Evelyn is Given a Rose

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Evelyn is trained by a new Master.
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When I returned from Mistress's house that night, having watched as my old classmate and once friend Chelsea was pierced and tattooed for her unauthorized use of my body, I went to my closet and took out the sex toys I had stored. I had not used any of these since those first weeks with Mistress Mai Lyn. At that time I was trying to understand my desire for pain and how it magnified my orgasms. Seeing Mistress using Chelsea in the same ways Mai Lyn had originally used me brought back those memories.

I set each of the toys out on my bed and then took off the few clothes I was allowed to wear and sat down. I selected the breast clamp first and after attaching the clamps to my nipple rings opened the vise to pull and stretch my nipples taught. Once that was tight enough to stay in place, but not sufficient to cause me any real pain, I lubed up my butt plug and spreading my legs wide forced that monster into my ass. Fortunately I had been fucked in my ass fairly recently and I was able to insert this monster with just a little difficulty. I gasped when it finally slid into place and was breathing rather hard while I adjusted to the immense pressure and pain of the plug.

Once I had accommodated that device in my ass I grabbed a large black vibrating dildo and lay back down on my bed. Using one hand to further open the vise, stretching my tits far enough to bring pain to my now elongated nipples, I took the vibrating black cock and started to insert it into my now wet pussy.

Once I had a rhythm established I began to lift my hips into the invading dildo allowing it to completely fill me. As I relaxed my hips back down to the bed I could feel the plug in my ass wedge itself deeper. Turning the vise some more, the pain in my ass from the plug was superseded by the electric shocks emanating from my nipples. I began to convulse in a magnificent orgasm. My hand continued to ram the black vibrator into my sopping pussy as I writhed on the bed. I moaned aloud as the orgasm took control and my legs shook as wave after wave battered me.

I stayed that way for a long time relishing the memories before slowing undoing the breast vise, removing the sticky wet vibrator and finally pulling the plug from my ass. I was sated and tired and leaving the toys on the floor I got under the covers, put both hands between my legs and thought of Mistress and Chelsea as I toyed with my sticky pussy and fell asleep.

The following morning as I exited my apartment I met Jesse on the street. She pulled my skirt up revealing my naked pussy. If I thought I had any privacy, this reminded me that I did not, that I was owned by my Mistress, totally.

"Mistress told you we would check on you, Evelyn. I'm glad to see you are obeying her command not to wear any panties. Now enjoy your day, I am sure I will see you again soon."

It happened so fast and was over before I could react and so I went about my business. Twice more that day I was forced to show either Jesse or Anna my naked pussy. I realized that Mistress was going to test me. Given my history I could hardly blame her but each time my skirt was up I nervously looked to see who might see. That night recalling the exposures led me to masturbate furiously the moment I got back to my apartment. My sleep was delayed too, as I once again battered my clit, cumming hard and soaking my hand. The only confusion I had was why when I masturbated I saw either Mistress or Chelsea and not one of the guys I had my eyes on.

Friday night I was back at Mistress', once again stripped at the door, collared and led to the playroom. It was almost a ritual but tonight there was a difference. Chained already to the wall was Chelsea. Looking at her as she hung her head I saw she had similar earrings, her nipples were pierced identical to mine and knowing her labia had been pierced I bent over and saw that her pussy was chained closed as mine had been.

"Looking over the slut you made me become, Ev?"

Chelsea's words were delivered with venomous hate. She obviously blamed me for her enslavement. She was the type who always blamed someone else for anything that did not go according to how she wanted it to go.

"I tried to tell you not to cut my pussy chain. I warned you about Mistress. You can't blame this on me. You stole from her."

"Enough! The two of you be quiet."

It was Mistress who had spoken those words and I quickly knelt down for her. I had decided to be as submissive as I could. I wasn't sure why I had made that decision. I knew that I could not endure a life as a street whore and that remaining her pleasure slut was far the better option. I think at that time I was afraid to admit to myself that I had strong feelings for Mistress, feelings I found repugnant about any other woman.

Mistress directed Jesse and Anna in chaining Chelsea and I so that our arms were cuffed in a tee fashion and our ankles were chained together, my right ankle to her left and my left to her right. We were seated facing one another and our legs were pulled out so that out bodies faced on another. A chain was attached from my left nipple to her right one and my right to her left. After unchaining Chelsea's pussy a long double-ended dildo was placed between us so that each end was in our pussies. Lastly another long double-ended dildo was placed in our mouths. Because of the chain between our nipples our movements were limited. If we moved towards one another we'd force the dildos deeper into our mouths, if we moved back the dildo in our cunts would insert itself and the chain on our nipples would pull tighter sending shooting pains through our chests.

"I will not tolerate any arguing so you two need to come to an accommodation. You can find a happy medium chained this way or you can do your best to give pain to one another. I expect that you two will at some point put your past behind you."

As she left the room, Jesse and Anna started to whip each of us from behind. Each lash would cause either Chelsea or I to react either pulling back or jumping forward. With the dildo in my mouth I felt like I was sucking Chelsea's cock and it would make me pull back thus inflicting pain in my tits. It took us awhile to minimize our movements but just when I found that ability the lashes to my backside sent spasms of pleasure through me initiating an orgasm that had me rocking in my chains. I gathered that Chelsea had not learned to convert the pain to pleasure and so while I was enjoying the effects of my orgasm, I was inflicting pain and humiliation on her. That thought only magnified my orgasm.

Eventually the whipping stopped and we found a common ground between us. Then we were unchained and Jesse took Chelsea and Anna took me. I was taken to the spa room I was accustomed to and bathed, massaged and oiled. I assumed I was being prepared for one of Mistress's clients. I allowed myself to enjoy this treatment and did not focus on what I might be required to do later or how that might embarrass or shame me.

Once I had been massaged and completely oiled I was told to remain on the bed while my arms were once again restrained. I nervously worried that some other mark would be applied since this was a familiar action. Mistress had threatened to pierce my nose and I did not think I could endure the shame of that. My stomach churned as Anna approached me with some small devices in her hands.

She removed my nipple rings from the bar pierced through the nipple and placed a glass tube over my nipples. Rubber hoses ran from the tops of these tubes and before I knew it suction pulled the two tubes tight to my chest. The suction increased until my nipples were painfully extended to beyond a comfortable length. The pain was bad but not uncontrollable. After a few minutes the suction increased again pulling my tortured nipples even further and I cold not hold back as I screamed and begged her to stop the pain.

I quickly slammed my mouth shut and did my best to endure. When once again the level of suction increased pulling my nipples even further I was sure they were ready to pop off. I swallowed the pain but could not stay quiet completely and I whimpered into my closed mouth and my head rocked from side to side. Then Anna left me. I was alone and my nipples were screaming at me. I tried to release my hands and shake my body. Anything to rid my tits of the pain, but failed.

"OK, were done now."

It was Anna coming in and turning off the suction. While the pain left immediately my nipples remained elongated and when Anna returned the rings to the bars the length of my nipple kept the bar from laying flat on my areole. My nipples were hard and much longer then they had been. Anna then placed a stiff rubber collar on my nipples, squeezing them and forcing the tip of my nipple to swell and turn a deep red, almost crimson color. The collar was of a similar color to my nipple and was evidently intended to keep them elongated.

"It's not completely permanent, Ev. The machine, if used over time will eventually keep your nipple stretched without the collars but this first session will slowly fade. Not completely, maybe 75%. If Mistress continues then..."

The words "First time" and "if Mistress continues" rattled my brain as I stared at my much longer nipples. The pain was, I finally admitted, tolerable, but I wasn't sure the longer nipples were a good thing. Already my always hard and pierced nipples embarrassed me when I went out, popping through my blouse and catching the eyes of the guys and some girls as I walked passed. Anna busied herself slipping a short pink dress over my shoulders and brushing out my hair. I could see in the mirror that the dress was made of such a lightweight silky material that my new longer nipples were embarrassingly poking out. The dress was otherwise opaque but short. Anna slipped a pair of matching six-inch heels on my feet and helped me adjust to the severe height. Walking awkwardly at first I soon managed to control my gait and followed Anna as she led me out of the spa. Because my labia were still chained to my thigh bands, the heels further exaggerated my already adjusted gait. My shortened step and the need to keep my legs closer together then normal had my ass swinging as I followed Anna.

I was taken to Mistress who took a few minutes to look me over.


She announced as she flicked my tender elongated nipples through the flimsy material.

"I think I like the way they poke out. Anna you will keep her on the stretcher for a while longer next time."

Swallowing the 'next time' comment and still wondering about my fate for the night or weekend made my pussy dampen as I stood before my Mistress awaiting my fate.

"Is the other slut ready yet, Anna?"

I assumed she meant Chelsea and my guess proved correct when Jesse led a similarly attired Chelsea into the room. I could see that her nipples were also fighting to poke from her pale blue dress and her step was also a bit unsure from her heels as well. Whatever happened this evening I just hoped that it did not require me to be with Chelsea.

"Sluts! You are to be given to clients this evening and I expect you will behave as perfect pleasure sluts and not embarrass me. However, should you fail to make my clients happy you will... well you know what happens to sluts who displease me, don't you?'

"Yes, Mistress!" I whispered.

"Yes, Mistress," Chelsea replied in an emotionless voice. I wondered how she would handle being used as she used me. I found that the thought of her enduring a submissive role elated me and a small smile crept to my lips. Anna then led me from the room and to a waiting car on the street. As the car moved off down the street I wondered where I was going and where Chelsea would end up. I shortly arrived at a large home situated on the bay. It was a little cool out here with the breeze coming in from the water and I shivered as I was deposited at the door. I stood waiting for it to open after my driver had pushed the bell and then left me.

I was slightly surprised when an older woman opened the door. I stood quietly looking at her, noticing she was a few inches tall then I was, well proportioned with large but not huge breasts and longish brunette hair. She was more then pretty; she was elegant and matched the house.

"Yes, who are you?" she asked with a stern voice.

"I'm Evelyn. Mistress Erica had me sent here."

She was quiet for a moment.

"Tell me, Evelyn, why are you here, what is it that you are to do. Be honest with me."

For reasons I cannot yet understand I was hesitant to reveal myself as a slut, a slave. I stammered.

"I'ii dddoo wwwhhatever I am required to do."

She reached down to me and grabbed my left nipple and twisted it sharply making me gasp.

"The truth, Evelyn!"

She did not let go of my nipple. In fact, she twisted it even further and I hurriedly said.

"I am a slut slave for Mistress Erica and I am here to be your slut."

Her hand released my nipple and without hesitation slapped me hard across my face.

"If there is a future for you, slut, you will never again fail to answer my questions quickly and completely. Is that clear, Slut?"

"Yes," I whimpered and then felt the sting of her hand again.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Well, you are not what I am used to seeing. Your tits are small and you look like a child, but I suppose Erica knows what she is doing. Remove that dress, slut, and leave it on the floor then follow me. I need to get you ready. You may call me Mistress Valerie."

I allowed my dress to slip from my shoulders and puddle on the floor at my feet. I removed my shoes too and followed this woman through her home. I noticed as I walked how rich and well decorated the place was and assumed it's owner, this woman, was very wealthy.

She took me into a room and busied herself looking through drawers, finally selecting some items and turned to me. She placed a latex hood over my head, making sure to capture my hair inside the hood. The face was opened like a diver's wet suit and my ears protruded through openings on the side. I realized that my slut slave earrings would be prominently on display. Next she had me hold my arms folded behind my head and they were wrapped in another piece of latex then fastened with straps to my neck, immobilizing my arms and forcing my tits to stretch up.

She then put a latex bra on my tits with cutouts so that my nipples and areole were visible then she stretched the straps tightly pushing my areole and nipples further out, somewhat painfully especially with the nipple extensions I had succumbed to earlier at Mistress'. Then she had me sit on the bed and placed a bar between my knees affixing them with straps to keep it in place. This device was made with hinges that would allow me to go up and down stairs or to kneel if required but it would keep my legs and pussy open at all times. Lastly she placed a pair of six-inch heels on my feet and gestured for me to stand. She ushered me in front of a full-length mirror and we both studied my appearance.

I was horrified. The black latex outfit made my nipples and face stand out and my ears look like elephant ears. The hood made me look bald and magnified my ears and face. She looked me over and proclaimed.

"You'll do, I did my best, but you will be satisfactory."

Attaching a collar and leash she then led me out of the room. It was hard enough to walk in the heels with the spreader bar and I stumbled a lot at first, finally finding some balance as she led me down a set of stairs before pulling me into a large room. In the center of the room was a round table filled mostly with men drinking and laughing while playing cards. I gasped in surprise to see that the woman at the table playing cards with the men was Mistress Erica. I almost did not hear Mistress Valerie when she said.

"I will leave you here, slut, you are to satisfy our guests in whatever way they desire. Do not be a fool like earlier and you may find your dress when you leave later."

I stood and silently waited for my instructions. Knowing that Mistress Erica was one of the guests puzzled me. Deep down I was pleased that Mistress Valerie had left and was hoping I would be able to satisfy my Mistress. I had some concerns that Chelsea was replacing me in Mistress' life. I heard.

"Get over here slut!"

One of the men had called and I moved as fast as I could in these heels and with the spreader bar to his side.

"Yes, Master!"

He looked me over and had me turn around completely. I felt my shame as I was so coarsely examined. Finally he spoke.

"Slut I want you to suck me off. The cards have been unkind to me so I need a break."

He unzipped his fly and wrestled his semi-erect cock from his pants. Since my arms were secured behind my head I had two choices, I could kneel down and take his cock or I could just bend over. I guess that my Mistress would expect me to bend over, thereby putting both my pussy and asshole on display so I slowly bent from the waist till my lips began to envelop his hardening cock. I began to slide up and down his ever hardening shaft, moving slowly and using my studded tongue to stimulate him. I was swaying my ass as I did this, trying to be as lewd and sexy as possible.

I was enjoying the rough texture of his hard cock as it filled my mouth when I felt his hands clasp my head and pull it down hard, spearing his rock hard cock all the way into my throat. I gagged and panicked when I could not breathe. It seemed an eternity before he used my exposed ears to lift my head back up off his cock. Saliva ran from my mouth as his cock popped out momentarily and then using my ears he pulled my head back down, impaling his cock in my mouth. This time when he forced it into my throat I controlled my gag reflex as he pushed his cock deeper in my throat.

I was into this act completely, really getting into sucking this stranger's cock, feeling my own sex heating up as I thought of the others watching me take this hard hot cock in my mouth. When I suddenly felt pressure on my asshole it took me a moment or two to understand that one of the others was working his cock into my ass. Although startled by the surprising action, my ass easily accommodated his cock and soon I was pushing my ass back into him as he plumbed the depths of my asshole while the cock in my mouth wore a path through my throat.

I felt the cock in my mouth stiffen and jerk and knew that he was ready to cum. I pulled off his cock and said, "Please, Sir, may this slut be allowed to swallow your hot white cum?"

He smiled as I took his cock back into my mouth and when the first jets of his ejaculate hit the back of my throat he said, "You may swallow slut but first hold it in your mouth and let us all see it."

I did my best to do as he asked but there was so much cum that some of it spilled out of the corners of my mouth and ran down my cheeks before dropping to the floor. The cock in my ass was now pumping in and out of me faster and I knew he would soon fill my backdoor with his seed. I allowed the softening cock in my mouth to slide out and held my head up as much as I could and opened my mouth to show the pool of slimy white cum resting there. After holding my head and mouth like this for a few moments I was told to swallow and I did. I tried to smile as the salty and now cooling mixture poured down my throat.

Then the cock in my ass spewed its load and my ever-dampening pussy began to leak its juices down my thighs.

"See, Kevin, what I nice slut I have brought to our party."

Mistress was pleased with my behavior and bragging about me to the host, a man she called Kevin, who was sitting at the end of the table opposite Mistress.

"Erica, you always seem to have good sluts and we appreciate your sharing them with us on poker night. Now, let's play cards."