Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 08


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"This is so awesome Ginger. I'm so proud. Have a great weekend boss." Jodi hugged me as well. I hurried to the car and to the restaurant. I looked for red hair. Damn. I asked for a booth. I had just sat down when Reenie walked in. The grin on her face; damn, the minx had pranked me. She wanted me pinned on the inside of the booth. There was trouble ahead here!! I love her so damn much. She leaned over to kiss me.

"Do I have to call you boss?"

"Ask me properly."

"Do I have to call you boss, boss?" The two of us started laughing; we are so silly. I told her about my crazy idea, George bringing his boss to meet me, how everyone reacted at lunch, and finished with the two brilliant team names. Reenie did it too; she stared in disbelief. "That's just sick good, Ginger. It's too good to be made up. And I believe you when you say it just came to you. You have that quality in you."

"Quit it; you're gonna make me cry." Reenie leaned over to kiss me again; her fingers slid under my skirt to find my soaked silk. The bitch teased me; I shivered. She knew that her touch was enough to send me into orbit. She pretended to read the menu with her free hand. "You're going to make me cum," I hissed. She just smiled. It was when she flicked my clit that it hit me. "Mmmhhfff." I bit my lip, closed my eyes, and cursed her, silently, as the spasms shook me. I could feel myself perspiring. Her fingers found my sex; she pinched me. I tried to keep the moan as quiet as I could. I felt, rather than saw, the server.

"I'd like a cheeseburger with bacon, medium, fries, and a beer. What will you have darling?" Your ass, later. "I think my honey will have what I'm having." I moaned. "She's had a rather strenuous day at work." I couldn't hide the smile. I didn't bother opening my eyes. I felt her leave. "Would you like another, boss?" Enough! I grabbed her hand. Oh shit, she's way too strong for me. I pulled the napkin off the table and used it in a rather futile attempt at dignity. Dignity? With me panting, flushed, shivering? Reenie's smug smirk; she is in so ... she leaned in and kissed me again.

Yeah, I love her. How can I not? "Take them off." My head jerked around to look at her. "Take them off now!" This was why she had waited for me to sit down first, damn her. I lifted my hips, slid the skirt up, reached for the sopping wet silk, and slid it past my knees. I let my panties fall to my feet and brought a foot to my hand. I handed them to her with one hand while trying to fumble with my skirt. Her hand was too quick; she was back at me before I had a chance to get it down all the way. Her fingers were unimpeded now. She knew I was still on edge; the next one was quick and oh god, it was so damn hot. My lover's gift was a second orgasm in a crowded restaurant.

Reenie is looking over my shoulder as I type. We're both laughing. She helped me add bits and pieces. Yup, that was all bullshit! She didn't fuck me in the restaurant. Geez. She's a cop. Ouch! Hey!! She's a police officer and I'm a big executive. That couldn't happen in real life, right? Ginger: leaving her audience wondering!! (Wink)

Okay, the part about Reenie staring at me in disbelief about my day is true. Heck, I can barely believe I did it, so I can understand why everyone else is ... whatever they are. I'm already tired of talking about it. The week was hectic, it was fun, and it was nerve wracking. When I reached into my purse for my pocketbook, I felt a piece of paper. Damn, in all the frenetic activity at work I had forgotten about the masher - mammogram. There was a list of available clinics and the like. I just had to find one that was close and would accept my insurance. That reminded me; I would have Reenie check and see if the mass thing was still there. I was sure she'd put up a fight about that. (Wink)

We debated about what to do. I suggested we get a room and spend the night together since she had to work tomorrow. She told me I was a horny old broad. I pinched her nipple and reminded her I was her horny old broad. She shivered as my tongue left the rest of the message in her ear.

We compromised. We would go the L Room and make complete fools of ourselves -- dancing, making out, and whatever else. She would follow me to the cave and head to work in the morning. We would shop Sunday ... maybe. Yeah, it had the makings of one of those weekends. Oh yeah, I should hear from the realtor over the weekend. Reenie would get a look at ... our home. You say my mind is all over the place tonight? After the day I had, I'd say you're right. My mind can barely comprehend that all that happened this week actually happened to me!!

I said some of that to Reenie as we drove to the club. She was excited to get to see the house. We agreed that seeing it together would help us find furniture. A bedroom set was first. Well duh! The practical ones are asking why not sheets, towels, the works. And what about kitchen stuff? If we're going to use the bedroom, we'll need some ... all right already. We get it. We'll buy all that stuff. It's Friday and we're celebrating. Let us have some fun. Thank you!

Reenie pulled into the parking lot at the club. Sunset this time of year was around eight so, while the sun would play peek-a-boo with the taller office buildings downtown, it left the parking lot in semi darkness -- thankfully. We were making out like a couple of teenagers. When I could finally get a couple of words out I suggested we just get a hotel room. Reenie said okay; the proviso was I couldn't put my bra back on. Oh, and she would determine how many buttons would be unbuttoned on my blouse. Her kisses and devilish fingers left me little choice but to accept her 'terms.' We checked in at the Crowne Plaza; thankfully, there were rooms available. The clerk stared. My eyes are up here dude!!

We locked the door, didn't even bother to turn the lights on. Clothes littered the floor. I've given some thought to the telling of that Friday evening. Rather than give specifics I'd think I'll tell you of the mood and tone of the night. Early on it was frantic and frenetic. You'd have thought we hadn't seen each other for weeks; it had been a couple of days. After that early energy was rather thoroughly burned off, we put several weeks of date night in our respective calendars. As we lay side by side, the calendars now on the night stand, Reenie did, in fact, check for the mass. It seemed to have gone away. She couldn't find it; neither could I. Yes, I promised to do the masher anyway.

The next round of lovemaking was sweet and tender. It began amidst tears and kisses. Reenie was so proud; I could hardly believe my good fortune. It's lovely to be with someone so special. Your heart is so full and the love you make reflects your emotions. We loved together, body to body. We flipped to see who got to go on top first. What I mean by that is she flipped me on my back. I still have a ways to go with Kathy. To see those gorgeous blue eyes fill with tears, bright with love, and glaze with passion ... it brings a lump to my throat thinking and writing of it.

After, we lay, spent. Eventually (potty break) we sat at the table with drinks from the refrigerator. Talk turned to the house. When I mentioned the idea of a dog Reenie nearly levitated from the chair in her excitement. I guess that answers that question! We were both excited about doing the house. When the subject of style came up I freely admitted to not having a favorite. I do better telling you what I don't like -- modern. I settled on a word: comfy. I didn't care what kind, what color, as long as it felt and looked comfy. She liked that; she'd either shared space or lived in furnished settings in the service and in civilian life. This would be her first time in a home when that happened.

Eventually we agreed it was time to put in a wake up call. My blue eyed devil put it in for way too early. Oh dear god. I can't believe we each had that much energy left for the last of the night's pleasure. I was completely spent, limp, my hair a mess, breathless, and shivering as the dew cooled. Reenie was bright eyed and smiling. Damn! I'm quite sure I slipped into sleep first. The best part was being in the arms of the woman I love and having her in mine.

I moaned as the phone rang Saturday. Reenie bounced out of bed and started coffee. I whined when she mentioned getting up. Her mouth and fingers weren't exactly wake up calls, but the shower was 'stirring.' The things you can do with soap, shampoo, and a little creativity. Steam? Yeah, from the hot shower water too. We needed to get her ready for work. Stop giggling! We each downed a cup of coffee and headed out. I stashed the bill in my purse.

Eventually Reenie gave me my bra, the minx. She actually pulled away from the restaurant parking lot before putting the brakes on. I had to go get the damn thing from her, which cost me. I didn't really mind; my nipples were already sore.

Please be careful babe. I love you so much. I drove home. I needed a good night's sleep after my good night's sleep. I pulled the drapes closed at the cave and slept until the damn phone rang -- 11:30 am. Geez.

It was Rita Cutler. "Ginger, the check cleared. Do you want to come get the keys?" I sighed. I had Kathy at three. Yeah okay. I did my hair (hopeless). I put on some makeup to hide the circles (barely) and drove to the office.

There were, of course, more papers to sign. After that was out of the way, Rita asked, "Would you like to go out to lunch?" I hadn't realized how hungry I was until Rita mentioned food. In answer to my question, "Yes, the locks have been changed. The firm we use is Better Business Bureau accredited, bonded and insured." That was reassuring. She's really a very nice lady. Genuine and friendly; it would be easy to recommend her.

"Just to let you know, I might want to move up the purchase. The rental might be for less than six months." No problem, just give her a call. We had taken separate cars to the restaurant, so we shook hands in the lot and said our goodbyes. Rita wished me well. I headed back to the cave.

The knock on the door woke me up. I had changed into my workout clothes for lunch and put on sweats. Sexy huh? Still half asleep I opened the door for the tornado. Kathy took one look at me and laughed. What could I do? I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I took off the sweat pants and we got started. Kathy doesn't waste a lot of time yakking. She gets right into it, which is what I needed today. It was good to get the full hour in.

I didn't remember. "Do we need to book me for a couple more weeks?"

"Actually, I think so. Let me check. You're all set for next week. Do you want to go beyond that?" Oh my yes. We booked through the month of April. When I moved into the house I would text the address. We agreed that another week of reps of ten were in order. "I think you're nearly ready to extend the sets by a couple of repetitions Ginger." Oh good. "Next week we'll concentrate on your knee not touching the ground." That was progress.

I still hadn't heard from Reenie when Kathy left. I guess I'll just have to wait. My hair was a mess. I hadn't dried it very well this morning and the nap completely wrecked it. So I stripped and headed for another shower. My eyes were closed as I washed my hair when I felt hands on me. I screamed; one hand went to my mouth and one to kitty. "Hi lover."

"Excuse me while I have a heart attack you goofball." I turned to find her eyes hot with lust. Reenie: insatiable. The shower was a lot longer and much steamier than I had planned. Reenie really hates it when the itsy bitsy spider sneaks into its spidey hole. Her moans of pleasure told me so. I whispered in her ear that I'd better go find where spidey was. I did my best with my lips, tongue and fingers but I couldn't find spidey. For some reason Reenie was rather limp and breathless. I apologized for not being able to find spidey. She called me a heartless wench. "You're welcome lover."

Thankfully, furniture stores are open till nine on Saturday. After we dressed and had dinner we found ourselves nearly alone in the store. It was comical. We had no idea what we wanted; we honestly were just looking. The hovering sales people were heartbroken. We had all day Sunday (in theory) to shop. It was too late to go downtown so we found a place to have a few drinks and talk. We were both pretty tired so it was just one drink. We yawned in the car, yawned in the room, and yawned as we lay in bed together. The simple, delightful pleasure of falling asleep with the one you love.

We got up Sunday, had a really good breakfast, and headed to the house. Reenie got her first look at it inside and outside. The only complaint was that the hot tub was in the far corner of the back yard. But the benefit of having a hot tub far outweighed that little negative. The patio was spacious. Oh, the yard was fenced on all sides - perfect for having a dog.

"Ginger, I love the layout of the house and the kitchen is spectacular. What are we going to do with the extra bedroom?"

I really hadn't thought much about it. "I don't know; we could make it a guest bedroom." We could figure it out later. Colors? "I'm going to call Rita and ask if I could paint before owning the house."

The day was so nice we walked and walked. It was a true residential neighborhood. We really liked it.

We spent the better part of the late morning and afternoon wandering around the Dayton Mall. The layout is completely different than Greene Town Center but its selection of stores was just as impressive. Remember those Montego Bay sandals I liked so much? Yup, I bought another pair. It didn't matter that only one color was available.

We weren't all that hungry but the name of the restaurant, Rusty Bucket, was enough to lure us. Reenie was ecstatic at the draft beer selection. I joined her and ordered an Anchor Steam. The Bucket Bites (mini burgers) seemed to be just enough. It was nice to sit for a bit too. That's the kind of a day it was.

Yes, there was a Victoria's Secret. Yes, Reenie dragged me into a fitting room. No, I'm not telling if nudity was involved. This was another of our 'us' days. I treasured every one of them. The good news is there were more and more of them. The bad news was that tomorrow is Monday and Reenie felt it was best to sleep at her place. I couldn't really argue the point. Her work day started a couple hours before mine and it was a longer drive from my place.

It made for a rather poignant lovemaking session. My fingers, lips and tongue played over every inch of my redhead's body. Her torture is my pleasure. We had agreed that we would each take a turn doing what I started. Her loving was a bit more frenzied since I'd had my turn first. By the time I begged for release the two of us were bursting with want. Our mouths drank each other's silky essence as our fingers played and teased. When the crest broke it was fierce, fabulous, and complete. As ever with us, one was never enough.

Her cries of pleasure echoed in the cave. She writhed as I did my best to leave her thoroughly sated. My scalp hurt from the strength in her fingers as she ground herself to my face, screaming my name, begging me not to stop. No worries lover, not till you're done. That signal came with one last gasp, her back arching wondrously, and a shudder as the fiery pleasure left her.

I held her close as she came back to me. I pulled the thin covers over us; the shiver came from deep inside her. My fingers slipped through her hair, bedraggled from her pleasure. She stirred, struggled to get up and croaked, "Potty." I smiled, rose, and poured her a glass of water with lots of ice. I handed it to her when she came out; her eyes showed her gratitude. When she had finished I beckoned her with outstretched arms. She snuggled in; we cuddled. I smiled; then I heard her hissed, "Your turn bitch." Dear lord; I thought I'd taken all the energy from her with my loving. I was wrong.

It was dark when she finished showing me just how wrong I was. I'd been told to lift my hands over my head and to not move them. Yes dear. She spideyed me -- her version was with lips and tongue until she got to my hidey hole. It happened again; I lost track. She never let up. They came so quickly, they blended into one ... I think. My redhead's loving left me gasping, pleading, crying, begging her for more. I hadn't thought it possible. She had proved me wrong -- again. She crawled up the length of my shivering form and her lips and tongue brought moisture to my parched mouth. Her murmurs of love echoed in the fog of my pleasure. Her feather-like fingers slipped over flesh so goose-bumped they issued rain checks. We lay together, arms and legs entwined. We're so much more than lovers.

We had a quiet dinner. My heart wanted to buy furniture tonight and move us in tomorrow. My heart wanted my honey out of the line of fire. My heart wanted; my head knew. We would plan. We would have our date nights. I would be the boss. I would pray every day and night that my redhead would come home safely. We would argue, scrap, and fight. We would have our dog. We would spend summer evenings in the hot tub. We would travel. We would make a life together. My thoughts and feelings echoed in the quiet of the dinner. They echoed as we walked hand in hand, not wanting to leave each other. They echoed when we kissed in the parking lot as my fingers slipped over soft, pale skin. Her eyes shone with love. Her hands held my chin as softly as my fingers caressed. The last of the kisses were sweet, soft, and desperate. I watched as the tail lights faded. Distraught, I sobbed, alone in bed. I cried myself to an uneasy sleep.

Author's Note: As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies. Another author put it so well: "The site is free. The author is 'paid' in comments and votes." I hope you've enjoyed another chapter of a rather long tale!!

This story is dedicated to someone very special -- the 'other' AVL. Almost fifteen months and, remarkably, half a million words later, my life is so much different. Readers from all over the world have found my stories. This is an incredible site with so many gifted writers. Without her prodding, teasing and assistance I wouldn't have found my muse. She saw talent I had no clue I possessed. She saw growth while I struggled to find the right words as I wrote. I'm still in awe and amazed at it all. This story lay unfinished for quite some time. I had to come back to it, finish it, and publish it as a tribute to her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
SORRY, BUT.................

I got to page 4 already having long started losing ALL sympathy, empathy and "love" for the main character (a thing I have NEVER done with any of your other stories).

Any credibility went straight out the window when she was "broken hearted" when she found her girlfriend and trainer in bed and stormed out, having "cheated" a few times herself!!!!

Now she seems hell bent on losing her ex her job. TBH I`m actually surprised at myself for having gotten this far with this tale given the twists and turns and the double standards of Ginger.

Sorry, but having read most of your other stories, this one has left me no longer caring about Ginger, in all honesty probably from about Ch4 or 5.

Even a work of fiction should keep you interested in the lead character.


DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago

Since Reenie is looking over her shoulder as she writes this, I guess we know Ginger and Reenie end up together.

And adidasgal, why do you keep calling Reenie, Meenie, LOL!

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

Ginger's maturity and confidence in herself, grows chapter by chapter. She has reached a point in her life whereby her love, thoughts, dreams, lust and her future, is focused on one woman only. She is determined to be faithful to her love as is evident in the conversation she had with Kathy. The potentially dangerous confrontation with Lily, was handled with aplomb. Ginger and Meenie continue to grow as a loving couple. Gingers medical scare and Meenie being outed in such a cruel way, has them clinging to each other for comfort and need. They have learned to be strong for the other during any adversity that comes their way. They bask in the warm glow of their love and is a beacon for everyone who witnesses it. Yip, Ginger seems at peace *** I renamed this chapter to - EMILY'S OUT, GINGER IS HOME *** grinning. Although a flight of fantasy, ****Breast Cancer and Homophobia is REAL**** Thanks AVL, for the reference to it.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Oh, Well!

Guess I'm not gonna get my Ginger/Lily reconciliation!

Fantastic as always, Vixen!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I Love It ...

All the emotions ... highs and lows. You're truly a great story teller and it's always a pleasure to read your fabulous work. Thanks once again for sharing. Long may you continue to *entertain* us. I had a good chuckle at certain nuances which was quite refreshing, ta.

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