Erica, Treasure Hunter


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Two short horns curved from the corners of his forehead, twisting backwards over the black hair tied into a long ponytail and his long, pointed ears. Ridged like bone as those horns were they should have looked unnatural, they should have repulsed her, and yet they did not. Perhaps it was that her mind had already been drawn away, getting lost in his eyes. Those eyes...

They were twin white slits, angled upwards slightly towards his forehead. They shimmered with their own luminescence, drawing her in, calling to her body in a way she found difficult to resist. With each passing second those eyes seemed to call to her more, and all at once her earlier desires came flooding back. The fire alighted between her thighs, her body quivered for a lover, and the sword sagged in her hands.

"So you are my master now," the figure spoke in a rumbling, arousing voice. Erica's shaky hands fell to her side, and the rapier clattered to the floor, its fiery blade winking out. At last she found the energy to speak.

"Your... your master?"

"You have awakened the amulet. You have summoned me. I am yours."

I am yours... the images that flashed through her mind were more than merely salacious, and Erica swallowed hard as she struggled to focus.

"The... amulet?"

"My token of binding, yes. It is yours now. I am yours."

She took a deep breath, attempting to regain control of herself. But those eyes still burned...

"What are you?" she said quickly, blurting the words out so as not to stammer again. "Are you a demon?"

"Indeed I am," the voice replied, its deep huskiness promising of more carnal treats in store. Erica had to bite back her desire.

"Then why have you not killed me?"

"Because I am yours." The demon stood motionless, and yet a hint of uncertainty seemed to creep into his poise. "And besides," he added, his mouth broadening into a smile. A beautiful, wide smile. "My kind is not birthed for violence."

"Then what is it for?"

"The sating of any desire. I am an incubus."

Incubus! her mind hissed. Fear pulsed through her, but it was fleeting, the cold rush replaced near-immediately by a much hotter one.

She could feel her nipples rubbing against the soft fabric of her chemise, feel the air passing coolly over her bare legs. The demon's eyes seemed to bore into her yet drink her in, and Erica felt more at ease with every passing moment. He would have killed me by now. The Gods, it's not as if he hasn't had the chance. And if he really is mine to control, then he cannot lie...

"Are you truly mine, demon?" she asked, more steadily than she felt. "Then tell me your name."

His name. A demon's greatest weakness. With his name she could do anything, compel him to anything. A demon could be banished in an instant with just one spoken command if addressed by name, and a demon already bound to you... well, anything was possible.

"Yaepash, master," the incubus responded without hesitation, that silky smooth voice still making her legs tremble. "My name is Yaepash. I am yours to do with as you please."

Hers to do with as she pleased. Hers to do with as she pleased. She felt at ease with the demon now, her racing mind soothed by knowing his name. He truly was subject to her whim, and as the trepidation faded more base desires flooded to fill the gaps. She had one thing on her mind now.

"And what is your main purpose, Yaepash? Why were you bound?"

"I am an incubus, master. We live to serve. To satisfy... desires. I can smell it on you, master. Your desire for me. I can satisfy those urges. It is my calling."

"And do you... enjoy your calling, Yaepash?"

The demon's mouth twisted into a bright grin. His white eyes seemed to glitter.

"I would not be of much service if I did not."

Erica stepped from the bed, deftly dropping to the floor beneath. With her bare feet she kicked her rapier sideways, and her eyes hungrily drank in the sight of her incubus. Perhaps she would have her lover after all.

"Then enjoy yourself with me."

"As you command."

In an instant the demon was upon her, crushing his firm body against hers. His arms wrapped around her back, pulling her tight to him, and his mouth pressed against her own. Erica kissed back, her passion inflamed so intensely she thought she might faint, her tongue pushing into Yaepash's mouth.

It was only then she realised that the incubus had been naked, so caught up in his mesmerising eyes had she been. She had closed her own with their kiss, and yet her desire had not abated. What burned in her core was entirely her own; a familiar feeling, no doubt, but a very unfamiliar target.

A demon. An incubus. But ruggedly handsome all the same. Those arms... she reached out, placing her palms on Yaepash's biceps, feeling the hard knots of muscle underneath. She whimpered into their kiss, and pulled away.

Grasping her chemise, she pulled it upwards, sliding the soft garment over her head. She felt his hands and mouth on her breasts before she had even tossed it aside, and instantly her palms were sinking into his silky ponytail. His tongue played beautifully over her nipples, teasing the hard buds, his lips occasionally sliding across them as he focused on the sensitive mounds.

Yaepash pulled away, those white eyes seeming to burn with a lust of his own. Apparently he was not lying when he said he felt those same carnal urges, and Erica stared down at him greedily.

"You have a most magnificent figure, master," he said, sounding truthful. "I look forward to fulfilling its every desire."

"Then perhaps... you should get on with it..." she gasped, the sound becoming a yelp as Yaepash scooped her into his arms.

"Yes, master," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. He dropped her onto the bed, and any surprise she may have had at his obvious emotion was soon washed away as the demon gently kissed between her legs.

A white flare of pleasure temporarily blinded her thoughts to anything else as the incubus set to work on her snatch. She could feel his tongue sweeping gently across her folds, slowly, delicately working its way over the entirety of her pussy. He seemed to be making sure to cover every inch with his magnificent tongue, and Erica could only mumble vaguely word-like utterances at his ridiculous skill. He truly was a master at this.

She lifted her head, staring down at the demon with lust as she took in the magnificent sight of him between her legs. His mouth was clamped to her snatch, his tongue still roving over her lips, but as she stared down at him his wet swirling became more focused, more targetted. With a loud sob of pleasure her head crashed back down onto the bed, her back arching as Yaepash's exploratory tongue found her clit.

She was writhing then, her hair scattering messily beneath her head. The incubus' hands ran up her thighs, coming to rest on her hips as his tongue truly began to stimulate her clit. She did not know how long he kept that up, so utterly subsumed by the bliss that his work sent through her. She only knew that she had rarely felt so good.

Her reverie was broken, though only slightly, when she felt a gentle palm grasp one of her breasts. Yaepash was kneading the soft flesh, nimbly playing with her nipple to send yet more stimulation sparking through her. It was almost too much.


She crested, her snatch tightening, and Yaepash pulled away, his tongue doing the bare minimum to keep her close without actually tipping her over the edge. She sucked in air between her teeth, desperately close, pushing her hips down against the demon's face, but he only matched the movement to maintain the same level of pressure.

Erica raised her head, her nipples hard, her stomach quivering. She wanted to come... she wanted so desperately to come, and from the look on the demon's face he knew it too. But he had stopped her doing so. He was teasing her.

She moaned out her demand: that he tip her over the edge, that he stop holding her here in euphoric limbo, unable to reach the crest yet not dropping away. But her mind was too clouded with pleasure to form the words properly. She mumbled, slurring her words as she struggled to focus.

"Master, I did not catch that. I cannot obey commands I do not understand."

She stared down at him, a slight whimper running through her as his tongue returned to her clit, getting her so close... so close...

She swallowed, trying to force the pleasure from her mind for one second. Just one second...

"Yaepash... I demand that you... make me come..." she moaned, pushing herself down onto his face.

This time he did not pull away.

"As you wish, master," he chuckled into her pussy, and suddenly his tongue was working on her clit again, his fingers on her nipple.

And, with a flare of pleasure that Erica was not expecting, two fingers of his free hand slid deeply into her pussy.

That was all she needed, and with a sob of bliss that sent wracking convulsions through her body, Erica climaxed. She felt her pussy spasming against the demon's probing fingers, could feel those massive contractions in her depths that made her hunch forwards with each potent pulse. Her mind was lost, at least temporarily, and she delighted in it.

It seemed to Erica that she came for an eternity and a fleeting moment. She was outside of time as the rapture of that orgasm seared through her, but at last it did end. She slumped back onto the bedsheets with a shiver as the last dregs of her climax faded away. It was a long time before she spoke.

"Yaepash, I thought you existed only to serve me?" she said, still catching her breath.

She heard the demon's chuckle as he climbed up the bed. "I do, master. But, I am not an automaton. I enjoy teasing as much as the next sentient being. And, master, I believe from the way you came that you found it worthwhile in the end."

She grabbed his chin as he moved up to position himself on top of her, staring into his white eyes. His face was twisted into a wicked grin and she realised with a start that all her assumptions about demons were wrong. They were not all bestial things with only one purpose. This incubus - her incubus - was much more than that.

"Please, call me Erica," she said, running the fingers of her left hand down his hard, blue chest. The red tattoos throbbed with their own light but they felt no different to her touch. She traced the outline of one. "What are these?"

"They are my bindings, Erica," he said with seductive rumble. The sound of her name sent another thrill through her. "They allow me to exist in this realm. Without them, I would last but a moment before I was cast back."

"But I have seen plenty of demons without these markings, Yaepash."

He nodded. "Indeed you have, I am sure. Mindless, animalistic things. But for me, a being of higher intelligence; I require these bindings to exist."

Whatever the reason behind their existence, they looked good. Very good. Despite the strength of her recent climax, Erica yet remained... unfulfilled. She could feel Yaepash's hard cock jutting against her thigh. She knew she wanted it inside of her.

As if he had read her mind the demon leaned forwards, holding himself above her and staring into her eyes. He smiled wickedly. "Erica, would you like me to fuck you?"

She could only bite her lower lip and nod. This demon - this incubus - was hers to command. He did as she wished, and she wanted him inside of her. And yet, in the back of her mind, some part of her rejected the thought that she was about to have sex with a demon. It screamed that she should stop; that she should cast the unnatural creature back to the demonic plane from which it came.

That part of her was silenced as she felt Yaepash's member pierce her folds, the demon's magnificent cock sinking slowly deeper. It parted her lips, burrowing gently into her snatch, filling her up. The incubus seemed to know exactly the right pace to go, yet that was hardly surprising to Erica.

Soon his hips pressed against hers, his length entirely inside her. Then he started to move.

The feeling was exquisite. Erica loved the sensation of a hard cock inside her, and Yaepash's was no different. He withdrew his hips slowly, until only his head remained inside her snatch, then pushed inwards once again. A slow, deliberate rhythm, perfect for getting things going. She delighted in that.

Her hands slid to his arms, feeling the hard muscle in his biceps. She moaned at the feeling, staring at the demon as he slowly fucked her. His blue skin shimmered in the light thrown off by the red tattoos, his stomach muscles taut as they bunched and knotted with the movements of his hips. His white eyes stared straight into hers, and the thrill of that set of more sparks of pleasure in her core.

Yaepash leant down then, kissing her neck and tracing his lips towards her ear. There he paused. "Erica, you feel amazing," he whispered, that sultry voice enhancing the blunt eroticism of the words. Erica wondered if he truly meant it, or whether it was said because it was something she wanted to hear. From the look in his eyes and the mask of pleasure on his face, however, she guessed it was the former, and that was so arousing as to be almost beyond words. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was.

She kissed him then, sliding her hands up his arms and grasping a firm hold of his cheeks. Their tongues duelled as his cock still plunged inside her. His pace was now vigorous; Erica could feel her body moving with the force of the demon's thrusts. Her pleasure was building steadily, a tight knot of bliss that wove itself deep in her core.

Erica broke the kiss, wrapping her arms around Yaepash's back and pulling him down on top of her. She whimpered in pleasure at the feeling of his own arms pushing beneath her back, encircling her. His head dropped as he kissed her neck, and suddenly his thrusts sped up significantly. She sobbed out in delight at the enhanced sensation, the feeling of his hard, toned body pressed against her, when coupled with their sex, almost pushed her over the edge.

As it was, she could feel herself building. The pleasure in her core grew more unstable, closer to eruption, and she slid her arms down Yaepash's back until she found the wings bunched against the skin. The incubus did not seem to mind her exploratoration, and she had no intention of stopping it. She ran her fingers along the wings, feeling the leathery texture of the folded flesh. Somehow, the alien nature of their existence only served to drive her passion to greater heights.

She could feel the demon's tongue on her neck as he gently licked and kissed her skin, and she knew she would not last much longer. Her insides had started to tighten against his probing cock, Yaepash seeming to realise that too. She raised her hands again, stroking them through his silky black hair.

"I'm going to come, Yaepash," she moaned. The demon groaned in response, his hips moving rapidly as he thrust inside her.

"I want nothing more than to feel that, Erica," he said quietly, almost whispering into her ear.

Then a thought occurred to Erica, forcing its way through the fog of pleasure that was rapidly overtaking her mind. "Tell me, can you come?"

The demon pushed himself more upright until his face was inches from hers, his eyes gazing directly into her own. She was grateful that the shift in position did nothing to slow the movements of his hips.

"Yes, I can. Though I can be commanded not to, if you so wish."

"No, Yaepash, I want you to come. I want you to come when I do," she said insistently, knowing that moment was very close.

She could feel his breath washing over her face, and somewhere in the back of her mind that surprised her. Yet Erica did not care for long, her climax imminent. And from the pleasurable strain written on Yaepash's face, his own release was nearing quickly, too.

Moments later, that release came. With a cry born of pure bliss, Erica came. She felt her pussy spasm around the demon's member, ecstasy gripping her mind as his length shuddered and twitched in her depths. She knew he was coming, too, and that drove her on, each contraction of her tunnel accompanied by another bright flash of euphoria.

She was not sure how long she came for. It could have been days, for all she knew, pleasure battering at her mind as she writhed there, gripped in the pure rapture of the incubus' work.

Yet, at last, it began to fade, and Yaepash slightly lowered himself down onto her as the last dregs of her orgasm shivered through her. He kissed her, more tenderly this time, and she responded in kind. A faint groan escaped her lips as his cock slipped free from her sated pussy.

"I do not think you truly desire any more pleasure tonight, Erica," Yaepash grinned. "What you require now is sleep, not sex."

She nodded, tiredness already seeping into her limbs. She did not realise quite how exhausted she was, although given her exertions over the past few days - and indeed minutes - it was hardly surprising.

She felt the demon chuckle. "But do not worry; I am yours to command. Whenever you desire pleasure, I am here to supply it."

"Will you stay the night with me?" she murmured, her eyes closing.

"Of course, if you wish it. Or I can return to my amulet, if you prefer. I do not live inside it; it is merely a gateway through which I am summoned. And, now that you have summoned me and I am bound to you, you can call me with only my name if the will is there to bring me."

Erica liked the sound of that, even in her current state. But as sleep slowly overtook her, she was concerned about only one thing.

"I want you to stay here for the night. Then you can wake me in the morning."

The demon laughed, but if he responded, she did not hear it. She was asleep moments later.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 2 years ago

As a demon incubus, Yaepash should know that a female in charge is a Mistress, not a Master.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
More please

Loving the concept eagerly awaiting new chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

any chances if a sequel?

fanficwriter1fanficwriter1almost 12 years ago
Kinda like...

Lara Croft in high fantasy, bu also with good sex!

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