Either Or

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Belly, balls, boobs, revenge, and over 240L of cum!
42.9k words
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Either Or

by sexhammer40k

After cruelly injuring her assigned partner for a school project, Amy learns the hard way that revenge is a dish best served with a side of hot, steamy sex.

Cursed to grow a dick over a foot long and given an inflatable body, Amy is first put through the wringer by the vengeful Mandy and then left to stew in her own juices. And oh boy are there a lot of juices! There's also a lot of soap, suds, humiliation, mental gymnastics, mindfucks, and reluctant rape. (I mean, after all, how else is Amy supposed to set up the perfect world where she and her best friend can just be happy together?)

* * * * *

Hi. My name is Amy. Amy Dirschl.

This is the story of how my life got flipped, turned upside-

Wait, shit. That's the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. (I've been watching reruns. Fuck off.)

I've actually been watching lots of reruns, lately. At least, between my mind-blowing masturbation sessions and.... Well, I'm getting ahead of myself, now aren't I?

Let me just start at the beginning and go from there.

* * *

How the hell I got partnered with the little dweeb, I don't know. Assigned partners suck. Jean, one of my friends, got into a fight with her partner because he kept being a perv in the hallway after class. She kicked him in the nuts and told him she'd rather fail than be his partner. The teacher came out and gave them both a detention (since she didn't see what had happened) and, Jean told me later, promised to assign both of them a different partner.

Perfect, I thought. All I have to do is get into a fight with I'm-trying-to-bring-goth-back Mandy, and we'll be able to swap partners for sure! A day or two of detention would be totally worth it.

So when Mandy met up with me on the way to the buses, I was just itching for an excuse.

To be perfectly honest, I don't even remember what she said initially. But it was something about who would do what, and I bitched about wanting to do the other thing. Mandy agreed to switch without putting up a fight. So I lied and said I wasn't good at computers (I'm no genius, but I can make a slideshow. Seriously, who can't?) so she'd have to type it up after I got all the information. That got a reaction, as now Mandy was annoyed at why I had wanted to do that part in the first place.

So I said some shit, and pretty soon we were screaming at eachother on the school steps. I knew it had to get physical before a teacher would do anything, so when Mandy called me a cunt, I kicked her in hers.

To be perfectly honest, I forgot the shoes I was wearing had a kinda pointy tip. They weren't heels or anything, just flat bottoms. But they were supposed to look like heels, while still being practical enough to wear around school. Therefore: hard plastic pointy tip.

Mandy went down clutching her groin and within maybe 10 minutes I was in the principle's office and Mandy was on the way to the hospital. I got a two month suspension and was told that if I ever did something like that again I could be expelled. The only reason I wasn't being expelled right now was because I had no history of serious violence and claimed that I meant to kicker her, sure, but didn't mean to send her to the hospital. The principal was still mighty pissed, and so were my parents.

I didn't really care, though, because I already had good enough grades to graduate, even if it would be with Ds or Es in a few classes. But I could technically get my diploma if I never went to school again, so long as I didn't get in trouble for truancy. So... honestly being suspended wasn't that bad. I could just blow off the homework I was assigned and still be mostly fine. I'd probably have to do some of it, if only so that it looked like I was doing something to my parents.

* * *

I was at home, maybe three weeks later, actually doing a token amount of homework, when I heard someone knock at the door.

To be perfectly honest, being grounded was the worst part of this situation. My parents had taken my car keys away and if I called a ride, I'd be in hot shit when they saw the purchase in my history. I'd tried it anyway a couple of times, and they'd actually gone so far as to take my cell and the modem with them when they went to work and told me if I kept it up, they'd take the cable box, too.

I paid cash for the bus a few times, but that sucked, so I usually just stayed home and dicked around online. I poked at social media, I watched dumb videos, I even looked at porn. But at this point, I was bored with everything. I browsed fashion websites, tried stupid DIY makeup tricks and "life hacks", and scrolled through endless pages of clothes and jewelry sales looking for anything that would pique my interest.

With any luck, the person who had just knocked at the door was the delivery guy dropping off the new black top I had ordered. I was bored of doing algebra right now anyway, and trying on one of the outfits that was on the way would be fun, hopefully.

I made my way downstairs and opened the door. There was no one there, but there was a manila envelope propped up against the side of the door. My enthusiasm stirring, I picked it up to see who it was addressed to. I'd be in hot shit if I opened my parents' package, after all. However, the package was completely blank save for one bar code. There was a place where there might have used to have been a label, but it looked like it had been ripped off.

I took a picture of both sides of the package to prove that I hadn't taken the labels off after opening it or anything, and then felt it up. It was padded with bubble wrap and there was some paper inside. But there was also some sort of jewelry. From the feel of it, it was a large heart-shape, maybe as long as my thumb, with something pointing straight down from the tip of it. There were a few other bits in there too: three rings, and what seemed to be a pearl necklace. Feeling the heart-thing again, it almost felt like it was dick shaped.

"What the fuck?" I said aloud. There was no way this belonged to my parents. Maybe Jean had found something perverted online and was pranking me with it? That would explain the missing label.

I tore it open and dumped the contents out on the kitchen table.

Sure enough, a thumb-sized golden dick made a heavy clack as it hit the table. The rings and stuff clattered around it, and a piece of folded up parchment landed on top.

And when I say parchment, I mean parchment. It was way thicker than normal printer paper, even glossy photo paper. It was folded inwards in thirds on all four sides, making the parchment one ninth of it's previous size and giving it a pocket inside of itself. If I had been thinking, I might have avoided the trap, but I was so curious that I unfolded the parchment without a thought to caution.

The inside of the parchment was completely covered in crazy looking symbols, circles within circles, and triangles within triangles, but also several charts and graphs. It looked like it was supposed to be some ancient mystic thing, but there were also some clearly modern graphs, with completely legible labels on the axis and equations next to them. My brain still fresh from my algebra homework, I recognized some of these equations as quadratic and cubic inequalities. There was some trig shit thrown in too, with some waves and circles denoted with sin(x) and cos(x) and shit like that.

Completely forgetting about the jewelry, I wanted to put this up as a poster in my room. It looked sick in a magi-punk sort of way. Unfolded, it would certainly be big enough to make a poster. The only problem was that the last flap was stuck. I tried to unfold it, but it seemed stuck to itself around the inner fold, as if all of the other pages folded on top of it had caused it to stick to itself.

I tried pulling from the top of the flap, but it was stuck tight. I gently put my fingers inside the outer gap of the paper, and worked them towards the center. Looking inside the part I could see, there was plenty more crazy symbols and funky graphs hidden under the fold. In fact, on the bottom sheet, I could see diagrams of the human body in that old style where they're naked inside a circle and there are two views of their arms and legs at different angles superimposed over eachother. Leonardo DaVinchi, maybe? The diagrams looked weirdly proportioned since they were on the inside of the bottom fold and therefore upside down. But I thought nothing of it and kept right on trying to peel the parchment apart.

I finally had my hand right up next to the inner seal. I braced the paper on the tabletop, got a good grip, and pulled. I wasn't as worried about ripping it as I normally would have been since it was so thick, almost like super thin hide or something. I gave it a good tug, but it didn't want to budge. I pulled harder, but still nothing. I tried giving it a brief hard yank, and that succeeded in getting up part of the corner. Oh, of course! It's sticky, so if I pull gently it's just going to stretch. Makes sense, I thought.

So I gave it a hard yank. Which was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life.

The parchment came free, and a huge cloud of purple powder was thrown into the hair.

I staggered backwards, coughing and unable to see. I tried blinking my eyes, but my vision was filled with purple haze. Through the haze, it looked like there were bright lights shining from the kitchen table. I tried to catch my breath, but my lungs burned and my entire body began to feel warm. There was a tightness in my chest and I clutched at my heart. My lungs felt like they were being constricted, like I was drowning under water and I was trying to breathe liquid to no avail.

I collapsed to my knees, gasping for breath as my vision filled completely with pink to the point that I could see nothing else. I could, however, see brilliant golden light shining upwards from a flat surface in front of me. The kitchen table.

Desperate for breath and not knowing what else to do, I forced myself upright as my vision began to swim. I started to get tunnel vision as I looked at the table before me. I could see nothing other than the glowing jewelry and the black lettering on the parchment. Everything else was solid pink.

I staggered forwards and grabbed at the parchment. I couldn't actually see it, only the black lettering written on it. I picked it up and tried to tear it. I don't know why I thought to do that, but I tried it. My strength was failing and I was unable to do so, however. I collapsed forward onto the tabletop and groped for the scattered jewelry.

I don't know what I thought I was going to accomplish. Holding both a handful of jewelry and the parchment, I looked at them through the pink haze and tunnel vision constricting down to a point. I thew them away as hard as I could and did what I could to hurl myself out of the kitchen. I stumbled through the dining room and tripped over the tile in front of the front door. I landed in a heap on the living room carpet. I tried to get up but couldn't. I wasn't sure where the front door was, but I tried crawling forwards. I don't know how far I got before blackness overtook me.

* * *

I woke up with a gasp, a crushing sensation coming from my groin.

The first thing I saw was Mandy standing over me, grinning down at me with a cruel expression on her face as I was propped up against the side of the couch in my own living room.

My hands were behind me and seemed to be held in place by what felt like tape.

The second thing I saw was the gigantic penis that was attached to my groin.

"What the fuck‽" I exclaimed. I could see the huge member, maybe eight or so inches long that was attached to my crotch. I could feel Mandy's foot crushing it into the center. It hurt, but... also felt slightly pleasurable? It was as if the pressure was scratching an itch even while it hurt me. Mainly it was the rough carpet pressing into the sensitive head, but the new sensations were all jumbled up and it was hard to make sense of them.

My jeans were unzipped, and my panties were bunched up below the huge dick, pressing into it from the bottom. The zipper of my jeans was pressed uncomfortably into the pubic hairs around it's base. And then there were the balls. Each testicle was larger than my fist and the scrotum seemed to be very lose, able to contain testicles at least twice their size before it would have been tight. Is that normal? Hell if I know. I don't normally have a dick! Of course I've seen them before, but... lets be honest, here, I wasn't exactly paying that close attention to the scrotum.

The scrotum was bulging out to either side of the dick shaft, since that was presently being stamped into the carpet by Mandy's shoe. The pressure on the scrotum was making the pubic hairs pull uncomfortably on the zipper of my jeans, which were also pressing into the balls, causing further discomfort.

There were huge dick veins running up and down the length of the monster trouser snake, and I could see how Mandy's foot was causing higher blood pressure below it and lower pressure above it, since the dick tip looked unusually small and pale (from what I knew of dicks), and there were hardly any veins visible up there.

The third thing I noticed were my boobs. They were uncomfortably tight in my bra. Looking down at them, I could see them bulging out of my cups. I had recently graduated from C cups to D cups, but these... these were on a whole other level. These were maybe E or F cups? And they were so soft! I had been rather firm before, but now my breasts felt like large water balloons attached to my chest. There was no way that I would have a good shape if I didn't have a bra on.

I tried to get away, to stand up, but I found an additional thing: Someone standing on your dick meant that your hips weren't going anywhere.

"Owww!" yelped as my dick felt like it was going to be ripped off of my crotch quite painfully. "What- ow! What the fuck is happening‽ What the fuck is this‽" I demanded. If the pain and discomfort hadn't been so real, so tangible, so sharp and sobering, I would have thought for sure that I was dreaming.

Mandy laughed. I swear I was watching some campy movie and she was playing the supervillan, because that was exactly what her laugh sounded like. It was long and cruel, high pitched at first but getting low and rumbley towards the end there, and definitely more drawn out and gasping than that of any sane person.

Once she was done cackling to herself, Mandy smirked down at me. "What's happening is revenge, bitch. I had to get fucking stitches because of you." My blank stare suddenly enraged Mandy. She suddenly applied a great deal of weight to my dick, which mashed it into the carpet way harder than before and really hurt.

"Ow ow ow! I'm sorry! Please! I'm sorry! Stop! Ow!"

"Oh, now you're sorry? Now you're fucking sorry? Do you even know what you did to me? I had to get fucking stitches on my cunt!"

"Really?" I asked without thinking.

"Yes, fucking really. The right side of my pussy is probably going to have a scar for the rest of my life! I couldn't fucking piss for a week without excruciating pain, and it still burned for another week! And in my rage-fueled pain, I did a little bit of reading. And now that I'm as healed up as I'm going to get... now you're going to be oh, so fucking sorry. Now you're gonna be sorry for the rest of your miserable life!"

"What does that mean?" I demanded.

Mandy scoffed. "I means that you're cursed now. Forever!" Many let lose another cackle. Whatever fucked up movie this was was a B-movie at best. Mandy chuckled a bit at my perplexed expression. "Oh, I could undo the curse, if I wanted to. I could just tell the boys who donated that fine dick of yours that the deal is off, release the fertility spirits that are bound to you now, and you could go right back to living a normal life. There'd probably be some side effects, but they do surgeries like that all the time, y'know? And you're little cunt is still there, so it wouldn't even be that hard. Of course, if they were to cut into you right now, they'd probably get shredded by the demons. So, y'know, I wouldn't recommend trying to get any kind of surgery until after I release you." Mandy smirked again. "Of course, I have no intention of doing so any time soon." Mandy held up a finger. "But never say never, as the saying goes." She put her hands behind her back and leaned in to gloat in my face. "Maybe when you're forty I'll be feeling generous."

I just glared at her.

"So, tell me. Do you like what you see? You're not done growing, not by any stretch of the imagination, but this is a good start, don't you think? I'll see about getting you a breast pump, because -" Another cackle. "- boy are you going to need them. I'm sure you can work out what to do with that giant dick, though. Say, before I forget, do you have a favorite piece of jewelry? Or some little trinket you carry around all the time? I need to give you a fulcrum, or you'll have zero control whatsoever. And while that might be fun for a little while, I also need to bind some spells on it so that no one actually notices your changes, since growing huge boobs and a huge dick overnight isn't exactly normal."

I immediately thought of the little heart necklace that Jean had gotten me in 4th grade as part of a two-piece BFF set. I didn't exactly wear it anymore, since it was a little childish, but I still had it in my jewelry box. It was the only piece with sentimental value. Not that I'd tell this crazy bitch about it.

Mandy looked down at my member under her shoe.

"So? What do you think? How does it feel having the libido of five guys, huh? Pretty intense?" Mandy eased up on the pressure and slid her foot up and down the semi-flacid shaft. The sole of her shoe gripped the skin, though, pulling it up and down as she stroked the dick with her foot. My new dick twitched at the sensation. Between her shoe and the carpet... it felt kinda good.

But I didn't want it to, dammit! "Stop that! Get off of me!" I protested. I struggled in vain against the tape binding my arms together behind my back.

"Aww, what's the matter?" Mandy mockingly cooed. "Does me stomping your dick into the carpet feel good or something?" Mandy ground her foot back and forth and grinned as I grimaced. The head of the dick was now fully engorged, and the sensation of the carpet below it felt... stimulating, to say the least. But it was also pretty painful. My dick twitched several times before Mandy abruptly removed her foot.

I gasped in relief as my dick sprung up into the air. It protruded from my groin at perhaps a 45° angle from the ground (maybe 90° from the plane of my belly) but then curved downwards in the air so that the tip was pointed forward horizontally to the ground. Even I didn't realize that dicks could droop like that.

"STAY," Mandy ordered. Her voice came out super deep and ethereal, sounding like a demon was speaking with her mouth. And I found, no matter how much I wanted to get up and run away or to punch Mandy in her stupid face, that I couldn't move. I was totally frozen in place, only able to look around, but unable to so much as struggle.