Eclipse of the Moon

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A ghost story is no longer just a story for Angel...
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/18/2015
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The story went that Trinity Cove was a town that never prospered, never gaining in a population that seemed to stabilize at a low one thousand. Even though it had been around for close to a hundred years, the small Atlantic town was just as ghost-like as it had always been, small town life not fit for the new bustle of city glamour. Being an old bandit's hideout back in the 1940's, the town had its fair share of history.

Once a threshold for the hundreds of thieves and pirates that transported stolen loot from Mexico, it had thrived as being the resting place were police dared not set foot. It was a place of deception and death, hundreds of Porte Rican ships docking for the flourishing slave trade that was taking place throughout North America. Though the conditions that the people lived under were no secret, the town itself was specter-like in its ways. Through the facade of a small trading community, they seemed to slip under the radar... no threat, no notice.

It was only due to leader, Daemon 'the demon' Vertik, that the town prospered for so long. Born under the crimson moon and bathed in his mother's blood, Daemon had been a cold-blooded assassin and thief since he was able to crawl. There were few who stood in the way of the powerful young man, and even fewer who dared to do so. He had skinned people alive and let the crows pick at the remains for much less then getting in his way. Though he was a ruthless killer, and despised by many, he was also the one responsible for the preservation of the town. He was the one that allowed for it to run successfully for many years.

It was in the 1950's that Trinity Cove established a name for itself, though not in the way one would have expected.

1952 was the year that Daemon met his match in a fiery young woman that eventually led to his demise. Her name was Anita Sharpe, an escapee from the local institution who was doing time for murder under influence of hallucinations. To the townspeople she was nothing more than crazy... but to Daemon she became something greater.

No one was sure how their meeting occurred but over months it became clear that there was something going on between the two. Something wrong, something sinful, something... dark.

Anita was often seen standing in the window of the Vertik Manor accompanied by the Lord, arm in arm, as they looked out over the land. She also toured around town in clothing embellished with the Vertik emblem and spent coin that one could only assume came from him.

Rumors flew that the two were demonic lovers, bound by the darkness in their souls.

The rumor, however, stopped abruptly when Daemon was shot in the guestroom of his manner by the very one people had assumed him to love. After shooting him twice in the chest, she took what she had originally come for: his fortune. All before skipping town on the next boat to anywhere and leaving him to slowly bleed to death on the floor of his manor.

Social corrosion instantly set in after word of the murder got out, the police invading Trinity Cove the moment the demon was gone. The townspeople, not expecting such an instantaneous rush, were expelled from the small town... and those who weren't were shipped off to prisons to live out life sentences. Others were ruthlessly hunted down as they tried to escape to the border. The few who actually stayed behind with clear conscience were the ones who set the foundation for the towns rebirth.

They were also the only ones that knew the terrifying secret that lay dormant within the Vertik Manor.

After all, after the murder someone had to lay the lifeless body of the demon to rest... a rest that would never be reached, and was clearly not wanted.

Scrawled on to the wall in bubbling black blood was written the words that erupted from the restless Daemon's tormented soul... a warning to any of those who foolishly chose to believe that he was gone.

-The darkness never dies. Those who deny my place shall never rest, but bleed crimson for my pleasure. The demon never sleeps-


Aaron smiled broadly as they finally arrived at their new place in Trinity Cove, whistling as he saw the size of it for the first time, "Shit, this place is huge. Mom and dad sure weren't kidding when they said this place has space." He turned into the driveway and parked the truck, letting it roll back to a stop. He looked over his shoulder, "Ready?"

"No" came the muffled reply from the back.

"C'mon you grumpy little shit, you've been moping the entire car ride. I told mom I'd have you smiling by the time we got here" Aaron said, grinning as blond and black strands of hair fell over his eyes.

He dodged a hand as he was swatted at from the backseat, "Bad, Lior, no hitting."

Angel sat up from the backseat ruffling already tussled ivory locks with her fingers, "You're too cheery for someone who's so occult happy. And for once could you call me by my name? You [i]do[/i] know it right?"

"Of course" Aaron cooed, "But I like Lior. It's a special name just for you, you should be thrilled".

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before replacing her sunglasses, "People don't even know what you're talking about when you call me that."

"And since you're never around any people that works rather nicely, doesn't it?"

She gave a slight smile, "Ouch, that one hurt."

She gave a sigh as she looked up at the house that was spit with peeling paint and overgrown shrubbery, half expecting it to fall apart with the weight of her gaze. As a shiver ran through her frame, she pulled up the shoulders of her hoodie, "Why is it so cold here?"

"We're not in Arizona anymore" Aaron said, getting out of the car and promptly grabbing some bags from the back. He threw one of them at his sister as she sluggishly jumped from the backseat, watching as she caught it quickly. He dodged it as it came flying back at him, "You like throwing things at me, don't you?"

"It's one of my favorite past times" she replied as she lifted her twice-thrown bag onto her shoulder and grabbed her other suitcases. She shivered again as she started walking up to the front porch, kicking up dirt unintentionally as she watched the clouds shadow over the area. She jumped when her brother put his arm around his shoulder.

"What're you thinking about?"

She pushed her shades up until they rested firmly in her hair, tentative azure eyes looking up at the towering manor in apprehension, "How our house back in Arizona was great... and how nobody was killed in it."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the big bad legends?" Aaron teased, slinging his guitar over his shoulder. He pinched her cheek mockingly, "Because from what I here, we're the first ones who have lived in this house since he died. That means we get to be the first ones to suffer if there's a vengeful spirit inside."

Angel jerked her face away from him, "Why do you have to be such a jerk?"

"Why do you have to be so gullible?" he responded with a half-cocked smile, "Oh, that's right, it was you who was seeing dead people until she was ten."

She glared at him icily, "Thanks for that, Aaron, I really do like to relive those wonderful four years spent in a padded white cell. I know you were busy slumming for chicks in Jamaica, but please try to humor me."

"Kids! You made it!"

Aaron and Angel dropped their things to greet their parents, therefore dropping their previous conversation as well.

Angel put up her best facade despite the churning feeling in her stomach.

"And in one piece no less" Aaron contributed.

Their mom looked up at the house happily, "It's beautiful isn't it? They don't make them like this anymore, only the greats make houses like this." She patted Angel on the cheek, "Are you alright, dear, you look pale."

The youngest tilted her head with a small smile, "You always say that, I'm fine."

"And Aaron took good care of you on the way here?"

She shot her elder brother a piercing look before turning back to her mom, "Yeah, perfect care." She wrapped her arm around his waist with a bright plastic smile, "You know us, little angels."

"Yeaaah" their father said disbelievingly, "because we both believe that."

"We just finished sorting out both your rooms if you wanted to go in and see. You can set them up a little bit, check out the house. You'll love the rooms, fantastic views of the town. It'll be great for painting, Angel, you'll love it."

Aaron smirked at his little sister, watching as she bit back a sarcastic remark.

"Thanks" Angel managed to get out.

She was actually quite grateful that her parents had even remembered that she liked to paint. With the new move taking place they had been thoroughly enthralled with the idea of changing locations, especially if it could get there kids away from the bustling city life.

She shifted her bag on her shoulder as Aaron retold their not-all-that-rivetting drive here with some creative embellishments.

The sky was darkening as the evening approached, clouds looming over the small town threateningly. Shadows seemed to grow in the darkness.

Angel hugged her arms tightly, feeling as if she was sinking into a bucket of ice as the sun started to sink below the surface. The pinks and purples of the usual sunset were dimmed dramatically by the passing clouds, making it appear to be a dark crimson peeking through the skyline.

She jumped when her father put his hand on her shoulder.

"You okay, hun?" he asked, "You're really not looking that good."

She offered up a small smile, "I'm alright, just cold... not really used to it."

He nodded, "Why don't you head inside? You both had a long trip, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to catch up on some sleep. Even just taking it easy for while would be good. Everything's set up already, so you have the time."

She tucked her hair behind her ear as she nodded, biting her lip nervously just as she had been doing since she was a kid. Azure eyes blinked, realizing that she wasn't really sure why she was nervous other then the fact she was moving.

It was summer; she had two months to figure out her place in this town...

Aaron picked up one of her bags, "C'mon, let's go see."

Angel nodded and smiled, "Alright." Eighteen years of experience had taught her that nervous habits were something she had to promptly hide if she ever planned on gaining even an ounce of independence from her parents. They treated her like glass, and even though she had tried to break that perception she was finding it hard to do.

It only seemed reasonable. They had always blamed themselves for the 'mental lapse' she had suffered when she was younger, no matter how much she tried to convince them that it wasn't due to them at all. Her denying that anything was wrong with her made it even harder for them to accept the fact that they had to send her away for so long.

Her brother knocked her back into reality as he pinched her shoulder, "Coming?"

"Yeah" she replied, grabbing her things of the ground, "Yeah, I'm coming." She stole a final look at the sky before following her brother inside, deciding it better not to look back.


His canines peaked from his lips as his mouth contorted into a grin that was evil in every sense of the word. Coal black hair fell in front of bloody crimson eyes that were peering over the edge of the staircase as the two elders walked in first. He ran his clawed fingers over the wood, never feeling, but knowing it was there. He gripped the wood tightly in anticipation as the young man walked through the door.

"Woah, it's huge in here" Aaron said with a grin, "C'mon Lior, you're slowing us up."

Angel walked through the door wearily, shifting awkwardly as her eyes moved around the bottom floor. Her glasses fell back over her eyes, and she didn't bother to push them back up.

The elders started going off about the house, spouting their knowledge of various artifacts as they dragged their children around to the various rooms.

The demon licked his lips slowly, his eyes catching hold of the flaxen haired youth that was obviously so uncomfortable being here. He watched as the younger man grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a set of Mexican spears that hung on the wall near the entrance mirror.

Thrumming his fingers against the wood, he turned his eyes to the ceiling as blood seeped from his lips. He chuckled, the throaty sound dissipating into nothing.

His eyes, however, snapped back with quick precision when he heard a gasp that he expertly identified as fear. It had come from the young girl...

Angel knew that it was her imagination; knew that she didn't really hear anything except the wind passing through the old house. But that didn't stop her from turning her head towards the sound, a shocked murmur leaving her lips that she quickly hid as her brother turned back to her.

There was nothing there...nothing...

Aaron looked to where his sister looked only to see the chestnut staircase leading to their rooms. He smiled before turning back to the youngest, "You okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, fine."

"Angel" he said in a quieter tone, "Really?"

Lior smiled softly, "Really, Aaron. The house is just new to me... it'll take awhile to get used to."

She looked up to the staircase again, but looked away quickly to avoid tricking herself for a second. Too many new house jitters...too many creaks and groans that she hadn't gotten used to.

Crimson eyes contracted as the young girl looked right through him. He licked the blood off of his lips slowly, new and tantalizing thoughts working into his mind.

He could not be heard, seen, or touched by mortal... he only had control over the physical realm. He planned to make good use of that ability with this family, naïve to the situation in which they had placed themselves.

Parents clueless, brother strong willed, and sister already spooked...whether the girl had heard him or not was yet to be seen, but he would make it his objective to get closer.

He grinned, watching as the elder sibling pulled his younger sister up the stairs by her wrist resentfully.

Angel had no desire to prance around the house, feeling like she was in a trance as she was pulled up the stairs. She didn't like how it felt going past the portrait of the man that must have been the last owner. She felt like she was passing through something unnaturally... dark. And eerie. And wrong.

She shivered as Aaron pulled her past it, looking over her shoulder as if trying to find some invisible thread that was making her feel this way.

"Pretty young guy" Aaron said as he stopped with his sister, "That's Daemon Vertik; he was the one who lived here before us; the one that was murdered." He smiled as his sister looked at the painting carefully as if trying to see what one the wall beneath it, "He was the leader of this town. At only nineteen, too. They say he was some kind of psycho."

"You shouldn't-" she stopped herself half way in between what she was going to say, pausing for a moment before continuing, "you shouldn't talk that way about the deceased. It's not respectful."

Aaron chuckled, "You think he deserved it? Respect?"

"I think everyone does" she murmured quietly.

Daemon sat on the railing behind Aaron, observing patiently as the arrogant man said the words that eventually would lead to his demise. He smirked as he ran his eyes over the young woman, drinking in the innocence that radiated from her form. She was so taut and tense that it was even visible through that sweater she wore.

He licked his canines - so nice of her to care about the respect given to his spirit.

Angel suddenly grabbed Aaron's hand and pulled them away from the portrait to a long string of bedroom, "Looks like mom and dad already put the name tags on the door for us." She looked at him,

"What are you going to do now that your band is so far away?"

"Join local talent if there is any" he replied, "If not, I guess I'll settle for blasting out your eardrums out."

She crunched up her face, "I like my eardrums. I've grown very fond of them over the years."

"Ah, the price that must be paid for stardom" he replied, shoving her bag into her hands, "Let's check out the rooms."

As she opened the door, an almost sour scent hit her senses causing her to scrunch her features once again. Looking in though, she practically forgot the immediate scent and found herself enthralled with the wondrous view. The large rectangle window spanned across the largest part of the far wall looking out onto the distant rural town of Trinity Cove. It was breathtaking to see the decollete town from here, crimson playing over the cityline like a simmering fire.

"Wow" she whispered, awe infiltrating her voice.

Aaron whistled, "You're telling me. This is the size of our parent's old master bedroom." He turned on his heels after a few moments, "I'm gonna check out mine, you coming?"

"I'll be there in a minute, you go ahead," she whispered, setting her stuff down by the bed. She ran her fingers through her hair as Aaron left, closing her eyes tightly as that choking feeling returned in her chest. She closed her eyes tightly.

The shadows shifted causing her eyes to snap open.

Daemon stood behind her closely, hands reaching out to trace the silhouette of beautiful fear that she was emitting so vibrantly. He watched as her shoulders tensed once again before she moved to the side of the room.

She ran her fingers over the perfectly painted blue walls before taking her hand away quickly, "Too tired... too tired" she reasoned biting her bottom lip, "See Aaron, go to bed. See Aaron, go to bed." Shaded eyes scanned the room once more before hurrying out of it, half expecting something to jump out at her to prevent escape.

The door shut quietly behind her.

Crimson eyes glowed, "Easy prey, the first to fall."

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sarasompsarasompover 2 years ago

it touched me deeply. the idea of being punished to this extreme...and then yielding to it...regardless of the reason, was so very erotic. ty wildsong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Chapters on adultfanfiction

There are "11chapters" on adultfanfiction right now but they aren't the same length as the lit ones so it actually ends up being the exact same amount as here

tati89tati89almost 9 years ago
Will this go further than adultfanfiction?

I admit, I was curious and looked at adult fanfiction for this story. There's more chapters on adult fanfiction, so I think I'll skip the next few chapters...Please please consider writing more chapters...I want to know what will happen to Angel. My heart breaks for her. :(

WildSongWildSongalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Note from the Author

Just to answer on a comment made, I am the original author of Eclipse of the Moon. No plagiarism here, I promise! Was just looking to expand a little ;-)

You can see in my bio on that I also tell people that my story can be found here on Literotica ^.^

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This is literally a copy of a story from the same name off of adult

I seriously hope this isn't plagiarism.

I remember this story from years ago. And checking just now, it hasn't been updated in over a year.

If this is the original author I am so pleased to see you continue, if it's not. Shame on you; you lying POS.

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