Family Takedown 11

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Brit seals the deal.
9.3k words

Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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Disclaimer: This story is fictitious and so are the characters. All characters are 18-years-old or older. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral and illegal, and not condoned by the author. Not for publication.

This story contains non-consensual incestuous sex. If that bothers you, don't read it. You've been warned.


Britney Thornton showed up at about 10:00 a.m. after a night of post-game partying, followed by a stay over at her friend Jenny's house. She hadn't been home for two days, which was not an uncommon occurrence since her graduation from high school the previous spring.

Her parents didn't push too hard on rules. The college girl was 18-years-old, competent in school, and exceptional in soccer -- her favorite athletic activity.

Brit was a starter on the local J.C. team and well on her way to earning a scholarship to a bigtime college program. It was her announced goal when she entered the junior college, despite her generally good grades.

The young athlete's personality, intellect and appearance drew from both her siblings. She was the fortunate recipient of their best traits -- intelligence, athleticism, and good looks. Brit was more ambitious than her twin brother, David, but not as brilliant as her older sister, Allison, and better looking than either.

When all was said and done, Brit really was the whole package. She worked hard, was a young adult, and if she wanted to stay out on a weekend, her parents didn't object.

The attractive teenager looked much like her brother and, while not identical, being girl and boy, no one was ever surprised to learn that she and David were twins.

Physically, Brit took after their mother's side of the family. Taller than Kate, she was still only 5'4". Her short height was the only reason she didn't get an athletic scholarship right out of high school, where she was All-League and the team's leading scorer.

Not surprisingly considering her active lifestyle, Brit's sandy brown hair was short and straight in a sporty cut, and often tied with little ribbons or held by rubber bands in mini-pigtails. Her skin was clear and tanned with freckles dotting her nose and cheeks from the time spent on the soccer field.

The soccer star was wiry strong, limber, and in excellent cardiovascular condition, as one would expect of an athlete. She weighed maybe 108 lbs. fully dressed. Trim and muscular, her legs tapered nicely from thigh to ankle.

Considering her generally small frame, and for all her high-calorie burning activity, her most unexpected physical attribute was the impressive swell of her least until you saw her mother and older sister.

Brit featured a solid C-cup, at minimum, but her generous breasts were often less detectable when strapped down in the sturdy sports bras she favored. Unlike her mother's gymnastic past, Brit was determined that the size of her marvelous tits wouldn't be an impediment to her soccer career.


As she casually breezed into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee, the vibrant coed was surprised to see her mother sitting at the breakfast nook wearing only bikini panties and a light semi-transparent tank top.

"Hi mom...uh, are you the only one home?" Brit asked curiously, becoming even more surprised by Kate's answer.

"No, sweetheart. Allison's upstairs in her room studying," her uneasy mother replied with obvious discomfort, watching her younger daughter anxiously.

Kate wanted to gauge Brit's reaction to her scanty attire, while also doing her best to be convincingly nonchalant in her response.

"David's around here somewhere, but I couldn't begin to tell you where," Kate followed coolly. "Maybe his room."

"O-kay... Ummm...why are you dressed that way?" Brit had to ask, since her mother was generally quite conservative in her clothing and her current attire simply didn't make sense. "I mean...isn't that a bit 'skimpy' with David around?"

"Oh...well, Brit, it's alright," her suspect mother answered matter-of-factly. "He won't mind."

"No shit, he won't mind!" Kate's incredulous youngest daughter wholeheartedly agreed.

Brit knew of her nasty brother's affinity for porn, particularly 'MILF porn,' and was sure David would be happy to stumble upon their mother practically 'undressed' -- family or not. Her enigmatic mother's panties weren't a thong or anything, but they were a pink cotton French-cut bikini style that could only be called 'sexy.'

Above that, Brit clearly saw the dark rose circles of her mother's areola through the white ribbed cotton of her form-fitting tank top, not to mention the generous side-boob showing through the arm holes.

The alert soccer star only slowly turned her head in shame, unscrupulously noticing how firm...and how appealing, her mother's large, unsupported breasts were for her age.

"I'm glad the team won yesterday," Kate smiled with motherly pride, having learned the results from Brit's post-game text, and desperate to turn the subject to anything other than the fact she sat half-naked in the kitchen.

"How was the party?" Brit's thoughtful mother followed inquisitively, as if everything was normal.

"Um, it was good...a lot of my friends came by," Brit answered tentatively, almost as if not wanting to tell more than was necessary. "Sorry I stayed over, but you know, it was late and all."

"It's alright, sweetheart, it's not like it was a school night or anything," Kate acceded to her youngest daughter's growing independence and responsible nature. She was a cool mother that way.

Brit had just sat down at the table when Allison made an appearance at the kitchen entryway.

"I thought I heard voices," Allison stated uncertainly, enduring the same dread her mother was clearly feeling.

"Uhh...umm...," Brit coughed upon seeing her older sister's morning attire.

Now, the bright college girl knew something was off.

Standing in the doorway was her bookish big sister, who spent all her time studying and never had a social life, in what appeared to be a lacy black thong and a brief midriff black t-shirt. It was obvious Allison was braless, with her huge tits pushing against the shirt and her pointed nipples indenting the front.

More shocking still, and judging by what appeared to be a prominent 'camel-toe' pressing against the snug-fitting panties, it appeared to the highly-observant teen that her modest sister had at a minimum trimmed her pussy hair, and that her 'who gives a shit what I look like' older sibling might even be completely shaved between her legs.

Not that Brit cared. She shaved her pussy too, but could never imagine Allison doing so, or even caring one way or the other about such a thing.

It was all just so bizarre.

"Whoa...hold on!" Brit scoffed to end her pretense that nothing was unusual. Never bashful with her comments or opinions, Brit needed to know what the fuck was going on.

"I'm sorry...but mom walking around in a tank top and panties with my horny twin brother in the house is one thing," the stunned 18-year-old challenged, "but you too, Allie?"

Kate and Allison looked each other in the eye, waiting for the other to take the lead and say something.

"I mean, seriously, Allie, this ain't exactly your style," Brit persisted. "What the fuck's happening here?"


Up in his room, David fretted about how to handle his twin sister.

Brit was cute and highly fuckable. After all the changes he had wrought in the Thornton household, David wanted to nail his female doppelganger as much, if not more, than his mother and Allison.

The depraved 18-year-old muscle-bound youth was determined to corral the trio of Thornton women and complete his desirable set of obedient family fuck dolls.

But Brit wasn't like their meek mother and obliging sister. She was stronger, both physically and in spirit, and not so easily cowed. She would fight back in more than the mere cursory manner that Kate and Allison had done.

'What should I do?' he wondered silently, truly concerned.

'Brit could ruin everything unless it's handled just right,' he correctly determined. 'The last thing I need is a fierce female opponent undermining my authority and giving the other two strength...or worse, hope.'

When David heard his pretty twin arrive downstairs, he knew he needed to decide and act fast.

'Brit's not going to take well to mom and Allie walking around the house wearing practically nothing without wanting to know damn-well why?' David assured himself, despite having set the situation up that way.

As Brit's twin, David also knew she understood him better than anyone, and could see right through his intimidation bullshit. She was every bit as capable at projecting superiority and power. His dynamic, forceful twin sister would be no easy conquest, even with his greater might and muscles.

'That's it...that'll do it," David suddenly realized the answer as the light went on in his head.

David now knew exactly what to do. He had stumbled upon the lone solution by addressing his concerns, and immediately convinced himself it was the only way.

As is common with most, if not all twins, David had an unspoken, innate connection with Brit unlike with other people...even members of his family. It gave him insights into her personality others couldn't see, and she to him.

David's intuition led him to believe his fraternal twin sister was more like him than anyone would ever guess, knowing Brit was strong-willed and determined to get what she wanted, but also surmising she grew excited by power.

While Brit was clearly more successful than he in school and athletics, she was not quite the pristine All-American girl the outside world believed. He suspected she was every bit as amoral as he, unwilling to conform to societal norms of behavior, and extremely eager to express her desires at the expense of others...including their own family.

David insightfully recognized the tale-tell signs that his attractive, hard-bodied sister was as highly sexually-charged as himself. The key difference was she was a cute, fit girl who could easily get sex whenever she pleased, if she were so inclined, while David struggled to get laid just like most teenage boys.

Losing his virginity was a more difficult task for Brit's uninspired brother. Left to porn, as were so many other horny adolescent boys, his imagination became a fertile garden nurturing his deviant tendencies and allowing them to flourish.

The scheming youth had no doubt Brit wasn't a virgin, and hadn't been since at least when she got her driver's license and the independence that came with it.

David also had a pretty good inkling his twin sister liked sex, and she wasn't particularly choosy about whether it was with a girl or a boy. In addition to her soccer skills, Brit was a switch-hitting shortstop on the school softball team, and David felt certain she was a switch-hitter in the bedroom too.

With that as his predicate, David was convinced Brit's sleep-over nights at her friend Jenny's house weren't filled with innocent pillow fights and talk of boy bands. He suspected Jenny had a crush on her adorable and talented best friend, and that his adventurous twin sister didn't fail to fulfill many of Jenny's most ardent sexual desires.

All these indelicate insights led the degenerate youngster to the inevitable conclusion that the only way to assure his twin sister's acceptance of his authority over their mother and sister was to include her as a partner -- not necessarily an equal, but a co-conspirator whose interests in sex and dominance aligned.

David believed if he could just demonstrate his dominion over the household, and Kate and Allison's abject weakness in acquiescence to it, Brit would become enamored of his control, and wish to participate in his debauched frolics.

'Brit's just like me,' he felt certain. 'She'll join my games...rather than fight me.'

It was a big risk, but David was so sure he could read his twin sister, he was willing to take that chance. Striding downstairs to the kitchen, he was about to find out if he was right.


No one knew it for certain, even David, but every Thornton suspected that sports weren't Brit's only interest, and that she had been sexually active for the last two years.

Brit wasn't a slut or anything. She was selective, but active, and had engaged in sex with a couple of different guys on the various athletic teams while dating casually. Still, she never took a steady boyfriend.

As significantly as her distaste for a monogamous relationship, her friendship with Jenny had blossomed over the last year. The ripe, appealing young ladies' innocent sleepovers grew more promiscuous, and mostly spent between the sheets of Jenny's bed...and each other's legs exploring the erotic world of Sappho.

The two had met on the softball team and became fast friends.

Jenny was much like Brit -- athletic and attractive, but with an olive-complexion from her Mediterranean heritage and thick, jet black hair worn shoulder-length. Jenny was also taller and more full-bodied than her smaller girlfriend, while every bit as strong.

Brit suspected Jenny may be more sexually-oriented towards girls. Jenny denied it with a wry smile, while protesting she found boys 'interesting.' Nonetheless, Jenny couldn't hide her interest in David's cute twin sister.

As a curious teenager, Brit didn't let that deter their friendship, and she eventually succumbed to Jenny's considerable feminine charms. Brit realized soon enough she was bi-sexual, but she was honest, making clear to her friend, and now lover, that she wasn't looking for a serious relationship with either a boy or a girl.

Still, Brit enjoyed her time with Jenny, and so long as her softball teammate understood they were friends 'with benefits' and no more, they could enjoy each other physically as well as socially as 'partners in crime.'


Now, down in the kitchen, Brit wanted to know what the hell was going on, and why her respectable mother and geeky sister wore such scanty and alluring lingerie, especially with her warped twin brother in the house.

Even then, Brit couldn't deny the appearance of both her mother and sister wearing only their revealing underthings was intriguing...and stimulating. The pretty pair grabbed her undeniable attention to drive a lewd rush of adrenaline throughout her body.

For herself that morning, Brit was dressed in simple white Capri pants and a form-fitting brown knit blouse that buttoned up the front, but stopped to show a strong hint of cleavage in her Wonderbra.

She even wore light make-up, never her stock in trade, but it highlighted her fresh-faced natural beauty. The healthy college girl had been at a party after all, and was dressed to attract the boys...and also appeal to the girls.

"Seriously, sis, seeing mom in just her undies is surprising enough, but you that getup," Brit suspiciously appraised her big sister.

"C'mon, spill it, Allie," Brit asked directly. "Something has to be going on?"

Allison's eyes shot over to their mother's once more, uncertain how to respond...or even if she should.

"You do look good though, I'll give you that," Brit chirped revealingly, unable to suppress a grin or pass up complimenting her nerdy, half-nude sister with a hint of licentious appreciation.

"Both of you," she added, gazing at her petite mother's naughty attire.

Kate and Allison didn't know of Brit's sexual preferences, so let the statement pass as harmless praise, rather than as an insight into Brit's own kinks.

"I suppose it is a bit surprising to find us dressed this way, honey," Kate finally answered the forthright question, doing her best to minimize the unusual situation, and doing a pretty bad job of it.

"But's okay," their uncomfortable mother squeaked in a high-pitched voice more reminiscent of a young girl trying to explain an indiscretion than a parent to her children.

"We're just...dressing casual," her mother explained disingenuously. "You know, relaxed for a Sunday at home."

Allison stood by nervously digging her fingernails into her palms. She wisely knew that when David enforced his dress code this morning, going so far as to pick out the minimal outfit she was wearing himself, that this moment would come.

Still, inexperienced in gauging the reactions of others to odd social situations, the awkward collegian had no idea how her little sister would take this explanation of a new 'relaxed' atmosphere around the Thornton household.

Not very well, apparently.

"With David in the house? I don't think so," Brit snorted facetiously, still marveling at Kate and Allison's lack of clothing.

"Has he seen you?" The curious teen asked with raised eyebrows, then joked. "What's he 'relaxing' in...a jockstrap?"

The humor fell on deaf ears, maybe in part due to the likely truth of her statement. A jockstrap might be overstating it, but both Kate and Allison guessed David was probably only in loose shorts...and definitely going commando.

The two newly-broken family sex kittens knew how much the dominating young man enjoyed letting his 'swinging cock' out in the presence of his mother and sister.

"Did I hear my name?" David asked cheerfully, choosing that moment to walk into the kitchen. Subtly, and indiscreetly, the imperious youth dragged his open palm over Allison's bare left ass cheek as he did.

True to form, he was wearing shorts, but they were tighter than usual, and intentionally chosen to not leave much of his generous manhood to the imagination.

'If I'm gonna lay my cards on the table,' he figured, 'I should put my best...uh...asset forward.'

David purposefully wanted his twin sister to see the bulge in his pants, and the impression it made even in its flaccid state. To his satisfaction, it clearly had not failed to catch Brit's attention as her wide blue eyes flit briefly down to his crotch.

'This is way too weird,' Brit commented to herself.

The youngest Thornton girl was far too smart not to understand something drastic had changed at home. Knowing her family well, she correctly assumed David was the cause.

Watching her reaction carefully, David read her mind.

"I know you, Brit, as well as you know me," he said taking a quick breath and initiating his daring ploy for her approval and ultimate participation. "You're thinking I've done something atrocious...something radical and demented."

All three women stared at the brazen 18-year-old young man, uncertain what to expect next.

"Well, you'd be right...mostly," he continued his straightforward appeal. "I've made some basic changes to the hierarchy around here. Really though, they're just...uh...'lifestyle' changes."

David paused to let his message sink in, watching his cautious twin sister closely for any sign of outrage or disapproval. He saw none.

Strengthened by her lack of push-back, the emboldened young autocrat more obviously placed his palm onto Allison's ass cheek, causing her to squirm uneasily when he left it there.

"Allison, and mom too, have decided it serves their best interests to accept my changes, by doing as I say," he stated frankly, before directing his stern attention towards Kate. "Isn't that right, mom?

Brit didn't openly react to his copping a feel of their older sister's rounded bottom, but did catch her brother's harsh gaze at their mother and knew David was very serious.

Kate did too.

While ashamed of her pitiful capitulation, their docile mother did nothing to counter her imperious son's contention. Instead, nodding from her seat at the breakfast nook, Kate dropped her head to stare into her coffee cup in guilt and embarrassment.