Druids#13a Meagan Sets It Up

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Arranging a good rodgering.
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Meagan sets it up

The very next morning after texting back and forth with her sister, Meagan was at work in the Real Estate Agency office. The office opens around nine. 'Around' being the operative word here, the office actually opens when the first agent, with a key, shows up. Sometimes it's more like ten or even later. But today it was around nine and Meagan had a bunch of calls to make, mostly scheduling inspections, permits and the like. A few of the calls were to clients and one was to the guest house on the base to check on room availability.

At twelve fifteen she called Walter. Walter is a 'Buck' Sergeant on the base (three stripes aka E-5). He worked with Jim doing whatever secret stuff that they do. He is a nice young man and Jim thinks the world of him. Meagan has known him since they were in Japan. Jim and Walter were both assigned to the same unit over there and were both reassigned stateside to the same unit here. He is in his late twenties, tall, good looking, clean cut and very polite.

The call went through to his cell and he answered on the second ring.

Walt: "Hello?"

Meg: "Hello, Walt?"

Walt: "Yes, Hello Meagan, how are you?"

Meagan could hear a lot of voices and noise in the background: "Are you in the mess hall?"

Walt: "Yes ma'am, can you hear me OK?"

Meg: "Yes, I can hear you just fine, Am I interrupting your lunch?"

Walt: "I'm still in the line. How is Jim doing, he's OK, right?"

Meg: "Jim is just fine. Walt, I have something important to talk to you about, can you call me back a little later?"

Walt: "I sure can, as soon as I get through the chow line and get a seat, OK?"

Meagan told him that she could wait and pushed the 'END' button. She had timed the call purposely trying to catch Walter at lunch. She didn't want him taking the call while he was at work because she knew that he works very near a lot of people who know her husband, Jim. She was certain that Walter could be trusted, but knowing where he worked, she didn't want anyone else in on her business.

About ten minutes later, Meg's phone announced an incoming call with a rousing version of 'the caissons go rolling along' while showing her a picture of Walter. She slid the little thingy over and answered the call: "Walter?"

Walt: "I'm sitting now and can talk. So, what's up?"

Meg: "Walt, can I count on your total discretion?"

Walt: "Absolutely, who do you want me to kill?"

Meg: "Very funny, but really; I need to ask a favor and you can certainly say 'no', but I really need to know that it will remain just between us."

Walt: "Does this involve Jim?"

Meg: "No, not yet. But, I will be 'briefing' him, so to speak."

Walt: "Then you can count on me. What can I do for you, Meg?"

Meagan realized that it wasn't going to be easy for her to have this conversation, so she started with: "Walt, do you remember my sister Eileen? I think that you met her at the cookout that we had last Fourth of July."

Walt: "Yeah, I think so, why?"

Meg: "Well, Oh and by-the-way, how is that young lady, I can't remember her name, which you brought to the cookout?"

Walt: "Kimberly, she ETS'd two months ago. She went back to 'god-awful-someplace' in Ohio. She decided that she didn't want to re-up and split for home, why?" (ETS means Enlistment Termination and Separation)

Meg: "Oh no reason, I was just wondering. So, have you found another girl friend yet?"

Walt: "No not yet; are you checking up on me for Jim?"

Meg: "No, nothing like that Walt. I'm just . . . well, trying to ask you for a special favor. "

Walt: "You know that I'd do anything for you or Jim, well almost anything, you know. What is it? The worst thing that could happen would be if it was something that I couldn't do."

Meg: "OK, here goes. Walt, you do remember my sister Eileen?"

Walt: "Yes, I remember meeting her at the cookout, she seemed very nice, what about her?"

Meg: "Well, I . . . errr. . . I would like you to have sex with her."

Walt: "Yooouu What?"

Meg: "You heard right, I am asking you to have sex with her. What do you think?"

Walt: "I think that you're messing with my mind."

Meg: "Walter, I couldn't be more serious. I can't put this any more plainly. She has been without a man for almost two years and, to put it bluntly, she needs a good rogering."

Walt: "Rogering?"

Meg: "That's a quaint old British term. Again, to put it in the rather blunt American vernacular, she is in desperate need of a good . . . Ahem . . . a good fucking. Understand now?"

Walt: "Roger that! Probably a bad choice of words, right?"

Meg: "Yes, but I know that it is part of your Army Talk. It makes me giggle every time I hear Jim say it too. So, what do you think, are you willing?"

Walt: "You're serious. Right? I mean, really?"

Meg: "I could not be more serious, I checked, the Post Guest House and they have rooms available next Tuesday night. Can I set it up?"

Walt: "Tuesday? Well, I . . . I guess so."

Meg: "Walt, you have to be sure and able to not disappoint. Can I count on you?"

Walt: "God knows I could sure use some trim. I haven't been near a woman since Kim left and things are getting a little 'tense' if you understand my meaning. Soooo, yes I can do it, just tell me where and when."

Meg: "Thanks Walt, I'm sure that Eileen will appreciate it. I appreciate it and I'm sure that Jim will appreciate it when I tell him."

Walt: "You're going to tell Jim?"

Meg: "Sure, why not?"

Walt: "I don't know. I'll have to think about that."

Meg: "Walt, I gotta go, I'll be getting back to you soon, OK?"

Walt: "Yeah, sure. Are you sure that this is not some sort of a joke?"

Meg: "Walt, I promise, this is a very sincere request that needs to be filled, bye."

Meagan only realized the double meaning of what she just said after she had pushed the END button. She next called the post guest house and made a reservation, using her dependent ID card number for a room with a double bed, next Tuesday night for one night only. After that, she started to plan out the call to Eileen and the logistics of making sure that Ian is taken care of and that Eileen gets to her 'appointment' on time.

First call to Mum: "Mum are you going to be home next Tuesday?"

Mum: Sure, where else would I be?"

Meg: Can you look after Ian for the night if I set up a little blind date sort of thing for Eileen?

Mum: "Certainly, Pappy and I love having the little guy over and he's really no trouble. Can you fix things so that she gets laid, she's been a little testy lately."

This surprised Meg, but she soon recovered: "Yes, it might even go that far. At least I hope so. Do you think that it's OK?"

Mum: "Meagan, she is in extremis, if she doesn't get herself relieved pretty soon, that girl is going to have a meltdown. Is there anything that I can do to help?"

Meg: "No, other than keeping a good eye on Ian for the night. If he asks, tell him that his Mother has had to work late at the doctor's office because they have extra sick people coming in."

Mum: "OK, does she know about this, yet?"

Meg: "No, and don't tell her. I know that if she thinks about it too much that she won't go through with it. So keep it under your bonnet for a couple of more days."

Mum: "OK, can do." And with that she rang-off.

So far, so good. Meagan started reviewing her list of things to do, and found that the next one was to tell Eileen. She was hesitant to do it by phone and so she decided to meet her at her home after she was done with work. So, Meagan proceeded to follow her business schedule and the day went on with a few surprises here and there but most were manageable and the day ended, for her at about four thirty.

Knowing that Eileen gets home at around five, she drove over to the double house and waited on Eileen's front steps until she pulled up.

Eileen: "Hello, sis. What brings you over here today?"

Meg: "Let's talk inside, OK?"

Eileen unlocked her front door and the sisters went on into the house, naturally gravitating to the dining room table.

Eileen: "So what's up? I have to go get Ian from next door soon."

Meg: "Sit down for two minutes, please." Eileen moved a little hesitantly, but took a seat at the dining room table while her sister remained standing, leaning against the kitchen archway. When she finally spoke, Meagan started out slowly: "Eileen, you know how much we all love you and worry about you, right?" a quick nod from Eileen was all she got. "And we are looking out for your happiness and welfare, right?" Again, another quick nod. "Well, we've decided that things have been a little tough for you lately and you're scheduled for a thorough rogering next Tuesday night."

Eileen: "What, just like that? I'm 'scheduled' for a rogering next Tuesday night. With tea and crumpets, for 'Gawds' sake?"

Meg: "Actually, just that. You have a room reserved at the Post Guest House, one night, double bed; very comfortable accommodations."

Eileen: "And who is the 'oh so generous 'provider of this therapeutic rogering?"

Meg: "Walter, do you remember him?"

Eileen: "He knows me? Who is he?"

Meg: "You met him at the cookout at my place last fourth of July."

Eileen: "There were no 'single' men at that party."

Meg: "He was with a girl; she was also in the Army. But she has gotten out and gone back to her home and Walter is 'on his own' so to speak.

Eileen: "And he just wants to waltz over to the Post Guest house and provide me with a well needed rogering? Really, meg!"

Meg: "If you ask him, he would probably tell you that he will be dropping by to give you a good 'Fucking' which is more in line with the particular American form of the language."

Eileen stood up and stared at her sister for a moment, then said: "Meg, I appreciate what you're doing for me, but I just don't know if I'm ready for a 'no strings attached' meet up. The idea of a quick 'rumpy pumpy' sounded good the other night, but . . . I just don't know."

Meg: "Too late, the arrangements are made. Mum will be looking after Ian and the reservations are confirmed. Walter is willing, more than willing, I think. And, that's all there is to it."

Eileen sat down at the table and put her face into her hands. "My god Meg, has it come to this? . . . Alright, what do I have to do?"

Meg: "OK, let's plan this out. We'll call it 'operation Walter's dick'."

Eileen: "Now, that's just crude!"

So the girls put their heads together and worked out 'the plan.'

On the following Tuesday, Eileen left for work with a carefully packed small suitcase. She had packed, unpacked, changed her selections and repacked it at least a half-dozen times. Finally, she just gave up and decided that it was as good as it was going to get. The day at work dragged on. Angela was aware of Eileen's nervous state and asked her a few times "Are you OK today?" Eileen assured her that she was fine, but kept the details to herself.

As soon as the last patient left for the day, Eileen hastily cleaned up the exam room and said her goodnights, explaining only that she had to get over to her sisters' house. Driving to Megs, she suddenly became aware of her daydreaming when a guy in a pick-up truck blared his horn at her when she failed to move immediately after the light turned to green. "Screw you asshole" she mouthed into her rear view window as she watched the red-neck looking dude fume at her.

Arriving at her sisters' house, she grabbed her bag out of the back seat and hurried in. Meagan was waiting for her, as usual, in the kitchen. The boys were sitting at the table eating an early dinner.

Meg: "Hello, you're a little earlier than I expected."

Eileen: "Oh, I can go and come back later"

Meg: "No, about ten minutes early. Not a problem. Sit down and have a little dinner."

Eileen: "Meg, I couldn't eat a bite. I'm a little nervous, as you might expect."

Eileen; "Then, why don't you go on into my room and change?"

So, Eileen went into Meg's bedroom, closed the door and stripped off the scrubs. Meg had already put out a fresh towel on the bed, so Eileen took it and went into the bathroom and started the shower. While she waited for the water to get warm, she looked at herself in the mirror. Boobs, check. She was happy that they had not shown any signs of sagging, like Megs. She knew that was coming but still a few years off; besides, Meg has much bigger boobs so there is more weight to consider. Her pussy was neatly trimmed. She had seen to that last night, and the night before. Turning to the side, she noted that her butt still looked good. Robert had called it 'perky'. Fuck him! She didn't want to think about Robert, especially tonight. She got into the shower and gave herself a good scrubbing, paying close attention to the 'girly bits'.

When she finished the shower and toweled off, she applied her antiperspirant and a generous application of her favorite Lavender body lotion. She really wanted to smell good for her upcoming 'rogering'. Pink bikini panties and a lacy pink bra completed the first layer. She opened the door to the bedroom to see Meg sitting there on the bed waiting for her. "OK, so far?" she asked.

Meg: "Looks good, but why concentrate on the knickers and bra? With any luck, you will be out of them pretty quickly!"

Eileen smiled and said: "Yeah, hopefully. What if he doesn't like me?"

Meg: "Are you kidding me? This is a horny soldier; he'd put the pork into a knot-hole in a tree given the chance."

Eileen smiled again and proceeded to finish dressing. She had agonized over her selection ever since she agreed with Meagan's plan. And, she didn't like calling it 'operation Walters dick, either." She wore a dark red blouse, almost burgundy with a Scotch plaid wrap around skirt. The red in the plaid was very close to the color of the blouse. At her sisters' suggestion, she opted for no panty-hose "They would only slow things down" being her advice. In lieu of covering her legs, she had shaved them last night and they were still nice and smooth, no stubble yet. Moderate height dark red 'low heels' finished the outfit and she was ready to go. Now, she had to pee, Damn!

Putting her dirty scrubs and underwear in a plastic bag, she closed up her luggage and, looking hopefully at her sister, announced: "I'm ready, let's go!"

The drive to the base was filled with nervous chatter. Both women were excited about the upcoming events. A quick pass through the security gate and within five minutes they were at the Post Guest House. Meagan parked close to the entrance and the girls walked in, Eileen carrying her little suitcase. Meagan registered, paid and took the key from the desk clerk. The room was on the second floor and the sisters took the elevator up and found the room. Meagan unlocked the door and Eileen walked in and looked around. A bed, two night tables, a dresser, a floor lamp, a print of a landscape over the dresser, a small flat screen TV, a bathroom with shower and a sliding glass door to a small balcony right behind some very heavy drapes. Just what she expected. She made sure that the drapes were fully closed.

Meagan hugged her and said: "Now, the plan is for you to be in the bed, with the lights out when Walt arrives. After he arrives, the script is yours to write. Will you be OK?"

Eileen: "Gawd Meg, I'm more scared now than on my wedding night."

Meg: "Well, it's hopefully going to have the same outcome."

With that, Meagan kissed her little sister on the forehead and, taking the key with her, left the room. Eileen looked at her watch, seven thirty-five. She expected her visitor, Walt, at around eight. So, she didn't need to rush. She removed her blouse and skirt, putting them on a hanger and hanging them on the metal rack that serves as a closet. Then her shoes. Why did she leave her shoes to last? Nervous, I guess. One last trip into the loo, just in case she could pee again. She didn't want to interrupt anything by having to get up to pee. Then she pulled down the covers and climbed in. Wait! 'Should she take off her bra and knickers? They hadn't planned that part. What to do? She decided to leave them on, for now. Eileen reached up and turned off the light. Too dark! She turned the light back on and got up. She turned the light on in the bathroom and closed the door to just a crack. Returning to the bed, she turned off the room light and was able to see around the room just enough not to fall over the furniture. She hopped back into the bed, lay flat on her back and began the dreaded wait.

Meanwhile, Meagan walked back to her car finding Walter waiting there as planned. She smiled up at him, told him the room number and handed him the key. "I would normally tell you to be gentle, but I think that she needs some 'energetic activity' if you get my drift."

Walter, still a little nervous and only 98 percent convinced that this isn't some elaborate joke, took the key and said: "Roger that."

Meagan, pointing to the building said: "Exactly what is needed." With that, she kissed him on the cheek, smiled and got into her car. She pulled out of the lot just as Walter was going through the entrance. Meagan couldn't get the idea that Eileen was going to 'get a little' tonight. That only brought on her own feelings of loneliness since Jim was thousands of miles away and she wouldn't be 'getting any' herself for the next few (many) months. Still dressed for work in her short-skirted suit, and on a long hour and a half ride home in the dark, Meagan found her own, non-steering hand, drifting up her thigh and rubbing lightly up and down her slit. Driving an automatic allowed her to move her left leg over enough to make room to reach all her important parts. She would be arriving home with wet panties, she was sure.

When she did get home, it was close to nine thirty. The boys were still up watching TV in the family room. "Showers and bed, you have school tomorrow!" in her best sergeants' voice. The boys grumbled a little and then decided that the youngest would shower first. They were in their room by ten and Meagan had a quick snack, and a glass of white wine. Taking a refill of the wine with her, she retired to her own room. Stripping down for her shower, she just couldn't stop thinking about her sister and what they must be doing by now. Actually, it's been two hours, so hopefully the deed has been done, at least once and perhaps an encore was next.

When she got into the shower, and after a general washdown, Meg set the drain so that the tub would fill and turned the valve so that the water ran out the spout instead of the shower. It only took a couple of minutes before it was deep enough for her to sit down and start a nice long soak. She put a little bubble bath into the water right under the spout so the froth began to accumulate quickly. Just as the water was getting up to her tits, her cell phone rang. Again with the Caissons song but this time the picture was of Jim.

Meg: "I was just thinking about you, she fibbed."

Jim: "I only have a few minutes to talk, most of the lines are busy and were limited to five minutes."

Meg: "OK, so, how are you?"

Jim: "Horny. So, how are you?

Meg: "Horny and naked, you caught me in the bath."

Jim: "Well, that's where I like to catch you, sometimes."

Meg: "I miss you terribly. Did you find out anything more about getting a leave?"

Jim: It doesn't look good unless I'm willing to extend my tour by three months, which I'm not."

Meg: "No, don't do that. We'll figure something out. Maybe I could come to Turkey?"

Jim: "If you come to Turkey, I'm the one who will be coming."

Meg: "Don't tease me. I'm way too horny."

Jim: "Well, you only need one hand to hold the phone. Why don't you reach down with the other and say hello to the girls for me? "

Meg: "The girls are already standing at attention for you."