Enter the Amazon Book 2


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"And why should I - " But as Celeste walked forward, to confront this bizarre, naked criminal she passed an open doorway to her left, where a short, nearly-naked man was tied down spread-eagle upon a four-poster bed. He still wore a tan-colored safari-style shirt with many pockets, yet his pants were gone, and a gigantically-erect penis was thrusting straight up, bright and angry and intense. The man seemed to be.....to be.....sobbing? Where those tears streaking his face? He was gagged, and securely bound, yet that cock, it seemed ridiculous for so huge a penis to thrust up from so short a man. Why....it must be...nearly a third of a meter! And...and then the smell! Like...honeysuckle...and cocoabutter...mixed with molasses? The eerie scent....it seemed to set a tingle down her spine...

"N-NO! I...I don't know what kind of sick enterprise you and Marcos are running here Lady, but there's....no way....I'm going to just...give up now!" What was it? That smell? Why was she getting so...dizzy? So light-headed?

"Who said anything about you giving up? Oh no, my dear. Your true work, your true mission in life, it is just beginning!" She opened the sliding glass door, and the young workers, having cleared away the grass, were now turning a garden hose on the bare soil, creating a frothing miasma of slippery mud. Those strange, dark-green bushes quivered again, shaking violently now. The robed woman made a 'shooing' gesture, and the young workers left through a side door. She...what should Celeste do? What...that smell...sweet...milky...insidious...she felt her knees go weak...an eerie euphoria began to soften her resolve, melting her anger and indignation.

"It is her time now. Second-born, take her as I told you, take her as your instincts command you!" One of the moist, pregnant women rose on hands and knees, a decidedly predatory gleam in her green, green eyes. Her ripe and growing belly now seemed....no...it was more like a woman seven-months pregnant but...still growing...before her very eyes!? What madness was this? The strange, perverted girl approached, then turned around, presenting her golden-brown ass and naked, sopping wet pussy as though she were a bitch in heat. As though she expected Celeste to...to mount her? How sick! She did not look upon other women that way! And yet...the smell...the scent...it..was..it did something.

"I'm not...like this..." Celeste murmured, as she fell to her knees, the pungeant scent overwhelming....squelching her reason and morality. The scent, the sensation, it seemed so important...more important than anything. Celeste's face was close, so close to the hot, moist slit of the horrible, beautiful, pregnant naked woman.

"This...this isn't me...I don't want this....I'm not....that kind of girl..." The reporter struggled to remind herself, even as she reveled in the glory of the Scent.

"PRIESTESS! STOP THIS NOW!!! END THE CYCLE!!!" shouted a male voice; it must be the short, half-naked man with the huge cock tied down in the next room. He must have loosed his gag. Yet Celeste could not think of the meaning behind his words. She could only grunt, as she buried herself into the hot wetness before her; sucking, suckling, drinking and licking.

Celeste knew she should resist...something...there was something important...but she couldn't remember it, she could only savor the girl-cum of the lusty hussy upon her, even as both the other daughter, and that strange, gorgeous, robed woman removed her embroidered garment and fell upon the reporter.

Sometimes, it was a naked cunt, releasing slick, tangy juices into her mouth, sometimes it was a naked breast, spewing a hot, shockingly sweet milk-like nectar. And then, it was a face. One of the soft-featured, elegant-eyed faces of the mysterious women that had captured her, and with savage grunts rumbling in her throat, Celeste engulfed her mouth, tongues wrestling as she savored the mingling of sexual nectars within the mouth of her captor.

She released an animal squeal when the chief-woman, the mother-figure who led them, placed a taut, firm nipple into her now naked womanhood. The sweet, breast-nectar spurted into her exposed womb. While Celeste still had a remnant of clothing, the daughters attacked, savaged the fabric. It was as if the garments themselves were somehow offensive to the sensibilities of these lurid females. But for a moment, the Journalists' reasoning abilities momentarily surfaced, making a last-ditch attempt to resist this perverse onslaught. As her eyes fluttered open, she looked past the naked, melon-sized tits waving before her towards the yard outside.

Those bushes, those dark-green bushes, the shuddering, the shivering was increasing...but no...something was wrong...there were no branches in this bush, as far as Celeste could see...it was like...like a solid wall of leaves....impossible...it meant...the bushes were not bushes at all! It was like an unbroken layer, a membrane. Not like a growing plant, but more like.....a cocoon?

But the ecstasy was too great; The reporter's swift and flexible mind would never again assert itself the same way, the narcotic effects of the nectars and juices that were slathering her body would forever transform her. Thus, Celeste de Lourdes had descended into nothing but a squirming slut blind to all but sensual pleasure; an eager receptacle for the carnal urges of man or woman alike.

Had she been able to concentrate longer, she would have noticed the poke, the prod as something within pressed against the inner surface of the leafy cocoon. Both structures began to wobble from pressure within. As the newest victim shrieked her glee at the waggling tongue in her vagina, a soft, slender hand ruptured through the leaf-coated layer. In moments, both cocoons were torn from inside, as slippery women of a refined, delicate beauty tore themselves from the juices within. They should have been young, they were newborn, yet they had the full-figures of women in their sexual prime, dripping with sleek oils. They were unsteady at first, and in a way their bodies seemed mismatched; smooth faces with wide-eyes, like teenagers just released from a World-Class beauty salon, yet with ripe bodies and firm figures of child-bearing adults. Surely, breasts that were so high, so firm could not also be as plump as overgrown grapefruits! Could any woman with a face so fresh and young have a body of such ripe fertility? Their eyes flashed an even more brilliant green as comprehensive racial memories filled their young brains with useful information.

"NO!!! ABOMINATIONS!!" shrieked the imprisoned man. "THEY ARE NOT MY DAUGHTERS! THEY ARE NOT MY DAUGHTERS!!" The only response was a chorus of sinister, feminine chuckling.


Part 6: Earthslut

Never before had the drinks onboard Air Italia flight 69 been so popular. The military men clustered together in the middle column of seats lost their dour expressions from the contemplation of matters of international peril, and began smiling broadly, too broadly. Some of the men were tugging at their pants uncomfortably.

But Sister Patience was growing suspicious. The drinks, (only water for her) had seemed exceptionally sweet, they made her feel unusually warm...unusually contented. But she resisted all such influences......could their be some form of alcohol in the drinks? Well, she'd have no more, and then she'd find the proper authorities to report this flight! The whole thing had been fraught with disaster!

She did feel strange! Well, no more of this! She had always rejected, always turned away from sensual gratification all throughout her eighty-six years of life and service to God and the Holy Church. The withered, sag-faced nun stared with stern disapproval as several of her sisters ordering second....and third glasses of whatever they had been drinking....but, there had been a variety of preferences on the flight, many different drinks had been ordered, yet everyone who had partaken of them seemed filled with a contented feeling that bordered on euphoria. A crusty old general who should have been equal in age to Patience herself adjusted his pants as if...surely not! These men were aroused! Almost...it seemed as though they were all aroused at the same time?! But why?

"Mmm...so warm..." murmured a Nun in a seat directly in front of Patience. A prominent bosom seemed to assert itself even through the dull, dark fabric of her Nun's Habit. The woman caressed herself, gurgling with the joy of it.


"Hmm...don't you feel it Patience? It's like Heaven inside of me!..." murmured the intoxicated sister as she turned a smiling face towards her accuser. Unacceptable! As the Abbess of her Nunnery, it was her responsibility to rebuke this sort of behavior at once! And....she...Sister Patience was about to unleash a firm diatribe, but she noticed something.....Vanzetti had always had those deep, wrinkled rings under her eyes, since about the time she turned fifty. Now, they were gone! Her eyes were smooth and perfect, and she seemed to have lost the fine lines around her cheeks, what did this mean!? The difference in Vanzetti's appearance was striking!

And then came the next rush; The aged Nun felt a since of disembodied pleasure, a warm surge in her blood, and a sudden dose of...of...pure happiness burning in her flesh! There was something...something like a voice...like a tantalizing whisper of higher purposes, sensuous....seductive...compelling....

"NO! This...this must be...some sort of..of narcotic!?" Snarled the suspicious sister. But why would the crew of an airliner want to drug their passengers like this? It did not yet make sense to her, but she was certain no good could come of it! She had to get out of here, she had to figure out what was -

"Sister Patience!" came a harsh whisper from behind her. "It's me, Sister Bellini! I need to talk to you in private!! We might be in some sort of trouble!!!" Indeed! Well, Bellini had always seemed like a level-headed servant of the Church, immediately Patience rose on her shaky, old legs and began to follow the young nun. Hmm...Bellini certainly seemed...healthy today. Her face was so smooth, clear and bright...had she been using makeup? She'd have to give the younger woman a stern talking-to if that was the case!

Skirting the moaning throngs in either aisle, the two nuns walked towards the front of the massive airliner, towards the curtained compartment where stewardesses could prepare meals. Bellini ushered Patience inside with a hurried gesture.

"Are you certain it is safe to talk in here? If the flight-crew are plotting against us, isn't this where they would be most likely to gather?" Asked the aged nun as she limped along.

"You're quite right of course, child." Said a sumptuous young woman with mocha-tan skin, hair nearly the same color, who was naked except for an open airline jacket with a name-tag reading 'Maria'. It was plain from the engorged condition of her lower lips that the woman was highly aroused, she seemed lathered with some sort of body oil.

"WHAT the.. - what perversion is this! I'm far older than you girl, and I won't stand for whatever abomination you've concocted on board this flight!"

"Older? Not for long!" What did that mean? It was then that Sister Bellini attacked. Her Nun's habit seemed to flow off her, revealing a svelte figure that gleamed as she darted forward, to pin the old nun beneath a soft prison of bouncing boobs and turgid nipples.

"SUCK!!" came the command. Though strong-willed and unfazed by any sensual temptation, some secret, sinful reflex caused Patience to suck, and to suck deep of the rapturous necter....before she was able to push away the soft surves of her corrupted sister.

"YOU TOO!!? What sin is this that has...that has...m-my head...so light...so free..." murmured the confused cleric.

"Care for a drink?" offered Maria, holding a glass of orange juice close to her wide-aureoled bulging tits.

"Wh-...s-so...that's it...it...I...your breasts....some sort of....of evil milk.....corrupting us...." Maria pulled in close, placed a hand upon Patience's chest.

"The suffering of the Earth is evil, Sister. But I can feel the changes; inside of you....bones strengthening, flesh surging with life! You will soon have a chance to put right what is wrong in the world!" Their prey could not speak, she merely collapsed upon the floor, grunting and quivering.

Strange that there was no pain; she could feel her guts twisting, bones popping as this prurient contagion ravaged every cell of her body. But rather than pain, there was a pleasure; a bliss so sublime, so radiant that all but the strongest personalities would be subsumed at once!

Worst was her breasts; moments ago they had surged with life, potency. They were growing ripe again, full and alive! And...and sensitive! She would fight this! Fight this attack upon her spirit!

"It may take a few moments, Sister Patience is a True Believer, her strength of will is indomitable. It will be difficult for Gaia to Turn her." Bellini admitted.

"But she will Turn." declared a confident voice from behind them. Lisa Sorrentino, stark naked strolled in through the curtains. Her delicious body seemed nearly bursting with life and lust. The original Lady of Nature cupped the Nun's hand in her chin. "Yes, wrinkles vanishing...skin firming...yes she will Turn, I have a theory about her, someone like her may be of great use."

"N-never!" Shrieked Patience, her voice no longer that of a quavering hag, now more like a woman in her thirties. She grasped her face, feeling her skin twisting. "I f-feel...the desire....the carnal urges...I won't...give in...won't surrender....You c-can't make me some naked slut like the rest of you! Not me!!" She bucked wildly, even through her black robes, broadening feminine curves were becoming apparent. A pronounced swell in her bosom could no longer be hidden.

"N-not me! I'm not your slut! Never!!" she repeated her defiant mantra, with hands covering her face, even as her body leapt with pleasure, youthening and ripening all at once. "I'm not your slut...not your slut....not your slut...."

"Oh no, of course not child!" assured Lisa, petting the Abbess's head. "You are not my slut at all! You shall be a Slut for the Earth! You shall spread your legs on behalf of Mother Nature!" crooned Lisa triumphantly.

"She can't hold out much longer," added Maria.

"An impressive effort, I was into my fourth orgasm after this much time." Bellini admitted. As if on cue, the transforming Abbess erupted. After several delighted moments watching her squirm with libidinous release, Lisa took hold of her hated clothing, and tore!

Already, her firm and proud breasts had reached an inch beyond apple-size, skin as silky-perfect as a wet dream. And the pitch of the hoarse cries of desire bore no resemblance to a woman in her 80's. Soon, the three observers noticed the pattern: With each orgasm, her breasts grew just a smidgeon larger. A unique pitch of gurgling grunts tore lose from her throat, as her mind and spirit were boiled alive in a frothing sea of engulfing delight. A close observer could recognize a particular cadence to the grunts right before her now-perfect breasts began to bloom.

"*Nyhah - *RNNK.*" Nut-brown aureoles widened to the size of soda-can tops.

"*Nyhah - *RNNK.*" Another throb brought the cleavage of the milky beige globes closer, until the inner edge of each teat was no more than an inch apart.

"*Nyhah - *RNN-NAAAHRNK*" Nipples became higher, harder, firmer. Guided by pure instinct, Maria tore the shredded habit down further, revealing the wide hips and rosy cunt that any woman would be lucky to possess. Maria began to lick the vagina already moistened by the fourth in that scintillating cycle of eleven orgasms.

"*Nyhah - *RNNK.*" Even laying down, the vast bulge of mountainous mammaries now created a wide valley of sloping titflesh where both edges of breast now touched, already Patience had grown an inch past what would normally be thought of as a D-cup.

"HRAAAHH!!" She rose up into a sitting posture, chest jiggling and careening with the grandeur of her endowments. Her face, there was almost no resemblance, no chance of recognition. The World's Most Elite Fashion Photographers would gladly murder each other for the chance to exclusively publish features so finely exquisite.

"Test her..." Lisa ordered. And her subordinates knew what to do. Bellini and Maria fastened themselves onto the feminine melons still sprouting before them, and almost at once were rewarded with a milky ambrosia more intensely rich than they had imagined possible. The ovum-spores had out done themselves.

"MORE! I want...the pleasure....to continue." Hissed the former Abbess, now 60 years younger, and infinitely more depraved. With a devoted intensity, she curled her fingers and began to masturbate herself.

"No...search your instincts, search Gaia...." Instructed Lisa. You know that the only way to recapture the pleasure of the Turning is to compel a man to ejaculate inside of you. That first moment, when we first touch the Majesty of Gaia; that wondrous ascension can only be regained by opening yourself to a man's penis."

"NOW!" demanded the new slut. Lisa nodded.

"Yes...I agree, and I am tired of trying to resist the urges. There is no longer a need to hide and deceive. The humans can no longer resist us, let us go forth, nude and proud and claim the cock we crave!"

Part 7: Say the Word

It was a fortuitous entry. When Sisters Patience, Bellini, Lisa, and Maria boldly confronted the remaining passengers with the sinuous vision of their lithe, naked bodies, self-control among the passengers had just broken down. The first sight to greet Patience's eyes was that of a thirty-something United States Airforce colonel, a blond and solid-looking man, who was reaching across the aisle and firmly grabbing the still-clothed breast of Sister Denise, a Nun in her late sixties, but who now had the face and figure of a college freshman. The Colonel yanked the former woman of God into his seat, rending her black habit along the way, exposing magnificent breasts that met the motions of his probing hands like warm, tan-colored speed bumbs as he nuzzled and suckled her.

Sister Denise was still changing; it was as if the lurid caresses of this man accelerated the infection. As the Colonel wallowed upon her naked body, the few gray hairs still left in her auburn cascade darkened into youthful, vibrant color. A mere hour ago, such a brazen touch would have produced only screaming violence from Denise, but now it produced screams of a different kind. Still, the Colonel maintained some lingering vestige of his vanishing decency, he had the presence of mind to drape one of the courtesy blankets given to all passengers over the two of them, in a futile attempt to conceal the rough, vigorous mating. Where her breasts still growing, even as the Colonel pounded his over-erect cock into her welcoming slit?

Now, the Ladies could choose any male that piqued their interest....and almost all of them did. But Patience stopped for a moment, and began to fondle her engorged teats, their burgeoning size now just nearly enough for her to squeeze her own head inside either of them. Why did she pause? Why not grasp the nearest, virile officer and impale herself upon his rigid rod?

"We must be more than just Sluts!" Patience proclaimed to the mating, fondling throng. "It is no longer enough to simply surrender to the natural advances of a man's lust! We must be better than that, more aggressive than that!" She clenched her delicate fist with righteous passion, as if preaching a sermon to the faithful. "It is for us to go forth and encourage, incite these lusts! I shall not wait for a man to work up the courage to grasp my shapely ass! I shall grasp his first! That there be no mistaking my intent!