Evil Bitch Ch. 13


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I backed away from him and snuck up to her mind. There she was lying prone her world seen through a scope. Though the rifle had an almost organic look to it the function was the same, kill from a distance. Hers was going to be a little trickier. I brought up in my mind an image of me sneaking up behind her partner with a nice shiny knife in my hand. She would see me pop up and try and stab him. I pushed and sent the crystal clear image into her mind. Your partner is in danger and you have only seconds to react! Oh and react she did. She put three of those wicked crystal darts into her partner. Two hit high up on his back and one dead center of his skull. He never realized what hit him. He was dying even as he hit the ground.

Blindly almost instinctively I reached out with the black ring and snatched his dying breath and ensnared him within one of the crystals. I wanted to know who the hell had hired these fuckers. That I was successful was as surprising to me as it was to him, of that I am sure. Now it was the bitch's turn to die.

'Master,' it was Storm. 'There is something you may want to know about.'

'What's that Storm?'

'While I was spending time with the son he mentioned something of great interest.'

'And what was that,' I asked as a distant rumble of thunder could be heard.

'Well that Sir,' he replied. 'Apparently the close proximity to the Gas Giant we are in orbit around causes daily weather phenomenon.'

'You are telling me there is a thunder storm heading our way?'

'Yes Master,' Storm said.

'How does this help us?'

'She is located on the highest point and I can help you channel a localized ion field.'

'In English Storm please.'

'With my help you can let me earn my name.'

'Oh no shit,' I exclaimed. 'You mean hit the bitch with lightning?'

'As you put it so eloquently Master, let's burn the bitch!'

I actually laughed and its wicked sound echoed off the walls of the bluff. That had to be at least a little disconcerting to her. So I slowly lowered myself into a sitting position; careful not to disturb the bush-trees and give away my position. I closed my eyes and reached out for the heart of the storm. It was building rapidly and would dissipate just as quickly. I had one shot at this. The staff with Storm's guidance altered its form to that of a long slender battle blade. Qual runes covered every single inch of it and it began to glow with a wicked black radiance. My attack plan was simple. I was going to pinpoint her location mentally and teleport Storm above her. As he dropped he would act just like a lightning rod. Once he pierced her body he would draw down any and all of the lightning he could muster. I hoped this would work. The storm had just about reached its peak. With a mental shove the dark glittering sword appeared above her with a loud pop. Even as she turned onto her back to look up it was too late. The tip of Storm's blade pierced her dead center. Then the darkling sky turned day bright as bolt after bolt of lightning struck the sword and her.

'Um Master,' it was Umbra.

"Yeah Umbra," I asked aloud now that the bitch was dead.

'I am concerned,' she said.

"What about," I asked her.

'There were three of the six stones in the staff along with Storm's stone. Do you think they survived that kind of electrical discharge?'


Once more instinct took over and I mental homed in on the staff. I took a fierce step forward willing myself next to him. I yanked Storm which was still smoking from the burned out corpse.

"STORM... STERLING... Goddamnit... Speak To Me!"

"Master does not need to shout," Storm said.

"Yes, the lightning was dazzling enough Jon," Sterling said. "I mean Master."

"I approve of the sword form Storm. I give it a ten out of ten."

"Thank you Sir I am glad you find it appealing. Sterling helped with the 'sensuous' curves in the blade and hilt."

"How long before I am able to question the one I snared into the watch?"

"Unknown Master," Umbra offered. "I would suspect a few days due to the traumatic way you performed that act."

"I agree it was traumatic, just like that fucking sniper's head shot," I snarled. "Speaking of head shots."

I walked over to the sniper's body and with one clean blow severed her head from her neck. Despite the massive electrical damage her skull was still intact. Perhaps it was a grisly trophy to keep but goddamnit the bitch tried to fucking kill me. With Storm's help I managed to remove most of the charred flesh and I soon held a gleaming white skull in my hands. I turned it this way and that examining it closely.

"So how do they differ from humans," I asked Umbra.

"You mean despite the second set of eyes Master? They bones are approximately ten times more dense that standard human and their muscle mass is around fifteen times more efficient. The male whom you had her kill could easily lift five times or more of the best Olympic human weightlifter."

"Holy Crap, I am glad I chose sneaky instead of head on with these two," I replied. "Do you have any idea what spectrum of light they see in?"

"The lower pair what appears to be their primary visual organ see further in the visual spectrum than humans but their color spectrum is far lower. That is probably due to a bright primary sun. The secondary pair sees short distances in the infrared spectrum so I am guessing they track prey by heat signature."

"Any obvious physical weaknesses I could exploit if I run into these guys again?"

"They are strong and hard to damage but I suspect they possess a slower reaction time. Still I would not recommend going toe to toe with one."

"Thanks Umbra I appreciate your vote of confidence."

"You are welcome Master," she said with a smile in her voice.

"I am going to have to talk with someone about a sarcasm subroutine. Is there anything else to report?"

"Perhaps there could be answers in their craft," Umbra said soothingly.

"What... Where is it? I am going to search it until I get some fucking answers!"

Umbra appeared in her Technomage guise and led the way. The thing wasn't parked all that far away. But it wasn't like anything I was expecting to run into. Nestled between two hillocks was a two hundred foot craft that appeared way more organic than mechanical. In fact after walking around the thing twice I found no obvious propulsion or aerodynamic facet to it at all. The texture of the hull was closer to snake scales but looked as hard as rock.

Tentatively I reached out and touched it. To my complete surprise I got a mental response. What follows is an interpretation of what was exchanged not the actual dialogue.

'Who are you,' the ship asked.

It in fact was more of an empathetic query than actual words.

'My name is Jon Masters,' I sent back.

'Where are the male and female J'Nai?'

'They are both dead,' I sent. 'I was forced to defend myself.'

'Are you my new Pilot?'

'Is there no one else on board or nearby?'

'No... are you my new Pilot?'

'I guess I am... I mean yes I am your new Pilot.'

My hand was suddenly stuck to the hull but the ship's soothing voice told me to relax.

'No harm... No harm... we are bonding Pilot.'

I forced myself to relax and before a few more heartbeats the process was over. Once I could move my hand I watched the craft take on a drastic change. The body of the thing looked like something out of some insane aquarium with wild blue and white patterning over the entire hull. The texture and body shape was definitely more like a manta ray or something.

'Very colorful,' I sent to it.

'Pilot is pleased, that is good.'

'Do you have a name?'

'I am Ship and you are Pilot.'

'Okay I will call you Ship if you like.'

'I will call you Pilot.'

It was like talking to a five year old.

'Can you open up for me,' I asked.

An iris like opening appeared near the front of the craft and I entered not knowing what to expect. The floor of the interior was hard and firm but everything else had a very soft pliant look to it. I looked at the two seats that must have served the former Pilot and his partner.

They were low to the floor with a spongy high back to them. The controls were utterly alien and I could make no sense to them whatsoever.

'If this shape or configuration does not appeal to you I can alter my form to suit your needs.'

'Well let me look around first before we start changing anything.'

'Of course Pilot if there is anything you need just ask.'

'Can you show me to the former Pilot's room?'

Behind me I heard a soft sort of hiss and another iris had appeared and opened.

'Follow the rooms that are opened. They will lead you directly to your rooms.'

'Thanks,' I sent.

'Pilot I don't understand that word. What does it mean?'

'What, your former Pilot never thanked you?'

'No, I am unfamiliar with that concept, please explain.'

'Well the world I come from when someone does something for you it is common courtesy to thank them. It is a way of saying a job well done.'

'Even if it is a simple task such as opening a door,' it asked.

'Yep, it is what we call a kindness. All sentient beings deserve kindness.'

'Thank you Pilot for your kindness. Was that appropriate?'

'Perfectly, do you have any problems with me examining or taking any of the previous Pilot's belongings?'

'No whatever is on board belongs to you now. That I understand very well.'

'Is there any information about the J'Nai that I should know?'

'Oh there is much about them you must be unaware of; shall I share it with you now?'

'Sure, let's start with where they are from.'

'An excellent beginning Pilot, the J'Nai are from a binary star system...'

So that's how my education began, on what would prove to be my worst foes I had yet encountered. They came from a hellish star system with two suns a red giant and a white dwarf companion. The interior part of the system consisted of a huge meteor belt like that between Mars and Jupiter back home. The first two planets had been torn apart by the tidal forces of the two suns. The third planet was a burned out husk and a constant target for bombardment by those very meteors. Life amazingly arose on the fourth world what the Ship called Jnarin Prime. There not one but three sentient races evolved. Each race arose on a supercontinent. There was the J'Nai of course. The other two races remained unnamed, which was really strange. Until you realize the J'Nai didn't view them as sentient or as people. They were things to hunt and kill is all. The feline race lived in cities located high up in mountainous rain forests and possessed six limbs. They could and did run on all 'sixes' but could also walk upright for long periods of time as well. Of the three they were the most technologically inferior. When Ship showed me the last race I almost shit a brick.

"Marvin, take a look at this!"

The little tripod crawled out of the safety of my hood and stared at the hologram displayed by Ship. The third species was a race of tripod-like creatures that had evolved from an ocean dwelling ancestor. They and Marvin could have been separate offshoots of the same family. They shared many of the same characteristics like the three limbs ending in three pseudo-fingers. The three eyes spaced evenly around the hemisphere of the triangular shaped head. The details of the eyes were different though. This other race had triangular shaped iris along with a pupil divided up into three separate colors. They were red, green and blue respectively. Ship told me they were the only psychically gifted race besides them on the planet. These tripods possessed a very sophisticated society and technology. They were also as brutal a race as the J'Nai in many respects, especially their eating habits. When I asked about what they ate

I got a wicked lesson in tripod anatomy.

Apparently these creatures like the octopus could alter their skin and camouflage themselves. They could and would hang from low lying tree limbs and await their prey. On the underbelly of the main body were three overlapping flaps of skin. Each flap measured around a foot in diameter. They were closed most of the time. However when prey walked beneath the tripod the flaps would open revealing this killing machine's mouth and feeding tentacles. Three long tentacles would shoot out two would pierce the shoulders of its food while the third wrapped around the neck. The tentacles would then pull the hapless prey into the teeth lined maw. The hollow translucent teeth would then pierce the brain cavity and literally suck out the brain matter. Two of the feeding tentacles would be draining the animal of its life blood. Once the brain was consumed the tripod would thrust the tentacles into the chest and finish draining the blood.

Marvin scurried back to my hood after the lesson on eating matters was done. I didn't blame him one bit. After watching a J'Nai get eaten by a tripod I had lost any appetite I might have had. Jnarin Prime was definitely off my list of vacation destinations, forever!

One of the interesting things about J'Nai that Ship shared was that they were compulsive collectors. Whether it was a cultural thing or genetic Ship didn't know. But it did say that the collections ran the gambit from blooms and insects to gems and weapons. Apparently the former Pilot collected crystals along with weapons from his fallen enemies. He had a lot of both. I guess I had been smart not to challenge him. The weapons went from the easily recognizable, as far as form and function, to the truly exotic and esoteric. I didn't touch anything. I just wasn't that eager to accidently discharge something inside the ship. Now the crystals were another matter entirely. I looked at each and every one of them and handled many of them. He literally had thousands of them that ranged from the tiny to a cluster of green quartz-like crystals that stood almost three feet tall. But it was the rare ones that Ship directed me to that made me gasp. Two in particular caught my eye.

The first was a fist sized piece of what Ship called helcaraxe. The irregular shaped stone changed color and hue with an almost mercurial fluidity to it. The heart of the crystal was the darker part and seemed to swirl like mist while the lighter outer part slowly shifted shades.

Helcaraxe was found on only one world and it was currently highly contested by four separate governments because of the deposits of the rare stone.

The second was a cut and polished crystal that was about eighteen inches in length. It was the rainbow coloring that made this piece so exceptional. The wider end of the crystal was a deep indigo and as the colors progressed and changed from violet to blue to green to orange to yellow and finally ending in a deep red. The tapered stone was as elegant as it was beautiful. Its smooth hexagonal sides were cunningly carved with what Ship informed me were sacred J'Nai symbols from the holiest place on the home world, the temple of Sar and Quin. They were the twin deities that the J'Nai worshipped exclusively. Though there were many satellite places of worship on the continent and off world. There was only one true temple where pilgrimage was not only expected but demanded.

Every J'Nai before their twentieth birthday was expected to visit the temple or be forever considered pariah.

Ship informed me that this crystal was only given to champions who bested all opponents on the day they visited the temple. So it not only showed his spiritual commitment but his martial prowess as well.

As I turned to leave the small chamber holding the former Pilot's crystal collection something caught my mind. I would say my eye but it was a whisper in my head that drew my attention to the unworked crystal. I crouched down and reached for an ugly lump of charcoal covered rock. It was a little bigger than a baseball in diameter but when I touched it man it was electric! It is hard to describe the sensation but I will try. While I held the stone it was like all my thought processes were clearer and sharpened.

"What is this," I asked Ship.

"Oh that is just a piece of stone found on those you call the Tripod's continent."

"So this is fairly common then?"

"Oh no but it is a sign of the other

Pilot's bravery. It is only found deep in caves mined by the Tripods. To prove his worth he ventured to the other continent and acquired it. The Tripods are very reluctant to part with it."

"I can see why. Do you know how they use these stones?"

"Mostly for personal decoration, though some of the larger pieces are displayed in town halls or other places of prominence."

"I bet they are. Do you know if there is a certain way these stones are cut and polished?"

"All archival evidence seems to show a standard way of processing the crystals."

"Can you please display those images for me?"

"Of course Pilot," Ship said and holograms of various prominent Tripods appeared.

"Stop, can you analyze that image Umbra and get me good clean idea of how that center stone was worked?"

"Yes Master," Umbra said as the avatar studied the hologram from all sides. "It appears a typical process of cutting and polishing with the grain of the crystal is used Sir."

"Excellent, can you scan the stone in my hand thoroughly for any flaws or weaknesses.

Then develop a suitable plan for working this crystal for me."

"Of course Master," she said confidently.

The violet light scanned every side of the stone in great detail. Then Umbra displayed a hologram of the process once it had been worked out.

"Store that for future use. I want to see what this stone can do once it is cut and polished."


Wind Sword Manor:

Mom's screams of pleasure and how close my own orgasm prompted me to focus on the matter at hand. Mainly fucking her rotten and coming as hard and deep in her as I could. As my cock swelled inside of her a new round of swear words and urging poured from her lips. I pulled her ass cheeks apart to watch as I slammed my dick into her as hard and fast as I could.

"Punish me Master," she howled. "Fill me up with your cum please!"

When I was moments away I pulled back and drove into her as hard as I could and hollered as my cock pulsed hot cum inside of her. She let out an ear ringing shriek as her body shook and she came right along with me. Panting and short of breath I slowly eased my cock from her tighter hole. I stood there staring at my handiwork. Both of her ass cheeks were cherry red. There were distinctive overlaying handprints forming a lovely pattern on her round bottom.

"Damn girl you can take a beating that is for sure," I praised her high pain tolerance.

"Has Master forgiven my indiscretion," she asked softly.

"I really am a softy at heart," I told her. "Yeah you're forgiven; just don't repeat your mistake or I won't be as lenient as I was here."

I released her from the stockade and the first she did was rub her ass cheeks.

"Will Master finish his story?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well what happened to Ship and the stone you found on board?"

"Well the stone is at a high end jeweler here in London being cut to my specifications as we speak. And Ship well that is a little harder to explain; that involves subspace mechanics and pandimensional engineering."

"It's in the backpack isn't it?"

"Yeah it is," I admitted staring at her in awe. "How the hell did you figure that out?"

"It seemed like the only place big enough to store something that large."

"You get an A for the class today."

"What happened next," Mom asked eagerly.

"Yes Master what happened next," said a sultry voice from the doorway.

I smiled and grabbed the leather chair and sat down. The hooded figure approached and knelt down as if waiting for me to do or say something.