Family Secrets - New Orleans Pt. 03

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Samuel finally meets the woman from his dreams.
14.6k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/25/2017
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At the time of this story's upload all parts of the Family Secrets and the two parts of A small apartment vs a hot mother has been revised.


Earlier that day...

"Master?" said a young handsome aid as he stuck his head into the room.

"Yes? What is it Shawn?" asked a shadowy figure as he gazed out the bay windows at the city he had come to love.

"You might want to have a look at this," the aid said stepping into the room. Inserting the USB jump drive into the flat screen that hung on the wall.

"What's this about Shawn? Why should I care about the happenings of mortals?"

"Oh, I think you will want to see this, before you make up your mind," the aid said looking back at his master.

"Fetch my!" the man barked in genuine surprise as his eyes stared at the image of a man he had come to know.

"Yes, you sent for me father?" a slender, snow-white haired maiden glided into the room.

"Isn't he the one you...?!" he said pointing at the tv.

` "I knew it," her blood red lips whispered. "We must find him!" she said looking at her father with urgency in her eyes.

"I know, that's why I already have my people looking into it."

"Good, tell them to bring any information to me," she said walking to the door. It had to be her that greeted that man. She always knew she was meant for something as the memories of her teachers flashed in her mind. She always felt her goddess was directing her flow of fate.

"Nimue?!" the man's cold steel voice stopping her as the door inched open.

"Yes father?" Nimue asked her slivery eye quivered knowing she couldn't fail.

"Be careful we don't know if this is a good sign or not."

"I know father," Nimue said somberly.

Later that night...

Charlotte glanced up watching Samuel watching them as she painted the runes onto Marie's arm. Her chanting was a wisp on the wind as she eyed Kelly's lips. She knew her niece to know that they were in sync with one another. The back of her hand lifted Marie's auburn locks, her index finger dabbed the palm of her left hand. Painting runes down Marie's spine, going slow to ensure not an error was made.

"Are you prepared?" Kelly asked glancing at her brother as she walked around Marie. Peering at him wondering if that cock of his was rising as he watched on.

"To protect my family, yes," Marie nodded. Slyly glancing at Samuel, wondering why he was still clothed. All three turned as a bell resounded out, shaking off the distraction she needed to be focused.

"Charlotte?!" Joan whispered through the door. "may I please enter?" she said asking for permission to enter into the spell.

"You may," Charlotte said calling back.

"I'm sorry but this weird envelope was outside the gate," Joan said handing Samuel the letter.

Samuel felt uneasy as he saw his full given name in deep red ink on reproduction seventeenth century paper. Feeling equally freaked out by the very gothic-style stamped wax seal, sealing the envelope as he turned it over in his hand. One part of him dreaded opening it knowing nothing good came from such things, while another part felt that familiar pull and knew he couldn't ignore it. His aunt reached out smiling warmly at him as she squeezed his upper arm gently as she passed him.

"Charlotte, Kelly may I join with your ritual," Joan said she too wanted to protect her new home.

"Of course," Charlotte nodded welcoming her sister into the circle. Trying not to let her mind wander as Samuel read what appeared to her as an invitation. Keeping her worry down as he looked towards the clock.


"Have to go," Kelly said feeling her goddess at work.

"I'm sorry," Samuel said looking between the two.

"Samuel, it's fine we understand it has something to do with what else she wants you to do while here," Charlotte said seeing him nod, "all I ask is that you be careful."

"I understand," Samuel said knowing how dangerous it will be on his own.

"If it's you or them, always choose them and unleash everything you have Sam," Kelly said she wasn't about to lose him.

"Oh, I think everyone will know that," Samuel said reaching for the doorknob. Pulling out his phone typing the address into google maps walking hurriedly down the hall. His eyes glancing at the time and how long it would take to get there. Praying it wasn't who he thought it was as he neared the front door.

"If I get eaten, I'm haunting Hekatê," Samuel muttered as he stared up at the gothic nightclub sign. His eyes darted around, a chill crawled up his neck feeling their eyes on him as his car door closed. Looking at the darkening sky, his mind running through spells he could use against them at night should it come to that. Finding it weird to find the bass thumping at the hour of twilight. Mentally smacking himself in the forehead at the blacked out windows. The legend about them could be wrong for all he knew. "They might run it twenty-four-seven," he said to himself as he saw two bouncers took up positions at the door. Then his eyes caught a flash of a shimmer, red arcing electricity crawled up his skin as he uncurled his fingers.

"To be able to sense me if not see me...?!" Nimue said appearing before him. Her blood-red lips curved into a smile at how well he hid his shock. Running her tongue over her fang, as her silver eyes studied the man, her dreams flashing in the forefront of her mind remembering what they were all about. "Please have no fear of us, we know about the voodoo woman. We take your safety very seriously," she said gesturing towards the nightclub. Wondering if he knew she practically stood nude in front of him, yet due to the slightly darker shade of the pale white dress. No one could ever tell unless one were to stare intently at her womanly body. "I'm Nimue Asher," she said delicately shaking Samuel's hand, "and you are Samuel Goodall, the Herald of our Holiness," closing the distance between the two. "So have no fear, we would never harm you," Nimue said the scent of his magic-infused blood filled her nostrils. The beat of his blood as it pumped through his veins hammered in her ears. "I'm sure your wondering why we are speaking?" she asked looping her right arm around his left. Her fingers trace down his arm softly brushing her hip against his. "And how I know who you are," Nimue said slyly glancing at him. "My people were like your people. We served the same goddess just in different manners," she said brushing her right breast against Samuel's arm wondering if he felt her skin.

"O-okay," Samuel said having to steel his emotions. Keeping his magic at the ready should he come to face with some less savory vampires. "Tell me, how is it that you know who I am?" he asked as they breached the threshold of the club.

"Because Seipowe spoke to me," Nimue said in reverence as she looked towards the ceiling, "I'll discuss the rest in a private setting later. Please indulge me the chance to greet her right hand," she said with a seductive smile.

Samuel stealthily eyed how the bouncers left Nimue's side. Noticing how they simply blended into the crowd. To how the crowd parted as she led him into the heart of the club. Looking around at all those happy smiling faces that he knew were only masks. Everything in him whispered for him to run, to take flight from the club. Shaking off the thought knowing it wasn't his voice. He knew this was going to happen. They were the masters of the seductive whisper. He needed to fortify himself and fast. Quickly reciting three spells. Feeling that strange flow that came along with the red electricity that he's been producing lately. He couldn't say if that was a bad thing or not, yet as Samuel really took stock of his situation. He knew it was going to cost him if he had to escape.

"You and I serve the same being, Samuel Goodall," Nimue said leading him towards the area they had made over their two week hunt for the man. Gently pushing Samuel down into the seat that was only one of two chairs that was in that sectioned off area. "We call her Seipowe, goddess of the eternal, it was she that granted our people's humble wish," she said her fingertips running along his jaw as she closed the left-hand curtain as she walked around him. She wanted Samuel's eyes solely on her. It had to be her to show her people that the time and skill to train her for her service to Seipowe had not been wasted. "Two weeks Seipowe spoke to me as I performed my duty to her. At first it was simple images, then bits and pieces began to get through, yet I wasn't strong enough to hold onto the message. But I honed my mind and...well I begun to paint you," Nimue said closing the right curtain. "This face," she said coming to stand in front of Samuel. Bending down, slowly reaching out, wondering if he took the hint as her eyes glanced down . The light casting her long shadow over Samuel. "This face, that did things to me in my sleep. Showed me things that awaited you and I," Nimue whispered her lips a hairs breath away from his. "Do you wish to know what our goddess tasks of me?" she said gazing into those magic-infused eyes of his. Smirking when she caught his eyes dipping low.

"Actually yeah," Samuel said appearing to be slow. He knew what this ploy was about, and what he suspected what was about to take place. He remembered reading something about vampires in that journal he found.

"She came to me, her magic filling me,," Nimue purred her fingers dancing down her heavenly valley, "telling me I would be the one."

"The one what?" Samuel asked taking a dry swallow seeing that red haze in her silver eyes. Feeling Nimue's magic swelling in her body.

"The one that ushers the oracle into the world," Nimue said as the house lights turned off. Three bright white lights shone down upon her as she stood on the dance stage. That large predatory crowd stood with their backs to Nimue so not to interfere with her spell. She knew she had to start the spell even if the pregnancy was foretold. Even if Samuel wasn't one of them the Aimo Avgo had to be performed as was the way for all vampires that were trying to conceive a child. Her silvery eyes flashed as the harpsichord began to play over the speakers. Her hips began to shake as the tips of her fingers danced up her left arm. "Your lips shine like Paris." Nimue ran her tongue along her upper lip as the strobe lights kicked on. Smiling seductively as she saw his eyes widening as the light haloed against her body. "Mon amour a toi toujours Mon chérie." Her hips led the way as she begun the dance. It was something all vampires did to begin the first part of the Aimo Avgo spell.

"But your tears bring a little London for me. Berlin can never be so cold as you reach." Her hands reached out, her fingers beckoning to him to show Samuel she was the one. The one that could handle the responsibility of being the mother of the oracle. "Baby would you dance with me to the night." Lifting her arms over her head, clapping her hands twice as she danced in a circular pattern. "Into the serious moonlight." Her snow-white hair floated in the air as she poured her seductive powers into the dance. "Brighter than the stars above you shine? And the loving feels alright." Her hands weaved above her, slowly lowering her chin, the tips of her fangs came into view as she smiled at Samuel. Her fingers running along her eyebrow ridge and her upper cheek bones drawing his gaze to her argentite gaze. Hoping he could see how her blood magic was filling her iris'. Knowing that she could and would be able to feed his need given what they had learned about them. "Give me the moment that the world won't need." They had known two centuries ago of when Samuel's distant relatives arrived in the city and when they joined that hoodoo branch. The events of a hundred and fifty years ago would have been the event that brought the oracle into the world. Yet now not only was he going to bring about that glorious event, he was also going to repay for the sins of his ancestors. To gift her people with a new life that had been stolen so long ago.

"Ce soir. Tu es à moi. Ma chérie." Thrusting her arms out to him as she bent forward. The lights went low as she called to his magic. Willing it to rise from its slumber to fill the club in its presence. Her arms jerked to the rhythm as she continued on with the spell. "But your fears ain't no strangers for me." Red mist swirled around her hands as she rose. Her body swaying to the music, weaving her magic with his. Her eyes glanced around at the small orbs of light that floated in the air all around them. Noticing how not one of her people moved, knowing what those orbs truly were. Her silver eyes centered on Samuel as she tried to steel her quivering body as Samuel's magic arced off of his body. If the music had been any lower, she was sure that it would sound like electricity popping in the air. "Morning can never be as cold as you leave." Her bare foot eased down onto the step as her hands rose over her hips. Blood-red roses sprung from the floor boards as she took another step, then another, allowing those glowing eyes of his to view her body to his hearts content. Spinning on her heel as she entered the entrance to that little area for them. Shaking her ass making sure the light was shining through the material, so he could see how taut her pale white ass was. Squatting down plucking one of the flowers, praying that Samuel would accept the gift. If he did than the first half of the spell would be complete, yet if he didn't then they would have to hunt for another one like her to fulfil Seipowe's will.

"I present this gift to you," Nimue said lowering herself to the floor. In her hands rested that blood stained flower. It's thorns razor sharp eager to drink it's fill of those foolish enough to handle it. In her eyes his body seemed to be on fire as his magic cloaked him in a azure light.

"You might want to close your eyes," Samuel warned before those bits of magic sought out his body.

Shutting her eyes quickly, through her eyelids she could faintly see the outline of his body as that small area was flooded in the magical light that radiated off of his body. Her heart stilled as she felt the touch of his fingers against her palm. Listening intently for any signs that the thorns had plucked his skin. Peering through her eyelashes as Samuel brought the rose to his lips. Containing her gasp as she watched how the petals began to disintegrate. Looking behind her as the others followed suit. Staring in awe as those blood-red bits of light swirled around Samuel's body before slowly fading away as they sank into his skin. Her lip trembled knowing she had succeeded in ensuring that she would be the one.

"Thank you, for accepting my gift," Nimue said her head bowed, her hands ran down his thighs. Trying to keep her blood tears from falling at the realization of what was to come next. Two weeks to show him and Seipowe that she was worthy to carry this child.

"Hey," Samuel said softly, reaching out gently touching Nimue's left shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I am now," Nimue said her silver eyes quivering in joy as she looked at him. Taking the napkin from the small table dabbing her eyes to soak up her blood. Her hand slipped into his as he offered his hand helping her to stand. "It feels my heart to know that you accepted me as your wife," she said in a pleasure filled sigh.

"Wait! What?!"

"Surely you had to have known this is what was going to happen?" Nimue asked waving for her people to return the club back to it's normal activity. Turning her chair slightly so she could peer at him.

"Actually no," Samuel said scratching his head. Silently muttering to Hekatê that a heads up would have been helpful. "But knowing Hekatê she's probably laughing at me," he said in a sigh hanging his head.

"I see," Nimue said sitting back in her chair. Pondering on how she was going to fill him in. "Well," she began to say feeling how her blood rushed to her cheeks painting them in a bright red hue, "you must understand when one of our kind wishes to have a child. We must perform the Aimo Avgo given to us by Seipowe. Where sometimes the children born are like me," gesturing to the lack of pigment in her skin and hair, "who's sole duty is to ensure that we heed Seipowe's will and enforce her laws on our people. We also marry for life...well for a century or two," Nimue said quickly looking down as those eyes of his studied her face. Praying that he found her attractive enough. "Now as to why I know who you are, Seipowe or Hekatê as you call her told me of you. Of how you practice your own form of magic, and how your line is almost gone," she said, her fingers ran along the table's surface before coming to rest over his hands as she leaned forward. "I get that, I can't fathom what that is like for you. Know this, I shall never keep you away from them. I would never deprive the right hand of the need he has," Nimue said gently squeezing his hands. "I promise over the next two weeks I'll show and teach you everything about us. So that you will feel at home here," she said smiling sweetly.

"So...," Samuel said clearing his throat unsure if it was wise to ask a vampire if her labia were pink or not. So he went with something a little less risky. "Are you like an albino or something?"

"In a way, but it's more of a sign that we have been chosen as future blood priest or priestess," Nimue said her thumbs brushing along the back of his hands. "Every vampire here and around the world can use blood magic to a degree. Some are better than others, while some aren't born with much of it at all. Then there are people like me hand picked by Seipowe herself," she said taking pride in herself. "Who study the art for years and years, twisting the blood to heed our will at a thought," Nimue said feeling her body growing thirsty, and she didn't want to nibble on Samuel just yet. Snapping her fingers getting one of the attendants to bring them some refreshments. "Now I hope I don't have to tell you to keep your visits here to yourself, now do I?" she asked a mischievous light played across her eyes.

"Who would believe me anyway," Samuel said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, given how that author wrote about us in those damn books and two movies. We've been seeing more of your kind searching for us. I'm used to hiding from pitchforks and torches just not humans that wish to feel our kiss," Nimue said flashing him a seductive smirk.

A curious thought popped into his mind. If her magic worked in tandem with his. Would the spell he had been experimenting with, work on Nimue? He felt how similar their magic was to one another. So he knew she was speaking the truth about them serving the same goddess. Then again, all magic came from Hekatê he just never thought about manipulating people's blood. Turning his left hand over, his eyes watching her body as his middle finger ran along the palm of her right hand. His eyes watched hers as she quickly glanced down. Her left hand held on to the edge of the table, her grip crushed the wood fibers as the table's top began to crumble in her hand. Adding a tad more power to the spell a smirk graced his lips as Nimue released a whimper as her back arched. Listening to her haggard breathing, his eyes focusing on those hard white buds that pressed against the translucent fabric. Quickly sliding away as the table broke in half, the look Nimue was giving him chilled his blood.

"What...was that?!" Nimue asked huffing as the remains of the table fell to the floor. The power she felt was so overwhelming. She had to catch herself from cumming the first time, yet she couldn't stop it when he added more to her body.