Ellie: Long Time Coming

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Nephew has always loved her.
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I had dreamed about this for a long time. I remember the first time I saw this lady in a bikini. It was a light blue low side tiny bikini like was worn at that time (the mid nineteen - seventies). It gave me my first raging hard-on. As she sacheted across the room with those dazzling round moon cheeks bounced before my eyes. She was a beautiful woman and from that time on it would lead to an obsession that I had to have this woman. This woman was my Uncle's wife Ellie. She stands 5'3", has sandy brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, medium chest, nice ass, and beautiful skater's thighs. She has always had a preppy tone to her life Very family oriented and with the sweetest personality I have yet to find in a woman.

I remember as I got older and she aged that I was still very much attracted to her. The summer vacations that I would spend visiting were some of the best times of my life. There were those summer days when my Aunt and I would go fishing. I can recall, when I was thirteen, stealing glances at her in her modest two piece bathing suit. One of the most important summers in this relationship came when I was fifteen. My Uncle has always been very open about sex. He would leave Playboys lying all around his house. When he and Ellie were gone I would read them. First I thought about those nude playmates and reading the forum stories out of Penthouse. Then with Ellie being so near my thoughts and attention would be focused on her. At that age I would go crazy and have to jack off whenever I could. Blowing wad after wad into tissue paper and flushing it away. Now I wish Ellie had caught me, especially after reading some of these stories about guys that have been caught.

I always thought of my aunt and uncle having a perfect marriage, but Ellie had told me at one point that my Uncle would leave her if she didn't clean the house and get all of the chores done. She enhanced him as a man. She did everything for him and more than he could have ever asked for. I just blew that off and thought there was no way that my Uncle would leave this incredible woman. I remember hanging out with her at the beach, during that fifteenth summer, and checking her out in her modest black one-piece bathing suit. I really started to imagine her sexually. I really did not want to be the aggressor, but I knew that I really wanted to screw her brains out. I started masturbating thinking about different ways of how I could lay her. I was always too timid to do it -- What would people have thought if they found out?

Time passed on and on. I moved to the town where my Aunt and Uncle lived. I spent a lot of time with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Ellie. Ellie and I had many conversations, but I tried my best to hide my feelings for her. I knew that my uncle was screwing around on her with his secretary. There were many times that I wanted to tell her, but never could get the nerve. I really think that she knew about it anyway. There was many times that I could tell that she wasn't happy and I would have done anything to comfort her. But, with the inner demons that I had because of my love and lust for her I was too scared to get close.

We had always had encounters. I remember when I was 22 I was visiting their house and hanging out downstairs in the living room watching the television. After a hard week at school all I wanted to do was relax. It was on a Sunday at 1:00 p.m. right after church. I saw her walk by the window in an unbuttoned long sleeve shirt. It was a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. I wanted to see what she was doing so I got up off of the recliner and went and gazed out the window. She was facing away from me when she took the shirt off and set up the chaise lounge chair that she was going to lie on. I could see that she had on a beautiful baby blue bikini on. I decided to go upstairs and watched her out the back window so that I could have a better view.

That bikini seemed a little bit revealing that day. It gave me a big boner seeing her wearing that tiny bikini -- It looked like she was wearing my 16-year-old cousin's bikini. I wanted to go out there, but I just couldn't do it. She was still very good looking at age 44, but she was my Uncle's wife and man if it ever came out that I loved her I would have been ruined. I began to wonder if she was giving me a little show. She knew I was there. Did she want me to come outside and keep her company? I had to get away from that window before she caught me ogling her. I remember, about an hour later, her coming to the door and asking me over to dinner that night. Was this a sign or just a regular invitation?

We always did have a special relationship. It always seemed that she tried to break down my walls, but I never expected that it was anything other than sympathy for my plight. She had to have known about my infatuation with her. I couldn't be the aggressor and she didn't seem like she would throw herself at me. What could she have ever gained by doing that? Nothing ever did come of that day, but as the days have run along things have changed in very drastic ways.

Eleven years have passed since that day in the sun -- the day I should have had some sun. First off, my Uncle screwed up and did divorce Ellie. I also moved back home after college. A lot more than that has happened, but those are other stories that may or may not ever be divulged. I only get to see Ellie about four times a year now, but I am still hungry for her. I had never had the right time or place to approach this, but I planned on changing that. I decided that I needed a vacation and made all the arrangements to go back to town. This time was going to be different. Ellie might be 55, but I still wanted her. One way or another that pelt was going to be mine.

I had devised my scheme for my night of erotic pleasure. I called her up. "Hello Ellie," I said nervously, "This is James. I'll be in town tomorrow and I thought I'd come by for a visit, that is if you aren't doing anything."

"Okay James that would be great, what time do you think you will get here?" Ellie seemed so happy to say.

"Oh about five o'clock is when I should arrive. I don't want to get up too early. This is the beginning of my vacation."

"Well I'm looking forward to seeing you. It's been almost a tear since I last saw you. I hope you'll fill me in on how everyone is doing when you get here tomorrow. I've missed y'all so much."

I made sure to have the car completely clean and I dressed in reserved, but nice, clothes. When I arrived, she answered the door wearing the clothes that she had worn to work that day -- she is a schoolteacher. It was a white dress with a flower pattern. We gave each other a big hug her and then we sat and chatted about the family for a while.

At 6:30pm I was getting very hungry, "Ellie would like to go out and get a bite to eat my treat. I'd like to go to Sullivan's."

It is a nice bistro down along the waterfront. It is always very busy and you can see ships and boats passing by coming and going toward the ocean.

"James, I've never been there," she stated almost giddily.

I knew at this point that the door was opening to all my dreams if I would just follow through. And this time I would. I looked at her as if she were something in my life that had to be conquered.

When we arrived at the restaurant I asked for a table for two. They weren't terribly busy and that was fine by me. We were seated immediately and the waiter brought us some menus and asked if we would like anything to drink.

"Ellie would you care for some wine." I enthusiastically inquired, "I know I'd like a glass after that trip."

"Sure it's Friday night, I don't have to work tomorrow, that would be great."

She seemed very happy to get out on the town and let her hair down -- hopefully that would not be all that she would let down. I made some suggestions about what she should try and I ordered an appropriate bottle of wine. We sat and chatted about small talk, such as family and careers. We slowly finished our food and the bottle of wine and then we ordered some dessert and some espressos.

I really had a good buzz going and I was about ready to go for the kill. "Ellie, would you like to go down the street and check out some of the bars? I haven't been down here in a while and I'd like to see what is going on down here these days."

"OK, sure," she smiled, "If you don't mind an old lady like me tagging along with a cute guy like you. You aren't going to be able to pick up any women with me hanging around."

I coyly stated, "Ellie, you don't look too old to me. Why would you say such a thing? You should know by now that you are only as old as you feel. Lets just go have some fun"

So we went down the street to a very crowded club that had a seventies retro rock band playing. It was packed and we stood at the bar and had a few beers. The area around the bar was so crowded that I had to stand behind her and I used this as an excuse to grind my dick into her ass.

"Oops, God this place is packed," I said as I raised my hands so people could slide by. Once again rubbing my semi-hard bone against her luxurious ass.

I could read her lips as she said, "That's alright."

It was so loud we really couldn't hear one another. At first I had a woody and then I started to get a hard on. I kept finding reasons to talk about the band in her ear - making sure to almost blow a little as I spoke. She seemed to be almost shivering as I stood in the packed bar rubbing against her hot ass. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but was scared to do so in such a public spot.

"Ellie," I whispered in her ear over the crowd, "I may need to stay at your place tonight. It's getting late and I've got a pretty good buzz going."

"Okay James, You know you can stay at my place anytime you want."

"Well," I asked her, "would you like to go or would you like to stay a little longer."

She looked me in the eyes almost knowingly telling me "Yeah, I'm a little tired. I'd like to go home and put my feet up."

As we got into the car all I could think about was that the second part of the plan had come off without a hitch. All I wanted to do was get her alone in that house without anyone else around and follow through on my fantasy. I drove us to what I hoped would be our love nest. There seemed to be a sexual charge in the car.

As I was cruising back to the house, Ellie seemed to have a good buzz on and she kept staring at me. She seemed to be relaxing during the 10-minute ride. She leaned forward and gave me peck on the cheek and said, "thank you, that was the best night out I have had in a long time."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said as affirmed the point, "I've wanted to take you out for a long time, but the timing was never right."

After that she looked away from me and stared into the distance as if she were a million miles away. Soon we were back at her place and I asked again, "Ellie are you sure you don't mind me staying here tonight."

She looked at me and grinned "No, of course not I'll set up the bedroom upstairs for you."

"I appreciate it," was all I could say.

I walked in behind her, with my travel bags, as she fiddled with the keys to get inside. I noticed that she seemed to be slightly nervous. This gave me the courage to know that I had to go for it. She went inside to the living room and sat on the couch. - We both seemed to be buzzing from the night's events. She kicked off her shoes and tucked them back up under her and turned on some music. I took my bags up to the loft bedroom and sat them in the corner and went and freshened up in the bathroom. Then I proceeded down to the living room where Ellie was still quietly relaxing.

It was 11:30 p.m. on the clock and we just sat and made some small talk about the events of the evening. It was hard for me to concentrate, because I was so close to my prize, but I didn't know how to proceed to the final step.

After a few minutes she said she was going to go put her nightgown on. Was this opportunity going to slip by again? I kept feeling the magnitude of the moment. If this were going to ever happen it had to be now.

She came back changed into her robe and told me she was going to go upstairs and turn the sheets on my bed. This was my perfect opportunity. I waited until I heard her upstairs in the loft bedroom and then I started on my way up. When I got to the top of the stairs she was turning back the sheets and fluffing up the pillows.

"James," she looked at me with those endearing eyes, " are you ready to turn in?"

I was nervous as hell, but I finally made my move. I walked up to her looked her squarely in the eye and said, "No Ellie I want you to teach me how you like to make love."

She looked me in the eye with a quizzical look and said, "I've thought about it before James, but I don't know if I can."

I said, "I can understand, I know that you may still see that little boy, but I have always seen a beautiful woman in you and I stepped up closer hugged her and kissed her full on the lips."

She pulled away and said, "We really can't do this. You are my nephew, this isn't right."

I said, "Do you have a boyfriend."

Ellie said, " No, your uncle is the only man that I have ever been with, I haven't wanted to be with anyone since the divorce."

I sat on the bed and patted it. "Come here. I promise I won't hurt you." She hesitantly did so. I held her hand and told her, "We can take this slow and easy. There is no hurry."

I could tell she was torn when she whimpered, "It wouldn't be right."

I took her hand and rubbed it on my cock so that she could feel what she had done to me. I said, "You have got me so turned on. I know I can make you feel good all over. I really want to make love to you -- not just fuck you."

I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear. "We've got all night. Go downstairs and put on something sexy for me and come on back up," I said as I slowly stroked her back and that luscious ass.

She was quivering by this time, "O-O-O kay you win. Give me a few minutes."

I knew I had won as she exited down the steps. I heard her preparing in her bathroom. I knew she would be back soon and my mind was really spiraling. I got naked and slipped under the covers waiting for her to come back up. The anticipation of waiting for her to come back upstairs was really making me hot.

Finally my goddess arrived. She was wearing a short light blue robe as she walked towards the bed. I raised the covers as she dropped her robe to reveal her completely nude body. As she slid into the bed I planted a long kiss on her neck. I whispered, "Ellie you won't regret this. I want to taste you pussy, baby."

I pushed the covers back so that I could get a good view. I french kissed her belly, watching it bounce up and down. Slowly I flicked my tongue all the way down to her beautiful dark brown snatch. She had it nice and trimmed for a 55 year old. I opened my mouth to engulf her entire pussy. She began writhing under the pleasurable torment. She sat up and moved my head back and forth and then she fell back with a deep sigh. She then continued wriggling as I continued tongue fucking her. I was really enjoying this.

Finally she lay perfectly still and I felt her spasm through her climax. She practically passed out on me. I went up behind her and rubbed her shoulders. She said to me, "Jimmy. What else can you do to me?"

I grinned as I moved up and French kissed her mouth and told her, "More than you could ever imagine."

I then decided I wanted a piece of squish. I could see Ellie and myself in the mirror in front of the bed. It was like watching a porno flick and being involved at the same time. I moved her over so that she was looking at what I was seeing. "I want you to lay on your stomach, so I can massage you." I massaged her by rubbing my chest all over her back. She seemed to be almost hyperventilating

"Look how pretty that is," I said as I kissed her up and down and groped her anatomy. She had to have felt the hardness of my dick rubbing against her body. I moved in between her legs and rubbed my dick up and down her ass feeling the pulsations of my love tool as I asked her, "He's ready are you?"

Ellie said yes and the she started to turn over but I stopped her. I insisted, " I'm gonna do you this way (from behind). Just look in the mirror and enjoy." Then I took my bone and slowly stuck it up inside her and she began bucking like a virgin.

Then she started screaming, "Take it out. Pllleeezzeee tt-tt-ake it it out." Her pussy entangled my bone clamping so hard it wouldn't let go. I couldn't pull it out -- honestly I was trying.

We were clamped together like a couple of dogs in heat. I began slowly stroking her in a nice rhythm as I whispered in her ear, "Look! We look so perfect together. Look in the mirror. I come for you."

At first she was moaning and crying out, "oh-oh-oh my god," then she slowly began relaxing. The action of her gyrating velvet glove was building me up to a quick boil.

I kissed her neck as I told her, "Oh Ellie, you don't know how long I've been wanting this. I love you so much."

She just kept quivering as I slowly built up my pace. When my eyes weren't closed in ecstasy, I was looking at the scene in the mirror. As I continued a circular stroke inside her I nibbled on her ear and said, "Look in the mirror. Isn't that beautiful?"

All she could say was "ooooh yessss." As I started stroking her harder, my endurance was no match for her spasming pussy. I began cumming inside her and she seemed to pass out for a few seconds. I humped inside her until I couldn't anymore.

All I could stammer out was, " Oh my g-g-god baby you made my fantasy c-c-come true.

She kissed me and said, "Jimmy, you made me feel like a virgin. I was cumming the entire time you were fucking me. I forgot how much I liked sex." I asked her if she would like to go at it again.

To Be Continued

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Rapier875Rapier875about 8 years ago
Long time coming ?

So has part 2 that you promised us over 12 years ago................

Jena12Jena12over 16 years ago
Auntie Ellie

Please continue with this story - Great

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Wish my aunt's like that

I love this story. I only wish my aunt is like that.

Well, off to the bathroom I go

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