Experiences at the Surgery Pt. 02

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Marion starts to take control.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/08/2017
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This is the second part of my first story. Things in this part get a little bit darker.

All characters are well over the age of 18.


The Saturday after the episode when Toni revealed the true nature of Marion's "business" I woke to find another hand written envelope on my doormat. It was addressed to "Jane" in the familiar black italic hand writing.

I ripped it open and read it, standing in the hall in my nightdress.

"Jane. Please come and see me at 2pm today. There is something I need to discuss with you. Thank you, Marion Palmer"

I went to the kitchen and made tea, pondering as I did why I had received a summons from Marion. This was no tea or drinks party, and there was no RSVP or phone number.

The only thing i considered might be on Marion's mind was the extension of my rental contract. Yes, that was it, it had to be the rental of the flat. It was now early July and there was only three months left on the lease...

I bathed and washed my hair. The previous week at work had been full on, so I'd not had time to attend to my normal beauty chores. I plucked my eyebrows, but was unable to attend to the dark hairs that annoyingly grew above my top lip, because I'd run out of wax. For the rest of the morning I did the washing, and cleaned the flat.

In jeans and a navy t shirt I made my way round to the "The Firs" for 2pm

Marion opened the door. There was no warmth in her greeting, merely a "You had better come in."

She was dressed in her short sleeved black uniform dress with a white collar. It had a fob watch attached at breast height on one side and a gilt and enamel badge on the other breast which simply said "Matron".

As she turned round I could see that she had also had her hair done by Toni the previous day. The one length blunt cut bob was now graduated sharply up her neck and the hair beneath the bob line clippered very severely. It was a strong look for a strong woman and suited her perfectly.

I followed her across the hall and down the corridor. My heart rate started to race as we approached the door behind which I'd discovered Fay tied to the chair...

We walked past. Relief flooded over me... Marion stopped at the next door down, opened it and ushered me in.

The layout, furniture and other paraphernalia told me in a second this was an old fashioned Doctor's consulting room. Without questioning, I sat down on a hard wooden chair she pointed at whilst she sat down at the desk facing me.

Behind her, a white privacy curtain shrouded the window. The room would have been dim save for the strong overhead spotlights that I could feel the heat from on the top of my head.

"So..Jane I felt it appropriate that we have a little chat."

"Oh yes, what's on your mind?" I replied breezily, hiding my inner worries...

"Well yesterday I went to see Toni at the salon."

"Yes I can see. Your hair looks very nice, you must be pleased."

"I am, but I'm not very happy with what else I learnt whilst I was there."

"Sorry? I'm not sure I understand," I could feel my heart starting to thump in my chest.

"It's about Fay."

"Fay? Wasn't that the name of the girl who didn't cut your hair as you wanted?"

"You know it was."


"I said you know it was. There's no point in pretending. It's the same Fay who cut you hair two weeks ago yesterday and with whom you have a repeat appointment with three weeks next Friday..."

My heart sank. How on earth had she found that out...?

"So you do know Fay don't you?"

"It sounds like it. What a coincidence. Well I'm surprised."

"Please don't try and bluff your way out of it Jane...you saw Fay in this house that first time you came to tea, didn't you?

It was the moment of truth... My mother always told me to face up to my responsibilities when it was necessary.

I tried to keep my voice steady and look her in the eyes "I opened the wrong door. It was an accident. Leaving someone tied to a chair with a vibrator up their vagina whilst taking tea with a tenant hardly gives you the moral high ground does it?"

I regretted saying it the moment it came out, but it was too late. I could see the colour rising in Marion's cheeks. She was angry with me,

"I think you might want to apologise for saying that? Especially if you want me to consider renewing your tenancy agreement?"


"Yes apologise. It's one of my conditions to you staying on at the flat."

"One of your conditions?"

"Yes one of them. The other is that you submit yourself to me next Monday for a full examination so I can do a proper assessment of your suitability as a tenant."

I was trying not to shake. Marion's hold over the situation was complete. This was her in her comfort zone. This was how she liked to get into a dominant situation with her patients. She had me exactly where she wanted me and she knew it.

"I'm sorry." It was barely more than a whisper.

"I should think so. Now stand up will you Jane?"

I hesitated for a moment, trying to hold my nerve by staring back into her eyes.

"Stand," she barked, and I scuttled off the chair an on to my feet.

"Undo your jeans and lower them to your knees? Or leave and be out of your flat at the end of September. The choice is yours..."

"This is blackmail."

"If you want to call it that, do so. I think it is about helping you reach your potential," and she smiled a thin cruel smile.

She had me over a barrel. The heady mixture my guilt as to having been found out, the lure of her dominant nature and my desire to explore my submissive side had got me to my feet.

I undid the buckle on my belt...slowly, and then the button and zip on my jeans.

I pulled them down my thighs, trying desperately not to pull my panties down at the same time. When I lowered them to my knees and let them go, they fell to my ankles.

Marion leaned towards me. Staring at my crotch, which made me anxious, she said.

"And now those pretty grey satin panties please Jane."

I was done for. I knew it and she knew it. As my fingers hooked the lace waistband and I eased the panties off my hips the scent of my arousal filled the air between us.

"My my, what a lot of hair you have down there Jane. And look at the gusset of those pretty grey panties too... Look at the stains in them Jane. You've either peed in them or you're aroused. I wonder which it is..?"

At that moment her right hand moved over and her fingers cupped my mound, before her index finger wrapped itself around my labia and dug between them.

I sighed...I was wet through...again...

Marion pulled her hand up in front of my face.

"As I thought. Just look at what a horny little thing you are Jane. And smell yourself too...I think I can safely conclude that you will be here at 2pm on Monday won't you?"

"But I have to be at work."

"So throw a sickie. Tell them you have a bad period. You tried using the period excuse on me didn't you...?"


"Just do as you're told Jane!" her voice suddenly very loud.

"Remove those pretty panties and give them to me. And then you can go..."

I bent down and undid my trainers, then pulled off my jeans and finally my panties. After I had pulled my jeans and shoes back on and done up my laces and belt, I folded the panties up and put them on her desk. A trophy for a Domme.

"Right, you can go now. No more jeans when you come here either, dresses or skirts and stockings not pantyhose. Oh and I think white underwear from now on. A plain white thong for Monday. Don't disappoint me. You can find your own way out."

I left in silence, cowed, chastened and with the seam in the gusset of my jeans chafing my soggy pussy with every step of the walk home.


I got back to the flat, made some Earl Grey, and then went and found some fresh knickers.

White underwear for Monday, Marion had said, I needed to go to town. Most of my white underwear was old and having Marion inspect it would be too humiliating for words.

I decided to also try and see Fay, I needed to apologise to her. It must have looked like I had sought her out, but it had been a coincidence...

My mind returned to Marion and Monday. I could simply not turn up, but then I would have to move. I would then never experience her "professional services", and it was the idea of submission that had got me so steamed up of late. I wanted to dip my toe into a slightly darker side of sexual behaviour, just to be able to decide whether it was for me. What was there to lose? If I did not like it I could always leave...

How naive I was that day...


I went into town. After picking up some groceries, I went looking for a lingerie shop.

Down at the bottom of the High St, there was a branch of a chain that was well known for it's sexy lingerie. I made may way down there, hesitated for a little while nearby. but then case aside my inhibitions and walked in.

I'd never been in one of those places before and was quite unfamiliar with the range that the shop sold. I was slightly shocked by the merchandise. Apart from lingerie it's main line of business was clearly sex toys, and the sheer number and variety was an education.

Vibrators, dildos and other plastic and glass phalluses abounded, but there was also a large variety of other things. Whips, crops, chains, cuffs and fantasy clothing rails were there too, and the shop was busy. There were couples, men and women on their own, and groups of girls, clearly buying things for hen nights or parties. It surprised me how normal and acceptable everyone clearly felt it was to handle the merchandise. It was me with the problem...

I made my way to the underwear and picked out a pack of size 8 white plain lo rise thongs. Having something in my my hand to buy I felt legitimised my visit, and I then walked round the rest of the shop.

I wanted to buy a vibrator. Memories of Helen came flooding back when I saw something similar to the one she had used on me all those years ago. Perhaps it was a taboo phenomenon that we always remember the shape and colour of vibrators we have been familiar with?

But no one ever talked about them...

I chose a small black vibrator. It was very discreet. The sales assistant bagged it and the knickers without batting an eyelid and I was soon on my way back up the High Street. It was 5pm. As I approached the Hair Salon, a small group walked out of the door. Fay was with them and holding a big bunch of keys. As the others made their way off, she turned and started locking the door. There were locks at foot height and head height. It took her a while to secure them all.

As she finished I approached her.

"Fay? I wonder could I have a word?"

She turned and looked at me, and when she recognised me, she surprisingly smiled.

"Hello. It's Jane isn't it?" She said.

"Yes, I'm surprised you can remember."

"I always remember my clients with beautiful hair," she replied.

I blushed, I know I blushed. This was not how I thought things were going to turn out.

"I was wondering if we could go and have a coffee somewhere?" I said, emboldened by her friendliness.

"Oh Jane I'd love to, but I can't tonight. I have to go to London and will miss my train."

"Oh never mind, it wasn't that important.." i tried not to sound disappointed.

"I tell you what, can we meet on Tuesday, say 1 o'clock? I have a half day till two and we could meet for lunch. How's that?"

"Great, yes great." I could feel myself flush with colour as a great burden of guilt metaphorically fell off my shoulders. "Where shall we meet?"

"Let's go to the little cafe at the back of the arcade. I think it's called Reno's. Look I've got to run, see you Tuesday.." and with that she dashed off up the street towards the station.

Chapter 2

Monday morning was dull and grey. I rang my boss on the dot of 9am and told her I would not be in with the contrived story of a bad period. She was very sympathetic. She was familiar with the problem herself.

With a cruel twist of irony I sensed my period actually was about to start. My nipples felt sore and I detected that little twinge in my uterus that normally heralded things were about to happen.

I worked for a while and then at noon went and had a bath. I shaved my legs and my armpits carefully. I deliberated about trimming my pubic hair but then chickened out. I'd never been very good at it and decided that I liked it the way it was.

I waxed my upper lip, applied a little mascara, and lip gloss and after drying my hair got dressed.

The thong was not particularly flattering. It was marginally too small and my pubes stuck out here and there. The good news was it matched my bra well and when I looked in the mirror, standing in just my undies I thought I looked pretty fantastic...

I then put on my black knee length skirt over a white ribbed body. I topped the outfit off with a red cotton cardigan. The tight body and cut of the neckline of the cardigan emphasised my neck and chest to their best advantage.

Just before leaving I went to the loo and had a pee. It was about the fourth time I had needed to go that day, I was a bag of nerves. As a precaution I put a tampon in, I reckoned Marion would not welcome me starting to bleed suddenly.


Marion was in the black uniform again. I followed her down the corridor to the end. The door had a sign on it, "Treatment Room 1".

It was a large room that had a high ceiling and sky lights. There was a massage table and a padded chair with leg supports - I'd seen one of those before at the hospital when I had been to a gynaecologist...

Down one wall there were wall bars and at the end a sort of open bathroom area with a shower a bidet and a row of three toilets. Two of those looked conventional but the third was a squat toilet similar to one's I'd had to endure when I went on a camping holiday in Turkey. The sight of it made me shiver...

The biggest shock came when I saw Marion pull back a privacy curtain that was in the corner by the door. A naked woman was lying in a sort of harness suspended from the ceiling that held her body with broad canvas straps under her body and legs. Her head was tipped backwards so I couldn't see her face. She was full figured, with heavy breasts loose and lank on her chest and a swollen belly. Middle aged clearly... Her thick thighs were pulled wide apart revealing her genitals, She had been shaved recently, her pubic region was dark and stubbly. Jutting out of her vulva was an odd yellow shape, and out of her bottom, which was being stretched open cruelly, a stubby plastic tube.

Underneath the harness was a large shower base, and attached to the wall were various taps hoses and attachments.

"This is Angela Deacon, Jane. She probably won't say hello to you at the moment but she does know a little bit about you, as she actually has your gray panties stuffed in her mouth and the gusset is pegged to her nose.. Say hello to Angela, Jane won't you?"

There was a whimper from Angela. My mouth opened, I wanted to talk...but nothing came out.

My panties in her mouth...I couldn't believe it... Marion's ability to humiliate clearly had no boundaries. She went on,

"Cat got your tongue Jane? Anyway we'll leave Marion for a few minutes Jane, she's in the middle of something. Why don't you slip those clothes off and come and settle yourself over here? and she pointed at the gynaecologist's chair. You can hang your clothes on the hooks next to Angela's.

Whilst I slowly peeled off my clothing, Marion picked up a clipboard and started to prepare various things on one of the benches. By the time I was down to my bra and panties, she had wheeled a trolley, laden with stainless steel kidney dishes over to the chair.

"Now slip those undies off Jane and give the panties to me."

I did as I was told. I folded the thong to try and conceal the slight moistness in the gusset. In a few moments I was settled, nervously in the chair. Marion turned to face me.

"Comfy? ...good"

She didn't wait for an answer.

"So let's get started with some basics. Please answer all the questions Jane. It's important I build up a full picture so there are no surprises later on."

Marion picked up her clipboard and then asked me about my past. The question were initially fairly innocuous, where I was born, family history, diseases I had been afflicted with and so on. Inevitably things then started to get more personal. When had I first had sex? Had I had any STD's, date of last sexual encounter, sexual orientation??

I found all of these easy to answer except the last one. When I hesitated, Marion lowered the clipboard and stared at me.

"So, are you heterosexual, bi sexual, gay or what?"

I started to feel warm, and fidgety.

"I think I would describe myself as bi-curious."

There I had said it out loud. Somehow I felt better for finally admitting it.

"I see," said Marion and went back to her form.

"And have you ever had any sexual relations with a woman?"

I hesitated again..

"Come on Jane. It's a simple yes or no answer. We've got a lot of ground to cover today. There simply isn't time for you to think about answers at this stage. I have another patient in 50 minutes."

"Yes," my voice was little more than a whisper.

Another tick on the form. The questions then went to my gynaecological history. Children? Terminations? Other issues such as irregular periods, what contraception I was using/had used, date of last period...?

To the last question I hesitated again and then described my earlier twinges and the precautionary tampon I had inserted. In a matter of seconds Marion had splayed my legs and put her hand down to my vulva to confirm what I had said. She pulled the string gently but firmly and the tampon eased out of my entrance. Holding it by the string she waved it in front of my face. There was a tiny patch of scarlet blood on it...

"Your suspicions would appear to be correct, Jane. That's good. I like patients to know and understand their bodies."

She discarded the tampon and picked up the clipboard again.

"Right let's get one or two other things cleared up. Which of the following have you indulged in?"

"Anal sex? Oh and I mean with either a male or a female."





"Yes, once."

"I am really not interested in the frequency Jane, just answer the questions."


"Now I want to move on to the limits of your experience. Have you ever tried Bondage, either on your own or with a partner of either sex?"


"Discipline such as spanking, paddling, whipping, caning?"


"Water sports?"

"Water sports?"

"Yes water sports. Play with urine...?"


"Toilet games?"

"I think I know what you mean...definitely No!."

"Food play?"


"Come on Jane you must know what I mean. Bananas, cucumbers or have you ever been figged?"

"No, not the first two or anything like that and I don't know what being figged is..."

"Ah, well Angela can help us there," she said, the cruel grin returning... "Angela is being figged at the moment. You see that yellow stump poking out of her vulva?"


"That's a nice plug of raw ginger, fresh from those very obliging Chinese stall holders in the market. It tends to rather warm things up, as you can see by the sheen of sweat on Angela. it's very effective..."

"Er...I see.."

"What about sex toys? Do you own a vibrator?"

I felt myself beginning to blush...



"How many?"

"One, black...small."

"Any butt plugs, anal or electro stimulators?"

"Absolutely not..."

"How about fantasy enactment? Dressing up as a school girl or a teacher or similar?"


"And Doctors and nurses?"


"And finally what about prostitution? Have you ever either paid money for sex or been paid for sex?"

"Definitely not."