Evil Slut Bride Ch. 09


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When I got home, Mom told me Michael asked to take her to dinner, and to a show at the theatre downtown. Not a movie. Like a musical show, or performance, or some arty thing. He was taking her to eat at Pantana's, which is like, super-exclusive, super-fancy. I've never even been there. Jenna said one of her playmates took her there a few times, and it's outstanding. So I was *very* pleased with pin-dick and told Jenna she could take a whole *week* off his chastity time. But then I said, "Oh, but wait... you know what? That should really be up to Mom. Mom, you should tell him, at the end of the night.. I mean, if you're happy with the date, and butt-face has been a really, really good boy... you should TELL him he's been a really, really good boy and that YOU are gonna tell Jenna to take a week off his chastity time. You should totally get him used to YOU saying stuff like that to him."

By now Mom was really catching on to all this girl-power stuff anyway, being around me and Jenna all the time. So she totally agreed. Hahaha. Oh my god, I love my life!

But of course when it comes to this stuff, Jenna is the best teacher ever, so she gave Mom all kinds of tips. (Plus she had spent a lot of time with Michael, so she knew all his kinks and everything that turned him on.) She said she was gonna tell Michael to call her "Miss Jenna" instead of "Mistress Jenna" from now on. That way he'd start thinking of her more like a daughter instead of like a potential partner, or seductress. And she came up with "Lady Candice" as something he could call Mom. Mom loved it! So Jenna texted him and said he should get Mom a very nice thank-you card to put in the mail the next day, to thank her for agreeing to go out with him, and he should address it to "Lady Candice" and call her that always.

When Michael came to our house Saturday night, Jenna and I answered the door, and he was dressed in a new suit and shoes, the best-looking clothes we'd ever seen him in, holding a HUUUUGE bouquet of red roses. We let him in, and made him stand just inside the door holding the roses and waiting for Mom, while Jenna told him that from now on, he should call her "Miss Jenna", and as long as Mom wanted to date him, he wouldn't get to have any more sessions with Jenna. He said, "Yes, Miss Jenna."

Then I told him if Mom *did* wanna keep dating him, then Mom should really be the one to have his chastity key, rather than Jenna, and didn't he agree? He said, "Yes, Miss Mandy. I agree."

I laughed and said, "Are you sure, puke-face? Because you know my mom and I are related, and you *know* you get unlocked from that thing a LOT more often than my hubby. Are you sure you know what you're in for?"

His answer was perfect: "Yes, I understand, Miss Mandy. But Lady Candice is such a special woman, and so beautiful and charming, that I would be honored, and consider myself the luckiest man in the world, to have your lovely mother holding the key to my ... my stupid little pin-dick."

My mouth dropped open, and I said, "Awwwww! Oh my gawwwwd! That is so sweeeet." I actually got tears in my eyes, and Jenna said, "Oh my god, Michael, look at that, you're making Mandy cry. I have *never* seen that."

"I can't help it. Oh my god. You should totally tell Mom.. or, Lady Candice... that when she comes down. Oh my god, what a *good boy*!"

When Mom came down the steps, she smiled at Michael, seeing him standing at the door holding roses. I said, "Pin-dick, I want you to tell my mother what you think of her while you hand her those roses."

He said, "Lady Candice, I am so honored that you've agreed to spend the evening with me. You are a beautiful, charming, lovely woman. You have such beautiful eyes, such a wonderful smile, and a *musical* voice which is always a delight to my ears. I've enjoyed every moment I've spent with you so far. You are a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent woman. I do not deserve such wonderful company, so I am beyond honored to have it tonight."

Oh my gawwwwd! I almost fainted. I never heard my dad say anything like that to Mom, that's for DAMN sure! Jenna and I both went, "Awww," but Mom just took the roses from his hand, smelled them, and said, "That's a very good boy, Michael. Now I'd like it very much if you got on your hands and knees in front of me, and kissed my shoes, and thanked me again for agreeing to let you take me out tonight."

Needless to say, he did just that! And ALSO needless to say, Mom kept dating him. With my dad, she had been a loving, supporting wife who let Dad do whatever he wanted, always believed whatever he told her, and never nagged or complained about his work habits. And look where it got her. No fucking way she was gonna make that mistake with Michael, hahaha! Jenna and I taught her well. Mom LOVED having Michael as an adoring little puppy boyfriend. And he had such a way with words that she made him say, and write, romantic things to her all the time.

I could see Michael wasn't just saying that stuff, either, he really felt that way. He was TOTALLY in love with Mom. He wanted to spend every spare moment with her, and even though his job was demanding, he told her she could feel free to come to his house or office to see that he really was working when he said he was. He told her, "I will never keep any secrets from you, Lady Candice, I will always be completely truthful, when you ask anything about me you want to know. The only secrets I'll have are the ones I *have* to keep, about my clients, which I'm sure you understand. But anything about me is yours to know, I have no reason to hide anything."

After six months, Michael proposed to Mom. Obviously it was super-romantic, and he wasn't just on his knees when he asked, he was on his *hands and knees*. Mom was ready for it. She said, "I will agree to let you marry me, Michael, on three conditions."

"Yes, Lady Candice... three conditions... I am ready to hear them."

"Number one, I do not want to move into your house, Michael. You would always think of it as your house, and not fully mine. So I don't want that. I want you to sell your house. I want you to give me all the money from the sale. And I want you to give me everything in the house, to keep, sell, or discard, as I choose. Then I want you to move into my house. We can make a little office for you in part of the shoe closet upstairs. You won't need many possessions, and you can sleep on the trundle bed that pulls out from underneath my day-bed. So there is plenty of room for you at my house."

"Oh, Lady Candice... I would be more than willing.. and honored... to do that. There are a few items that are work-related, such-"

"Oh, I don't mean those things. Certainly anything you need for work, you can keep. I just mean-"

"Well, then, yes, Lady Candice, I am happy to agree to the first condition. More than happy."

"Good. OK, condition number two: In our marriage I will be completely in charge of all the finances. You will have no control over your money anymore, and I will make all the financial decisions."

"Yes, Lady Candice. I am happy to agree with condition 2 as well."

"Good. Condition number three: I want you to give Jodi a 25% pay increase. Obviously what Jodi gets paid should be of no concern to you anymore, anyway, since I'll control all the money, which includes the business end of your law firm. And I want you to introduce me to Jodi and tell her everything about us, in front of me. And I'm going to tell Jodi that I'll be counting on her to keep an eye on you in my absence, and make sure you're always a good boy for me. I want to make sure that every minute of every day, either Jodi, or I, or my daughter, are watching you, so you can be my perfect pussywhipped little husband."

"Yes, Lady Candice. I am happy to agree to all three conditions. I would be so honored, and count myself the luckiest man in the world, to be your perfect pussywhipped little husband. Will you please, please, marry me, Lady Candice?"

"Kiss my feet while I think it over, Michael."

"Yes, Lady Candice."

She knew she was going to say yes. But first she let him kiss her feet for about five minutes, hahaha.

So now... there is never a dull moment at my house, haha! It's a total girl-power house, and we love it! Obviously Mom and Jenna and I love it. But our good little boys love it, too. I know they do. Even if mine has to go months at a time being teased relentlessly in his little penis cage, sitting on his cot in his little basement bedroom that must only be like 6 by 3, hahahaha! Sitting there with his laptop resting on his caged dick, watching his wife be a slut on cam, and knowing he's gonna have to go to sleep horny. Hahaha! Then having to crawl to his mother-in-law to ask for permission to "squirt his slimy goo", and having her jerk him off with a pair of tongs. Hahahaha! Ohhhhh my god! My life is SOOOO great.

And then there's Mom's good little boy, sleeping on a trundle bed beside, and below, her bed. Kneeling on it and eating her pussy every night before he lays down with his swollen little pin-dick trapped in ITS cage. Mom cracked me up when she said to me, "All right, Mandy, if your husband has to ask me for permission to squirt his goo, then my husband's gonna have to ask YOU for permission." I said, "Well... OK. But I'm tellin' you right now, your hubby's not gonna GET permission very often."

It didn't take long for Mom to decide butt-face shouldn't be driving around in his fancy Mercedes, either. Like a little pussywhipped loser should be driving that, PUH-leeze! So she made him trade it in, and buy a new one outright. For her? No. For Jodi! Hahaha. Mom made him give Jodi the new Mercedes, then Mom bought Jodi's car for herself, and she started driving Michael to work. One morning, after Michael went into his office, Mom asked Jodi, "What do you think of moving the law office downtown? I'd like Michael to be able to walk to the courthouse."

Jodi said, "Well, downtown would be closer to where I live. But the problem is parking."

"What if Michael provided you with parking, pre-paid, in a garage down there, so you wouldn't have to worry about that?"

"Oh, sure, that would be great."

"OK, then. Are you willing to look into available space downtown, where the office could move to? Because I'd like it to be someplace you like. I'd like it to be your decision where to go."

"Sure. I'll do that."

"Wonderful! OK. Well, don't tell Michael, until you've found the location. Then just tell him, We're moving the office downtown to this spot. Don't even tell him I said so, unless he balks at it for some reason. I want to see if he just says, 'OK'. Which is what I hope he says. But if he doesn't seem to want to do it, then you tell him I said so. In either case, tell me how he reacts."

When the time came, and Jodi told him they were moving the office, needle-dick didn't say anything at first, until he realized Jodi was serious. Then he said, "Um... Does Lady Candice know ... um, about it?"

"Yes," Jodi said. "It was her idea to move downtown, and I agreed to find the location."

"OK. Yes, ma'am. We shall move, then."

Jodi called Mom, told her about the conversation, and Mom was pleased with how he handled it. Mom said, "OK, well, you tell Michael what you need him to pack for you, and how to pack it, and all that, and make him do it all. Don't you lift a finger. And tell him you'll be taking a few days off, with pay, until the move is complete and the new office is all set up. Have him hire a temp to help him keep track of his appointments and stuff, if he needs that. But as far as actual moving, I'll make him do that stuff after hours. Oh, and tell him to arrange for your parking downtown."

Once the office was moved downtown, Mr. Bigshot Lawyer had to start taking the bus to work every day. Hahahaha!!

So life is SWEET! So sweet! At my house. I have so much fun there, I don't slut around nearly as much anymore. I still have Jeff over to fuck me in front of Davey, but having a gang-bang at my house? Not such a good idea, hahaha. First of all, it's not Jenna's thing, but also... getting gang-banged with my mom there?? Hahaha, I don't think so. But now and then I call up Tim, and have him arrange a gang-bang at his place, or wherever he wants. I bring Davey with me, so he can lick up all the cum that gets in, and on, me. I've had someone film it a couple times, and made edited versions that don't show Davey in them, and unedited ones showing Davey cleaning me up. I sell them on the cam site, so if you ever come to my cam room, and tip me some major site tokens, you can buy them - either version you want.

Having a stepdad is a blast, too. Inside my house, even if I'm not camming, I walk around in bikinis, sexy little nighties, just bra and panties, or just panties, or something skimpy or slutty... or just completely naked! I do it purposely, not only to tease my hubby, but my mom's hubby, too, hahaha. And every time needle-dick is around, I'll say, "Oh my god... are you lusting after your stepdaughter, you sick perv? Mooooom!! Gross-face is down here perving on me!!"

We have whips and paddles and crops lying all over the house now, so Mom will come downstairs, grab the nearest one handy, and punish Michael for being a perv, while I smirk at him and say "Hit him HARDer!" Hahaha!

I'm 23 now, and Jenna just turned 30. My poor bestie thinks she's getting old, and I'm like, "Pfff, gimme a break." She wants all of us to retire within ten years. By all of us, I mean me, and her, and Mom. Our boys will keep working, of course. Mom will probably never let Michael retire, hahaha. We are in good shape, though. Jenna and I both make as much as Davey does; Michael makes huge money, and Mom has two house sales' worth of money banked. My dream of being fully provided for came true. I wouldn't even have to keep camming if I didn't want to, but I have a blast with it, and every time Jenna shows me our progress and how well off we'll be in the future, it just makes me wanna keep going. Us girls have a two-week Caribbean cruise planned for summer, and while we're gone, Jodi's gonna come to the house and hubby-sit, hahaha. She's married, but who knows, maybe she'll bring her husband to stay at the house, too, and maybe they'll fuck in front of our horny boys. Hahahaha! I hope so. That'd be great!!


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