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"Oh God. That was so feckin' good!"

"Mmm. Not finished yet," I murmured.

"What?" she said confusedly. "No... wait..."

Her protest was ignored, as I moved quickly between her legs and positioned my head over her vulva, enjoying my first close up view. It was surprisingly beautiful, a little, neatly-trimmed upside down triangle of blond hair pointing towards her centre, the whole thing neat and tidy despite her inner and outer lips being swollen and deep pink in colour, revealing the little star of her opening still contracting now and then with aftershocks. I drew her scent deeply into my lungs through my nostrils, loving the strong but surprisingly subtle aroma of her arousal, and began to kiss the insides of her thighs, moving slowly but steadily in to her centre.

By the time I licked her outer labia and then gently sucked in one of her inner lips to lick at it within my mouth, she was panting and moaning again, her hips thrusting up at my face and trying to force contact between her clitoris and any part of my face. The thrusts became more and more demanding, so I slipped my arms beneath her thighs, wrapped them around and held them down tightly with both hands, simply to try and protect my nose. In revenge, I sucked in the other inner lip and suckled and lipped and tongued at that, before finally releasing it and licking her with a flat tongue from the very base of her vulva to the very top of her clitoral hood. She moaned her approval, so I did it again.

And again.

And again.

Her breath degenerated into short, sharp pants with long pauses while she simply held her breath -- unable to even breathe -- as her levels of pleasure ramped up higher and higher. I silently gave thanks to the two senior girls at the university who had separately -- and on one memorable occasion, jointly - lovingly and patiently taught me everything I know about cunnilingus, happily spending their time, energy and orgasms to further my dedicated pursuit of knowledge.

And, if Raven's reactions were anything to go by, I was going to graduate with a first in communal licking.

Her thighs fought the hands holding them in place as her next orgasm hit, and I felt and tasted her pussy spasm and expel a little wave of juice which I happily lapped up before returning to my self-appointed task.

The taste of her was as subtle and delicious as her scent, stimulating every taste region of my tongue -- sweet and salty, tangy and smooth all at once. I loved the taste of her, and realized immediately that I was now and forevermore addicted to that flavour.

I returned to my task with renewed zeal; licking, lapping, and laving at her lips; driving my tongue deep into her vagina and then curling the tip up as far as possible, searching diligently for her g-spot; sucking her clitoris into my mouth and then tipping my tongue over it in random patterns.

She exploded into a series of nose-twitching orgasms which seemed to grow more intense as they continued. Several times I had tears in my eyes from the pain in my scalp from her claws tugging on my hair to try and get me to stop, go faster, pause and press deeper all at once -- all of which I ignored until I had taken my fill.

When I rose and sank down on to my elbows above her, sliding my cock back into the deep dark velvet-lined passage, she cried and sobbed.

"I can't anymore! Please, you're going to kill me!" she wept, as her arms circled my chest and held me so tightly I had trouble breathing.

"I'm worn out! I just can't take it! You have to stop!" she wailed, as she crossed her ankles behind my back and used her heels to press down rhythmically on my butt to urge the pace.

Then she cupped my face between her hands and kissed me so tenderly that my level of urgency peaked and threw me over the edge of the cliff into the abyss of ecstasy. She joined me as I fell, and the two of us shook and shuddered as I pumped streams of cum into her over and over again. I never thought to ask if she was safe -- it simply never occurred to me. I never did ask.

We murmured little words of pleasure and contentment into each other's mouths, kissing and cuddling for what to me felt like hours of happiness, before my cock eventually slipped out of her to a little moue of discontent from her.

"I liked him inside of me."

"He had to go home for a nap," I whispered as I moved over and lay next to her. "But he can go out and play again after. It depends whether his friends call round for him."

"Oh they'll be round. He has a new best friend, and jeez that was good. It was brilliant! I didn't know it could get that good."

"On behalf of us smaller guys, I thank you."

She pulled away to look at me carefully. Then the penny dropped and she blushed. "I didn't mean you were small when I said that, I just meant... Ah fuck it!"

She sat up and looked around for her clothes, carefully putting her back to me. Then I noticed her shoulders shaking. I put my arm around her and drew her back down next to me.

"Hey, I wasn't very offended," I said.

She had tears on her cheeks. "I do it every time. I say or do something stupid and just fuck things up! I don't mean to, I just can't help it."

"Hey, if you were honest, how can I complain? Isn't honesty what we all want?"

"My dad used to tell me that we should always call a spade a spade, but that it wasn't really necessary to call it a feckin' gobshite shovel!"

I sniggered. It was funny.

"Well, you haven't ruined anything. It was a little ... perplexing to be told that you'd had bigger at that moment, but it certainly didn't fuck anything up."

She hugged me so hard I felt my ribs creak. Then she giggled. "You fucked me up, Michael," she whispered. "You fucked me up so hard, or should that be you fucked up me so hard, I saw stars. Hell, I saw a whole galaxy!"

"Welcome to my universe!" I stated, trying awkwardly to take a bow while lying next to her, which made her giggle again. Raven giggling -- the sweetest sound. "Welcome to my universe!"


Raven stayed the night and we made love over and over again, she enterprisingly finding new places for us to get together and fuck, from the dusty attic -- which made us both sneeze -- right down to the garage, which was cold and smelled of engine oil.

I kept expecting at any time for her to say that she had to go, that she had things to do, important people to see, great new songs to sing, mountains of money to make. But after two weeks, she was still firmly ensconced in my life and my house, cooking in her enthusiastic rather than expert way, and encouraging me to research and write my thesis for my doctorate with promises of sex if I showed her I had reached a set target. Funnily enough, I kept making the targets harder and harder, but with the promise of being naked in her arms as reward, kept reaching them well within the set time. She had no clue what I was writing -- she was very intelligent but understanding the mathematics of engineering at doctorate level is not something that happens after a conversation of two. But it made no difference. I set the targets and she trusted me not to cheat. So I didn't. In those two weeks, I finished what could easily have taken six months without her reward system.

It was only when a piece in a newspaper about the aftermath at the concert caught my eye, that I realized belatedly what a huge story she must be in the media -- even if they didn't have all the details of the attempted rape -- and that she must be using my place to hide out from the paparazzi. My heart sank. I knew that she liked me, but it made more sense that she needed me for shelter than for romance. She could have her pick of anyone. I mean, I had told her -- in a clumsy, roundabout way -- that I wanted to date her, but we had hardly left the house in the past fortnight, apart from her trips to the supermarket with her golden hair concealed under a knitted hat and most of her face hidden behind a thick scarf. It made sense, and once again I braced myself for her eventual departure.

During that time, the court case came and went, with us both having to testify and the fuckheads going down for two to four years for attempted rape, although found not guilty of attempted kidnap. After they were sentenced and the crown prosecutor had thanked us and said we were free to go, I drew a full-face helmet and leather jacket from my duffel bag, and handed them to a surprised Raven. Dressed so anonymously, we gave the paparazzi the slip, a friend's motorcycle easily able to navigate the narrow alleys of the city where they couldn't follow. Surprisingly, they never cottoned on at that time that the guy in the helmet whisking her away from their cameras was her fellow witness. I guess they also never imagined she would be living with a nobody.

A further two weeks were spent in heavy discussions with my thesis mentor, during which time I was also interviewed by several academics and faced some intense questioning on my thesis, which was then vetted in an astonishingly short time before it went for review and publication.

I had finished my doctorate in just six months!

We celebrated in a little out-of-the-way pub, and my beautiful girlfriend, for that was how I allowed myself to feel about us by now, rewarded me with a little mutual masturbation session in the dark parking lot, before driving me home and giving me what was simply the best blow-job I had ever had. The sight of her beautiful eyes peering up over my stomach as she took my cock all the way into her throat is a vision etched into my memory. Then I could no longer watch her, or even keep my eyes open as I came harder than I ever had before, every drop of which she happily swallowed before nursing my cock with her mouth and tongue as I came down from my supreme high. In turn, I made sure that when I licked and sucked at her lower lips and suckled on her clitoris while playing a very gentle form of whack-a-mole on her g-spot with two fingers deep inside her, I kept my eyes locked on her as well. She seemed to like that as much as I did, and rewarded me with several of those unutterably cute nose twitches that made my heart sing with love, while she was trying to crush my skull like an egg between her thighs. A girl of extremes is my Raven.

Raven disappeared the next day without a word, and I moped around the house for hours, knowing that our time had finally come to an end. So, when she reappeared with shopping bags, rushed upstairs and then reappeared after an hour; fully made-up, groomed to the nth degree and modelling a dress she had bought just for my graduation ceremony, I realized I finally had to take my feelings in hand and stop trying to foresee doom for us or I would be making it happen. I would become the cause of my own downfall.

The only photographer at the award ceremony had no clue that the exquisitely beautiful, but conservatively dressed girl on the arm of the goofy-looking, freshly-proclaimed PhD nerd was the wild and crazy, almost raped rock goddess that the print press was still screaming about. The full story of our little contretemps had finally hit the headlines.

Let's back up a little here.

When you work on your doctorate, you are assigned a mentor who assists in developing the subject of and acquiring the research for the thesis. But they do a lot more than that. They basically become your best buddy, looking out for you in oh-so-many ways. Mine, a charming Dutch Professor named Karien Visser, was a tiny, petite woman in her forties -- energetic, enthusiastic and more than a little attractive, with a massively built husband who had worked oil fields for thirty years before Karien had met him at a symposium and strong-armed him into marrying her. So she was off-limits, although before I fell in love with Raven, I had harboured many several masturbatory fantasies about her. What wasn't off-limits was her drive to help me succeed not only in my doctorate, but also in my post-doctoral life.

She had encouraged me to pinpoint my creative juices, and had showed supreme satisfaction and delight when I managed to successfully take out a handful of patents on new systems and devices I had designed. Then she went further and arranged interviews for me with the top three international oil companies, which seemed to go well, although at the time I received my doctorate I hadn't heard anything from them.

However, I did hear from her the day after the ceremony. It was late morning and Raven and I were still cuddled up in bed, still recovering from the massive sex session of the previous evening, where kissing and licking and swallowing each other had been simply the prelude to a marathon session of love-making that had lasted most of the night.

"Good morning, my schat, my darling!" she began. "How is my favoriete doktor this morning? Still celebrating? Perhaps with that mooi ding who wouldn't let go of your arm yesterday?"

"That pretty thing did help me celebrate," I confessed. Professor Visser had decided early on that improving my love life was all part of her mentoring duties, and had introduced me to several young ladies whom I had liked, and enjoyed a few dates with, but nothing more.

"Dat is goed." I could hear the smile in her voice. She was like the best big sister any man could ask for. Plus, since meeting her, my Dutch -- previously non-existent -- was improving in leaps and bounds, and I could now converse with Dutch and Belgian engineers fluently, and even German ones on a more basic level. It was part of her plan for me, I think -- to make me a better employment prospect.

"Thank you for your kind words about me at the ceremony," she said. Despite dropping Dutch words in now and again, she was fully conversant in English, although I had seen her play the 'me-no-speak-good-Engels' card on occasion.

"Absolutely no more than was due," I stated.

"You gave me 110% of the credit. That is not only untrue; it is not good wiskunde -- mathematics."

"Without your help I would still be wondering what to research," I came back.

"Without my help you would have done just as well," she said. "After all, you managed to charm a certain rather well-known young lady without any help from me."

"Er..." I wondered where this was going.

"A certain nightingale?" she prompted.

Ah, so she knew. Karien was all about networking. She networked with everyone, high and low, and as such had informers everywhere -- a setup that would make MI5 jealous.

"You also have recently licensed two of your patents to two of the top four pump manufacturers, admittedly with my help on those. Although all I really did was point out how they would improve costs."

As I stood there, naked in my bedroom, hanging on to the phone -- everything seemed so surreal as she told me the terms of the licensing agreement that would keep me in funds very handily until I could find a job. But then it turned out there was also an offer of a senior position from all three of the companies I had interviewed for. I just had to choose. All this and the most beautiful, sweet, loving woman in the whole world lying naked in my bed just a few feet away. Nothing made sense any more. It was too much good fortune at one time.

"Coming back to your lady-friend," Karien brought me back down to earth. "She seems to be very popular with our friends in the press."

"Yes," I admitted reluctantly.

"I'm guessing you are hoping you won't have to face them, despite your secret love nest becoming known after she was recognised by the photographer at your award ceremony. I know I wouldn't want to have three reporters and a tv news van parked outside my house right at this very moment, waiting for me to even twitch my curtains."

I halted my automatic movement towards the window.

"That was my hope," I muttered. I knew it had been too good to be true. I had thought about this happening and knew I didn't want Raven to have to face the vultures. Hell, I didn't want to face them either, and I had a whole lot less to lose by becoming involved in a nasty sex situation where people would speculate whether it had been attempted rape, or something nasty she had arranged for her pleasure. I knew how the news worked. Salacious sold.

"A holiday might be nice," Karien continued. "Some time out to celebrate your doctorate would be logical and understandable. And somewhere exotic and far away like Hong Kong would be a wonderful place to further a new romance. And if a young couple were to arrive at Heathrow airport and check with desk six, they might find two tickets and a hotel booking for them for a three week getaway, before a young doctor had to report for work in London at his new job, if that Doctor would let his mentor do her job and choose the best offer for him."

"Karien..." I was almost speechless at her thoughtful kindness.

"I know. You love me. That's understandable -- I'm so loveable. But I think your special friend is going to need all that love in the next few weeks until the next star takes an overdose, or singer punches out a bathroom attendant, or politician fucks somebody they shouldn't. The wheel always turns. The trick is not to get crushed beneath it."

"How are you so incredible?"

"All my own work!" She said cheerfully. "Don't forget your passports. Love you madly, bye!"

I looked at Raven as the call finished. "I've just been given a holiday. Please, let's go on holiday together."

"Blackpool, Brighton? I love the seaside."

"I think it has a seaside," I murmured, wondering where I'd left my passport.


A week later we were relaxing in the Hong Kong Ritz-Carlton, toasting Karien's generosity. We had toured the city perched on the top deck of the Star Ferry, and once eaten at the restaurant at the very top of the Ritz and looked out over all of Hong Kong before deciding that it was too expensive and taken to street food instead. We had visited the night market, with Raven more like a child in a sweetshop that a sophisticated rock star -- almost running from stall to stall, trying to see everything at once -- and seemingly buy it. And when we got to the Mong Kok Ladies Market, she was completely in her element, although looking around guiltily every time she bought one of the myriad of knock-off items on offer.

We visited the Yau Ma Tei theatre and watched and listened uncomprehending to the Chinese opera, despite the subtitles. We dabbled at the race track, where I lost a fistful of cash, before Raven scooped up good odds on the winner of the last race -- which amounted to just a few dollars, but left her completely happy and proclaiming that all Irish people had a spiritual link to racehorses. One evening, at Raven's insistence, we went to This Town Needs, but left as soon as the mosh pit got rowdy -- at my insistence.

And in between, we made love, over and over, discovering fresh pleasures within each other every time -- from the little places behind her knees which made her shiver when kissed, to the twin spots just south of my armpits which were astonishingly sensitive, and the invisible region across the back of her shoulders, which when bitten gently made her spasm and shriek with pleasure.

One day, we hiked up the Dragon's Back and sat at the grassy peak in the sunshine, looking over the bay. Raven snuggled in close to me, clinging onto my arm around her with both hands. It was peaceful and lovely, with just the wind and the distant whoops of the paragliders to break the silence.

"I love you." I heard myself say it without realizing I was going to do so. It just popped out. My heart sank. This was going to ruin everything.

She hugged my arm closer. "I love you too."

I stared at her. Raven Quinn loved me? The apocalypse was not going to take place?

She looked at me. "Of course I love you."
