Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 02


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I was changing the bed sheets, preparing to do laundry, when Lily called. "Well?"

"I just told Mark my heart belonged to someone else. He was hurt, confused, and gracious. Nora, oh my god. The loving was unbelievable. I told her -- in between. This morning, when I woke up in her bed, she wasn't there. She was sitting on the couch in the living room. We talked, made love, showered, made love, and I left. She knows how I feel Lily. You were right. She did know. She has things to deal with - her guy and her kids. We agreed that it's best for me to give her space, for as long as she needs and with no conditions." I paused for a moment and blurted, "I might be pregnant."

She gasped. "Oh my god. How old are you?"

"Forty seven; I know. It's not likely but I could be."

"What wo ... if ... umm ... geez." Perfectly articulated.

"Nora and I bought an EPT." Soft laugh. "Like I would know what to buy; it's a twin pack. We used one. It said no, but I have to wait three weeks to be sure." She sighed. "I know; stupid huh. My period started Monday. I was with Mark Thursday; most of it had ended, and it was so spur of the moment. I had bought condoms, but ... umm."

She laughed, "But umm - and nine months later."

"Yeah, yeah, Mother's Day is nine months after Father's Day. I know the jokes ... I just hope I'm not one of them."

"What if you are?"

"Oh god Lily, I can't even begin to imagine. I'm forty seven. There is a little part of me that wants to be a Mom, but there's age and my life. Nora has enough to worry about without me bringing a child into the world and into her life."

"Emily, you damn well better not make that decision based on that."

Silence. Tiny voice, "I know."

"I know you know. So live it."

I nodded. "I promise; I will."

"I know you will sweetheart. Now go do something fabulous for yourself ... anything, a massage, a facial, whatever. Buy a slinky, sexy outfit you never thought you needed and always wanted. Have fun!"

I could only sigh. "I don't know how you know Lily but you're wonderful. Thank you for taking a few minutes for me."

"Ginger, I love you ... even though it's quite unrequited. Be good to yourself honey. You deserve it. Talk to you soon."

Wow, what a wonder she is. The only massage I wanted was from my honey. I 'settled' for a mani, pedi and facial. Last minute? Yeah, and I'm worth it. As I lay back in the chair, being pampered, I thought of Emmy! No, Lily was right; an hour of good and way more of loathing.

I made something for dinner and choked it down, mostly from fear. The wine tasted sour. I soaked in the tub and cried bitter, hot tears. I didn't bother with the vibe. I fretted, tossed, and turned. I love you Nora. Green eyes ... I wasn't sure what I saw in them. I hugged her and cried; sleep was fitful.

Sunday - I woke up way too early to bright sunshine. There was snow on the ground. It must have fallen overnight. It didn't look like much though. Did that really matter? I lay in bed. The empty one. I didn't want to get up, didn't have anything to do, anywhere to go. I knew where I wanted to go -- and wouldn't.

I made coffee and toast, wandering around the kitchen in a tee shirt, panties and socks. Did they make love last night and was she thinking about me? Hopeless. The toast was cold when I took it out of the toaster. I wasn't hungry anyway and threw it in the garbage. I grabbed a book, curled up in a chair, pulled a blanket over me, and cried. Stupid, stupid, stupid -- I let one weekend change everything. I hurt a nice man and turned my best friend's life upside down. And, to complete the trifecta, I may have ... I may be pregnant. How was your week? Read the damn book and shut up.

The coffee was cold. I got more. Too hot dammit; it burned my mouth. Geez! I left it there, put the book down, and crawled back into bed. I woke up to nausea and barely made it to the toilet. Not much more than dry heaves. Fabulous. My god, once in I can't even remember how long and I'm pregnant. I lay my head on my arms on the bowl. I finally pushed to my feet and ran cold water. Red, puffy, desperate eyes looked back at me. What's that saying, "I was never more alone than when I lay in bed with someone who doesn't love me." I think I found a new kind of alone. The phone buzzed - a text: 'I love you.' Oh baby, I love you too. I fell into bed, sobbing again.

I looked at the clock when I woke up. Early afternoon. I sighed. For the first time in a long time I wished it was Monday. At least work would keep me busy. I puttered around the band box, dusting, vacuuming, ridiculous. I turned on the television. There has to be something on. Golf? Ugh. Bowling? Seriously?

Oh, I know!! I got up, grabbed the slip of paper and dialed. "Kathy? Hi, I'm Ginger Butler, a friend of Nora's. Yup, she suggested I call you. She just raves about you. I have no idea what your hours are but if you work on Sundays could we meet?" She didn't work on Sundays but I was a friend of Nora's. "I'd like to hear what you do, what you charge, that sort of thing." She didn't have anything important to do. "About an hour? Okay. Anything specific I should wear? Yup, I have those. Great!! Thanks so much. See you soon."

Yay! I had something to do other than wallow in me. The Lean Cuisine actually tasted good. She wanted me in shorts and a short sleeve anything. I showered, dried my hair, and dressed. This is good! Maybe I'll go visit Nora afterward and tell her about. No, you will not. Sigh.

A knock on the door; a dark-haired tornado blew into the room. She was stunningly beautiful, chocolate brown eyes, long, gorgeous dark brown hair in a schrunchie, absolutely flawless skin that hinted at Hispanic heritage, and lean. She bubbled with energy and personality.

"Let me take your measurements and you can tell me what it is you would like to accomplish with me." Ugh. Measure she did, including that thing that measures body fat. Yeesh.

"Simple, Kathy, whatever Nora's got I want." We both laughed -- if she only knew. She was measuring and writing on a formatted sheet of paper. Height and weight? No sense lying. Date of birth, any health issues? Does me maybe being pregnant matter? I left that out. How many times a week? How much? Fifty dollars an hour. Hmm. She told me she has a lot of very early morning clients as she pulled out an appointment book.

"I have weekday evenings; six on Tuesday, seven on Thursday, and early afternoon, either two or three on Saturday."

"Can we try Tuesday and three on Saturday?" Done!

"How do you know Nora?"

I laughed, "Ten years ago we were taking a spinning class at a health club. We hit it off right away and have been friends ever since. We may be lovers for life one day soon." No, not all of that!

"She's one of my oldest clients, has been with me for five years. She's great." Umm.

"So you do this full time?"

"Yeah, it's taken time to build a clientele but it supports me now, thankfully." Impressive. Is she a good kisser? Stop it!

"It's fabulous meeting you Kathy. Thank you for taking time on a Sunday. I guess I'll see you ... ya know what, let's do all three days this week and see if I can handle it." Shrug.

"Okay. So you know, I have people hit the ground running. Be ready to rock and roll on Tuesday Ginger!" I smiled; she smiled.

God, she's absolutely gorgeous! "I can't wait. This is going to be fabulous." I want to kiss her.

"Good girl; I like that attitude." Oh baby, if you only knew what I was thinking. "See you Tuesday." And out the door went the tornado. Me? I stripped off the clothes and gave myself two fabulous orgasms. No toys needed.

Under the sheet, the pacifier in my mouth, I sent Nora a text. 'Love u 2. Seeing Kathy Tue at 6.' Yeah, I'd had it in me the whole time she was here. Naughty, naughty Ginger! The reply: 'Yay!'

I slipped into my robe. Not hungry in the least. I wrote the times on the wall calendar -- this week and next; what the hell, right? Good, this is progress. When Nora and I make love next I want to be every bit the fit, lean loving machine she is. 'When' with a question mark is probably more accurate.

The phone rang at 8:30. My hands shook as I read the caller ID. "Hi honey. I'm so proud of you. So you met Kathy?" I felt my throat close. "Isn't she just fabulous? You're going to love working with her. She will guide you slowly, help you get in shape." I began to cry. "Not that there's much wrong with your shape as it is." She must have heard me. "Oh geez, Ginger, please, baby, please don't cry. I didn't mean to ... oh shit. I better go. Maybe I shouldn't have ..."

I choked out, "No, please don't go Nora, please. I'm just such ..." I shook my head. "I miss you terribly and I'm so glad you called. Did you and Jim have a nice romantic dinner somewhere last night?" Silence. Uh oh.

"We had a big fight, the worst since we've been seeing each other. It was my fault; I goaded him into it. I felt bad about sleeping with him and I started a fight so he would leave --which he did. I cried myself to sleep. I'm such an idiot."

I'm sorry. I'm human. I admit that I smiled. I can't let my friend make her decision like that. That's not good for either of us. "So what happened?"

"I called and told him I was sorry. Well, I left him a message actually. He didn't answer when I called; he's probably pissed. I don't blame him. I haven't heard back from him." Geez.

"When did all this happen?"

"We'd been out to dinner earlier. We were on the couch and were about fifteen minutes from being in bed for the rest of the night. I called him this morning just before noon. I still haven't heard anything. I have no idea what or where, but we were planning on spending the day and night together. Sorry, Ginger." Yeah, I cringed hearing it but whatever.

"Don't apologize; this is part of our deal. You have to do this the way you need to. Thanks for telling me all that, kiddo. It stings a little but thanks. And don't you dare call him back either honey!"

The laugh was harsh. "Don't worry Ginger. I won't."

"So where could he be?"

"Probably some sports bar ... who ... oh shit, it's him Ginger. I have to go. Call ya back soon as I talk to him. Bye!!"

Good! He called. Let him twist in the wind a bit for being a pouty jerk. Would she ask him to come over, make love, and stay the night? Did I really want to know? No. I wanted my Nora to ... make love with her boyfriend. A deal is a deal. This isn't a tit for tat pissing contest. I giggled. Those tits!! Oh baby! Curled up in the chair, I sat and waited. I shivered and was pulling the blanket over me when the phone rang. It was Lily. Huh?

"How are you doing kiddo? Still pining and fretting?" Isn't she a hoot!!

"Yeah of course, but I also met with Nora's personal trainer and made appointments for three workouts this week."

"That a girl -- excellent. I'm very proud of you Ginger!" I smiled.

"Yeah, thanks, I actually feel pretty good about doing it. So how was your Sunday?"

"Oh, another day, another $10,000." She laughed. "What are we going to do about you honey?"

"Actually, I may be calling you tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Of course; I'll look forward to it. Congrats kiddo, you did something positive for yourself. Night!" The phone rang again as soon as I closed it -- Nora.


"He pretty much figured out I started the fight on purpose. No, I didn't tell him why. I asked him if he wanted to come over; he said he thought it would be better if he stayed home tonight. Asshole." We giggled. I pumped my fist in the air. Childish? Yes.

"So are you two okay?"

"Yeah, I think so honey. Thanks."

"Lily called just before you called back. She's very happy that I called Kathy. She wanted to know about the house. Asshole, or his lawyer, is likely to call my guy tomorrow. I've already decided, Nora. I'm going to take whatever he offers. I just want him out of my life." Silence.

"When did you make that decision?"

"Friday night; I had yelled at him and called to apologize. Oh my god; I forgot to tell you ..." I told Nora about hearing Bambi call out in the background and mentioned 'Billy banging Bambi.' The two of us howled laughing.

"Billy? Oh my god, that's too funny."

"I know; maybe I should call her, tell her to call him Fred and buy him a sweater for his birthday." More laughter.

"Oh god woman, you are so fucking evil. It's great. I miss you lover." My eyes filled. "Thanks for making me laugh. See you soon I hope." I choked back tears again.

"I miss you too Nora fedora." It's my silly pet name for her. "See you soon." I heard the smile. We said our goodbyes.

Oh lord it was so good to hear her voice. We'll be okay; I just know it.

How to celebrate? Well, this may not be your idea of a good time but it surely did rock my world. I know, I know -- Ginger, not Shirley. Corny huh? Warming lube on my nipples, followed by nipple clamps, the suction dildo on the lip of the toilet seat, (hey, ya do what ya gotta do) and my vibe. I'm very pleased to report that: A. I didn't fall, B. I didn't faint, C. The neighbors didn't complain, and D. Oh my! I thought of dark brown eyes gleaming.

Oh dear, please excuse me for a few minutes ... my cup runneth over. You-know-who needs me. A girl can't say no to her girl! Me: winking! Hush you, don't spoil the ending.

I luxuriated in the hot bath, leaned my head against the ledge and thought about the week. My heart ached for Mark. He is such a nice man and so cute. I just knew he would find someone who would love him. Could it have been me? Oh my yes! Let me clarify. Emily: the pre-Julia me. My world tipped off its axis that weekend and I'm not complaining. No sirree Bobbi! I smiled. I was looking forward to work, to hearing from Kyle, Kathy, and whatever else the world would bring me. Thank you, Jenny, for being so supportive. Thank you, Lily, for being my friend. Thank you, George, for being such a sweet man and good boss. Thank you, Bambi, for taking 'Fred' off my hands. Thank you, lover, for recommending Kathy, for loving me, and just ... everything. A secret smile; thank you Julia!! I slept very well.

Author's Note: As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies. Another author put it so well: "The site is free. The author is 'paid' in comments and votes." My thanks to the angels at Literotica for their help in giving my stories the nuance I try so hard to create with my writing. I hope you've enjoyed another chapter of a rather long tale!!

This story is dedicated to someone very special -- the 'other' AVL. A little over a year and, remarkably, half a million words later, my life is so much different. Readers from all over the world have found my stories. This is an incredible site with so many gifted writers. Without her prodding, teasing and assistance I wouldn't have found my muse. She saw talent I had no clue I possessed. She saw growth while I struggled to find the right words as I wrote. I'm still in awe and amazed at it all. More than anything -- the response of those who read my stories. Thank you all!!!

Her birthday isn't all that far away. I'm going to struggle a great deal as I believe she's been called home. This story lay unfinished for quite some time. I had to come back to it, finish it, and publish it as a tribute to her. I miss her.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

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KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

I don't quite understand the reluctance to call Julia.

Julia gave her the card, I'm sure she would be happy to act as a sounding board.

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago
Fuck Buddies

Even if Nora does choose Jim (which seems likely), maybe she and Ginger could still hook-up?

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

What a totally awesome character Ginger portrays. Her actions and reactions has me grinning non stop, her confusion in her role as Emily or Ginger, makes me want to reach out to her, her sporadic teasing of poor Tammy makes me squirm and her inner conflict about Nora and Jim's relationship makes me want to soothe away her tumultuous thoughts. When Ginger finally acknowledged her love for Nora and subsequently dumped Mark, i could not stop the "OH YES!" from passing my lips (smile) and her escapades with Nora is sooooooo HOT! HOT! HOT!'

Well done AVL, you sure know how to steam up my laptop screen :-o)

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Broken Record

I feel like I'm repeating myself, but you are just incredible!

It would be great if Ginger gave Julia a call to let her know how she's doing.

warriorpoet7532warriorpoet7532over 11 years ago
Even hotter than chapter one

Just as Jeyckle reveled in being Hyde for a long period of time it seems Emily much prefers being Ginger. Now instead of one being good and the other evil, in this case one is sexy the other sexier. More importantly one is straight and one is gay.

It seems that as Emily becomes Ginger she finds her true self and a true love in Nora. The conflict she goes through to discover this is very real and of course is not over because of Nora's personal situation.

The emotion seemed real and the sex was hot, then just got hotter and hotter.

Well done Vixen.

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