Family Boundaries Ch. 09


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"Is that code for sex?" Izzy asked. "Because it sounds like code for sex."

"Maybe a little sex," Athena said.

"Don't encourage them," Helena said. "They already knew what we were doing." She turned to Riker and Izzy before leaving the room. "Yes, Athena and I are going to go fuck in my room. No I don't want any questions about it."

"Are you dating now?" Riker asked.

"What did I just say?" Helena demanded.

"I wasn't listening to it all," Riker said. "Just the interesting parts."

"Like how you're gonna go fuck," Izzy said. "That was an interesting part."

"Good niiight," Helena called over her shoulder, in the sort of tone that was both a bit playful, and demanded an end to the conversation.

"So what do we think?" Riker asked once he and Izzy were alone again.

"I think it's cute," Izzy said. "Or is that not what you meant?"

"No, I kind of meant, like, should we go 'help out'."

"Hm, tempting. But maybe we better play it cool? Mom's first time bringing Athena home for romantic stuff. Don't want to be too obnoxious."

"More like sexy stuff," Riker said. "Don't know how romantic it is."

"All depends on your perspective, I guess," Izzy said thoughtfully. "I still think it's cute."

"Things can be cute and sexy."

"Like me?" Izzy asked.

"I meant like me, but I guess technically you too."

"Mmhm, sure."

The twins got lost in each other for a while again, and only barely managed to scrape together an edible meal.

Zoe joined them for dinner, but she was the only one. Vi and Cait were at work by then, and Helena and Athena hadn't been seen since they'd shut themselves in Helena's room.

"I thought about knocking when I came down," Zoe said. "But there were... noises. It just seemed better not to interrupt."

"Makes sense," Izzy said. "They're busy. We thought about joining, but maybe not this time."

"Don't want to be too forward," Zoe agreed. "I wonder if they'd let me sketch them at some point? I could use some different models for practice. Just doing you two all the time is good, but variety would be nice too."

"Maybe ask Cait," Riker suggested. "She's already used to being naked for people. And I think she's gonna be practicing her dancing in the garage with Vi sometimes."

"Unf. I really need to get a lap dance from her at some point," Izzy said with a sigh. "They sound delightful."

"You could hit her club," Zoe said. "And pay money for a service."

"I mean we could," Izzy said. "But is that cute, or stalker-y?"

"... honestly not sure, actually."


The siblings finished up dinner, still with no sign of Helena or Athena. They cleaned up, making sure to leave food handy in the fridge to be reheated if someone wanted, then gathered in the living room for their tradition of Zoe playing Elden Ring while the twins cuddled on the couch and gradually saw how distracting they could be to their sister before she either got annoyed or horny at them.

The twins took a bathroom break at one point, and Izzy was faster so she grabbed the downstairs bathroom. Riker shrugged and headed to the upstairs one, not thinking anything of it until he arrived at the top of the staircase. He was just in time to catch Athena also headed for the bathroom, totally naked and apparently having forgotten there was anyone else in the house.

Athena's eyes went wide in shock and she stepped back a little from embarrassment as their eyes landed on each other. Her gaze very quickly found the tent in Riker's pants from where he'd been playing with Izzy. The sight of his erection gave her some confidence back and she stepped forward again.

"Coming to spy, huh?" Athena said.

"No. Just to the bathroom," Riker said. "This is just a happy coincidence."

He didn't bother trying to hide that he was checking Athena out. She was the one who'd decided to be naked, after all. It was her own fault.

Athena seemed to enjoy the attention, and lingered more than necessary before shutting herself in the bathroom. Riker briefly debated heading back to the downstairs one, but knew that wasn't really happening. He waited for Athena to come back out, taking the opportunity to perv on her some more while it was there.

"Your Mom might be kind of annoyed that you're spying on me like this?" Athena said with a teasing smile, sauntering past Riker again.

"What about you parading around naked?" Riker asked.

"That's her fault. She's the one that took my clothes off."

"Ah, well then I guess this situation is her fault."

Athena laughed softly. "That's a good point. You should, uh, come tell her about that."

"... you inviting me into her room?" Riker asked.

"Maybe. Just for conversational purposes, of course."

"Of course. It'd be weird otherwise."

Athena's eyes flicked down to his erection again. "Yeah. That's what it would be."

She was idly turning back and forth a little, as though trying to find the best angle to show off without looking like that's what she was doing. Riker timed it right and swung his hand at her butt, catching her with a satisfying spank as her ass came toward him.

Athena yelped and stepped away, but at the same time the horny fire in her eyes fanned higher.

"Better get moving before Mom gets impatient," Riker said.

"Ooh, you're just lucky you're right," Athena said.


"Because of the things I'd do to you otherwise."

"Promises, promises."

"Don't tempt me, Riker. I'm tempted enough already." Athena ruefully shook her head. "Just you wait. One of these days... Helena's gonna cave soon."

"Um... cave into what?"

"I think you know." Athena headed back toward Helena's room, ass swaying with full seductive intent. "She's as horny as I am, but with a little more restraint, is all."

Riker was very close to following her, but somehow managed to stay right where he was and just watch her go. It was an erotic and somehow educational experience all at the same time. Riker also kind of liked how similar her build was to Helena's. The two of them definitely weren't identical, but would make a nice pair together, he thought.

Izzy pattered up behind him while he was still wistfully staring at the space where Athena had been a moment ago.

"My twin senses were tingling," Izzy said. "What's going on?"

"Athena just left," Riker said. "Back to Mom's room, I mean. Not like from the house. She was... very naked."

"Ooh! Trying to seduce you?"

"No. Well, yes, kind of. Not on purpose at first, I don't think. But she was very obviously interested."

"Nice. Should we just, like, go for it?"

"You think Mom'll be ok with it?"

"No idea," Izzy said. "But I can't help noticing their door is still open."

Riker looked down the hall. "So it is. I didn't notice that."

"Busy looking at something else, huh?"

"Very much so."

"Hehe, you're so horny." Izzy moved behind Riker, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed his neck affectionately.

"That's true. You started it, though. This erection is from you, not Athena. Even if she helped a bit."

"I know. I think we should see if we can get it in her though. Her or Mom. Or both."

"Don't want to keep it for yourself tonight, I take it."

"No, not tonight," Izzy said thoughtfully. "Maybe this is just the horny talking--"

"Almost certainly, but go on."

"--but for some reason I think I could really go for someone licking your cum out of my pussy."

"Goddamn, Iz. That is horny."

"Maybe like Mom and Athena sharing it...."

"Uh huh."

"And it'd be helping Mom be with who she wants to be with, like our whole plan."

Riker snorted. "I don't think that's what it's about. She's doing fine on her own."

"You should let me pretend. It's getting us more sex."

"True. And I guess Athena would definitely have to fall for Mom if we're part of the deal."

"Oh she'd have to," Izzy agreed firmly. "If she hasn't already."

"Which she probably has," Riker said. "But why take the chance?"

"Exactly. No point risking it."

Having talked themselves into it, the twins held hands and sneaked up to their Mom's bedroom.

The two older women were in bed together, pretty much as expected. Less expected was Athena with her hands tied behind her back, face down on the bed, and their Mom pegging her from behind.

"Oh wow," Riker said.

"Damn. Mom's kinkier than I expected," Izzy said.

"Yeah. Is she... is she doing Athena in the butt?"

"Sure looks like she is."

Helena cocked her head at the sound of her kids whispering to each other, and turned to catch them openly staring.

"I was wondering when you two were going to show up," Helena said.

"Were we invited?" Riker asked. "I think we might have missed that."

"We would have been here sooner if we'd known," Izzy said.

"Not invited exactly," Helena said, slowing down her thrusts, but still moving smoothly in and out of Athena's bum. "But knowing you and knowing Athena, I suspected it was going to happen anyway."

"I might have kind of invited them," Athena admitted.

"What a surprise," Helena said, giving her a sharp spank for her admission.

Athena whimpered, then wiggled her butt for more.

"So should we stay or go?" Riker asked. "We can go either way here, I think."

"You might as well stay," Helena said. "Athena'll get all pouty otherwise."

"Plus you've been looking for an excuse," Izzy said, moving forward and pulling her shirt over her head.

"That's not what's happening," Helena insisted.

Riker took his shirt off too. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm your mom! I don't... that's not...."

Riker and Izzy knelt together on the edge of the bed and gave Helena their best twin look of pouty innocence.

"Don't you want to have sex with us, Mommy?" Izzy whined, batting her eyes ridiculously.

"Pretty please?" Riker added, emulating Izzy's eye batting technique.

Helena groaned at the deliberately over the top display.

"Say yes," Athena whispered. "Say yes, say yes, say yes, say--"

"I heard you," Helena growled, spanking Athena again.

With a sudden quick movement she pulled Izzy and Riker to her, catching them both off-guard. She frantically kissed Izzy just long enough to stun her, then did the same to Riker. Both twins were left gasping and with a brand new horny look directed at their mother.

"Who am I kidding?" Helena said, panting slightly herself. "I've wanted this for too long."

"Yesss," Athena hissed.

"You were no help, you know," Helena said. "You're supposed to talk me out of doing something stupid, not into it."


Helena rolled her eyes and kissed Izzy again, getting even sloppier this time. She made out with both her kids, back and forth, until Athena got particularly whiny about being left out.

"Not fair leaving me tied up, you know," Athena said.

"You're barely tied up," Helena said. "I could have done worse." Still, she turned to Riker and lowered her voice to a near-whisper. "She'd love it if you fucked her right now, though."

Riker grinned. "I am so on it."

Izzy smacked him on the butt as he shuffled toward Athena. "Go get 'er!"

Athena's eyes got wide and hopeful as Riker got behind her and squirmed out of his clothes. She lifted her booty and wiggled it at him enticingly.

"Just to confirm," Riker said, "because technically you are kind of tied up and stuff, but is it ok if I--"

"Oh my god please!" Athena said, blushing a little as she realized how desperate she sounded. "I mean... yeah, you should do it. I've had this fantasy banging around in my head so badly since your mom started wanting you two. You don't know how badly we've both needed this."

Helena flushed too. "We're not that bad."

"Yes we are."

"They're... no, they're still my children. I wouldn't do anything they don't want, and... and oh god, I shouldn't do this at all, should I? It's--"

"Fuck's sake, Mom," Izzy said, having slipped out of the rest of her clothes while Helena was ditching her strapon. "We're not babies anymore. We're here if you want us."

"That might be what worries me," Helena said, looking her daughter up and down with an increasingly horny glint in her eyes.

"Maybe stop worrying and make out with me some more," Izzy suggested. She wrapped her arms around the back of Helena's neck, kissed her, and dragged her down on top of her on the bed.

"Yeah," Helena said breathlessly. "Maybe I'll do that."

Riker turned back to Athena while his mom and sister got fully involved with each other. Athena's pussy was wet and ready for him, fully soaked before he ever even touched her.

"You don't have to be gentle," Athena said. "You really don't. I'm ready."

"Wow, you are kinda crazy horny, huh?" Riker said, still rubbing her pussy.


"Even after all that sex with Mom."

"Well you catching me in the hall kinda helped with that. And... and I really want this. It was just one of those kind of messed up fantasies you can't get rid of, you know? Something I didn't actually think would happen, but it is happening." Athena moaned happily as Riker started rubbing his penis on her instead of his hand. "Honestly didn't ever picture having my hands tied up while it happened. I woulda had you in me by now, if I had more control."

"I like it this way though," Riker said. "Not the tied up part necessarily. But I like that your ass is sticking up at me. You have a really great ass."

"Thanks," Athena said, actually sounding somewhat shy after the compliment.

Her shyness turned right back to turned on as Riker stuck his cock in her. The way she moaned and cooed was extremely gratifying, and her pussy swallowed him up so nicely.

"That's it, give it to her," Izzy encouraged.

"Yes please," Athena hissed.

Riker smiled at his sister. She was still on her back, now with one leg pushed back and Helena grinding their pussies together. The two of them were spending a lot of time watching Riker fuck Athena beside them while rubbing off on each other.

Athena was quite vocal and energetic in her enjoyment. She reminded Riker of Izzy in some ways, even though it was all horniness and fantasy with her, and nothing to do with the love and bond that the twins shared. There was something fun about that though. An emotions-free fuck with a hot milf who just wanted to be pounded.

Riker found that he truly could be as rough as he wanted on Athena. She took his cock just as hard as he could give it, and kept acting like she wanted more. She got all worked up and came while moaning his name.

"Don't you get sore after a while?" Izzy asked, fascinated at watching Athena cum on her brother's cock.

Athena shook her head. "Not really. I mean... I guess if we went long enough."

"She's got, uh, some experience taking it hard," Helena said.

"Hehe, Mom, so bad," Izzy giggled. "What have you been doing to her and not sharing with us? Other than apparently railing her ass while she's all tied up?"

"None of your business young lady."

"Pff, ok."

Izzy rolled Helena on her back and took a moment just to appreciate her mother all naked and horny and spread out beneath her. Izzy moved between her mom's legs to kiss her pussy, incidentally presenting herself for her brother in the process.

"Ok, I wanna cum now," Izzy said. She wiggled her bum. "My turn, Ri."

Riker nodded and pulled somewhat sloppily out of Athena, shifting over to his sister.

"Hey, not fair," Athena pouted.

"It is fair," Izzy said. "He's my twin, I get first dibs on his cum."

"Oh. Actually yeah, I guess that is fair," Athena admitted.

Helena rolled her eyes. "In what universe does that actually make sense?"

"I wouldn't think too hard about it, Hel," Athena said, squirming closer to her. "But... I think it does make sense. You know, given their particular relationship. Besides, Riker's young, he'll cum more I'm sure. Maybe I can get the next one."

"You actually want my son to cum in your pussy?"

"... yes?"

"Bad girl."

Helena kissed Athena some, then untied her arms so she had full mobility again. Athena chose to sit on her face and get some quality tongue time, partly since Helena was kind of trapped currently while Izzy licked her out.

Riker and Izzy came near-synchronously, with Izzy making sure everyone knew her pussy was getting creamed with her brother's cum. There was actually a faint aura of jealousy coming from Helena and Athena, which Riker wasn't really used to but found he enjoyed.

Izzy was caught by surprise at how fast Helena and Athena were to claim her pussy once Riker pulled out. They fought for space a little, then shared Izzy, each licking at her to find tastes of cum, as well as her own flavours.

She looked up at Riker, who was being presented with two phenomenal asses pointed straight at him, either accidentally or on purpose. He actually seemed a bit lost for a moment, or possibly just happy. He took a moment fondling bums, totally enraptured, then more firmly grabbed Helena's ass and started rubbing his cock on her pussy.

"I feel like we made some really good decisions this evening," Izzy said.

Riker nodded. "Or some very bad ones."

"Possibly. Let's say very enjoyable then."


Riker slid into Helena's pussy, and it was honestly a toss up whether he or their mom sounded happier about it.

Zoe padded in while Riker was still establishing a rhythm in their mom. She seemed entirely unsurprised to find the family orgy in progress, and just pulled up a seat where she curled up in her hoodie and watched.

"Used to be Vi was the one we always had to complain about for having loud sex," Zoe remarked.

"Were we bothering you?" Izzy asked.

"Not exactly. And I guess it's fine if I get to watch," Zoe said.

"You can join if you want," Riker offered.

Zoe snorted. "Not enough pussy in bed for you yet or what?"


"But nah, not up to... all this. Definitely not." Zoe bit her lip. "I might sketch it though. Multiple bodies, sexual energy, older and younger forms...."

Zoe was still mumbling to herself as she skipped out to grab her supplies.

"Who's she calling older?" Helena complained.

"I'm sure she meant it in a nice way, Mom," Izzy said while giving her head a pat. "Like in an artsy way and everything."

Zoe returned in her own time, making a quiet and calm counterpoint to the noisy, sloppy fucking on the bed. She got her things, got settled, and began sketching the scene.

Riker and Izzy were fully used to Zoe doing things like this. Helena and Athena were kind of unsure, but were also unwilling to stop their fun. Helena especially forgot all about the art taking place when Riker came in her.

"Oh my goddd," Helena moaned. "Guess it's official now."

"Yeah, you got cummed in," Izzy said cheerfully. "I'll probably try and lick it back out at some point."

Riker smirked and shifted back to Athena. He needed a minute, but was heavily invested in cumming her too when he could.

"Hey, stop moving so much," Zoe complained. "I was almost done with--"

"Zo, I love you," Riker said, "but I am not stopping for the sake of your sketching practice. I will pose for you all you want when I'm not so busy."

"Pff, how many times do you need to cum anyway?" Zoe asked. "Seems excessive."

"No, he's right," Athena said, rubbing her butt back against Riker. "At least once more is very necessary."

"Or twice," Izzy said. "I think I'm empty now, sooo...."

"Bunch of overly horny hooligans," Zoe accused.

"You know it," Izzy replied with a winsome grin.

Zoe grumbled some more, especially any time someone moved too much, but she just kept drawing with her usual intensity.

Riker came in Athena, completing the set. Though he did have to cum in Izzy again in a bit, once he'd recovered enough. He was really slowing down by then, but she was ok with taking it slow and really savouring it. Probably enjoying showing off in front of everyone, really.