Ellie & Her Adversaries


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Unable to see the rest of her, I heard, "Well, Dr. Pedersen, this is a part of you that I've never seen. Your legs!…in shorts!"

I wished that I could have said the same of her, but I'd been secretly obsessed with her matchless limbs for almost a year, ever since I'd first seen her in a skirt. Just this past week I'd awakened during the night with an erection, dreaming vividly of the treasure that lay between Ellie's legs, up at their moist nexus.

"I brought down somelumpia that I made…in case you're hungry," she said. Upstairs, Tess was launching into a SchubertNocturneon her spinet.

Still watching Ellie's legs from her thighs downward, I saw her step out of one of her wedgies and scratch her other calf with her big toe.

"My hands are greasy, Ellie. I'm too dirty to eat," I said.

"C'mon…scoot out here. I'll feed you," she offered.

I inched my way from under the car, sliding over the drop cloth I'd laid on the floor, until my head was nearly clear of the bumper, right next to where she was standing. She didn't move, but stood there with one hand perched fetchingly on one hip, and the other holding a small plate of the delicious, deep-fried vegetable and pork snacks native to the Philippines. Half-smiling, and looking down at me from heavy-lidded black eyes, she lifted one foot and placed it outside my chest on the opposite side from where she stood. She was straddling me, and affording me an uninterrupted look straight up at her pussy, covered by white bikini panties. I groaned out loud as I felt my cock begin to swell…and she puckered her lips, silently acknowledging the reaction she'd caused.

"Now…open your mouth, you bad boy," she said in a girlish, mock-disapproving voice, squatting down until her crotch softly met my pulsing groin. Then, changing to a softer tone, "I'm gonna tease you and make you hard, 'cuz you kept me waiting all week," she murmured sexily. The heat emanating from her soft mound against my stiffening cock was driving me crazy. I was getting more erect by the second. I gulped the first morsel and she whispered in question, "You like?" looking me in the eyes with false innocence.

"Ooohh…yeeeaah…mmm…delicious," I murmured in thanks. Upstairs, Tess was repeatedly battling a difficult Schubertian passage.

Without asking, Ellie thrust another snack into my mouth and I chewed it rapidly to swallow. "Goood!" she said, and wiggled her hot, panty-covered snatch against the near-rigid bulge in my shorts.

I ate anotherlumpia as she looked unblinking into my eyes and muttered, "Now…I didn't bring a napkin, so…lick my fingers clean…please."

I did as she asked, taking first one, then another, and yet another, finger deeply into my mouth, bathing them with my saliva. She closed her eyes as I was doing this and her face flushed – as much as her gorgeous tan complexion would allow – while she sat the plate on the floor and began panting as she hunched against my clothed erection. The nails on her free hand began to dig into my pecs, since she was now using my chest to hold herself upright as she continued her lewd grinding. She was every bit as strong-willed as her sister…and just as lascivious.

Suddenly the music stopped upstairs and Ellie was off of me, standing quickly, straightening her mini-dress and the visor on her head. There was a thin sheen of perspiration on her lovely face.

"Can I help?" she asked loudly, as if nothing had happened. She turned away slightly and I nearly drooled at the sight of her round, tan, butt cheeks, half-exposed by her brief panties.

"Uuuhh…yeah." I said, momentarily collecting myself. "Hand me that tool, please," I said, trying to gather my wits while still sporting a rampant hard-on. "No…not that one…yeah…the big, long one," I said.

"Gawwd, I love it when you talk dirty," she exhaled, handing a large wrench to me as I slowly slid back under the car. Try to be cool! I told myself, shakily occupying myself with mechanical tasks. Just at that instant Tess began a ScriabinEtude upstairs. I'd hoped that she'd continue with the Schubert. It's a very long piece and – had she played it to its conclusion – my grease monkey fantasy might not have been interrupted.

"You're pretty dirty…on your legs," I heard Ellie say, innocently. "Want me to clean you off?"

"Naahh, I'll shower later, thanks," I said, my heart rate slowing.

"It's okay. I have nothing else to do, and you've got lots of clean rags."

I didn't answer her. Instead, I felt her dabbing at places on my upper thighs, and gradually approaching my groin, which was again responding to her feathery touches. Then, suddenly, the rags were gone, Ellie's fingers were at the zipper on my shorts, and she was drawing it down. I started to blurt out something but she beat me to it.

"Ssshh! Not a word, Rick. As long as the music's playing, we're okay. She won't surprise us. I want to do this!" she said in a stage whisper.

I didn't have time to warn her about the condition of my crotch. After Tess and I had fucked that morning, I'd just thrown on my shorts to work on the car, so my genitals were coated with our combined smelly nectar. But apparently this didn't bother Ellie. In retrospect, it probably turned her on. I felt a bit shocked, though – and very vulnerable – as my cock sprang from my now open shorts. It became instantly cold from the air in the shady garage, chilling the film of love juice covering my cock. Upstairs, Tess had concluded her romantic piece and segued seamlessly into Beethoven'sEmperor Concerto. Downstairs, with my soiled, mechanic's body half-imprisoned under her car, I was about to feel the loving attention of her sister's mouth and throat, accompanied by one of the most heroic piano compositions ever written.

"Aaanngh!" I groaned loudly as both of Ellie's hands slid from my balls to my glans, then down, followed by her slick, hot mouth. She had squatted, straddling me, kneeling on the drop cloth for leverage, and begun to slide her soft pussy to and fro against one of my legs as I felt my probe slip to her epiglottis. She mewled deeply in her throat as she pulled off, wanking me slowly with both hands as I gasped feverishly. "Oh-ohhh!" I moaned as she repeated her cycle, with the moist, gyrating panty crotch between her legs leaving my shinbone slippery and cold.

"Mmmmnn…verrry tasty, Rick!" she whispered, and increased the tempo of her up and down sucking movements. Feeling her thick hair brush my legs, I raised my head to see the rich black mane sweep up and down my thighs, framing the lovely Filipina face that fused with my thick, bulging column of flesh as it cycled between her protruding lips. "Ilove…tasting my sister…on you," she murmured lasciviously. "It's something…I could get used to!" she muttered, giving me a quick, positively devilish, grin before she very slowly eased down onto me, not stopping until I was in her throat.

"Ah…Jeezusss…Ellie!" I cried, suddenly rendered helpless by the tightness that gripped my cock. She slowed immediately, as Tess began noodling away on the keyboard upstairs, apparently having lost interest in Beethoven. But, just as I thought she would stop and again threaten us to stop our lurid interlude, she started theFinale from Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto, and I was once more on my way to heaven, flicking my hips upward at the drooling mouth of her sister.

I was transported, both by the music and by Ellie's ministrations. The lovely woman was now taking deep plunges and moaning – humming – in her throat, as her hips lashed forward and backward, masturbating herself against my leg. I raised my head again and saw saliva pouring from her lips as she poked my dick into her throat. Two streams of mucous had started to course from her nostrils down her upper lip to mix with the growing pool of liquid soaking my pubic hair and balls. She was getting close to an orgasm herself, and at this point I could think of nothing better than to let myself go at the precise moment that she climaxed.

But Ellie wasn't yet quite there. She pulled off of me to give her jaw a rest, and gasped, "Wantcha' to cum, Rick. Gimme your cum. Wanna drink your cum," and dropped her head again, continuing to bob up and down and exhort me, "Cum…cum…cum…please cum."

I lay my head back down and closed my eyes, listening to my girlfriend upstairs fill our ears with the sublime strains of the Russian'sconcerto, using all 88 keys as she sped toward its roaring conclusion. Then I let go, as Ellie's thrashing hips began a halting, jerky, series of spasms, and we both cried out, releasing ourselves in climax, as Tess crashed through Tchaikovsky's final 32 bars. When at last it was silent, I was physically as well as emotionally drained, having filled this gorgeous married woman's gullet with what felt like a huge load. A few post-performance keyboard tinkles were heard from upstairs as Ellie's peaceful face lay on my groin with her eyes closed. Her breath came in rasping gulps, like a young athlete who'd just crossed the finish line after a long, strenuous run, and a thin rivulet of my semen ran from a corner of her lips onto my belly.

"My…Gawd…Rick," she whispered.

"Nnuuunngh!" I countered, absolutely speechless.

After several moments she said, "I'd better get up," and climbed off of me slowly, at which point I zipped up my shorts and crept from under the car. "Clean up my face, please?" she asked, which I did, dabbing at the cum on her lips and chin with a clean rag. "I'd better go back upstairs, too…change my panties. I brought a fresh pair. I'm gonna start doing that when I know I'll be around you," she added, pointedly.

"Isn't Don at home?" I asked.

She shrugged. "He left early this morning…said he was going on an overnight retreat with his pre-law study group." She looked at me directly, which told me she hadn't believed him, and started to rub grease spots here and there on herself. "This'll give me an excuse to use Tess's shower. Don't wanta give away our secret, do we, lover?" she asked, kissing two fingers and putting them to my lips. "You heard me…lover. You're gonna be seeing more of me…real soon!"

I felt positively schizoid, emotionally torn between the two women. As Ellie left for upstairs, I knew there were too many untold lies forming already. I was also afraid that they'd catch up with us…real soon.

Part 3

I couldn't get Ellie out of my mind. I spent every night that week at Tess's, fucking her viciously while trying to exorcise the image of her sister from my head. Ironically, each morning I'd leave for the office with my girlfriend convinced that I loved her more because of our frenzied mating of the previous night. All the while we were grappling I was imagining her body as a surrogate to staunch the new hunger that I had for her elder sister. To make my manic obsession worse, each day I'd receive breathy calls from Ellie at my office, a couple of them lapsing into phone sex with her masturbating in my ear, pleading with me to take an afternoon off and rent a motel room. I felt completely off-balance. But, as I'd done before, I soldiered on.

The following weekend, the family home in Carmel was jammed with people. Most of the girls' elder siblings and their families were there and I was pleased to take a backseat as a minor, unmarried guest. Saturday night was marked by a late night poker game between sons, sons-in-law, Ellie and me. She and I had successfully avoided embarrassing situations all day, but now she sat across from me at the large poker table, running her bare foot along the inside of my thighs. Her husband, Don, had cashed out of the game early and Tess – who didn't play poker – was watching TV in the adjoining room, along with a collection of sisters and kids. I lost badly at cards, inwardly using the excuse that Ellie was distracting me with her temptations, which wasn't entirely untrue.

The game ended, and those couples who were staying overnight repaired to the rooms upstairs. Don and Ellie, being the youngest of those married, were relegated to sleeping bags in the TV room, where I was to sleep on the sofa. As the lone single woman, Tess would later submit to convention and sleep upstairs with some nieces. I joined her on the couch – what was to be my bed – to watch the classic movie,Casablanca. Normally, we'd have a little furtive sex, which we'd accomplished on previous weekends when I'd slept in the TV room. Unfortunately, Don had turned in early, laying out the double bag that he and Ellie were to share between where we were sitting and the TV. He'd burrowed in, facing the TV, and immediately fallen asleep. Ellie wasn't with him. Apparently she was upstairs – engaged with nieces and nephews – or was performing her pre-bed toilette.

Tess and I had been apart all day, so that she now gave free rein to her appetites, so usual for us when we were at one or the other of our apartments. She'd already removed her panties and was straddling one of my legs, hunching away at it while she plumbed my mouth with her tongue. Had Don been awake and facing our way, given Tess's short skirt, he could easily have seen her dripping pussy rubbing against my jeans, since she was facing me with her back to the TV as I sat on the sofa.

Then Ellie came in. With only the light of the flickering television, I saw her enter the room silently like a cat. She was dressed in sheer black tights, without a hint of a panty line. She wore a filmy, black top of the same material, sleeveless, cut like a man's "wife-beater" undershirt, which stopped with an elastic band just under her full, high breasts, unhindered by a bra. The smooth flesh of her arms, shoulders and midriff glistened in the blue-gray half light.

I looked over Tess's shoulder at her sister and could see the black vee of Ellie's pubic batch and the dark, protruding circles of her nipples and aureoles peeking through the stretchy material that clung to her. She'd had her hair cut the previous week, and it was shingled back over her ears, then had been gradually scalloped down to the middle of her back. I'd seldom seen her look sexier…more profoundly desirable. She moved tentatively, since she'd apparently removed her contact lenses, which served to accentuate her graceful slippage into the double sleeping bag – unzipped on her side – next to her husband, Don. Forsaking the movie, she lay facing Tess and me wide-eyed – at the moment I assumed blindly, without her contacts – as we groped and hunched on the sofa.

With her back to her sister, Tess raised her leg to straddle both of mine, and unzipped my fly. Her lips were at my ear and she whispered, "Fuck me, baby!"

With my lips toher ear I rasped, "Ellie's still awake!"

"Ooohhh…I don't care," she groaned and, slightly more loudly, said, "I want you…now!" My year with Tess had shown me that she nearly always got what she wanted. She unfastened my pants to jerk them down over my buttocks. I must admit to raising my butt slightly to assist her, since she'd been stroking me to a rampant erection for quite a while.

At that moment Don started to snore gently.

On the TV screen Bogie's character, "Rick," and Bergman's "Ilsa," were drinking bubbly in a café in a flashback of their brief Parisian affair. Ilsa's marriage was, at that moment in the movie, unknown to the American saloon keeper. My eyes dropped down to Ellie, her face mostly obscured by the darkness as she lay facing us. Tess then raised up, positioning my cock at her moist opening, and sat down on me, issuing a breathy, "Uh-nngh." She was on me to my balls, and began slow…agonizingly slow…liquid hip movements to rise up, then deeply swallow my stiff probe with her soaking quim.

We continued fucking for about ten minutes, with my hands gripping Tess's small, muscular butt as her internal muscles pulled at my hardness. She maintained a constant, breathy, exhaling cadence, gasping into my ear as she brought herself very slowly to an excited plateau. As she ascended further, my eyes locked onto Ellie, who had pulled back the upper half of the sleeping bag on her side and lain on her back. Still watching us, she'd spread her legs widely and stuck one hand into her tights to masturbate. How long she'd been doing this I don't know. I didn't really care, since I was so captivated by the incredible sweetness of the sight.

Correction.Sweet was not me watching Ellie, which was as perverse as her watching her sister fuck me.Sweet was what was on the screen, as Sam – the black musician in the movie – was singingAs Time Goes By, accompanied by his great piano work. It was, instead,gentle…the way Ellie was fingering herself, her mouth open in a profiled "O" with her head thrown back, as she imagined – I was hoping – that it was me pleasuring her in some way. I pictured what she must have been seeing from the floor…my bulging prick embedded in her sister's cunt, slick with her juices and reflecting – shining in – the TV's feeble light.

That was my last clear thought, since Tess chose that moment to climax, grunting audibly, "Unh, unh, unh, unh," at which point I speared deeply up into her and released a generous hot load. As I pumped my last into her sister, I saw Ellie stiffen, arch her back, and utter a little gasp, which signaled her otherwise soundless orgasm. Before Tess dismounted, kissed me and went upstairs, her sister had pulled the top half of the bag over herself and was feigning sleep.

Grabbing my pants to hold them up, I stepped around the two bodies on the floor and switched off the TV, plunging the room into pitch darkness. Back at the sofa, I unrolled my sleeping bag, stripped to my boxers, and started to lie down. In the dark I felt a hand grip my ankle, then work its way up my calf and thigh, past my groin to my waist, pulling my shorts down to my feet. I sat down and immediately felt Ellie kneeling between my legs, her long, thick hair brushing the inside of my thighs. In a flash she was slowly sucking me erect.This issweet, I thought to myself. In the dusky blackness I heard her breathy whispers between mouthings. "It's okay, Rick…, I told you…I could get used to…this taste. I've always fought…Tess…over men. But soon…I won't be playing…second fiddle…to her!"

I didn't understand the firmness of her comment. Given where we all sat in this figurative orchestra, what other part could she possibly play? In retrospect, it could've been first flute.

I awoke shortly after dawn, hearing morning sounds in the kitchen. Ellie was up already, and Don still slept peacefully. Dressing quickly and following the scent of coffee, I discovered her preparing breakfast. "Morning, sunshine!" she said, cheerfully, and quickly covered my mouth with a furtive kiss, whispering, "You tasted so good last night!" She'd brushed her teeth and smelled wonderful. My mouth didn't, so I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat in the breakfast nook, content to watch her scramble eggs and let my brain piece together the prurient events of the post-midnight hours. She was still wearing her tights, bottom and top, yet had donned a gray skirt, and a blue dress shirt of her husband's, to cover her outrageous curves. She periodically stole glances at me, smiling radiantly. "Don's finished midterms so I'm taking the week off and we're staying with his parents in Salinas," she said. She crossed one lovely bare foot over the other in a cute, hesitant sign of insecurity as she told me this.

"I'll miss you," I mumbled, which drew a serious, lingering look of resignation from her. She started to reply but stopped as we heard footsteps coming down from the upstairs bedrooms. It was Will, an elder brother-in-law and surgeon, husband of Cassie – accustomed to a doctor's early morning hours – who maintained a practice in San Francisco. We muttered a dawn greeting to one another and he joined me in the nook with coffee.
