Fallen Woman


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The poor girl was torn from her chaotic, fearful dreams as Arthur pushed her from the bed.

"Wake up. I need to pee."

With only a moment to balance herself on her feet Arthur surged past from out the covers and used the chamber pot while Jenny shivered nude in the frigid air of the small garret. Discovering that she too needed to pee Jenny waited her turn while looking for her chemise to cover her nudity. When Arthur finished he stretched and look out the small window facing the alley they entered the house from.

Squatting over he chamber pot she voided her bladder while Arthur turned to watch. The dim pre-morning glow afforded her enough light to see some details as Arthur gazed at her so she was aware that he could see her nudity. Did that matter anymore?

Arthur stepped close and offered her his half-erect penis.

"Suck it for us sweetie. Start the day off right."

With out waiting for her reply Arthur proceeded to stroke his growing prick across her cheeks and lips. The caress of his flesh seemed almost affectionate his touch was so gentle. For several demeaning moments Arthur rubbed his member over her face as she squatted over the chamber pot shivering in the cold.

Then he moved to the bed and at down.

"Kneel here in front of me"

Obeying she moved close and Arthur pulled her head right to his manhood and pushed his knob past her lips. Accepting his knob into her mouth she swirled her tongue over his sex the way he had done to her own. Guiding her with his hands Arthur set a pace he wanted and Jenny bobbed her head up and down over him and made her mouth a cunny for him to fuck.

For the next few moments Arthur instructed her in the art of what he called fellatio.

"Use more pressure with your tongue, but don't let your teeth scratch it."

When she obeyed, obedience long beaten into her at home, Arthur made happy noises.

"Yes. Good girl. That's lovely. Now Stick out your tongue and run it up and down my pole. Yes, but let your lips press me too. Yeah, that's it. A little more pressure. Ooo, very nice.|"

Feeling debased she did her best to please him while adjusting to her new situation as a fallen woman. In her mind it was a binary, good or bad, and she was now bad, sullied by what she had done and was doing. When Arthur filled her mouth for a second time she savoured the flavour of his seed longer, exploring the sticky mess with her tongue. The strange taste was intriguing, but when she remembered what it was she swallowed, ashamed of her curiosity.

Dressing quickly they vacated the garret before the men from the factory shift got off work and wanted the space for themselves. As they emerged from the building the sun had still not risen above the horizon. The other men had the room from seven in the morning until seven at night when she and Arthur could reclaim it until the following morning.

Trailing Arthur through the maze of streets Jenny gaped at the buildings trying to find landmarks so she could make her way back again without Arthur who had business all day after delivering her to the factory as promised. Only it wasn't a factory, it was a sewing sweatshop attached to the factory. The shift supervisor was ushering in the last of a long line of women when Arthur and Jenny stepped forward.

"Morning Bob."

"Morning." Bob was surly and eyed Jenny with mistrust until he saw her face and his eyes widened.

"This is the lass I told you 'bout."

"You're late. I've got all I need for today. No more machines." All of this was said to Arthur in a thick cockney accent, but Bob's eyes were on Jenny.

"Ah, my apologies Jenny. I held her up." Arthur leered a conspiratorial grin at her sharing the memory of how they spent the morning and she blushed. "Would we be able to ensure her some form of occupation for tomorrow then?"

"First come, first employed."

"I see. What if you were to cum right now?"

Arthur moved close to Jenny and whispered to her.

"Do for him what you did for me this morning and he'll make sure you have work tomorrow."

Shocked, Jenny glanced between Arthur and Bob calculating how serious Arthur was being. The shift supervisor was a man in his fifties, unshaven, his whiskers unkempt, greasy hair slicked to his head and red rimmed eyes glaring at her with lust. The man was wire thin except an oddly round belly, his clothes well made, but simple and dirty. It looked to Jenny like he probably smelled and she understood that if she didn't put his penis in her mouth at some point she would end on the street putting other men's penises in her mouth so maybe this was better than that.

As she contemplated becoming a whore she remembered the Ripper and his prostitute victims. Jenny realized her fall was not yet complete.

"If you allow it, sir, I could show you what delayed me this morning."

"Trust me Bob. It'll be worth your while."

The tall, unpleasant man ogled Jenny and she attempted to smile a charming smile for him.

"Follow me."

A brief walk through the building to a clutter filled cubicle with three walls and no door found Jenny standing too close to Bob as he sat in a creaky chair and pulled his cock from his trousers. Arthur stood in the doorway to watch for approaching people as Jenny knelt between Bob's feet and took his flaccid pecker into her little hand.

Tentatively kissing the tip of his prick she looked up at Bob's nasty smirk and shrivelled inside at the ignominy of her situation. Tugging his hardening flesh she kissed and licked him as his fragrant flesh grew tumid under her reluctant ministrations. The potential employer's erection was gnarled and gristly feeling and as a way to entertain herself she traced her nimble tongue all over the veins following the lines up and down his cock until he grew frustrated and pushed his knob into her mouth.

Taking his cue Jenny made her mouth a cunny once more and slurped on his shorter, thinner cock, taking it far into her mouth and back out moving her head this way and that ensuring her wet tongue caressed as much of him as she could reach.

When Bob began to move his hips she matched his pace, milking him with both hands and rubbing her lips and tongue over the first few inches of his manhood. Once she stopped looking up at his grimace of pleasure Jenny began to focus only on the prick and found that, separated from the man, the hard member was very pleasant to feel and taste. Once the flesh of his prick was clean from her mouth the skin beneath was sensual and smooth. The sensations of him moving in and out of her mouth lulled her and her hands stroked him on their own while she allowed herself to become mesmerized by the warmth of the office and the repetitive movement of sucking his knob.

Knowing Arthur was there watching her do what he had just taught her she used all those new skills and hoped he approved. Feeling vulnerable with no job, little money and a tentative roof over her head Jenny submitted to her circumstances and used her firmly taught work-ethic to provide the very best service as possible.

When Bob began to groan and hiss between his teeth she understood soon he would spill himself into her mouth. Bracing for it she was still shocked by the amount of sperm he unleashed into her slavering mouth. The taste was similar to Arthur's but with hints of different flavours she couldn't possible identify as the slimy goo slid down her throat. Humiliated by the thrill she got from the taste she carried on slurping on his pole until his pushed her head away.

"Whew, that was very good. You were right Arthur." Bob sighed as he recovered from his climax.

Slumped in his chair he tucked his prick away and looked down at Jenny still on her knees wiping drool from her chin with a worn hanky.

"Be here before seven tomorrow morning. You have a machine for one week. Then if you want to have another week's work you'll do that again. For longer access you give us a fuck. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Fine. The pay is 15 shillings a week. You'll be docked for missed days and if you don't meet quotas."

One week's work would pay for her lodging so she was grateful for the wage, nodding to affirm he agreement.

"Bring your own candles to work by. We ain't providin' 'em."

Another nod of affirmation. The taste of his jism lingered in her mouth as she listened to Bob's well rehearsed speech. Arthur wandered away disinterested now. Jenny's throat felt tight, like she might cry and her empty stomach wanted more than the meagre drizzle of sperm it gnawed on.

Bob stood and Jenny scrambled to her feet crowded in the small space. Stepping into the hall she saw Arthur glance back, nod and carry on walking out. Bob pushed past her and went off to his job leaving Jenny alone with no place to go or any thing to do other than buy candles.

Then she recalled her small fund of money was back in the garret.

For an hour or so Jenny retraced her steps back to the garret then explored the immediate surroundings until hunger drove her to hover outside the door to the garret willing herself to knock or simply enter and get her belongings. Beyond the door she could hear snoring men and they sounded big. A suspicious elder woman eyed Jenny from a nearby doorway. Alerted to her arrival by creaking stairs the crone waited to see what the stranger in the hall was doing. Jenny felt like she needed to knock or retreat before the woman made a fuss.

Rapping her tiny knuckles on the door she tried to rouse the sleeping men. The beldam remained, watching Jenny through a partially open door so Jenny knocked until a man threw open the door with a growl.

"What the blazes do you want?" A bear of a man loomed over her, fully bearded and sleep tussled.

"My apologies sir. I lodge here now, with Arthur."

"Arthur ain't here until seven tonight when we switch."

The solidly built man was groggy and ill tempered, dressed in a nightshirt and cap pulled down low, partially obscuring his eyes.

"I am aware. We left in a rush and I forgot my belongings in the wardrobe. May I retrieve them?"

The man in his thirties, blinked sleepily, lifted his cap from his brow and looked at her more closely.


Speaking clearly and enunciating she clarifed.

"I arrived yesterday. I paid for my lodging here last night and accidentally left my bag in that wardrobe."

Jenny pointed to where the wardrobe stood beyond the closed curtain. The bleary eyed man turned and looked at the curtain and then back at Jenny as if trying to determined if she could see through fabric or if she might actually have been in the garret before.

"Would you bring it to me? It's a carpet bag with Persian pattern."

The man glanced over at the old bedlam watching it all like it were a stage play.

"Come in." He grumbled and held open the door for her to pass.

Glaring at the old woman he shut the door behind them both and Jenny shifted to make room for him to move into the space with her.

"You know Arthur?"

"He's my mother's cousin. We corresponded and he said he had a job and a place to stay. I arrived yesterday evening."

"Whozit?' Another voice from beyond the curtain queried muffled by blankets.

"Says she lives here with Arthur. Forgot her bag in the wardrobe."

The sound of a heavy body shifting in the bed drifted to her ears as the man she could see eyed her up and down, his face unreadable behind the dense foliage. The sound of the wardrobe opening was followed by the brush of cloth over wood.

"There is a carpet bag here."

"Near the top there is a crisp white bonnet folded neatly. Inside the initials J.E.M. are embroidered. Those are mine."

Removing the worn yellow bonnet she wore she showed the first man her initials embroidered within. As she did so the second man emerged with the white bonnet and showed his companion the same embroidered initials that matched the one she wore. When the second man saw the match he handed Jenny her bag and she felt a surge of relief to have the few coins remaining back in her possession.

As the two men, both grizzled blokes in their early thirties eyed her, she replaced her white bonnet in the bag and thanked them.

"I apologize for disturbing you. I am still getting used to carrying my things around all the time."

"You're Irish.' The first man stated obviously.

"Aye, that I am." She said in her thickest brogue.

The second man, a rat faced fellow grinned showing yellowed, bucked teeth.

"I love Irish lasses. They're enthusiastic in bed."

Blushing, Jenny recalled the way she had lifted her hips to increase her pleasure while Arthur fucked her, the excitation that tingled in her boy as she sucked Arthur's prick and the mortifying thrill she got from swallowing Bob's seed. Thinking of it she found her tongue licking her lips hungrily.

"Look at her face. I'm right. She's go-er, eh!" The rat faced man pulled the curtain further open to show the bed. "You want a tumble girlie. Five shillings if I can roger you."

"Me too!"

Both men fumbled for their purses and showed her the coins. They were as excited as boys and eager for her. The overwhelming sense of vulnerability she had felt since arriving in London coalesced around those proffered coins. Hunger gnawed her belly, only two loads of sperm within to consider nourishment, this was the only shelter she knew of and some wicked part of her found the men's lust inciting. The clear arousal they felt for her landed on a withered aspect of her spirit and encouraged growth.

Not trusting her voice Jenny merely nodded to them and the men smiled. Holding out her tiny hand for the coins she held her breath, uncertain if she could trust them to pay her. Without hesitation both men offered her their coins and she slipped them inside her carpet bag coin pocket.

"I thought of it first, so I go first." The cunning rat faced fellow announced. Ratface became his name in her mind, which left the other with the name Bear for his burly roundness and huge beard.

Stepping to the wardrobe Ratface made space for Jenny to enter the sleeping area. Instead Jenny stayed where she was and began to remove her clothes. Starting with her coat she removed all her outer layers, boots, apron, skirt then stockings and petticoats. Left only in her chemise Jenny unbraided her red-tinged, golden hair and let the long locks cascade over her shoulder and down her back.

With trembling hands, wanting desperately for them to approve of her nudity she bared her slender, half starved body to their avid gazes and watched their eyes for reactions. Both men's eyes widened and showed true delight as they took in the thin, feminine form before them. Neither man had ever seen a more well put together girl.

Years of hard work and insufficient food had shaped Jenny's petite muscles into the carved lines of an athlete with no fat to hide the sculpted lines. Firm, full breasts tipped with pale pink nipples bobbled adorably as she settled while the men studied her. The flat, smooth plain of her belly was taut and her belly button a delicate dimple in the precise centre. Where her coltish, sleek thighs met her sex was hidden behind a gossamer down of bright coppery hairs curling daintily over the swell of her labia.

As excited as she was to have their eyes on her nudity Jenny saw that both men were more excited still to look at her.

"Wouldja lookit 'er." Ratface murmured.

"Fuckin 'ell." Bear intoned in agreement.

"She looks like one o' them delicate Chinee dolls. I'm afeared I might break 'er."

"I aim to try."

Both men moved close and in an instant four rough hands began to explore her pale flesh warming her in the chill air. Panting with lust as they groped and kneaded her breasts, buttocks and delved insistent fingers into her slipper sex Jenny mewled helplessly as they incited passion in her like nothing she had thought possible. Neither man looked in her eyes, they ogled her body as they massaged and caressed her flesh. The impersonal invasion embarrassed and excited her in equal measure.

Ratface seemed enthralled by Jenny's little button, his calloused fingers rubbed it continually for several moments and the burning pleasure/pain weakened her knees with jolts of bliss. Bear had one hand on her breast and the other on her buttock grinding the meat of both as if his hands perceived more pleasure the longer he massaged. The combination enervated her and she slumped, forcing the men to catch her suddenly limp body.

"She's swooning." Ratface gloated.

They helped her to her knees and stripped their nightshirts to reveal turgid members thrusting from thickly thatched pubic hair. The long poles jutted toward her and Jenny immediately wrapped a hand around each and started stroking them obediently, anticipating their next commands. Unaware of how lascivious the men found her behaviour Jenny did what she thought was required of her and suckled Ratface's erection into her mouth while carrying on stroking both shafts.

Studying at their faces seeking approval, she saw them share a look and smile at one another as she switched to suckling Bear still stroking both poles. Back and forth she slurped their knobs into her warm, wet mouth, saliva trailing from her lips as she switched, leaving tendrils of wetness draping her chin and chest. The men watched her with stunned, gleeful expressions as she bathed both pricks with her suckling mouth.

Seeing that she wasn't going to be punished for what she was doing Jenny allowed herself to experience what was happening to her body. The feeling of hard manhood in both hands enchanted her, the satisfying fullness in her grasp, the heat coming from silky, pliable skin, the sweaty maleness of their smell incited a part deep inside her gut.

The sensation of a prick in her mouth tantalized her with the salty flavour, the wonderful kiss of skin on her tongue and the sordid misbehaviour of an act forbidden in the bible awakened in her a lust she couldn't contain. Back and forth she alternated from one cock to the other comparing the feeling in her her mouth as Bears big knob forced her to stretch her jaw wide while Ratface's length nudged the back of her throat almost gagging her.

Absorbed by the thrilling sensations she revelled in Jenny was only dimly aware of the continuous burning shame she felt for behaving like she was. Nagging her from a deep wellspring of morality the girl raised strictly by the church knew what she was doing was sinful. Guilt lashed her with mortification, but the slavering lust overrode the tremulous protestations burbling from her conscious. The greater part of her being heeded the yearning of her flesh for delicious friction, lewd glances and sordid behaviour. Breaking taboo felt as good if not better than the physical sensations, which were delightful.

"Nigel you ever had a tart do anyfin like this to your John Thomas 'afore?"

"Not once! This is fuckin' brilliant!"

Nigel was Bear's name but she liked calling him Bear more, his big cock burly and fuzzy at the base.

"I can't decide if I wanna stop 'er an' fuck 'er or finish like this." Ratface seemed genuinely anguished about it.

Pausing her suckling she carried on pumping the rigid members as Jenny addressed them for the first time in a while.

"T'row in a few more shillings each and you can do both."

The men winced at the cost but immediately agreed. Ratface allowed his hips to move with her as Jenny milked him with hands and lips, her tongue swirling around his tip the way Arthur had taught her. Ratface grimaced with the intensity of his pleasure and gripped her skull with strong fingers to best guide her rhythm and ensure she didn't stop until he allowed. Fucking her face the big man sped up until he grunted deep in his throat and spilled himself onto Jenny's wriggling tongue.

The splash of his seed ignited a warm flush in her body that made Jenny tremble with excitement. Still jacking both shafts she swallowed Ratface's ejaculate thirstily the fragrant ooze thick and sticky going down. Slurping and pumping she endured Ratface's climax with glee, his treatment of her lewd and arousing to the inflamed girl. Trembling with intense shame and desire Jenny blushed and panted as she swallowed every drop of sperm.