Echo Ridge B&B Pt. 01

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An exclusive bed and breakfast for high powered executives.
18.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/22/2018
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Author Note: This is the first part of an multi-part story. This story was inspired by a photo and its caption I posted online. This is also a long story and this is part 1, even it is long...over 18,000 words. It also includes a wife fucking another man besides her husband. If you don't care for that kind of story, move on. You have been warned.

This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Echo Ridge B&B - Pt. 01

© 2018 - Zeb Carter

Chapter 1

The Baxter's, John and Denise, purchased the Echo Ridge Bed and Breakfast from John's aunt and uncle. Their daughter, John's cousin Jane, didn't want it, she had her own business to run, so John's Uncle Jim asked if he would be willing to purchase the place. Uncle Jim had agreed to hold the note and let John and his wife, pay it back at their leisure. He wasn't charging interest and he didn't specify a payment schedule. In fact, he told John that if it was never paid back, he, Jim, really didn't care, they didn't need the money. But to not make the transfer a taxable event, they had to sign papers for a loan. When John's uncle died he would leave the place to John and Denise in his will along with the note.

John and Denise had been married for ten years. John had spent eight years in the military. His wife had traveled with him when he was stationed at different places around the world. John was a big man. Six feet tall, blond hair, blue eye. Denise said he was handsome, very handsome, a hunk in the vernacular of the day. He worked out every day, as did Denise. Neither of them was what you would call fat. Denise was average height, strawberry blonde hair, green eyes. She was very pretty, at least John thought so. Denise didn't have huge tits nor a humongous ass. She was petite. But all her body parts were just the right size for her body.

The Baxter's had settled down back in their hometown where they could be close to family and old friends. Although they had yet to have children, both of them want kids. They just didn't feel ready for them. They had discussed John's uncle's offer and decided it was just what they wanted. Even though neither of them had hotel, motel experience, Jim said he and his wife, Linda would show them the ropes.

John and Denise loved the place. The staff was happy and already in place. They had agreed to stay on for however long they could. There was one special thing about the place. John's uncle told him and Denise about the executives that stayed here. They expect the finest food, the finest service, and the finest women.

"Women?" asked Denise.

"Yes, women. There are ten rooms in the place. The women only work during the week. We don't provide that service on weekends, except by request. Then the price of the room is doubled on weekends."

"So the price includes the women?" Denise asked.

"It does. And the only way to get a reservation here is by referral. No cold calls. No walkups. Reservations are made by two women, Delores and Becky. They have lists of executive names and any new referrals. You won't have to make reservations or research the new referrals, they handle all that for you. All you have to do is kind of run the place. You will have to find replacement girls when and if the women working for you decide to move on or get ill."

"How many women are working?" John asked.

"There are currently twelve. One for each room, plus two extra. Some execs like to have two women. Price doubles for that luxury. Then if a woman has been with an exec for two or more days, she gets two nights off. That's when you rotate one of the other women. Your job will be to schedule the women."

"Do they live on the premises," Denise asked.

"No. They have homes. Some are even married with children."

"What?" Denise uttered.

"Yes. Six of the women are married. Three have children."

"But..." Denise croaked.

"Their husbands don't mind. We pay our women very well. When you take over, you can look at the books."

"What is the profit margin on this place?" John asked.

"It runs, on average, twenty percent, net."

"What is the net revenue?"

"That varies quite a bit month to month, but the annual average is a little over one point five million."

John started coughing covering his mouth with his hands. Denise gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Holy..." John gasped.

"My god. So what we really have is a high priced, kinda, brothel?" Denise asked.

"You do, kinda. It's all on the up and up. And the execs never pay the girls for services rendered. The girls are allowed to accept tips though. But just so we are clear...the girls, women, are never referred to as, whatever the name of the day is, for a prostitute. Here they are listed as Social Organizers and Coordinators."

"Of course. I would never call a woman a derogatory name like that," Denise said.

"I know Dennie," Jim said, using his nickname for his Niece-in-law. "They do work for the execs while they are here. They are all trained secretaries, take shorthand and type. They make appointments for them while they are in town, even making reservations for them in other towns. They also accompany them on their business calls if the exec desires. So they are not just whores. Most of them have degrees in business."

"My god. Okay, never mind." Denise said.

"What is it dear?" John asked.

"Nothing. Really. Just trying to wrap my head around everything. Money, women, execs."

"It is daunting I know," Jim said. "But it's not all that hard once you get used to working here."

For the next week, John and Denise shadowed Jim and Linda every day at the B&B. Then the next week, John and Denise took over and Jim and Linda stayed in the background. By the third week, John and Denise had the hang of things.

"Well, I think you have almost everything. There is just one more item to learn."

"What's that?" Denise asked.

"How to hire new women. Most educated women will balk at what they will be requested to do. Some won't, but most will. And it doesn't matter how you word the ad in the paper." Jim slid a piece of paper over to John. "This is the ad that was passed down to us, which we used to hire several of the women that work here today and I'm passing it down to you. Put it in a safe place and whoever you sell this place to, pass it on to them."

John read the add.

"Bright, vibrant, beautiful, knowledgeable women wanted to fill a vacant position as an executive's Social Organizer and Coordinator. She must be willing to meet every need of the executive, no matter the time or place. No travel required. Generous salary."

"Ah, no real mention of what they will need to do then. No mention of what they will be paid."

"The Echo Ridge Bed and Breakfast is very well known among the top executive communities of the world. It is also known among young up and coming executive assistants just out of college. There are a number of our past Social Organizers now teaching at colleges in the area, passing on names to us and informing those young ladies what we are all about. I don't see you having any trouble filling a position unless it's on the spur of the moment due to an unforeseen accident."

"What happens if we do run into a problem like that?" Denise asked.

"I don't know Dennie, we never had that kind of problem. I'm just telling you what I was told. But there are two ladies you could call in an emergency. Delores and Becky have worked here in the past. They might be a tad older than most execs want, but they are beautiful."

"Well, then I guess we have it," John said.

"You do. Linda and I will be around a couple of more months before we head out on our world tour."

"Good to know. Thank you so much, James," Denise said hugging him tightly.

"I can't breathe, Dennie," Jim said hugging her back.

"Thanks, Uncle Jim. Tell Aunt Linda thank you," John said holding out his hand.

Jim looked at him, smiled and took him in a bear hug to end all bear hugs. The air in John's lungs whooshed out as he hugged his uncle back. Now the Baxter's were on their own.

Chapter 2

They had the day to day down pat. On weekends the place was virtually empty. There may be, once in a while, an exec stayed the weekend for an early Monday meeting, but they knew the rules and never complained about not having a woman with them.

On several occasions, well-dressed men would walk in and try to get a room. The standard answer was always, 'We're booked solid, sorry.' They even tried to make a reservation for the next week but were referred to the reservation phone number. They left and were never seen again.

For months everything was going well. Then on a cold wet and rainy spring day, Denise received a phone call from one of her girls. Julie had been in a car accident and would be unable to be there that night when the exec due in arrived. Denise tried several of the other women, but all were busy with an exec, while one of the extra women was on vacation. She then tried Delores and Becky but neither of them was answering. There had been power and telephone outages due to the storm.

Denise went in search of John. When she found him she explained the dilemma they were having.

"Julie can't make it tonight, she's in the hospital and I can't get ahold of Delores or Becky. We don't have a woman for Mister DeCarlo tonight."

"Damn. Damn. How long until he gets here?" John asked.

"Well, about three hours. His flight is inbound but is currently listed as delayed. I talked to Carla over at the airport, she expects they will be landing in an hour as most of the storm will have blown out by then. He's in a private plane landing at O'Hara."

"Crap. It would be nice if they diverted him to Wisconsin or Indiana."

"That won't happen. Even in the worst weather, they land at O'Hara."

"Yeah, I know."

John stood there looking into space. Then backed up and looked at Denise. He smiled. Then frowned. He shook his head.

"What?" asked Denise.

"It's crazy, but..." John started and then shook his head again.


"Is DeCarlo the guy that's always flirting with you when he checks in?" John asked.

"He is. No! No! I won't. Never."

"Think about it. We could lose his and several other's business over this. I don't want you to, but I don't want to have an unhappy guest. Just think about it dear. How long is he staying?"

"Three nights," Denise croaked her throat closed with several different emotions. Fear, loathing, excitement, and wonder.

"Hmmm...that shouldn't be too bad," John said.

"Well, then you go up there," Denise snapped.

"I know you like him by the way you banter with him on check in."

"Liking to banter with someone doesn't mean I want to fuck him," Denise growled.

"Well think about it, while we wait. Maybe you could get a hold of Delores or Becky before he arrives, but if you can't, do you really want to make him unhappy with us?"

"John Baxter, are you really thinking about whoring out your wife to make someone else happy?" Denise spit out.

"We are providers of not only a place to stay for a night or a fortnight, but we provide these executives with a young woman to sever as his Girl Friday who serves every need he could have. That's our business. If we fail at that, then we might as well sell the place and find something else to do."

Denise stared at her husband, her lips trembling. She licked them half a dozen times while John just calmly stared at her. Suddenly, Denise made up her mind. If this is what her husband wanted, she would do this for him this one time.

"Fine. You want me to do this, why? Never mind. Fine. I'll do it. Just to let you know though. If I like it, I will be doing it again and again," Denise told him smiling sweetly up at him. John winked at her. She frowned and stomped off.

Could he really want her to do this? Denise went to their room. She sat on the bed thinking what was wrong with her husband John. She sat there for a long time. Then nodded her head. She went to the closet and pulled out a small leather duffle. Once she was in the room, she wouldn't be able to really leave unless it was with the exec. So she needed clothes with her. She packed several of her business suits, without blouses. She packed all of her sexy underwear and stockings. She grabbed her black heels and the red ones.

She also packed several nighties she thought the exec might like. She wished she had time to go shopping, but that would have to wait until the weekend. She thought about what she had told John about doing this again. Even if she didn't like it, she was definitely going to do it again and again, until John told her to stop. She might hate herself for doing it, but he would have to beg her to stop. She snarled at him as he came in the room.

"I want to talk to you first..." John started.

"Fat chance. I have to go get ready for Mister DeCarlo, so I don't have time to listen to your bullshit," Denise almost shouted at him.

"No wait," John yelled as Denise left the room, slamming the door behind her.

John threw the door open and just stared at his wife as she walked down the hall. When she got to the room that DeCarlo would be in, she opened it with her master keycard. Denise looked up the hall at John and frowned at him. She disappeared into the room and the door slammed shut.

Chapter 3

Denise stood there at the entrance to the room hanging her head, shoulders slumped. She wanted to go back to her room and kick her husband in the balls, but she apparently had a duty to perform. She did like running Echo Ridge. She loved running Echo Ridge. After the next three days, she would have to reevaluate her feelings. Not only her feelings about running Echo Ridge but her feelings for her husband.

Moving to the ladies closet, she started to put her clothes away. Her small items would go into the small chest in her closet. She went to the coffee table and picked up the rules card laying there. She read them once more to refresh her memory. She had read them a number of times before once they took over the place. She just wanted to make sure she had them memorized correctly.

Nodding, she put the card back on the table. She went to the bathroom took her clothes off and took a shower. She put on the provided shower cap so her hair wouldn't get wet and completely washed. Once finished she used one of the provided douches to clean her insides out. Then she used an enema on herself. Then she took another shower. After drying herself she picked up her discarded clothes and hug them in her closet.

Now, all she had to do is wait. The room phone would ring once after DeCarlo had checked in. Then she was to assume the position. Kneeling on the desk chair, her back to the door. She sat in that chair and waited.

Downstairs, John was waiting also. Mister DeCarlo would be the last exec in tonight. They were completely full, with only the one room still empty. The one his wife Denise was waiting in for him to ring the phone. John was starting to have second thoughts about what Denise was doing. Yes, he had almost forced her to do this, but he was having second thoughts. Then Mister DeCarlo was coming through the door.

"God what a storm," he said shaking the water off his raincoat.

"Here, let me help you with that," John said, going to take the coat from him. "We'll hang it up right here to dry."

John was once again behind the small counter. DeCarlo approached.

"My luggage won't be here until late tonight, things are so messed up at the airport they couldn't get the bags to the carousels. The airline will be bringing them. I hope you can be here when they come?"

"Absolutely. Absolutely Mister DeCarlo," John said.

"I keep telling you and your wife to call me Stephen."

"Yes, sir," John said handing him is keycard for the door. "Do you want me to bring the bags up when they get here or would morning be soon enough?" John asked.

"Morning will be fine. Have your wife bring it up, there is only one bag."

"I'm sorry, sir, but Denise is otherwise occupied for the next few days."

"I hope it's nothing serious." Stephen looked concerned.

"No, sir, she's just very busy with something else," John told him.

"Okay, yes the morning. Good night John," Stephen said turning to go upstairs.

John dialed the phone to DeCarlo's room. He let it ring once and hung up. He was very nervous about what would be happening to his wife over the next three days.

* * * *

Denise jumped when the phone rang. Her heart was beating out of her chest as she kneeled on the chair. She hung her head. She was shivering, but not from the cold. She could hear footsteps approaching the door. Her heart raced even faster as she heard the keycard slide into the slot and the lock clicked. The door opened and she heard Mister DeCarlo moan.

"Ah, a new girl tonight. What happened to Julie?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Julie was involved in a car accident and will be laid up in the hospital for a couple of days. I am here to serve you, compliments of Echo Ridge management." Denise had also memorized that little speech.

"What is your name my dear?" Mister DeCarlo asked.

"Denise, sir," Denise replied.

She heard DeCarlo gasp, then moan. She heard a whispered 'magnificent' from where he stood. He walked over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders. She shivered at his touch.

"I won't hurt you, ever," he said.

"I know. Julie has informed me what to expect, Mister DeCarlo."

"Please, call me Stephen," said Stephen.

"Of course, sir," Denise replied.

"Of course you won't, is what you mean, isn't it, my dear."

"Yes, sir."

"Of course. You may get down off that horrid chair now, my dear."

"Thank you, sir."

"Oh please, we are not master and slave. You are here to serve me, yes, but we are basically equal, so please stop with all the...damn you are really beautiful Denise. Oh my god."

"Thank you," Denise said leaving off the sir just to see what would happen.

"That's much better. If you wish you may put on a robe if it will make you more comfortable."

"If I may?"

"You may."

Denise went to her closet and pulled out the robe there. She slipped it on and tied the belt loosely. Then she went back and stood in front of Stephen.

"Does Julie call you Stephen?" Denise asked.

"Are you asking as my Girl Friday or as management?"

"For myself. I'm just curious." Denise giggled.

"That's very nice. I like young ladies to giggle. She does. I hope that won't get her in trouble?"

"No, it won't. It is really up to you what the girls call you. Practice has shown that using the honorific sir or your last name preceded by Mister to be preferred by most guests."

"I see you have learned your business. How did you come to be here? I thought you have extra women for emergencies?"

"Well, that is a story for another time..."

"No please, tell me. Oh and is Julie going to be okay?"

"She is. Just minor scrapes and bumps. Nothing to worry about. We did have to give her some time off which is why I'm here. With one of our ladies on vacation and another tied up with another guest as a double. The storm prohibited us from contacting our two other emergency women, I had to step in to fill the needs of the business."

"Well, aren't I the lucky one," Stephen said chuckling.

"I guess you are, although I was against doing this, management did point out that it was for you and I relented not only because it was you, but was being a real asshole all." Denise smiled at Stephen.

"Well, then I thank you very much."

Stephen stepped up close to Denise. She almost stepped back but hesitated. Stephen smiled at her, gently held her shoulders in his hands and kissed her. Denise shuddered as his lips pressed against hers. She sighed and kissed him back. They stood there for the longest time, just their lips touching. Then Stephen stepped back.