Eric and Sarah


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"Rudder in the middle and more throttle. Look at the compass. Go due east."

I turned the wheel till the mark was on the E.

"More throttle. Take it up to ten knots."

"How am I doing?"

"Just fine. You drive and I'll watch."

He stood by me and watched what I was doing. Then he surprised me. He got on his knees in front of me. He grabbed my ass and pulled me to his face. I felt his tongue touch my pussy lips.

"Oh god, baby."

"You drive, I'll do this. Remember how you did it to me."

I opened my legs a little to give his access. He stuck a finger in me and rubbed my G spot. My knees were getting weak. I locked my knees the best I could to keep from falling. He kept licking and fingering me. I did my best to look around for other boats. He pulled his finger out and stuck it in my asshole. I squealed and came. He licked my clit and fingered me to two more orgasms. I almost fainted. Finally he stopped and stood up.

"How was that, baby. You didn't know you could drive and cum, did you?"

"Holy crap, baby. I almost fainted. You're tongue is amazing. You need to drive now. I need to sit down for a few minutes. My knees are weak."

He chuckled and took over. I made my way back to the chaise lounge. I lay there looking at his strong legs, tight ass and muscular back. I mumbled, "What a specimen and it's all mine."

"What did you say, baby."

"I said I love you."

He set the auto pilot and sat beside me.

"I wonder if the people at work know about us?"

"I'm not sure. I know they watch me all the time. I think they're watching me to see if I hook up with someone. It's been a long time."

"They make figure something is up with that big smile on your face."

"They may notice when they see you taking little steps, too."

"Well, I am a little tender in spots. I've had my legs open for two days. I'm not used to that."

"You had better get used to it. I'm gonna be there every chance I get."

"I certainly hope so."


Eric parked his boat and we headed to my house. We stopped off and had dinner on the way. He followed me in, carrying my bag. As soon as the door closed he was after me. He quickly took off all my clothes and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he picked me up. He threw me on my bed and quickly undressed. He crawled between my legs and started eating me. In no time at all he had me cumming and cumming. He moved up and slowly slid is big cock in me. I came again when he hit bottom

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard. Fuck me."

He did. I came three more time before he unloaded his cum in me. We cuddled for a while and I fell asleep. I woke up later and I was covered up and alone. There was a note on the other pillow.

'I love you. See you at work tomorrow.'

I reached down and felt my pussy. It was tender and covered in cum. I licked it off my fingers and snuggled in. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Monday morning my alarm interrupted the last of my many erotic dreams I was having. Eric's cock was all the way in and we were going for the big one. I yawned and stretched. Several sore spots told me stretching was a bad idea. It seemed that I hurt in muscles that I didn't know I had. Gingerly I made my way to the shower.

Looking in the mirror I had to smile, thinking to myself how embarrassed I was going to he when I waddled into work. I finished my shower and made my way to the kitchen. I set up the coffee and left to get dressed. I chuckled at myself, sitting there putting on my make up with a silly grin on my face. Everyone would know the minute I walked what I had been doing all weekend. Oh well. They had to find out sooner or later.


The elevator door opened and I stepped out. Emily looked up.

"Good morning, Sarah.'

"Good morning, Emily."

I had only taken three steps and her eyes popped out. She jumped up and ran to me. She pulled me over by her desk.

"OK, Miss Hot Pants. Tell me all about it."

"ummm I had a very nice weekend."

"I can see how nice it was. Who were you with?"

I leaned over and whispered.


She squealed and started jumping up and down.

"Oh god. I'm so happy for you."

"We went to Catalina Island on his big boat."

"Oh my god. You don't know it but he has never taken a woman on his boat. You're the first. You're in for it now. Oh my god, you have to be special in his eyes you lucky girl."

"Well, he certainly made me feel special as you can plainly see by how I'm walking."

"Oh god. I'm so happy for both of you. It's about time someone snagged him."

I managed to get to my desk. Some suspicious eyes were on me as I walk by. Most turned to smiling eyes. I sat down and sent Eric a text.

'Thanks for the best weekend of my life. I love you so much. And I can hardly walk."

He answered with a big smiley face.

Just before lunch Emily paged me.

"I'm buying lunch. See you at the kitchen."

"OK. I'll have one of everything. I need to get my strength back."

I heard her laughing as she hung up.

Of course, all the girls from the office were waiting for me. I had just sat down and I got a barrage of question. I game them a watered down version of our weekend. I left them to fill in the blanks.


Over the next three months Eric and I were together as often as we could. Three out of four weekends were spent on his boat.

We were on our way back from Oceanside. We gambled a little and the Ocean's Eleven Casino, found some nice places to eat, but mostly my legs were open. On the way back he set the auto pilot and we snuggled down in the bed. I was laying on his arm with his cock in my hand gently stroking it.

"Baby. It's ridiculous for us to be keeping two houses going. I want you to move in with me. Even one night sleeping alone is too many. I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms."

I raised up on my elbow and looked in his eyes.

"This is a big step. Are you sure your ready to take it?"

"Yes. I'm been thinking about it for a while. What do you think?"

I grabbed him and started kissing him all over his face and neck.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Not a yes. It's a hell yes."

Two days later I was moved in. We had already fucked in every room, but we decided to make sure.

Of course the office gossip went out of control again. Who knows what blanks they were filling. One thing for sure. I was the happiest woman on the planet.

We settled into a comfortable relationship. We both worked and played hard.

One Sunday, six months later, we went to a movie at the mall. When we came out talking about the movie. As we came to a jewelry store he steered me in the door. I grabbed his arm and looked at him. He was looking straight ahead. At best I expected maybe a set of earrings. Silly me.

He steered me over to the engagement rings.

"See anything there you like."

I almost fainted.

"Eric. What are you doing?"

He turned and took me in his arms.

"I'm asking you to marry me."

Tears fell from my eyes and I couldn't even talk. The clerk handed me a wad of tissues. I finally calmed down enough to talk.

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

The tears fell again. I grabbed him in my arms.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I'll marry you."

He pointed at the rings.

"Pick one out."

I looked at a few. I saw one and pointed at it.


I pointed at another.


"Oh my god. Eric. How about this one?"

"Maam, can we see that one, please."

The clerk pulled it out and handed it to Eric. He looked at the price tag and turned. He slipped it on my finger. Of course the tears started again. I threw my arms around him and got his front all wet. I think I used a half of a box of their tissues.

"Let's go home, Mrs. Richards."

I started bawling again. All the way home I kept saying.

"Mrs Sarah Richards. Mrs Sarah Richards. Mrs. Sarah Richards."

That night I fucked him three times as fast as I could get him hard. I couldn't get him hard for number four.

The next morning as the elevator door opened I casually flashed my ring. Emily saw it immediately. She screamed like someone had stabbed her with a dull knife. Everyone that heard her came running. She was standing there pointing at me. The finally got her calmed down.

"Look at her finger. Look at her finger."

Bedlam broke out. One guy got on the phone and made a call to the back offices. Soon everyone was in the reception area. All the women were standing around me passing a box of tissue around. The guys just stood back watching.

Eric walked in and looked around.

"OK. It doesn't look like we'll get much work done today. Everyone go home and we'll meet at the Hilton tonight. Dinner and drinks are on me."

The guys all congratulated Eric and wandered off. The girls stayed longer, looking at my ring and acting silly. I grabbed Eric and hugged him. We kissed and all the girls cheered. Then they pulled me off him and they all gave him a hug and a kiss. I think I saw him blush.

The engagement party at the Hilton was a howling success. I met some of spouses I hadn't met before. Everyone got plenty to drink and eat. We took over the dance floor after dinner. My best count came to about forty people. Later I asked Eric how much it cost. He said he might have to empty one of his offshore accounts.

A week later we set a date. We had already done the meet the parents thing so Eric brought mine and his Mom together. He set them up in a hotel. I took off work and the three of us did all the prep for the wedding. A week before the wedding he flew in all the relatives that could get away. He put them up in the same hotel. He made sure all the guys had a nice suit to wear. I took the Moms shopping for their dresses. Of course they helped me pick out my wedding dress.

The wedding went off without a hitch. I wore a strapless full length ivory gown. Eric look so handsome in his tux. Two of my bridesmaids were from the office and one was my friend from college. I felt like I was walking on a cloud as I went up the isle. When my Dad gave me to Eric I broke tradition. I lifted my veil and kissed him. He tried to hide his tears.

I almost fainted when Eric slipped my wedding band on. He looked a little woozy too. As we were walking back down the isle I saw Professor Berkowitz sitting there with his wife. I stopped and gave him a kiss. I whispered a thank you to him. We got the usual covering of rice as we walked out. A white limo was waiting and whisked us off to our condo. We went upstairs for a few minutes. We sat down for a while just to relax. Eric surprised me again. He lifted my wedding dress and ate me to two orgasms. Then he turned me over on my knees and gave me a load of cum to take to the reception. I had to put a pad of toilet paper in my panties to stop it from running down my legs.

At the reception I danced with my Dad. We both cried. He was so happy for me. Mom had to help him back to their table. Eric took a long time pulling my garter down with his teeth. We were both enjoying him being up in there. I looked later and found a hickey on my leg.

It finally wound down and we went upstairs to change. I made the limo wait a while. I had to give Eric a blow job before we left. The driver didn't seem to mind.

For our honeymoon we flew to Hawaii. We registered in a hotel with a great view of the black sand beach. We actually went swimming. I teased Eric about getting a tan. He asked me, "How's your tan coming." I answered, "Looks like you're done."

We didn't spend much time in the sun. Us redheads burn quickly. We went on a couple of tours around the island. I was going to buy Eric one of those ugly Hawaiian shirts. He said he wouldn't wear it.

We flew home a day early so we could get settled down, ready for work. When I walked into my office the first thing I noticed was a new plaque on my desk. 'Sarah Richards Attorney at Law' I took it and showed it to Eric. He just gave me his big electric smile.


Six months later, Eric and I were laying in bed watching a movie. He raised up on his elbow and looked at me.

"I've been thinking we should start a family. What do you think about it."

I looked at him. I rolled him on his back and sat on his chest. I looked into his black eyes.

"How many do you want?"

His mouth dropped open.

"I guess that's settled. I'm thinking three is a good number."

"When can we start?"

"After you finish your pack of pills?"

"You got it, Daddy. One thing though. I don't want to do the temperature taking, calendar thing. Let's just let it happen."

"I agree. I'll just keep you full of cum night and day."

"Oh my. I really like that idea. We could even sneak into the supply closet at work to make sure I'm full."

'Oh yeah. Great idea. Everyone would like to hear you scream when you cum."

True to his promise he kept me full of cum. We screwed every night at least once and every morning. I kept a good supply of light days pads handy. I didn't want to run around all day with wet panties.

My next period came right on schedule. I wasn't concerned. I just figured it would take some time for my system to get used to being off the pill. My next one didn't come on schedule. When I was five days late I noticed Eric looking at me sideways. I smiled. I knew he could count too. Two days later Eric walked into the kitchen. He saw the EPT stick laying on the table. He picked it up and looked at it. He howled and grabbed me, kissing me all over my face.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, yourself, Mom."

We went out to dinner that night to celebrate.

I told Emily the next morning. Of course she started bawling and hugging me. Before long the other girls in the office came and congratulated me. The guys all gave Eric high fives.

That night we sat trying out different names. We decided on Eric James for a boy and Sarah Ann for a girl. James after his father and Ann for my Mom. Of course, Eric started a search for the best OB/GYN with in twenty miles. We found a woman close to home. A month later I went to her office. She checked me over and said I was a textbook case of a pregnant woman. Over the next few months Eric hovered over me. He wouldn't let me lift anything that weighed over a pound. He would go grocery shopping with me and push the cart. Of course he handled all the bags. I told him he was over reacting but he didn't listen. I knew he was doing it out of love for me and our baby. I decided to let it go.

During my pregnancy I did a lot of online searches about being a Mom. A lot of it was bull but I managed to separate the wheat from the chaff. My doctor game me some literature to read too.


Right on schedule I started labor contractions. Eric and I timed them. When they got to the right interval and duration he drove me to the hospital. The doctor explained to Eric that I might be in labor for quite a few hours and sent him home. Thirteen hours later I delivered an 7 pound five ounce baby boy. Eric was going crazy telling perfect strangers. Of course they got a cigar.

Two days later I was home starting to apply my Mom skills. Eric flew my Mom in to help me for the first two weeks. She was really a great help.

I was so proud of Eric. Of course he was overly attentive with me and James. He even learned how to change a diaper. I had to chuckle at him a few times. He had trouble with the smell but never said a word. I kidded him about buying a gas mask. He especially like to watch James nursing. He just thought it was amazing to see the little guy on my breast. I knew right off he was going to be a great father and I really enjoyed being a stay at home Mom.

One year later I was pregnant again. After thirteen hours in labor I delivered a baby girl. She weighed seven pounds eight ounces. We named her Sarah Jane. Jane after Eric's Mom.

Another year passed and we finished off our family. I delivered another baby girl. We named her Sarah Lee after Lee Berkowitz.


Thirty years later Eric and I are sitting on our sofa. It's December twenty fifth. The floor is covered with torn wrapping paper and empty boxes. Our grandchildren are playing with their new toys. Our children are sitting with their spouses with big smiles on their faces.

I turned and looked at Eric. I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug and a kiss.

"I love you, baby."

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LickideesplitLickideesplitover 7 years ago
What a Life

Except for a few losers, briefly described and quickly brushed aside, Sweetie finds Mr. Ideal ... and he finds her to also be perfect! How pleasant!...AKA boring!

BigPopsBigPopsover 8 years ago
A nice story, totally believable, but...

For such a stud with great food and expensive toy tastes, it is hard to believe he'd order White Zinfandel to go with the Salmon. Otherwise, great story.

StLouisLoveStLouisLoveover 8 years ago

I loved the story, there is nothing that I would change. I love the fact that you have so much "love" in the story. Nice change from most of the stories on here. 5 stars from me.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 8 years ago

It was an OK short read.

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