be here for me," she whispered. "Is okay?"

Reid considered for a moment. Then nodded.

"I don't think Wren would forgive me if she wasn't here for your first time. I think she's as anxious as anyone about this."

He was lying next to her and nuzzling her breasts at this point. He raised his head to gaze into her eyes. "But you don't need to be anxious, my love. There may be a little pain at first, and I think you expect that to happen. But I won't do anything you don't want me to and you can stop it at any moment with a word, okay? You just have to say stop, or no, or nyet, whatever you want. I love you and I want this to be right for you in every way. Are you alright with this?"

She gave a little nod, her eyes suddenly very liquid. He has said he loved her. She hadn't expected that. "With you, is right thing. I know this here."

She touched her chest over her heart. "I don't understand how this happens, or why is so sudden. But my heart belong to you and only you, and your heart belong to us fully. I trust completely. I know you won't hurt me, even when spankings me if I do naughtiest things. I know this."

Reid's mind jammed up at the thought of her lying naked across his lap for a spanking. It wasn't something he had even considered with a girl before, but the vision in his mind was so clear he could almost feel her solid softness across his thighs and her beautiful ass under his hand. He wondered whether she was planning to do 'naughtiest things' in the near future.

But the rest of what she said was so clear, so pure and almost chaste in its message. She loved him, and knew he loved them in turn. She didn't expect him only to love her, and accepted wholeheartedly that his crew was his completely. To her, this was the natural order of things -- it was just how the world was when it was working properly.

She drew his head down and met his lips with her own, excited to feel the fluttering in her belly start up once again, something that seemed to happen every time they kissed. Her fingers tangled in his hair and roamed across his shoulders and back, enjoying the feel of his taut muscles. She traced his scars, feeling strange emotions pour through her as she realised the pain behind their genesis.

Then her hands were running up and down over his belly as he in turn nurtured her nipples, making her gasp with almost painful pleasure as each nibble seemed to pull on a mysterious tendon that connected her breasts to her groin.

Finally her hands reached his erection and she felt a cock for the first time. She gasped at how enormous the tumescence seemed to feel beneath her fingers, the pulsating strength and power under such soft skin.

Now it was his turn to moan as her hands, normally so strong and sure in her everyday tasks, grasped him gently and tentatively stroked him from the smoothness of the head to the bulging power of its base. She responded to the sound of his pleasure rumbling through her chest from his clever, agile lips against her breasts and felt herself grow even wetter, if that was possible.

In her mind, she had expected that the pleasure she had experienced with Wren would be repeated with Lachlan. But now she realised the two experiences were very dissimilar; his lips harder and more demanding in their kisses, his face not as smooth and almost delightfully scratchy from his stubble, his body hard and powerful where Wren was soft and giving, his fingers -- now exploring her labia and circling her clitoris -- sure and strong instead of agile and subtle, everything of him demanding her submission to a commanding pleasure she had dreamed of but not yet experienced.

What astonished her most was how strongly her body was reacting to him. With Wren the pleasure had built up gently, in stages, as they moved from act to act within the whole performance. But with Lachlan it was like diving into a pool of pleasure and being immediately immersed. Her pussy had started to flow with her natural lubricating oils the moment he had touched her in the engine room, and hadn't yet stopped. At this rate she would be a dried out husk of a woman by the time she finally gave up her virginity, she thought.