Executive Platinum Ch. 15

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Mile High Sightseeing.
4.9k words

Part 15 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/10/2010
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Where are we going?" Gloria asked when, after having gotten her out of bed early the next morning, we were walking out to the plane.

"Today is sightseeing, by air. The American Southwest as you've never seen it," I answered. "We have reservations for today and tomorrow in Sedona, but it's getting there that is going to be fun."

We took a meandering route, mostly easterly in the morning, and then south to Sedona after lunch. Lake Mead followed by Zion National Park from the air; breakfast in Kanab before following along the mountains to Bryce Canyon National Park. We turned to Lake Powell and followed it back south, stopping for fuel and a light snack at Page, Arizona, before heading on our longest leg, south across the desolate badlands of Northern Arizona.

The barren landscape seemed practically uninhabited at first glance. An occasional scar in the landscape, a barely seen power line -- but without doubt it was one of the most desolate pieces of Arizona there was.


"Yeah, babe?" I answered, glancing away from our flight path and the instruments for a moment to Gloria. Her hand reached out for me, I took mine and dropped it from the control wheel. She pulled it to her lap, just holding on.

"Did you like last night?

I wondered where this was going, but answered truthfully after a moment. "I did. A beautiful lady, a good dinner; a sexy show that turned us both on followed by a romp in the hay -- what wasn't there to like?"

"What about the night before -- with Mary and Steve?"

Uh-oh. I wasn't sure what I sensed, perhaps insecurity? I couldn't tell. "What about it?"

"Did you like it? Sharing me with Steve and Mary?"

Ahh - interesting choice of words, 'sharing.' The thoughts of potential jealousy or insecurity didn't seem to match her mood or her question. I didn't just throw out an answer however, thinking about the answer before I did. Although Mary and Steve had become, in just two short meetings, intimate friends -- that's all they were to me. Sex with them had been fun, mutual satisfaction without any repercussions as far as I'd been concerned, but still - knowing Gloria's conservative background, her mental, if not physical, abuse from a dominant husband - I was aware that nothing she asked was flippant or trite. "Yeah, I did. I loved seeing you enjoy yourself with Mary, and the two of us pleasuring her, and all of us pleasuring you..." I stopped short of saying anything about Steve fucking her. "What about you? Did you like it?"

"Uh-huh. I did." Her gaze went past me to the outside, but she didn't let go of my hand. "Even when we went back to the room, I wasn't completely sure. But when you came back from your shower, when it was just you and me and Mary -- I just knew I wanted to share you with her, for you to give her the pleasure you give me. And then sliding your cock into her, knowing I've felt the exact feeling that she was feeling, that I was sharing my pleasures with her, I guess that's when it really clicked in my mind that there really is a difference between sex and love. You've given me so much pleasure with no strings attached and suddenly I realized that it was a two way street. I hadn't really felt that way with Ronnie. until then. I hadn't given myself to Steve, or accepted his gifts to me, until then. And then you were fucking Mary and I was watching, and I wanted to cheer her on. I wanted to have her tell me how good it was having your cock in her, and I wanted to help -- I wanted us to make her cum. And right in the middle of it I felt from her that it wasn't just that Steve wanted to fuck me, but that she wanted to share Steve with me, for him to give to me exactly what you were doing for her. You know what I mean?"

"I think so." Ok, this was good.

"I'd had this little bit of doubt, feelings of cheating. Even though you've been having Janet and I knew about it, and I've been with Ronnie, still -- there was this feeling that somehow I owed you something. And it was in that moment that I realized that wasn't the case at all. It was more like we were weren't just taking, but we were sharing. Friends showed up and we invited them to share with us -- and we had plenty to go around."

"I was just sitting here thinking, if Mary and Steve invited me to go to visit them for a weekend, would I go? It wouldn't be any different than when you were watching while I was sucking Steve and she was going down on me, or when he was fucking me and she was kissing and playing with me -- except that you wouldn't be there. And I realized that just to go up and spend a weekend with them, without you, wasn't what I wanted, I'd want to take you with me. I want to share you with them, to let them experience how wonderful you've been to me. Remember when I talked about looking for my Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet and take me to his castle to live happily ever after?"

I did. "Yeah, barely. That first weekend, after I met you on the plane -- you'd said something about meeting your knight in shining armor? I think that was it."

"You let me know almost immediately you weren't my knight in shining armor -- but you really were. You didn't take me to your castle where we would live happily ever after, but you did help me out of my own dungeon, to find out I have my own castle that I can live in without having to depend on some jerk like my ex, and sharing myself with others isn't a bad thing."

I glanced at her again just as I had been doing, never for long, just keeping her right in there along with my quick scan of the instruments and the watch for other airplanes outside the window. Something behind her head caught my attention and I stopped, looking more intently. "There's another plane," I said, my arm coming up to point it out. The other plane was crossing our path, and appeared to be below us, but hadn't moved in relation to the windshield so I wasn't sure that we weren't on a collision course. "Black spot, just ahead of the wing, I told her, immediately returning my scan to everywhere else. It's never the plane that you see that's the problem; it's the plane that you don't see. Now that I knew he was there, it was only a matter of tracking his relative movement.

"Oh, I see him," Gloria said. "How in the world did you see him? He's so small."

She pointed him out to me this time, and relatively I could see he would be passing ahead of us as long as he kept his present path. "You just see things out of the ordinary; something that didn't belong. He's on your side, so just keep an eye on where he is for me until we pass."

"So what are you saying? That you enjoyed playing with them the other night? That it turned out Steve was a good lay?" I asked, returning to the conversation when the present danger of another aircraft had lapsed.

"Yeah, I guess," she giggled, pulling her hand away from mine to slap my arm. "He did me good, but not as good as you do."

"Oh I don't know about that," I answered, "you're just more experienced with me."

"No, it was more than that. You get in my mind, you know what I need, but I had to guide him to what I needed." I never answered; my eyes having just spied Meteor Crater directly off the nose, probably 30 miles ahead. The wonders and precision of modern GPS navigation never cease to amaze me.

I began to let down from our altitude and slowed, dialed in the airport control frequency for nearby Winslow airport to listen for other aircraft in the area, allowing us to circle the nearly perfectly round hole in the ground of Meteor Crater National Monument several times. Afterward, turning back West we followed Interstate 40 and then flew around Flagstaff and the Sacramento Mountains, seeing the nearly perfect cinder cone volcano of Sunset Crater, before turning south again and letting down through the Red Rock cliffs to our destination of Sedona.

After tying down the plane, Gloria stepped in front of me when I went to reach into the baggage compartment. I stopped and her arms went loosely around my neck. "That was the most amazing trip I've ever been on."

"Liked that, did ya?" I asked, slipping an arm around her and hugging her to me.

"I've seen things today I never thought I would -- and all in one day. I had no idea how fast it really is to fly, at least when you don't have to go through security lines and traffic jams. And the most amazing thing -- that hour between Page and Meteor Crater -- after we left Lake Powell I don't think we saw anything until we got to the Winslow area. I didn't even see any roads."

I kissed her cheek and began pulling out our bags as we talked. "Oh, they're there, but you're right, it is pretty desolate. At night you can tell where people are because of their lights, but in the daytime -- everything disappears."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Gloria asked about two hours later while we were sipping at Margarita's and eating chips and guacamole at the Mexican Restaurant we'd picked for dinner.

I stopped, as if shocked. "Tomorrow? Do we need to do anything tomorrow?" I asked with a tone that said I had nothing planned.

"Not as far as I'm concerned. Today was pretty special... But I know you - what are we doing tomorrow?" She laughed.

"Hmm." I pouted, "that obvious am I?" I took another sip of Margarita before answering. "We've got reservations on a four wheel drive back-country tour. I've been through this area years ago by car, but never gotten into the back country. It's just as spectacular by 4X4 as it is by air."

"That sounds fantastic."

And it was. A full day-long tour the following day with a tour guide, a jeep of our own, four other jeeps, a prepared lunch and nothing but scenic view after scenic view. They took us up canyons and down cliffs, through forested valleys and back, through stream beds and back up cliffs that would have been totally impassable except for the four wheel drive and finally returning down Oak Creek Canyon -- giving us a show that we'd have never seen otherwise.

"You're spoiling me, you know," Gloria whispered later that evening, her naked body snuggled against my side, her hand stroking through my chest hair.

"Why's that?" I mumbled sleepily. My mind had drifted back to reliving our flight of the previous day; her voice bringing me back into our bed.

"Every time we get together, it's better than the last." I moved my arm where I could stroke her naked shoulder in return, thinking about what she'd said.

"I don't know about better; it's all relative. We've certainly had some good times together."

"Why do you say it is relative? I think every time we've gotten together, it's been better than the last."

"Maybe," I countered, "but I think it's like a steak dinner. I love a good steak, but part of what makes a steak dinner great is that we don't do it every day. If you had steak all the time, it would seem fantastic at first, but after a while it would lose that "special" feeling and you'd think that maybe a Pizza was something special." Neither of us said anything for a few moments.

Her voice sounded sleepy and barely there when she said "So sex with me is like eating steak?"

"Eating you is better than eating steak," I answered, not really realizing what I was saying.

"Umm, you say the nicest things."

The next thing I remember was waking at dawn. Easing out of bed, I changed into my running shorts and went for a short 5 mile run; short as I hadn't run in nearly a week. Gloria was still in bed when I got back, I took a quick shower before I woke her gently, telling her it was time to go. "Do we have to? Can't we cancel the rest of life and just stay here in bed?" I just looked down at her and smiled; she knew the answer. "Ok," she added, stretching her arms above her body, her naked breasts on display above the sheet, "how soon do we have to leave? Do I have time for a quick shower?"

In my mind I'd rather have already been on the way to the airport, but the calculation said we had about an hour without pushing it. Although I'd have liked to climb back into bed for a morning nookie session, I allowed my hand to slide across her breast, letting her know I appreciated her body, and pulled away. "Make it quick and we can get a bite of breakfast at the airport café." She smiled up at me, an Impish look suddenly coming across her face. She hopped out of bed, opened the drawer where she'd unpacked her clothes from her bag, just as Debs had always done, and taking what clothes she'd needed with her, padded naked into the bath. I finished repacking her clothes and mine, leaving the bags on the bed ready to go -- but available if she needed something else.

"Wow," I said, twenty minutes later as she stepped out of the bath, "you dress like that and you can be my co-pilot any day." She really had been fast in the shower, the blow dryer for her hair running longer than the shower had.

"Do I look Ok? She asked, knowing full well that she was stunning. A form fitting polyester pullover blouse was tucked into a short skirt, a tinier skirt than anything I'd ever seen her wear before. That she was braless was quite evident, her hard nipples on full display. "Too much?" she asked glancing at herself in the mirror. "Guess I better put a bra on, huh?"

"Only if you want to get to the airport without being raped," I answered. She started for the dresser but I pointed at her bag. "I already packed you up," I said. I watched as she pulled out a lacy bra, and then another. She pulled the shirt over her head and but on the slightly padded one that would take away her nipples but make her look just as fabulous. A strapless design, the front clasp disappeared between her breasts, the smooth back strap much sexier than the hard bumps of rear clasps would have been.

"Better?" she asked moments later, her blouse back on and tucked in.

"You look fabulous. I loved the braless look, but I'd have been jealous if you were climbing on the commercial plane looking like that."

"That was for you -- I'd have put the bra on before we got to Las Vegas."

"You were going to attract a lot of attention, that's for sure."

I stuck out my hand and pulled her to me to give her a kiss, and she snuggled into my arms once more. Despite now having a bra on, it didn't stop me from caressing her once more as I kissed her. She broke it off this time, "We better go, or I'll miss my flight."

The plane had already been serviced; all I had to do was a preflight, pay the bill and we were ready. Gloria appeared just as I finished my preflight, two cups of coffee and a muffin in hand. I took one of the cups of coffee, noting that it was almost perfect for drinking, not so hot that I'd have to let it cool down, or so hot that it would burn if I inadvertently tipped it into my lap. Unlike in a car, it's not an easy matter to pull over and cool your lap in a spilled coffee emergency.

The airport at Sedona has been referred to as a land based aircraft carrier. On top of a mesa at the south edge of town, the runway crosses nearly the entire mesa. Landings can be quite deceptive; approaching from the east, you can be at a thousand feet above the ground when you'd normally be at one hundred feet, and then seconds later be landing as the steep cliff takes away all of that altitude. Taking off is just the opposite; climbing to a couple of hundred feet while still over the field, when the cliff is reached you suddenly find yourself at fifteen hundred feet above the ground.

Five minutes after take-off we'd settled into a cruise climb, the GPS programmed to take us to Kingman, before we nudged a bit further north to go to Las Vegas. I'd planned enough time to circle the Hualapai Mountains near Kingman and to slow to see Hoover Dam and the new highway bridge across the front of the dam, one of the more spectacular new bridges in the west. Gloria handed me half a muffin and coffee, with the autopilot set I could easily eat and keep track of everything else.

"How long?" Gloria mumbled with her mouth full of muffin.

"About an hour to Kingman, then we'll head north, and about another hour after that.

"Two hours?" she repeated.

"Give or take. I left enough time that we can circle around the Hualapai Mountains near Kingman if you want -- they're pretty spectacular from the air, and I figured we'd try and get a bird's eye view of the new bridge and Hoover Dam when we get there."

The muffin was just enough to take the edge off of my hunger, and between scanning for traffic, sipping my coffee and verifying radio frequencies, I really wasn't paying much attention to Gloria. I glanced over once, noted that she'd also finished her muffin, sipping her coffee. A few minutes later I glanced again as she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to lean into the back seat. "What's the matter? I asked, just before she pulled her headset off.

"Need a rag," she answered, indicating her sticky fingers, "I forgot napkins." I grabbed the wheel, just in case she kicked it, and then basically ignored her as she fumbled with her small bag which she'd put in the back seat. Moments later she turned back around sliding sinuously into her seat. "Are you about done with your coffee?" I was; a couple of gulps of the now almost cold liquid would have finished it off.

"Just about," I said, turning toward her and immediately doing a double take. Her smooth breasts under the blouse had once again blossomed hard nipples, her bra having disappeared. I realized that the fumbling into the back seat hadn't all been about a rag to wipe her hands. "Oh my goodness, my sexy little minx from this morning has returned." I grinned at her, reaching over just to touch her but her hand intercepted mine directing it to her bare thigh.

"I like being your sexy lady," she said, both hands stroking up her stomach to her breasts, fingers and thumbs finding and pinching her nipples through the cloth.

"My goodness," I said, starting to raise my hand to reach for her breasts myself.

Her hand again intercepted mine; "Uh-uh. Not while I'm teasing," she said directing it back to her thigh right at the edge of her skirt. No matter how sexy and distracting she was, I was still flying a plane and returned my scan to the windows and instruments, although I began to tease the inside of her leg, moving slightly under the hem. This time her hand didn't stop me, in fact I sensed, confirmed seconds later as my gaze came back to her lap, that she'd actually spread her legs, allowing me access -- if I wanted.

"I can tease too, you know," I said, tickling my fingers up the inside of her thigh. In response she turned slightly, her back toward the door, leaving no doubt that she was opening herself to my touch. My hand reached the top of her leg where I should have found a panty -- but instead only found bare skin and heat.

"Then you'd better hurry up," she said, "because we're going to join the mile high club."

"Oh my goodness," I answered, my mind immediately understanding that just as she'd plotted, this really was a perfect opportunity to have sex in the plane. My flying mind immediately went into analysis. The plane was on autopilot, the route change at Kingman already preprogrammed. We'd leveled off at 10,500 feet -- barely a mile above the ground in the Sedona area, but the ground was gradually lowering the further west we went. My eyes scanned the instruments, out the window and back to Gloria.

"Well? Are you game?" I didn't answer, just leaned over, offering my mouth for a kiss, but she had other things in mind. "Uh-Uh, I want to suck you," she said, folding herself over to reach for my belt and shorts, but I was too close to the control wheel.

"Hold on, let me move back and rebalance," I told her, gripping her arm to keep it from molesting me for the moment. Carefully sliding my seat back one handed, I kept the other on the control yoke, forcing it forward to keep the plane level. Reaching back with my other hand I spun the trim wheel, feeling the pressure needed to keep us level diminishing until we were, once again, trimmed out and level. Her hands were immediately on my pants and belt trying to get them undone. I let her do the work until they were loose and then rose up slightly as she pulled my shorts and underwear down around my ankles. I immediately reached down to slip them off my feet; I couldn't have my ankles tied together in case I needed the pedals. Getting them off over my shoes, I pushed my pants into her lap and she tossed them into the back seat leaving me wearing just a shirt -- and my shoes.