Exhibitionist Wife Ch. 07


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'You look great. You have a beautiful figure, just perfect for magazine work. I'm confident you'll pass an audition. Here, take this. We pay for the audition. This includes the travelling expenses, makeup, and the hourly fee.' James said.

He placed a wad of notes on the ironing board.

'All that money for an hour!' she exclaimed.

'Sometimes it's more, depending on the magazine. It depends on the designer as well,' he explained.

He still wasn't sure how far she would go, but the sight of money lit her eyes.

'Okay! Why not? I know you, so it might be easier than in front of a stranger. Just some practice,' she sparkled.

Shrugging off the gown she turned and bent to place it on a chair. James's eyes widened to take in the baby smooth skin of a peachy bottom. The little piece of silk clinging between those soft cheeks was well worth the price, however much it cost.

'Just walk around casually. Forget about posing, just act naturally. I'll just freshen up these drinks,' he said.

After recovering from her exposure, he needed a drink. For a moment he wondered if he dare introduce her to the fashion photographer at the studio.

She bent over to select a garment to iron. The ice in his glass clinked noisily. He started breathing again. Sitting on the sofa he gazed at her. Through the metal legs of the ironing board, was her crotch. The thong gripping her golden triangle was twisting one way then another, as she pressed down on a pair of jeans. Somehow the show was so much more tantalising than a lap dance.

A frown revealed how much thought was going through her pretty head, and it wasn't over the pressing of those jeans.

'I've got some of those magazines somewhere,' she eventually said.

Rummaging around the room, bending over, peering onto draws, she eventually found a few back copies. He was thoroughly hooked on watching her wiggling ass, and bouncing breasts. She sat next to James to flick through the advertisements.

He took hold of her face and turned it one way then another.

'I'm not sure which is you're best side, do you know?' he asked.

It was so tempting to lean close to steal a kiss from those pouting lips, that he only just resisted. She shook her head, creating a golden halo of floating long blond hair. It was becoming too much for him.

Felicity was wondering when he would cum in his pants. She'd never thought of this before, but making him cum was dominating her thoughts. A lot of men thought she was dumb, just because she was a big breasted blond. Teasing him was causing her to be so aroused, it was difficult to stop. All she had to do was keep him at arm's length, until Philip arrived home.

Placing his hand upon the magazine to stop the flickering pages, he said, 'There. That's you. Only, you're more photogenic. A better figure too.'

Sitting so close, with the stockings and suspenders needing to be stroked, he found it hard to resist. He did resist, but now breathing was becoming difficult.

'Do you really think so?' she cooed.

'Yes! You're more beautiful than her. I can tell with your colouring you'll be more photogenic. In a glossy magazine you'll look fantastic,' he enthused.

The woman cuddled her bare breasts, modelling a pair of panties. Obviously so expensive they warranted a half page advertisement.

He pulled out a wad of notes from the same brown envelope to fan them out over her stocking clad knees.

'That is what she earned for an hour's work,' he lied.

'Oh! Does she work for you?' Felicity exclaimed.

'Yes. Not all the time, just part time,' he said, making it up.

'Really? Could I look that good in a photo-shoot?' she asked.

'Sure. I'll prove it to you. You can make that pose, and we'll compare. I'm sure you'll feel more confident after some practice,' he coaxed her.

'Oh I couldn't! Wearing underwear is one thing, but half naked, I just couldn't,' Felicity demurred.

'You've just got to settle it in your own mind. Everyone has to start somewhere. Keep the money, all you have to do is model some clothes. Here, I'll add this just to model some underwear. What do you think?' he said, laying a bundle of notes on the ironing board.

'I could use that sort of money, that's for sure,' she hesitated.

He watched her brow crease in thought, hoping to discover what was motivating her. She sighed heavily. Slowly she slipped both arms out of the bra in a coquettish movement, to slip the catch around in front. He couldn't help staring. He had planned on taking it calmly, not staring like this. She was so caught up in the thought of modelling, she didn't notice him at all.

Standing behind her before an ornate guilt mirror, he held up the page for them both to compare. The real woman compared with the model most favourably. Holding onto her breasts with an arm, she brushed hair back in imitation of the model. There was no longer a frown, but a faraway look in her eyes.

'You see what I meant. You need to exude confidence. You have a beautiful body and need to be confident with it. Shoulders back. Put a hand into your hair. Hold it up to the light. Put your other hand on a hip and say, 'Damn! I'm beautiful,' he told her.

She giggled unable to say the line, but did place a hand on a hip, uncovering a pair of magnificent breasts. He decided she hadn't been acting after all. She was a dumb blond. How could so much loveliness be entrusted to so little brain?

Out of a bra, breasts don't usually look so large, but hers seemed to have grown with the freedom. How natural breasts stood out without support was hard to fathom, and how she balanced them over such a small waist, was a wonder.

'Keep your shoulders back, and set your face in a proud pose. Lift your chin. Now walk across the room. That's it. Strut around like a catwalk model. You're magnificent and proud. You have a body worth showing off,' he encouraged her with a flourish.

He watched every move.

'You'll have to change quickly in the studio to get as many outfits photographed as possible. Each session is expensive in studio time. Practise putting on these things now,' James told her.

She gulped the offered drink, then bent to the washing basket. Pulling out a man's shirt, she slipped it on to pose for him. He took imaginary photos. He helped her off with the shirt and handed her a dress. Working through the laundry basket he snapped away, with clicking noises, and lots of encouragement.

'That's good. Bend over with your arms out straight, as though you're flying. Lift a leg onto the chair, and turn your head,' he said, and continued with plenty of flare to the instructions.

Keeping her moving all the time, kept her mind busy. He still managed to admire her body between changes. He kept her dressing and undressing, in and out of clothes, until another bra and panty set was fished out of the basket. He steadied her with a hand to her shoulder, while she slipped off the panties. Momentarily, all she wore were the stockings and suspenders. He made little of this, while trying very hard not to spoil the flow.

Anticipating the next garment to be chosen for her, she pulled off the bra and panties to throw them on the heap of discarded clothing.

Looking into her eyes he told her, 'Well, that's enough for now. We need to catch our breaths. Here, cool off a moment. Drink this,' she downed another large gin and tonic.

'That was fun. Would it be like that all the time?' Felicity asked.

She was panting from moving around so quickly, though she knew it was also from being worked up. It was obvious he thought she was just a dumb blond, and playing up to that image was stimulating. More than anything, she loved bending over before him, in just a thong.

Standing so close to an attractive, near naked woman, was dangerous. He wanted her to go with the flow, to maintain the excitement, and not give her time to think.

'Sometimes you will be just waiting around. The lights need setting up, the cameras checked and loaded. There's a lot going on before you can start,' James explained.

Now he was on familiar ground. His partner was a photographer, and he helped out occasionally. Greg did some glamour sessions, but mostly family portraits. 'Calm,' he told himself.

Again he pulled a wedge of money from the brown envelope. He noticed how his hands were shaking. They were sweating, or maybe it was from when he mopped his brow.

'For a session like this, you would earn this much.'

It looked as though she had forgotten her nakedness. Indeed, she had grown confident, and maybe she would make it as a model. He placed the money on the ever-growing stack of bills on the ironing board. She hadn't been very enthusiastic at first, though now, she was naked and enjoying it. He figured all she could see was the pile of money.

Felicity discreetly glanced at the clock. Philip was late. Her dressing gown was close, ready to pull on and cover up, when he arrived home. The money would go into the bottom of the laundry basket. They were new notes and didn't look as though they needed ironing.

'You sure this is all for me?' Felicity giggled.

The bimbo act was more blatant now, though he hadn't noticed the change. He believed what he wanted to, or rather, whatever his penis told him.

'Sure, it's all for you,' he smiled.

'But there's so much money, I can't count that much. I thought you were just showing me how much I could earn. As I haven't earned it yet, I would owe you so much, you'd practically own me. There's no choice, I'll have to do as you tell me,' she said, in a little girl lost voice.

'Don't worry, we'll work something out. As you are so nice, how about earning this and the rest,' he said, and spread out all that was left on the ironing board.

'Dad was always particular about paying my way. Never leave a debt unpaid, he would say. So, I guess, whatever you think. That is sooo much money, I'll have to do whatever you want,' she sadly spoke.

'Why so sad? I thought you were enjoying yourself,' he said.

'It's all that money. I didn't think about it properly when you were giving it to me. I know what a man wants, when I have to do as I'm told,' she quietly spoke.

Uttering those words heated her up another notch towards an orgasm. Practically offering herself to him was so very wrong! It showed how stoked up she was. Another glance at the clock confirmed he should be home. It was frightening to find how vulnerable she was. Where was Philip? She needed him right now.

'No need to be sad. The money is yours. I've enjoyed guiding you, as I think you would make a great model. If you feel you need to pay me back, then come to the studio tomorrow. To make you feel better, I'll take a kiss, as down payment,' he smiled.

It was a strained look, as he was feeling more aroused than she was. So much so he hadn't noticed her put on dumb act, or that she was over heated, ready to boil over. Though he could see she was ripe for the taking. All he had to do was help himself.

Felicity didn't want that, she never did. It was the danger of being so close to being taken that excited her.

'I don't think I should, though, I do owe you so much. All your advice, and all that money. I guess, don't have a choice. Yes,' she whispered, and pouted her lips.

When he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close, she was starkly reminded of how much bare flesh was on show. Ending up nearly naked meant it had been a good game, but not when in a man's arms. Over his shoulder she could see the clock, and willed Philip to walk into the kitchen.

He turned her head to touch lips. Without a hint from him, she opened them. His tongue invaded her mouth, to battle with her tongue. Knowing it was wrong, she nevertheless couldn't help kissing him back. It had been a game to see how aroused she could make him, only she had lost control instead.

She was lost to her own passion. His hands wandered over her naked body, and she let him. She wore the last set of underwear tried on, and there wasn't much to it. His big hand cupped a breast, and squeezed. He didn't know how to handle her as well as her husband.

Somehow she would have to stop this. It wasn't right to let her husband down so badly. Philip was late home, but that wasn't his fault. She'd miss-timed the whole game. Why did she start this when knowing how vulnerable, and carried away she became. James could do anything he liked to her when so heated up. Flirting and showing off her body was one thing, but doing it, that was so terribly wrong!

'No, we can't! Oh! Oh!' she began to protest, then moaned.

His hand cupped her sex, and squeezed. A finger pushed up between her engorged lips, and caught her clitoris. He almost lifted her off the sofa with one large hand. The fingers creased the crotch of her panties, and creased her sex.

An orgasm was building from deep within her belly. A last rational thought was that he could do whatever he liked with her now. She just didn't care.

The kitchen door slammed, and Philip called out.

'I'll put the coffee on, do you want one?' he shouted.

'Oh, my, god!' Felicity murmured.

They both jumped up off the sofa. Felicity grabbed her gown and pulled it on inside out. The money was brushed from the ironing board, into the basket and covered with clothes.

'Hi James, hope you haven't been waiting long. Has Felicity kept you entertained?' he asked.

He crept in earlier, when seeing the man's car parked close by. He'd watched them for awhile, then slammed the kitchen door when things got out of hand. Felicity had warned him about losing control, but it was difficult to believe. He'd seen it with his own eyes, and would have to watch her more closely from now on.

'I brought the money round. No need for a receipt, or invoice. No tax to pay then,' James nervously spoke.

It was a close call. Having his wife's sex in his hand would have been hard to explain away. Deeply kissing her, while fondling her breasts would have been just as hard. His erection had dropped as soon as he heard Philip in the kitchen.

Felicity stood before the mirror brushing her hair. She was fluffing it up to become a halo of blondness around her head. Philip got the message. She was pretending to be a dumb blond. Whatever game she started out playing, it had ended in near disaster.

James's words sank in, for her to realise he cheated her. He hadn't been paying her to model, it was a payment for work Philip carried out.

'You bastard!' she whispered.

'You had some fun, don't deny it,' James anxiously told her.

Philip came back in with a coffee, so she had to let it drop.

'I'll see you around. There's another project coming up, and I could use your help,' James said.

They shook hands and James left.

'Well! You were in deep trouble,' Philip laughed.

'Sorry, Philip,' she tried in a little girly voice, knowing it wouldn't work with her husband.

'Some people will take advantage and not give a damn. We've met some nice people and some strange ones, while playing games. You've just got to learn to be careful, and try to remain cool,' he told his wife.

'I'll try, Philip. I really will. I just don't think I can,' she moaned.

'We'll play a game, where you will have to try,' he said.

Deserving of his anger, yet not receiving it, she was hesitant to ask for sex. A couple of times she nearly demanded he take her, right there and then.

'I'm so hot, Philip,' she complained.

He finished the coffee, and told her, 'We are going out to a restaurant. I shall give you a game to play, when we get there,' he teased.

'Alright,' she sullenly spoke.

'I know. You're so worked up, you want me to fuck you. You'll just have to be patient, and I warn you, be on your guard,' he smiled.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very good read

I am enjoying this story a lot, please write more and bring Margaret back to dominate her into humiliating situations

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 7 years ago
Great story

This was a thoroughly enjoyable and hot story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Where is Margaret

I was really hoping you would expand the situations with Margaret and being exposed in front of all those familiar people. Definitely worth pursuing, I think???

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 7 years ago

She may think she's not a dumb blond, but she's deluding herself. She's a twit. A sexy twit. Which makes for a fun story of misadventures.

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