Extra Tra-sexual Experience

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We are not alone.
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Many Feathers
Many Feathers

E.T. Extra Tra-sexual Experience

About the only way I can think of to begin this incredible story is to quote a famous saying, "We are not alone."

For as far back as I can even remember I have always had an interest in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. I've never been a supporter of the fact thatbeing the human race are the sole inhabitants of this entire universe. I think that simply because we do not have hard facts to support a belief system, that for most of us, the possibility then simply doesn't exist.

I remember one summer sleeping out under the stars in my parent's backyard. I often did this, and so became accustomed to occasionally seeing satellites streaking across the sky at night. Or in watching when I was lucky enough to be in the right place, the frequent meteor showers that would light up the night's darkness.

On one particular evening then, I was gazing at all the thousands of stars that sat twinkling at me. I had seen one satellite slowly moving, and had watched it for quite a while until it finally disappeared from view. I began to watch what I also believed was another Satellite when suddenly the light, which had been moving, stopped. I blinked, thinking I'd lost it when it suddenly began moving again, but in an entirely different direction from the path in which it had been on. I watched it zigzag as well, and suddenly streak with such speed across the sky that it was obvious it couldn't have been a satellite, nor was it a shooting star as it once again stopped, and then slowly moved away until I could no longer see it.

I sat thinking about this marvelous sight, wishing that someone had been there to witness it with me. But having had this experience simply confirmed for me even then that we could not possibly be alone.

Several years later, I had gone on what I did at least once a year, and that was a camping trip for three to four days by myself. It was a chance to enjoy the out of doors, get up high into the mountains where I had an even better view of the stars, and enjoy some peaceful time to myself. As I said, I had been doing this for years, and in all that time had not run into anyone else camping in the area that I enjoyed going to. It was after all a very difficult place to reach even with a four-wheel drive vehicle, and then walking in nearly a mile and a half on foot after that.

I had reached the hilltop meadow where I had always pitched my small two man tent, made myself cozy and laid out the meager supplies I had brought along to sustain me for my three day adventure, and made my way down to the naturally formed pool that awaited me. One of the main reasons I liked this particular spot, aside from the remoteness, was the availability of water so I didn't have to pack any more than a canteen full of it in with me. There was a small fresh pool that was only about three or four feet deep surrounded on all sides by immense boulders, which served to naturally heat the water during the day. I had already stripped off all my clothing, and gotten into the pond to lounge around and skinny-dip when I heard the sound of something moving around above me. Unfortunately the glare of the sun initially prevented me from seeing who or what it was. Blocking my eyes with my hand, I peered up towards the top of one outcrop of hanging boulders and saw the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life, sitting there watching me.

"Hi," she said suddenly when she realized I had noticed her sitting there. "I didn't mean to seem like I was spying on you, I was just surprised to find anyone else here."

Although I was nude, I remained in the water so that I didn't embarrass her or myself.

"I'm surprised to see anyone else here too. I've been coming up here for years and you're the first person I have ever seen that's even known about this place."

"It really is beautiful," she said. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"Suit yourself." I stated. Wondering then if she had planned on swimming nude as I was, or if she'd worn something underneath. She quickly answered that question as she peeled off the tight tank top she'd been wearing, revealing her perfectly shaped full breasts. She quickly discarded her cut-off Levi's, panties, boots and socks. She stood there completely and totally naked, uncaring or so it seemed, that she was nude in front of a perfect stranger.

This 'vision' then made her way down the face of the boulders, jumping in the last few remaining feet to land in the middle of the pool next to me. She didn't bother trying to cover her breasts from my gaze, though I tried with some difficulty not to look directly at her. We finally introduced ourselves more formally to one another, shaking hands. She introduced herself to me as Darla, told me that she was staying with her family about a mile or more on the other side of the hill from where I was camped. Darla went on to relate how she had discovered this particular place about two years ago, had kept the existence of it a secret even from her own family and friends. Ever since, she had come here by herself at least once or twice to do the same thing that she had obviously seen me doing, skinny-dipping and enjoying the peaceful serenity of this secret little paradise.

As I've already mentioned, she was a strikingly beautiful woman, with long dark shoulder length hair, cobalt blue eyes that seemed to pierce your very soul when she looked at you, and lips that any man could find himself getting lost in.

Along with all this of course was a body that would easily rival any found in some men's magazines, but it wasn't even this that gave her the sensuality that seemed to ooze from her, but the demeanor of her wit, personality and intelligence that was truly arousing. I told her that I was camped atop the small hill that was secreted inside a beautiful meadow only a short distance away. She asked if I'd mind taking her there to show it to her after we'd finished our swim, and I found myself ready to do whatever the hell she asked or told me to do for that matter. Normally I would have been irritated by the intrusion, by being forced to share this particular little place I had found with anyone. And not just because she was drop-dead gorgeous either, but again, it was because of the sound of her voice, the way she asked, how she asked that honestly struck me. I don't think any man alive could have told her "No" about anything she wanted from them, least of all me.

As we floated, swam, and continued talking easily with one another, I had on several occasions taken the (hopefully) unnoticed view of that magnificent body of hers. Her dark areolas were rather large and covered a fairly good portion of her full rounded breasts. Her nipple's hard and extended from the cool water where incredibly erotic looking. And though I certainly didn't feel that she was aroused in any way by my presence, seeing her erect nipple's had had an effect on me that would soon make my own situation a bit discomforting if we were to try and leave this place anytime soon.

I was able to concentrate on just how nice the day actually was, and how good it felt (even being nude in front of a woman, and she me) to be outside enjoying the sunshine. The 'urge' finally went away, as did my initial excitement, and I suggested that we go ahead and leave before it got too much later in the day, and especially long before she was missed by her own family. We soon climbed back up the rocks, but neither one of us dressed. We didn't even discuss it, it just seemed the most natural thing in the world to do. Walking naked together back to my secret little camp sight seemed like we'd been doing it together for years. Laughing, teasing one another, occasionally even holding hands as we slowly made our way back.

Although I had brought along my small little tent in the event it rained, I had pretty much used it as a place to store my things in. I'd already laid out my groundcover and sleeping bag before leaving for the pond, and had already prepared the fire-pit with nice dry firewood for lighting later that evening.

Darla placed the bundle of clothing she'd been carrying on one corner of my sleeping bag, sitting down next to it, crossing her legs 'Indian" fashion as she did. The small dark, neatly trimmed strip of her pubic hair pointed like an arrow towards her crotch where the 'slit' of her vagina slightly parted revealing more of her inner cunt lips than I had seen all day. Once again, forcing my eyes away from her was very difficult, but the added problem I had on an even more obvious basis began to rise once again. I had no choice but to quickly sit down across from her in a similar fashion, dropping my hands down into my lap to contain as well as hide my rapidly growing erection.

"You know Brad, I've been coming up here for a couple of years now, and each time I've wondered what it would be like to make love with someone under the stars here."

Darla looked at me and smiled. "Had she just offered what I thought she'd just offered me?" I wondered.

The sun had slowly begun to settle by this time however, and before I could even begin to respond, she stood up suddenly announcing that she needed to head back.

"I'll walk back with you," I offered.

"Oh, no. That's not necessary really. And besides, I don't want anyone to know you're up here."

Once again I briefly wondered if she had some other reason that I hadn't quite picked up on yet.

"I really would like to come back tonight after everyone's gone to sleep. I'd love to see what the stars look like from here. Would it be ok with you if I snuck back later? You could leave the fire going, and then I know I'd be able to find you in the dark, I'm really pretty familiar with this area now so it really shouldn't be too difficult."

"Sure, if you really want to," I stammered a little saying. "I'll make sure it's bright enough for you to see easily enough."

Once again Darla flashed me a very sexy very provocative smile, leaned over and gave me a quick friendly kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you sometime after midnight then," she promised, and with that, turned and headed once again back down the deer-trail, still nude, carrying her clothes. I watched until she disappeared into edge of the tree line surrounding the meadow, wondering if in fact she really would return later on that night. As darkness began to descend, I began to think about how incredibly dark it soon would be. It was one of the primary reasons I came up this time of year, no moon at all. It made gazing at the Universe of stars all the more spectacular. I also thought about Darla trying to make it back to my camp, even with a fire burning, it would be very difficult to even see it through the thick forest of trees. I could have kicked myself for not at least offering, and demanding that I at least meet her half way and guide her in. The more I thought about it, the less likely I believed she'd actually come back during the night simply because of the near total blackness we'd both soon be experiencing.

The wind soon picked up as well, and building the fire up any more would be a foolish and dangerous mistake. I quickly made a light dinner and settled down on top of my sleeping bag to stare at the stars. The hot day, the swim and the hiking had taken its toll on me, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

I began dreaming, and in my dream I saw Darla, or at least thought I saw her. One instant she was there, in the next, my first girlfriend, then my first lover, and a woman I had once known only through association, but never personally, though I would like to have gotten to know her. Strange...all these women in my dream, passing by... some I had met, some I had only fantasized about, but one by one they were all there, any that I had thought about even remotely sexually, they passed by me where I lay in the hundreds, each smiling, each looking at me walking on. I noticed too, some were naked, some partially dressed, others fully clothed yet provocatively dressed. But still the procession of women continued.

And suddenly I saw Darla once again, the last one in the procession of women who had walked by me, looking down where I lay sleeping on my sleeping bag. Darla came over; lay down beside me, once again nude just as I had been...was again. And I don't remember her taking my shorts off, but she had. And now her hand was stroking me, not passionately, but softly and tenderly with a light feathering touch that was more intimately stimulating than passionately erotic.

I awoke, the dream so real so vivid. Above me a million stars twinkled in the darkness. And I felt her hand on me; Darla was laying beside me stroking me just as I had imagined she'd been doing in my dream.

"Darla?" I said, almost in a whisper.

"Who else would I be?" She responded back, speaking just as softly as I had, as though talking any louder, that the entire world around us would have heard.

The fire had already burned down to mere red-hot coals. It had to have been way past midnight already for the fire to burn down so quickly.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Time to watch the sky," she responded. So we did.

We lay, the cover of darkness nearly so complete that it was hard to make out the features of her face, only the barest of outline's even hinted that she was laying next to me, that and the continued soft stroking gentleness which continued as she caressed my hard stiff cock.

I pointed out a slow moving light in the sky, watching the bright satellite as it traversed along its ordained path across the heavens. Darla pointed upwards halfway up from the horizon. "That's my star," she indicated pointing off towards some miniscule pinprick of light.

I had heard of people who for a nominal fee, had submitted to have a star named after them, and then have it plotted on a star map for referencing and location of it later. It had been something in fact I had considered doing, no matter how many people there were, there were far too many stars to ever worry about running out of them.

Twice Darla tried to make it out for me, and finally we counted out a semi diagonal path down from the Milky Way where I finally located the precise star she had meant for me to see. It was faint, dim against the brightness of the surrounding closer stars, but I could see it twinkling faintly.

"Boy, they certainly could have given you a brighter or closer star than that one!" I stated.

Darla laughed, rolled over on top of me then and kissed me fully on the lips. Her nakedness was soft, yet fiery as I felt her flesh against mine. It was warm, comforting as well as exciting against the mildly cooler air of the evening. Our tongues danced, explored and wandered around inside one another's mouths. Our lips pressed, bit, suckled upon the others, tenderly at first, then with ever increasing desire and passion, the kisses became more forceful, more urgent. And once again, images of women I had once known.

We broke apart her hand finally having left off playing with me and touching me so intimately.

"Brad? What would you say the perfect woman would be? What would she look like for you? How would she behave, or act around you?"

"Why all the questions?" I asked her. It seemed like a strange thing for her to be wondering about after we'd just been passionately rolling around on the sleeping bag together.

"Just curious I guess. But seriously interested too. I know you have known or been with a number of women throughout your life. Why are some more appealing to you than others? What about them makes them different or more attractive to you?"

Again the questions, but I began to answer her as best as I could. Darla asked me what type of breast I admired or enjoyed looking at the most. The shape of a woman's ass and legs, even the size or nape of a neck. Darla continued talking, asking me these things, and I had the same impression of seeing the face's or the bodies of the women in my weird little dream as I continued describing them to her, describing women I had known or even fantasized about. Darla listened as long as I described these things without ever interrupting. Only when I paused or ran out of anything to say, did she speak once again, prompting me, digging and coaxing me to tell her more.

We lay there like this for a good hour if not longer. Eventually I had told her everything, every little nuance about what I liked or didn't like, every little curve, every little sensation I had ever enjoyed or appreciated in a woman.

Once again her hand sought me out. Aroused from our intimate little discussion, I figured that all was fair in love and play, I reached for her, cupping her breast, fingering her nipple. It felt different somehow in the darkness than I'd remembered seeing it. Her breast seemed fuller than I remembered it, and not quite as 'perkily' uplifted off her chest as I had remembered seeing it. Her nipples too were larger perhaps, but as I twirled them between my index finger and thumb, I forgot all about everything else, they were perfect as they were. Hard nubbed, erect, and oh so wonderfully thick, I continued playing with them and enjoying the sensation of them in my hands as they rolled between my fingers.

"Do you like the way they feel?" she asked softly.

"Oh my god yes!" I hissed. Her flesh was so alive, so warm, and yet so hot too. I felt shivers running up and down my spine as I cupped them; squeezing them gently kneading her velvety feeling twin rounded mounds of pure delight.

"Kiss them, suck on them, and tell me what it is about them that pleases you the most."

Once again it was as though I were reliving a dream. Nearly hypnotic were her words to me, compelling, seeking, and searching me out in ways I couldn't begin to even comprehend.

I kissed each erect fat aroused nipple. I took each on in turn between my lips, sucked it, licked it and twirled it around in my mouth with my tongue, savoring the texture and flavor. I bit them, chewed on them, nipped at them and pulled on them so that they stretched away from her breasts. Darla moaned...delightfully so, and I continued, repeating the process over and over and over.

She moved once again on top of me. Only her silhouette could be easily seen in the close darkness, highlighted only by the thin vaporous, nearly translucent light of the shimmering stars above her. She still seemed different to me somehow, though I could not put my finger on it, nor explain it to myself in anyway. The way she felt seemed different, though I had only felt her earlier with my mind. Now...laying here touching her for real in the soothing blanket of darkness, I imagined that what I sensed, felt about her was what was real, not what I imagined of her earlier.

"My ass," she breathed. "Feel my ass. Tell me what you like about it, how it feels to you. Tell me what thoughts, what desires it produces for you in your mind while you touch it."

I told her then how I could almost see myself, hands clasping and clenching her ass cheeks. I could see me, behind her, fucking into her, impaled in the depths of her from behind as I slapped into her this way, my balls slapping her ass with each piston like stroke of my cock inside her.

I realized what I was saying, how I was saying it. Surprised that I had gotten so vulgar in my descriptions to her, but as my arousal grew, so did my passion and my lusty desire to express myself, my ever growing need for her chasing away any inhibitions I may have had. Darla somehow knew this, was drawing it out of me with every question, with every prompting searching question. She provoked within me the images that I had grown up with, women I had seen in men's magazines, X-rated films, women I had merely worked with, though had spent more than a brief few moments thinking about in sexual ways though I had never once acted on them or ever made them aware of the fact that I had. Each time I envisioned a supple well rounded breast, or a nicely pear-shaped tit, or a certain curvature of a woman's ass, or the sensual, sexy tummy of a woman who was imperfect...even this aroused me and excited me far more than a woman who's stomach was tighter and firmer than mine ever had been, or would ever hope to be again. These are the thoughts that flew through my mind, and these are the images I shared with Darla as on and on we went in our discussion and in our continued caresses and lingering touches over one another's bodies, minds, and souls.

Many Feathers
Many Feathers