Faeophobia: Spring Break Ch. 02


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But there was a problem; the silver mermaid had discovered long ago that while the notion of the Mermaid was wondrous and romantic certainly, but most people just...just didn't know what to do with her fish-body, when a human male sought a woman to screw around with, far too often he would choose someone with a familiar set of legs. The busty sea-fae couldn't allow the humans to consider her a less available sex partner on account of her tail. So, she allowed only a few, brief minutes before converting tail to legs; soft, toned, perfect legs. And with those legs came a ripe, wet pussy.

But it was not enough to lay there, passively upon her beach blanket, waiting to be flirted with. She ran her hands the full length of her figure, pretending to apply yet more sun block, arching her back and releasing sensuous moans that were only slight exaggerations of her true state. And...yes! She got one! There was her target...there was her man...Naturally, her moist womanhood was bare to the world, both in defiance of the human laws against indecent exposure, and because one simply cannot fit a bikini over a fish tail.

He was a broad-shouldered stud. Black hair, slicked back and a rugged goatee that suggested a tone of rebellion mirrored in his passionate, dark eyes. Marina allowed herself a brief smile, as she began to knead her own breast flesh, her knees flaring in and out, flagrantly displaying the most lurid charms of womanhood. Her pussy came first; but she knew, she felt that her perfect lower lips were as alluring and healthy as that of any human's. But what about her legs?

She stretched them again, her toned legs conjured by magic needed to be perfect; it was her fear, as well as that of all mermaids, that the only males available, human males would not be frightened away from lusting after her due to her unique anatomy. It all came down to the humans. Fae bloodlines were weak, the magic was fading, male Fae were of no use to her. Only through the gift of human sperm would the mermaid race survive. From the dainty tips of her feet, through the length of calves and thighs, smooth as mother-of-pearl, and similar in color, down to her thighs and hips. Which seemed to grow larger with every pregnancy. Yes, her magic had succeeded; the imitation was perfect. No healthy human male could gaze upon her lower body and escape an onslaught of erotic thoughts.

Mr. Broad-shoulders allowed himself a broader smile, a shiver passing through him, despite the heat when he beheld the audacious exhibitionism of the indecent fae-girl before him. Marina had baited the hook; the Fish was in sight, now she had to reel him in. Her tits would seal the deal. That was the problem; the complication. There were some men on Earth that did not believe a woman should have breasts larger than her own head. But she would take a gamble; she would assume that this human would be enticed by heavy, heaving mounds of healthy boob. How big? The only way to be sure was with a slow growth.

Her breasts, augmented by long months of Bosom Building training were already perkier, and even more resistant to gravity than most Fae, her melons protruded proudly, nipples angling forward, arrow-straight towards her intended mate. Her bosom was symmetrical; equal amounts of buoyant tit-flesh quivered both below and above the circle of her aureoles as they began to increase in size from that of mere grape-fruits, (sort of a resting, default size) onward through several fertile bouts of fecund expansion.

It was only when her tits were nearing cantaloupes size that she finally noticed Broad-shoulder's prominent erection protruding from trunks making a valiant effort to conceal his mighty meat. Bikini....straining the fabric that was intended for Fae females with unearthly breast-sizes, yet still the white top had definite limits. She could hear his ragged breathing, as pupils dilated. Yes...it was working! She had guessed correctly; this one was indeed a tit-man. She moaned luridly, caressing her bosom with passion that was no longer forced. She had to remind herself; not just any man would work. He had to be a male with the right lustful aggression; the sort that would take her, claim her with or without her permission. The mermaid race needed people like that, and hopefully it would be her womb that would give birth to the future.

With each cup-size, the human drew closer, and she knew he was committed. As her tits enlarged from cantaloupes to soccer-balls, she resolved not to rip-off her bikini top; she would allow the surge of her own udders to rupture the tortured fabric on their own. Let the human see the full grandeur of her breasts; let him see pure boob tear asunder the aggravating constraints of civilization in a jiggling climax of voluptuous freedom. Yes...soon...the mermaid's breathing was labored, sweat caused her silvery hair to cling to her brow, as the thin straps began to give way.



The Pop was inevitable, yet the throaty cry from the Fae's own throat occurred simultaneously. That's when things started to happen. The human, his hand reaching, groping for the female flesh on blatant display...so close...3 feet....1 foot...and Marina could smell the human's cologne when -WHHHUUUMPH!!

What! Another human! A second man, taller, lankier, and older had tackled Mr. Broadshoulders! The two scrambled in the sand. The newcomer was poorly dressed for the beach; he was loping around with dress pants around his ankles, boxing shorts barely concealing an awesome erection, and a furious gleam in his vividly green eyes, glaring out madly within a brown-bearded face, with hair parted in the center.

"N-NEED...P-PUSSY....." snarled the bearded human.

"HEY ASS-WIPE GET YOUR OWN! I SAW HER FIRST!!" and with that the brawling began.

Marina's pussy melted. A hot tide of juice lubricated her splayed cunt as her heart skipped a beat. Two Men! Two human males fighting over her! Two virile humans struggling with each other for the right to seed her fertile womb. Her huffing voice turned to a snarling gurgle, as the breeding urge tingled from her crotch to every nerve along her back. The strongest male would claim her, thrust himself within her, and blast her inner sanctum with hot, life-giving seed. She spread her legs wide, her moist twat releasing a burst of her own Brine-scented mating musk, so that the winner of the struggle would have no doubt of the reward that awaited him.

She never meant for it to be like this. The silver-haired mermaid had no idea she would become such a wanton hussy before she came to Earth. She once thought her life would be not much different from that of many human females; but something happened to her the first time she had sex with a man. Her sexuality awakened like an inferno, she became more intensely, lustfully female the longer she remained on Earth. Her biological clock had sounded an alarm, an alarm that she could not shut off, in her cunt. How long would she be like this? How long would her ravenous libido drive her to breed and birth the offspring of the humans? She hoped it never ended; the passion of her desire....how she loved her state of everlasting, sexual heat!

But still....something about that second human...his eyes; that eerie shade of green, almost...unnatural? Well, from the look of his raging cock, his cum was as good as any. Her musings interrupted by another tide of seething lust.


"P-please...I need you!" said the Fae. Jorge felt a twinge of desire the moment he laid eyes upon the fairy woman. She had collapsed to the side of his life-guard station, clutching her ankle. She was a tall one, over 6 feet and wet with the salty ocean. The water plastered her brilliant blue-hair to her pale brow, as her eyes widened like cerulean pools of liquid passion, that passion being a deep, forlorned yearning. Was it from some injury, or something deeper.

Jorge flexed his ample muscles, unable to resist the chance to impress her with a brief show of his fitness. As he climbed down to her, he brushed back his raven-black hair, his squared-jaw firming with gallant resolve.

"Are you hurt? Your ankle?" he asked, concerned. Corded muscles tensing beneath his bronzed skin, as he prepared to assist the Fae to her feet.

"Y-yes...I just...I need to get back to my car...could you...could you..c- oh, I'm...it's embarrassing..." Her eyes of crystalline blue lowered in shame. Moist droplets of wetness flowed in rivulets down her radiant skin.

"It's alright; I'm here to help." reassured Jorge.

"I just need someone to carry me b-back to my car...so I can get my cell-phone.." Her words were almost questioning; as if she only half believed them herself. She raised her glistening arms to him. Jorge shrugged. If this gorgeous hottie wanted him to carry her wet, bikini-clad, busty body around the beach well....he was here to serve. But he did take a quick glance to the water to make sure that no one was drowning.

Jorge hoped that his arousal wasn't too obvious; the girl had the body of a goddess! Statuesque, sculpted legs of chiseled perfection. Wide hips for easy purchase during sex or birthing. Breasts seemed to leap and jiggle with a life of their own; similar in size to the EE-cups of a 20th-century stripper, yet they seemed to swell and flex, as though they might change and inflate at any time. Her elegant, upswept face had a vague, rainbow shadow around her eyes; forlorned eyes. The Fae proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around his muscled back as the human hoisted her.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" Jorge thought he heard the fae girl whisper something as she clung to him.

"N-no..nothing." she said quickly. The muscled human merely shrugged and enjoyed the feel of her warm, moist flesh, barely clad against his own muscled firmness.

"So...uh...how do you like Florida?" he asked, decided that a bit of conversation would only be polite.

"Oh...uhm...yes...warm, wet...yes...it's uhm...yes." She seemed reluctant to talk for some reason, content merely to clutch him, occasionally rubbing his body as he carried her.

"Here, um...let me dry you off." he offered, good thing he brought his towel. She giggled as he secured the lovely fae in the crux of his left arm, with his right he proceeded to towel off her firm belly, and down to the sweep of her thighs...her skin reflecting rainbow highlights of otherworldly beauty. And he dried...and toweled. Finally he took a risk and moved the towel near her chest and....

Now that was odd; His towel was almost saturated, dripping with water, and yet the sleek legs, belly and rump that he had dried seemed just as wet as before. Flowery-scented moisture seemed to pour off the girl's nubile body. Jorge frowned, but kept trying.

"mrussliktyie..." came an eerie murmur from the Fae girl, as she positioned her head over his shoulder. He felt a delicate finger tracing a line along the small of his back.

"What was that?"

"Uhhm...I..I just meant what...firm muscles you have!" twittered the Fae nervously. Jorge was about to...HEY!..WHAT THE...his pants...they...

The buffed life-guard almost dumped the Fae into the sand as the sensation built up. That was when he noticed the sparkles in the air; tiny points of flickering light. Magic! The Fae bitch had cast a spell on him!

"Hey! Crazy chica! What was that for! Here I am helping you out after you asked me!"

"Please...do not be mad!" pleaded the watery fairy as Jorge's cock began to twist, and leap within his pants.

"You cast some weird, slutty spell on me! What for! Why...why-y..y.." His penis grew yet larger, not as though it was erect, it was increasing in mass! Within his pants, his rigid rod stretched and grew, desire growing as large as his newly-empowered manhood!

"I..I *had* to do it! I apologize! You see; My name is Shelly, I am a water nymph. That's why you can't dry me off with a towel, you could not dry me off with a blow-torch in the Sahara, I am wet because I am a water nymph, not because I was in the ocean."

"B-but..." he was bewildered as his thrusting rod reached over 10 inches.

"I...they...we need you! I chose you and...well, a man of your strength is required! The spell wouldn't work unless I found a man of great strength! We need you badly, you'll understand in a moment." The nymph laid back onto the sandy beach, and with a snap removed her blue string bikini, revealing the lips of the wettest pussy the Life-guard had ever seen.

"I...I know it is not true to the ideals of human romance, but please; I have to beg you to have sex with me, right now! You know not how important it is that I get your cock inside me!" Her eyes were pleading, her breasts heaving, and her thighs were spread wide to receive his manhood.

"In...In public?" grunted Jorge, as he grasped a mighty penis already a foot in length, his trunks would be torn asunder in a moment more. Shelly only implored him with forlorn eyes, jiggling tits, and dripping pussy.

"Your penis will only grow larger! By Neptune you *must* get it inside me! I implore you!"

"BIIIIIIIITCH!!"he shouted as he tackled her, his rod shooting into her depths, his ass flexed and throbbed as he ground his crotch against her moist sex. Fires of lust overwhelming him, he tore at her bikini top, reveling in the glory of her tits. Even through the haze of his ecstasy, Jorge knew this was wrong; his cock was well over a foot in length, he felt it....but...the slutty nymph took it all; all of his throbbing organ.

And he kept growing; far past the dimensions of humanity or normal livestock, yet it was no trouble to her. Shellie wrapped herself around his meat with no more trouble than a human women taking 8 inches of cock inside herself. Yet...she wasn't that big; where was it all going? He felt his cock continuing to grow; there was no way this...or any girl could take a man as big as Jorge was becoming, yet she did. With no trouble. Though her face was contorted in a rictus of passion, that passion seemed to wholly pleasure.

"Yes...nearing...the Veil..." she murmured, as the human suckled her golden aureoles and nipples. He was rewarded with spurts of flowery-sweet breast milk jetting onto his tongue. It seemed....*NAAAUNG* with every....inch....*HNNUH* her teats....*GYEAAAHHH*! squirted again! Whatever was happening, Jorge had never seen any women except...well...except a Fae enjoy sex this much. The water nymph seemed to be loosing control; her breasts ballooning inches...cup-sizes, growing to keep pace with his cock...filling with milk, expressing it with each thrust in ivory rivulets amidst throaty moans.

Jorge wasn't sure how big he was; but when Shellie's breasts grew to be slightly larger than motorcycle helmets, he felt the change.


The Land of Faerie was a magical realm, yet with magic came the possibility of pain with pleasure equally, or so Rayne had discovered. She was not sure what made her come to the beach that day; a vague premonition of hope perhaps. The nymph had a strange impression that something important was going to happen today. Hmm...she wondered if she should wear clothes?

Among the naiads of the Siren Isles, issues of that sort took on critical importance. Anything that might alter their plight was vital, however slim the hope. As usual, Rayne was sorry; she was sorry that her lusts, and the sexual lusts of her sister Sirens had caused the disasters of the past. Human legends would record the Sirens as vicious predators, using man's desires against him. It was so unfair! she sniffed. But nonetheless, the High Council of the United Fairy Kingdoms had made their decree; the water nymphs had become too dangerous; their lusts had caused so much destruction and chaos, that they were to be banished forever.

The Siren Isles were sealed away by potent magic; lost to the rest of Fairy, lost to the Universe. Rayne and her sisters were condemned to spend untold eons without the one thing they craved most. Human cocks. The small nymph was also sorry that their lusts had led them into a sort of madness over the centuries. Most Sirens found that they could not accept the prospect of an eternity without sex, without men. So they denied their situation. They convinced themselves that while they might be sealed away, it would be possible to invoke men to come to them, if only they could become sexy enough. They would not accept that the Ban was permanent, and no Siren caught within it could breach it from the inside.

Yet still, it seemed cruel to deny hope to her sisters, (as if they would listen to her anyway) and the sirens had spent their eons divided according to a variety of theories about what practices might compel men to arrive on their islands.

"Men....crave women with wide....firm hips...for breeding!" snarled an especially busty siren, the current leader of the Voluptuaries

"NOOO!" shrieked a wispier, thinner nymph facing off with her opponent, apparently about to wrestle. "Women...should be slender...and fair...Men want delicate women of true beauty!" She replied, the second nymph the current leader of the Waif society.

"Liar!" shouted the Voluptuary. "With wide hips....and heavy breasts....a man will know that you are ripe for breeding, ripe to bear his young! He will lust for you! And men will come!! They shall come at last to the Siren Isles!!" with that there was a throaty cry of hopeful triumph from the Voluptuary supporters.

Rayne had lost all hope, long ago, but she knew that her sisters had been revitalized by the idea that they might seduce men from beyond the Stars, lure them to come to the Siren Isles, and finally fill the long-vacant cunts here with the cocks and cum more precious than life itself. Any practice, and idea that might bring men to the Islands was worth fighting for.

There were rumors, whispered rumors that some of the other islands had received men in recent years, but if so they weren't sharing, and Rayne no longer believed such tales.

"Only when *ALL* sirens are slender creatures of graceful beauty will Men come, Men to fill us with their Sacred Rods, Men to love us, Men that will impregnate us!" and with that cry, all the Sirens, (including Rayne) quivered with furtive yearning.

But while Rayne was among the smallest, and the weakest of the nymphs, she believed herself to be among the most sensible, and she suspected that their might be different sorts of men that like different sorts of women; she herself had flirted with all the Parties upon the Isles. She shrugged; let them wrestle each other. As the heaving bodies of the water nymphs collided in the sand , amidst the cheers of their supporters, it took only seconds for the conflict to dissolve into mutual masturbation; each Siren thrusting, grinding herself against the flesh of her opponent, struggling for orgasm.

And Rayne wandered her island, searching for...she knew not what...she encountered others, more ways to pass the eons, more ways to bring the hope of men, and sex back to the islands. The palm trees on the hill where filled with naiads all engaged in a gigantic strip-tease. Some of her kind believing that constant nudity causes men to grow bored over time, and that Sirens must garb themselves, that men might have the pleasure of watching them strip, so that men might come, and impregnate them at long last. These nymphs writhed and slithered up and down the tree-trunks, gradually shedding wispy veils of clothing while groaning with lust.

There were those that occupied themselves completely with song; there on the hills atop the island naked nymphs raised up glistening arms as they sang songs of haunting beauty to the starry heavens, so that men might come, and impregnate them at long last. And then, there were some that tried to distract themselves, ceasing to believe that men would ever arrive. On the south ridge several of the more creative sirens busied themselves with more constructive labors; the Craftsluts spend eons trying to construct the most realistic dildos possible. With only sand, leaves, and dirt to work with, their efforts seemed doomed. But as Rayne watched approvingly, she beheld that they had indeed made cunning progress over the eons. Centuries of labor had culminated in lovingly-crafted sex-toys in nearly the exact image of an penis, of impressive elasticity and firmness, with balls attached. They still could not quite perfect the color, but through the years, some of them had been able to create dildoes that truly spurted white cream so close to real sperm....so close...