Egg Ch. 07

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Jacob's adventure continues with the alien.
7.9k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 12/03/2023
Created 08/08/2022
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Chapter 7

Jacob sat on the sofa, unsure of what was going on. Covered in sweat, tears, and bodily fluids, he sat back on the couch trying to catch his breath. Two naked women laid near him. Aurora with her curvaceous butt lay on the ottoman in front of the couch. From where he sat, he could see the glistening of moisture on her skin as well as red swollen vulva.

The other woman, a female cop named Meredith, had been sucked into the night's events by Aurora. The cop laid on the floor after collapsing a few moments ago. Jacob found her screaming orgasms entertaining and they made him feel powerful. Aurora had passed out about an hour ago.

The scene looked serene now to him as he sighed in contentment. His cock felt warm and even as it dropped in exhausted flaccidity. He could even feel the post-coital drippage sliding out of his cock. If the tendrils of sleep didn't tug at him, worry of the mess created by the coupling would surely be there instead. In fact, Jacob's drowsiness quickly dissipated as two realizations hit him.

Meredith would change soon. There would be no doubt about that. A change brought on by him and whatever afflicted him for the Goddess. Soon the cop would cocoon and emerge as a devoted daughter of lust. But in the meantime, she would need a place to do such a thing and his house wouldn't be it.

The second realization concerned Aurora. This night happened to be the first that Jacob outlasted the sexual being. That reflection brought a smile to his face.

Getting up slowly, Jacob walked over to the woman. Kneeling down, he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a push.


The name and push repeated a few times before Mereidith stirred.

"What?" she asked groggily, turning over.

"It's time for you to go," he replied.

The woman looked at him, eyelids drooping down.


That's all she said, before getting up slowly. Jacob moved away and surveyed the room. The cop's clothes were everywhere, but the woman made no effort to get them as she stood up. Instead, he heard the jingle of keys and watched as she wobbled naked out the front door. In seconds, the sound of a car starting and driving away filled the air.

"She left rather quickly," he said.

"I know," Aurora groaned, signifying her waking awareness. She rolled on the ottoman. Studying her for a moment, he watched in morbid fascination as her bone structure and mass shifted immensely. Now at this moment, she wore a lithe body with massive breasts.

"Why do you shift your form like that?"

"I like to experiment," she said with a stretch and yawn. Her frame changed again but this time to one he had been accustomed to seeing. The curvy MILF form that she loved to sport. He didn't understand why, but then, he never really took the opportunity before to ask her why she preferred the form.

Hands began roaming across her breasts. She cooed a bit and licked her lips. He got the drift of her message.

"I'm a little, worshiped out," he said to Aurora with an emphasis on the out. It wasn't as if he wouldn't want more. Even if he didn't Aurora had gotten especially well-versed in persuading him.

"Fine, but it bothers me how stressed you are already."

"Look at this," he said with a wave of his arm.

"At what? A few clothes and wet spots that are easily dealt with?"

Now that he looked at the mess it looked much smaller than before.

"Still, you don't know how my dad will react to anything," he said while a wave of fear washed over him. Her eyes went red. "He may even hate what I did here."

"Your father doesn't scare me at all."

"No," he said with a laugh. "I'd imagine not."

He moved through the living room picking up discarded clothes. Meredith's were the weirdest for him being that the police uniform's fabric felt stiff in his hands. The body armor, heavy with alien weight, strained his arms as he moved it to hide it in a closet. After picking it up, he surveyed the wet spots and his eyes wandered over to Aurora once again.

"You can have me again if you want?" she said sitting up. Brushing her hair aside, her pink eyes boring into him.

"You're insatiable," he told her, but within seconds, his cock sprang up.

"Don't project your own lusts onto me," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I can take care of myself if needed right now."

Jacob saw the challenge in her eyes. The daring of him to walk away.

"You slut," he said with a growl.

"Take me," she giggled.

Within seconds, her legs were wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her. He would grunt, she gasped into his ear. Jacob felt a surge of power within himself as he thrust into her. As if the depths of her couldn't be reached.

Aurora for her part, didn't seem keen on holding back herself. Yells and gratuitous moans filled the air. So did the sopping sounds of pussy being pounded.

It didn't take long for Aurora to erupt into an orgasm. Heralded by her sudden stiffening and nails digging into his back. He yelped, not registering the spray of fluid hosing him. She didn't let off as he thrust away, trying himself to reach the end.

He came. And thankfully too. With a grunt, he replenished the fluids she lost. And he knew that his spurting flood of cum into her would. Nothing about bodily fluids escaped her, especially cum. Something she made known to him during their first encounters. Exhausted, he relaxed on top of her, breathing heavily while she cooed.

"I could never imagine how humans got this lucky," she said. Long breaths could be heard going in as Jacob laid his head on her breast.

"I think I love you," he said with a content sigh.

"Master," Aurora spoke with a tender voice. "I am honored by such a declaration. Know that none will ever have a place in my heart as you."

"Will you sleep with other men?"

"The will of the Goddess imposes many things, but as I know with you humans, it is in direct issue with the idea of a relationship. Plus you do own me in many ways."

Jacob thought for a moment.

"I guess it would be hard to impose anything on you with a cock that needs to be dipped in everything to worship the goddess properly."

"Precisely," she said with a sudden exhale of air. "And anyways, I could never really wander away from you. If anything, we can think of ourselves in an open relationship."

"That is new, but what if I find someone I like?"

"Concubines are fine with me as long as we share them."

"You mean men?"

She let out a laugh.

"You don't think some group sex like we had tonight would be out of the norm?"

Jacob never even considered the possibility of a double-dipping scenario. While two clams in the sea were fine to one eager sausage. Having two sausages competing for one clam struck him as a strange idea. But with the whims of lusts, Aurora would obey the Goddess's commands and so would he.

"Can we keep it rare though?" he asked.

Aurora laughed.

"We are but covetous vessels after all," she said through the deep breaths.

"Your heart beat is calming," Jacob finally said after a minute of silence. Listening to it beat lulled him into sleep and soon he found himself back in the darkness of his dreams.

Jacob had grown accustomed to dreaming about the throne. A chair centered atop a set of stone work with intricate designs carved into the surface. It honestly looked like a step pyramid with stairs leading up to the chair. The floor of the place also felt rough on the bare bottoms of his feet. Only in the circle of light around the entire thing could he see that the floor's surface was black stone.

The throne area is where he first met Aurora weeks ago in his dream. After her larval state attached to his cock. Here she had proposed the sexual arrangements with him to give herself a physical form. A form tied to his own now.

Jacob, as every night he dreamt now, avoided the throne. Aurora never seemed to be present in this dream world now or at least in the light. So for the past few nights, he ventured away from the throne and into the darkness.

Now, the first time Jacob did this unprescribed adventure, the argument of how dangerous any deviation from the light raged on inside him. Eventually he decided to step away and thus far he knew that if he went right, eventually the stone turned to dirt. Left yielded water. Behind the structure of the throne and it seemed as if the stone kept going. Tonight, he would journey by immediately turning around and walking.

Into the darkness, which quickly light from the throne didn't carry on far. He got the distinct impression this structure represented some sort of haven in this outlying dark lands. If there existed one though, why couldn't there be another.

Forging on, Jacob walked and walked. Nothing permeated the darkness. Not even the changing of what he walked on. Logically if the stonework didn't end, then a road must be underfoot. Under that impression he walked until he walked into something hard.

The object he ran into smacked him hard in the face. Reaching out, he felt a stone wall and he moved down its length, fingers finding the seams of mortar holding the bricks together. As he did, he eventually found a corner and turned it. As soon as he had, a chant began.

The language sounded alien. Ignoring its insistent words, he moved along the wall until another corner. He rounded it. When he did, the chanting ceased. The silence and darkness re-permeated the air once again. The only thing that broke the spell beside his breath, and a little red light sat insignificantly a few feet away. Sensing no danger, Jacob moved away from the safety of the wall and to the light.

As Jacob got closer, a cold shiver ran up his spine. Power permeated the air. As he moved up to the light, he felt a push back against him. Ignoring it, he moved up quickly to snatch the gem.


The suddenness of it brought him to his knees.

"Who are you," a voice deep as the darkness spoke.

Jacob struggled under the power of the thing.

"I ask the same," Jacob said, struggling to say the words through clenched teeth.

"I am Kloth," it said. "A ruler in this realm."

"This is a dream," Jacob said. He felt himself growing numb to the pain a bit.

"A mortal then," it said with a hiss. "To whom do you serve?"

"There is no name," he said, clenching his teeth. His voice came out like a hiss. "Just a feeling."


Jacob took a moment to look at the gem. Red and hard like stone itself, but a power within.

"I have no recollection of which of us ancients have been awoken," the deep voice spoke. "But you have awoken a second now."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that I will have to find a champion for myself to use now."

"And what will they champion?"

"They will champion me, the bringer of sorrowful desires."

"What does that even mean?" he asked with a laugh.

"You dare laugh at me mortal?"

Another searing of pain went through him. With that, Jacob awoke with a startle. Absolutely fearful of the dream now that he had escaped back to reality. Here, he also awoke somewhere else. In his bed, Jacob ripped the blankets back.

"What's going on?"

Aurora sat up as Jacob scrambled out of the bed.

"It's a real place isn't it?"

"What is?" Aurora said with a stretch.

"The place I first met you, in my dreams."

Aurora looked at him, her eyes yellow. A color he hadn't seen before.

"Why do you ask now?"

"Ever since that night, I dream about it."

She was silent as her eyes shifted to blue.

"You still dream of that place?"

"Yeah," he said, walking over and sitting in his office chair. "Who is Kloth?"

Aurora's eyes shifted to yellow again.

"You can actually interact there?"

"Yeah," he replied. "And why is the throne the only place with light?"

Eyes deepened even more into yellow.

"No entity in that place has a name," she said. "You gave me mine."

Jacob was about to respond when her eyes flared into red.

"You walked around?" she said angrily with a snarl.

"When I asked about it you said nothing to worry about."

"I didn't think you could freely walk around in it," she said. Her eyes faded from red to blue suddenly. "No matter where that is, something has to have a physical form to come here. You gave me that and you need to understand how dangerous other beings from there can be."

"You didn't warn me and now another named one is awakened?"

"One with a name, you gave me mine."

She shifted in the bed, the sheets rustling with the movement. Swearing to himself that he could feel her heat from here and he locked eyes with her. They were pink now and she licked her lips.

"We don't have time to have sex," he replied.

"I don't think you get it. Worship isn't an option."

"I get it, but I worry about my dad, who may not react well to anything going on."

"You worry too much," she said with a stretch, her form changing to match a woman closer to his age. His dad would have an issue with how milfy she would look. Now her exaggerated curves were gone. She took on a petite look and looked a bit smaller than him.

"With everything shrunk, how is an emissary for our goddess?"

Aurora stood up, her petite body barely sinking into the bed. He saw that her ginormous breasts were now close to a b-cup. That would be the extent that he got to see as she jumped down from the bed and sauntered over to him.

Aurora hated body hair. Something he noticed every time seeing her naked. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if she would grow hair out or not. He had no basis on really if she did like hair or not. She just never did. Suddenly she was in his lap, eyes completely pink now.

"It's time for the morning sermon and we haven't done it before in your office chair."

Aurora looked predatory, locking eyes with him. Her tongue licked across the lips.

"Praise the goddess for this meal," she said hotly into his ear. No need to even work him up. Hard already and a shift from her, the length slid into her tight depths. "I always like taking you to the hilt."

"Yeah, but what if my dad comes home?"

"And hears the screams of his son railing a girl into submission?" she said.

"Wouldn't it be you riding me into submission?"

"Oh Jacob," she moaned. "I don't plan on riding you right now, you need more practice."


"Yeah," she started and then began a passionate kiss, entwining her warm and soft tongue with his as it swirled around. By the time they broke, Jacob became aware of how much he now needed some friction between their sexes. By now, her desires ran abundantly.

"I see what you did," he said.

"Do you?"

A mischievous challenge in her words and the slight grin on her face.

"All you have to do is take it."

"Can't take something that's freely given."

"But you can fuck it."

"Fuck it?"


The conviction in his mending soul came out. Punctuated by a surge of strength. He lifted his petite eldritch creature slut up. Turned her a bit, threw a leg over his shoulder and proceeded to ram home with all his might. What astounded him in the moment is how easily he was holding her up.

"Jacob, harder," she cried out, further astounding him was her pushback of meeting his thrusts. Something about it seemed like he got deeper into her lithe body than ever before.

"Can you feel me in your throat?"

"Almost," she groaned out, nails digging into his shoulder as she twisted a bit. "To get that I need more leverage."

Aurora lived up to the statement. Meeting his thrust even harder now and he swore he slid even deeper in. No matter, soon they both fell to the floor, each of them sputtering out their respective orgasmic fluids.

"How are we gonna clean this up," he said with heavy breaths as sweat stung his eyes.

"You worry too much," Aurora sighed.

"Probably smells like sex."

"And what will that matter?"

"My father may not react well."

"To his son getting laid?"

Jacob shifted and stood up.

"Especially being that he has called me impotent on more than a few occasions."

"Love is love," she said with another stretch. "Doesn't matter with who or how. Seems to me your species would struggle in general finding ones to love with as many hang ups present."

"I'm pretty open."

"You aren't who I refer to," she replied pointing at him. "All of the women so far who have joined our conclave of sex fiends have all been difficult to convince. All of them had hang ups about the process and after. However, by now, the teacher will emerge soon, the cop will also be cocooning shortly and lastly, our lovely office assistant is currently enjoying herself immensely."

"You can tell?"

"There's a telepathic link."

A moment of silence as Jacob digested the information. Something was meant by her statement. Possibly a warning of sorts. Then again, Aurora may have wanted him to know these things. He wouldn't ask for clarification.

"I need a shower."

Jacob then left Aurora in the room, naked on the floor. Though to him, she seemed to be sunning her lithe body. He tried not to think about it as he showered. Any twitch of his cock would no doubt summon forth Aurora. That thought made him smile as he soaped up.

"How can I be so dedicated to self-control now?" he asked himself out loud. Though he did know. Everything had changed for him. There wasn't a persistent hunger anymore.

"When did I eat last?"

Getting out of the shower, he couldn't actually recall his last meal. His stomach didn't growl to agree on it and he wondered briefly why. As he dried off, Aurora came into the bathroom, still naked.


"And drinking."

He watched as she turned the sink on and leaned in to drink from the faucet with her human form's mouth. Thinking that the sloppy way she drank from the sink's faucet was weird, he wanted to comment that latching a tentacle's mouth onto it would work much better.

Holding a hand up, he was about to suggest it, but one look of her fat pussy lips from behind stopped him. Instantly hard and unable to now look away, he did the one thing that he could.

Aurora coughed heavily as he slid himself into her. Leaving her no chance, Jacob moved himself in and out of her without restraint. Eventually, he grabbed her hair and yanked her head up, careful that he didn't hurt her.

Her coughs tightened her pussy around his cock. Not that he cared, but he went at it even as she pushed her back against his chest.

"Fuck," Aurora yelled. She tensed and then began shaking as if she was having a seizure. Jacob felt a bit disappointed that Aurora didn't hold off her orgasm longer. Mostly because the flood of juices would over lubricate things. Jacob didn't want to spend a lot of time with sex at the moment. That is until their thrusts misaligned and he slid out of her pussy. On the next thrust, the tunnel he slid into wasn't her pussy anymore.

"Goddess damn it all."

"I'm sorry," Jacob said, panicking at the thought of hurting her. Grasping her cheeks, he spread them to try and ease pulling out of her. Much to his surprise, she pushed back hard and it caused him to lose his footing. Falling back, his back stopped against the wall. Aurora followed him the entire way. Still holding her cheeks apart, she shoved her petite self back, impaling his girthy cock deep into her.

"Finally taking what you want," Aurora sighed at him. A hand reached up and pulled his head into her shoulder. Instinctively he bit into her neck, which caused her to shove back even more. "Stop holding back Jacob."

He looked forward, eyes locking with her solid pink ones in the mirror. Letting go of her neck, he licked his lips.

"Yes," she hissed, multiple increasingly long and moist tongues emerging from her roomy mouth in a swirling vortex of tentacled horror. In that moment, he remembered how alien the woman could be. With a smile, he reached down.