Everybody's Angel


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Abruptly he stopped and stood in front of me, leaning over me. Bending down to my face, he kissed me, his mouth redolent with my smell. Mortified that he would expect me to taste my own juices from his mouth, I tasted vagina for the first time and found it had little flavour. Just a hint of metallic musk.

The sensation however was debauched and erotic. I thrilled to be forced to feel the slippery juice smear over my lips and chin. I was delighted to taste the difference on his tongue as it invaded my mouth. Helpless to resist, my lust too far gone, I endured it as his mouth did to mine, what it had just been doing to my vagina.

He took my hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants and I quivered to feel the firm tube of manhood there. I was utterly lost and I pulled back and looked up into his eyes, shy and insecure. I wanted to ask for help.

I had read so many weird things written in scrawls in bathroom stalls about sucking cock that it was a thorn in my mind. What was it really? How did one do it well, like so many men and woman named in so many stalls.

I was too far gone to stop, so I blurted it out.

"Can I suck your cock?"

I knew it was terrible, because of how angrily it was written, but I wanted to be bad. I wanted to be a slut, like those people whose names had been carved into a metal wall or door.

"Yes." He grinned at me. "I'd like that very much." He undid his pants and pulled out his penis. I dropped to my knees on my discarded dress, hypnotised by the huge tube of flesh suddenly revealed to my avid gaze.

I knelt there and stared at it. It was so alien. Nothing like that existed in my world. I'd never seen a photo of an erect penis, I wasn't even sure what erect meant, until then. I'd glimpsed flaccid ones, my brothers', the odd flasher in the crowd, men here and there at the beach or someplace, but this was my first erect one.

Unwilling to let me simply stare, the man took his member in hand and began to brush the tip over my lips. Suddenly I grew faint. I was beside myself with lust, and loved it as he stroked his cock over my face. The hot flesh was soft and smooth and felt wonderful caressing my skin.

The same way he had kissed my face, this stranger rubbed his erection all over my features making my face flush hotly as the shame and wantonness I felt suffused me. Unable to help myself I slipped my tongue out as his bulbous tip passed and I licked it.

He stopped and pressed his flesh to my mouth. Obligingly I parted my lips and he pressed his knob into my mouth. I began to lick and kiss his penis. It tasted like skin but intimate, warm and slightly spicy. I loved the heat, and the slippery feel of his skin as it grew wet with my spit.

I coated him with drool and moved my lips and tongue around, exploring him. Crevasses and ridges abounded and I had no end to places to explore and feel with my mouth. I closed my eyes and allowed him to move his cock in and out of my mouth while I lapped and caressed his flesh with my lips and tongue.

My hands found my sex and breasts and I began to masturbate and fondle myself as he used my mouth. I was overjoyed to be able to give him pleasure. Just knowing he liked using my mouth like this was delightful. I felt mature and worldly being such a slut in public.

None of my sisters would have the courage to do this. And not as many people would want them to. I was the pretty one. The good little girl. I was the angel.

Well the angel was now fallen. Fallen to her knees in a dirty alley. The man sped up his thrusts, gripping my head in both hands, his fingers tense and painful on my skull. I placed tentative hands on his belly, warding him off gently, not wanting to stop this encounter, but frightened by the intensity of his movements. I felt like I might choke on all the spit in my mouth, but he wouldn't stop to let me swallow, so I had to open the seal of my lips and let my drool spill out of my mouth.

I felt the warm spill of my spittle spatter over my chin and chest, even the top of my thighs. I was drizzled in drool, and I was ashamed by my sordid condition. The disapproval my family would have had by my state goaded me to be filthier. I let my mouth open wider, allowing his cock deeper into my throat

The more shame I felt over my debauched situation, the more sexy I felt. I felt womanly and wet, my fingers dancing over my little button, making me twitch with approaching climax. The man's movements grew feverish, and I loved being the source of his pleasure.

It was new, exciting and felt good, I didn't care what happened next.

But it still shocked me.

I thought he was peeing in my mouth. I choked a bit as the thick warm fluid hit the back of my throat, but he held me still and emptied himself into my mouth. Forced to spit or choke I let the viscous sludge spill from my mouth. I burned with mortification thinking he was using my mouth as a toilet.

Degraded by his behavior I couldn't comprehend why he had done this, but then I felt his body spasming, and heard his hisses of extremity. Suddenly I thought maybe he was dying. I was terrified of having a dead man's penis in my mouth. I'd heard people lost control of their bowels when they die and I didn't want to be pooped on.

Yet he still gripped me tight and moved back and forth arrhythmically. Weaker and weaker spurts of that goop filled my mouth as I tried not to swallow. Something strange was happening.

Then I realized he was having an orgasm. As soon as I figured that out, I understood that my mouth was filled with sperm. I stopped struggling and tried to taste the fluid. I had been dreaming about what sperm was like for years.

I held my breath as he continued pumping his hips periodically and dribbling the precious seed onto my eager tongue. My finger resumed rubbing my clit frantically, suddenly inspired to climax by his flavorful deposit in my mouth.

I shuddered and quaked as a climax teased along the edge of release, not quite arriving.

Then the man pulled his cock out and once more smeared his member all over my face, but this time it was smearing sperm and spit over my skin, soaking me. I exploded with climax at his demeaning treatment. After a lifetime of coddling and political affection, the purity of his lust for me, and his disregard for my feelings tangled together to lash me with passion.

I doubled over before him, one hand on the ground beside him, my other hand rubbing my clit helplessly as a climax robed me of dignity. I remained silent, but my body curled over itself and shuddered violently at his feet, abject before him.

I heard someone talking nearby, and heard the man swear and shuffle around, but I was too far gone in my orgasm to react.

"Thanks babe, that was amazing." My first lover spoke to my hunched back, and he left me there, naked, on my knees in the throes of a delirium brought about by the intensity of my release. The degradation I felt over my situation wrapped around the utter rapture I felt at being so completely free. Contentment settled in as I savoured the flavor of his sperm in my mouth.

I swirled his load around in my mouth delighting in the strange flavour as I returned from the total white hot pleasure I had just felt. Still trembling in aftershock, I swallowed his filthy sperm, delighted by the taste.

I had a secret and I loved it.

I dressed in a daze, not wanting to cover up, but no longer safe without a partner in crime. I tried to smooth my dress, my face damp with spit and sperm and flushed with passion. I tidied my hair as best I could and when I felt confident I looked presentable from the neck down, I walked on wobbly legs to the street.

No mob stood waiting. No police, no Jesus bent on retribution. No-one cared that I had just experienced the most fantastic event of my life. Searching, I found a window where I could see myself. I used my sleeve to carefully clean my face of smeared makeup and the leavings of a stranger.

I walked back toward my hotel and checked my watch. I had been gone for seventeen minutes.

In those seventeen minutes I had uncovered a level of lechery in myself I never thought possible, and that thrilled me to my very core.

When I returned to the hotel my family were checked in, but the crew were still being given room keys. I walked up, certain everyone would be able to tell I'd had a man's penis rubbing all around my face moments before, but I was almost entirely ignored.

An assistant handed me a key told me my room number and turned to the next person, doing the same. I drifted away gathering in the elevator with others going to their rooms. They discussed the show, a T.V program and chatted as if I weren't even there.

I wasn't. I was still partially back in that alley, on my knees sucking a cock for the first time. I marvelled that no-one else knew that I was a changed person. I'd had a stranger's tongue licking my burning clit moments before. I still felt wet down there.

When I got to my room my sister was on the phone ordering room service. She nodded at me and went back to her order. Smiling to myself I went into the bathroom and stripped in front of the huge mirror. When I was naked I studied my body looking for signs of what had happened.

My breasts had small pink impressions on them from his fingers digging into my flesh. My nipples were hard and looked fuller than I was used to. My pubic hair was damp and somewhat matted. My face was flushed, and my make-up smeared, but only if I looked closely. Peering right up close I could see a sheen to my skin where his semen stained me.

I gazed at my face and my fingers lightly danced over my still humming clit. A stranger's sperm soaked into my soft skin and it made me warm and lightheaded to think about.

I heard my sister shout hurry up, so I pulled myself from the mirror and jumped into the shower. My mind raced thinking about what I had done. I hardly slept that night, and when I did, I dreamed of that alley and many men coming down it and using me for their pleasure. It was intoxicating.

That encounter fueled my fantasies for weeks. I thought of those events, and touched myself whenever possible. My family didn't notice. Soon I stopped wearing white stockings with every dress, my legs bare and no-one seems to care.

The stylists continued doing my make-up and hair the same way they had since I was a teen, but I knew I was now a woman. I noticed men more now, and saw them looking at me. Perhaps they always had, but now I knew what they were seeing.

My demeanor was still shy, innocent and demure, but I was waiting for my next opportunity to escape.

The only time we stayed in hotels was when we were in big cities playing more than one night. That took three weeks to happen again. I hardly remember the first night of the show, in my mind I was already walking off into the night, alone, looking for sex.

When we arrived at our hotel, I dawdled behind the group and when I was sure no one was paying attention I did the same thing I'd done last time, I told a security guard I was going for a quick walk and I left the protection of my family.

I was less stunned by my freedom this time, but it was still a giddy sensation not to have family surrounding me like a herd. I trotted quickly down the roads looking for adventure. On the second block I saw a lineup of people, all dressed like movie stars, standing outside a loud building. A nightclub.

Standing by myself I watched the tiny clumps of two, three, or four chatting as they waited to go in.

"I'm guessing you don't have your I.D.?" a voice said from a few feet behind me.

Whirling to face the male voice, I saw a tall, handsome man, in his late twenties, or early thirties. Leaning against a car, he was watching me watch the nightclub. Wearing tight, dark jeans, a blue or purple dress shirt- it was hard to tell in that light- and a very hip looking leather jacket, he seemed to me like a rock star.

Oddly enough, I was probably closer to that than he was.

"Pardon?" I asked, realizing I was ogling him. I wanted to kiss him, and suck on whatever was making that bulge in his jeans.

"You were looking at the club with an expression I would call longing... but you aren't going over. No I.D.?"

"Oh, I don't want to go in there. I don't drink."

"What do you want?" He sounded innocent enough but his smile told me he was teasing.

"I-" I couldn't tell him I wanted him to fuck me in an alley. Could I? I blushed, feeling as if he could read me like a book.

"You are really pretty." He said. People told me that constantly, but coming from him, in this settling, it felt more important. More true.

"Thank you." I blushed furiously.

There was a silence between us, but our eyes met over and over while we scanned each other. He was looking at my body and I wanted him to see all of me. My hands fluttered nervously, brushing my dress down needlessly over my quavering tummy, or checking my hair to see if it was smooth. I was desperate for him to make the first move.

A group of people walked down the sidewalk toward me and I stepped back to let them pass. It moved me closer to the building I was in front of and I saw that there was an entrance underneath the stairs I was standing beside.

I looked down there and saw an area of shadow that looked like an interesting hiding place for some sordid behavior. The people passed and the man I'd been talking to was walking toward me. His long brown hair looked soft and I wanted to run my fingers through it as he licked my clit.

"What do you see down there?" he asked.

"A place to hide." I murmured.

"Did you want to hide there alone?"

I shook my head, too nervous to speak.

"Do you want to go down and see if it's safe?"

I nodded yes.

The man walked down the stairs into the shadows, watching me to see if I'd dare follow. I did, trembling, lightheaded and hyperaware of the world around me. I was in fight or flight mode, but there was a surprising third "F" option I'd never heard before. Fuck.

At the bottom of the stairs was a confined, shadowed space. There was the door into the building, and the stairs above us, a blank wall and the stairs we had come down. The man was standing in the small space, filling it as I stepped into the shadows with him.

"Is this what you were looking for?" he asked. I turned and looked back up the stairs and saw the sidewalk and cars, but not the street. People could see us if they looked for us, but otherwise it was a secret space.

I turned to face him, almost chest to chest and I nodded shyly. This was perfect.

I stepped forward to press against him, my small, petite frame touching as much of his big, muscular body as I could. I tilted my head back and hoped I looked seductive and womanly. It was enough that he leaned down and kissed me, so it worked on some level.

I was compliant and eager, allowing him to touch me how and where he wanted. He kissed me teasingly, not hard like the last man. His lips and tongue caressed my mouth, then my neck and earlobes. I was quivering helplessly, nervous and burning with lust.

It didn't take long for him to begin groping my ass under my dress and I allowed my hands to stroke his chest, feeling his impressive pectorals. We fondled each other, discovering each other's bodies for a few moments, all the while kissing and licking each other.

Feeling as if I were having an out of body experience, I watched him undress me, revealing my body as my dress fell away. I had not worn underwear today on purpose. I had shaved my pubic hair, not wanting to be laughed at again.

When my dress fell to the ground I was wearing only shoes and nothing else. I was a slut, ready to be used for his pleasure. My skin tingled in the cool night air, but flushed to be seen by a stranger in view of the street.

Once again I was astounded by how much delight I took in having my nudity on display. It was a pleasure like none I had ever known, and it was a seductive sensation that felt dangerously hedonistic. The look on his face was rewarding. It was a mix of delight, surprise and that same intense expression that the other man had, which I didn't have a name for.

When his hands began to stroke my flesh, caressing my breasts and brushing my nipples, the heat on my chill skin felt soothing. I wanted his hands everywhere. Watching his own hands explore, he touched me all over.

Turning me this way and that, exposing different parts of me to the light, the stranger stroked, fondled, groped and delved into any and every part of my body he chose to. I did nothing to stop him, and everything I could to comply.

For long moments of total submission, I gloried under his touch. I moaned as he pinched my nipples, gasped as he stroked my slit, and sighed as he prodded into my dripping wet opening. The slide of his fingers in and out of my burning cleft had me panting.

Facing me away from him toward the street, he fucked my bald sex with two fingers, making me weak with need. His other hand manhandled my small breasts and I loved the tingle of pain as he pulled and pinched my nipples. I watched a few men stroll toward us taking loudly about a sports game they had watched.

My knees gave out as I began to climax. The idea of being observed by them as a man masturbated me in view of the street was too much to bear. My body seized completely as I was wracked by the most powerful orgasm of my life.

I was helpless to stop them from seeing me, the shadows my only cloak. My body was frozen, my clit exploding under his fingers, my fully exposed breasts being mauled as the man realized we could be seen.

"Is that who you were hiding from?" the man paralysing me with pleasure whispered in my right ear. Unable to speak, my throat shut as I clamped down on a scream of total rapture, I endured the detonations of utter lechery exploding in my mind at this debauchery.

I continued cumming as the men walked past, unaware that if they had looked hard into the shadows they would have seen a naked young woman displayed wantonly before them in the throes of her climax. I wanted them to see me, but feared that they would.

As soon as they were out of sight my body jerked as the man's fingers fell from my sex and I was released from my ravishment. I fell back against the man and he held me up, his wet hand pressed to my heaving belly.

Embarrassed by my state, I gasped for air and tried to control myself, but my body was vibrating with passion, eager for more pleasure. I struggled to gather my wits, as his hands both found my nipples and pulled, making me whimper with need. Each tingling stimulation urged me to seek more sensation. It was an endless feedback loop.

Then, at last, he stopped driving me insane with his touch on my flesh, and pushed me away from him. I turned to him, shy and hopeful. I wanted him to be inside me more than I could articulate, but that was also a terrifying desire.

I watched him undo his pants and pull out an erect penis. It was big and thick, and the knob on the end looked delicious and shiny in the dim light.

"Can I suck it?" I blurted out. It humiliated me to ask, but I was worried he might not let me before he wanted to put it inside me.

"Oh fuck yeah." He said, enthusiastically.

Dropping to my knees on my dress I took it from his grip and kissed it shyly. It was hot and smooth, just like the other one. It was longer I thought, maybe as thick, but it was less gnarled and ridged. This penis was pinker and smoother in texture.

I began to put it in my mouth, loving the heat on my tongue. As I got him wet with my spit I let him move further back in my mouth until I was as full as possible, almost gagging on him. The taste was the same spicy, musky taste as the other man, with different undertones.