Fast Time with Annie

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Spending time with visiting cousin who suddenly became hot.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.



Ray was driving a brand-new navy-blue Mercedes convertible with the top down. The car was a graduation gift from his parents; it was the most expensive gift they ever bought him. They said they could afford it since he already saved them a fortune in college tuition by getting a full scholarship that paid for everything, including textbooks and the dorm. He even got a part-time job to have his own income to use, so he didn't have to ask them for money too often.

He was on his way back home after taking a much-needed vacation with some of his college friends. They spent the last two weeks at a beach house belonging to one of his friends' parents. They were all going to separate pretty soon to start their new lives as graduates, so they wanted to have some fun before they joined the workforce.

Ray had a good job waiting for him when he got back home. With his biochemistry degree and the internship he had done during college, he got a job as a junior research scientist for a prominent pharmaceutical company. One of his friends said he had the nerdiest job he had ever heard of, and Ray loved it. He was a big nerd, and it was finally paying off for him.

When he was about twenty minutes away from home, he started receiving texts from his mother.

Mom: You almost home?

Ray slowed down a little so he could text back. Normally, he would never text and drive because it was too dangerous, but there was no one else on the highway, so he felt it would be safe for a quick, short text.

Ray: 20 minutes

Mom: Good because we got company.

Ray: Who?

Mom: Uncle Mike and Aunt Pam, and your cousin Annie. They're visiting for a while.

Ray: Cool

Mom: We have other family guests here now to see them. Some of your cousins are here and are already using the pool.

Ray: Cool

So far, his responses have been simple enough to text back while keeping his eyes on the road.

Mom: So you won't be surprised; Annie is staying in your room while they're here.

"What?" Ray said out loud.

The last time they visited, she slept in his sister's room, and her parents took the spare bedroom. He had no idea why he suddenly had to be kicked out of his own bedroom like this.

Ray: Cool

He figured he wasn't going to argue about it on the phone through texts while he was driving. He wasn't even going to call them directly. He would have to wait until he got home to discuss the living arrangements with them.

At the same time, he wasn't going to be a dick about it to his parents. After all, they bought him a kickass new car that made his friends jealous and impressed a few women he met during his vacation. So, he wasn't going to suddenly be selfish about it and have an adult conversation with them.

He was cool with that side of his family, especially Annie, with whom he always connected with. She was a nerd like him and shared the same experiences about it. Back in high school, they were both your typical nerds. They both had big glasses, they both enjoyed reading and watching sci-fi and superhero movies, and they binge-watched the same shows. They were both big gamers too, and they played either against each other or teamed up with each other in online games.

But things have changed for Ray since he went to college, especially in the last couple of years. He still wore glasses but was fonder of contact lenses. He still loved sci-fi and video games, but he broadened his horizons with football and music. He even began working out a lot, keeping himself in good shape and having good muscle tone to show for it, which helped him a lot when it came to meeting women.

He hadn't seen Annie in a couple of years, but he imagined she must not have changed much. They both don't like using social media, so they have no idea what the other person looks like. But he remembered her being about 30 pounds overweight with an acne problem and braces. When he talked to her while they were gaming online, she did mention she had lost some weight but said nothing else about it.

He calmed down by the time he got to his parents' house. He had to park across the street as there were several cars in the driveway and parked in the front. His parents were glad to see him, and he got some handshakes from uncles and plenty of hugs and kisses from his aunts. They all asked about what he was doing now that he had finally finished college, and of course he got a couple of them asking if he had a girlfriend or two. He gave them the best answers he could, getting a little vague on the girlfriend part so he wouldn't disappoint them.

After a while, he met up with his mother in the kitchen so he could talk to her about his room. She was working on a couple of salads while a couple of pots brewed on the stove.

"Your cousins are in the pool; you should join them for a while before we all have dinner," she said.

"I'll join them soon, but first, can we talk about Annie staying in my room?" Ray asked.

"Where else is she going to stay?"

"What about Susan's room? She stayed there the last time they visited."

"I thought you knew that Susan and her fiancé moved back in recently," said his mother as she went to check on the pots. "They had a falling out with their landlord and are staying here until they find a new place. They're thinking of buying a home this time."

Ray remembered his sister complaining about the landlord a few times in the last year. He actually suggested to her that they just move out and find a better place, so he can't complain about it now since he might've been the one who gave her the idea.

"So, where am I going to stay while they're here?" Ray asked. "I can't just sleep on the couch."

"Don't worry, you won't be sleeping on the couch," his mother assured him.

"Thank you."

"We got you a sleeping bag, and you can share your room with Annie."

Ray was just stunned and couldn't say anything. He didn't expect to be sharing his room with one of his girl cousins, and he especially didn't expect to hear that his mother was OK with this.

He pleaded with his mother about finding another way around this situation, telling her that it was inappropriate for them to sleep in the same room together. She just laughed and said he was being silly; she said Annie may be his cousin, but she's like a sister to him, so it's perfectly acceptable.

Ray decided not to argue with her anymore about it. His parents did by him an expensive new car so he figured the least he could do is just shut up and do as they want. Plus, he figured he could probably talk to Annie about their sleeping arrangements; he figured she might feel the same way he did about how inappropriate this was.

Ray took his bags upstairs to his room and quickly changed into his swim shorts. As he changed, he realized that a couple of his more attractive girl cousins may be at the pool in their bikinis. His cousin Jessica was your typical beautiful blonde with a gorgeous body. Her sister, Zoe, a redhead, was just as beautiful; she wasn't as busty as Jessica but she was more flirtatious.

Ray wasn't a complete pervert; he might think his cousins are attractive and admire their beauty, but he would never pursue them. He wasn't the only one; a couple of his other guy cousins confessed feeling the same way. A few times over the years, he had jerked off to Jessica and Zoe, and he enjoyed it, but it wasn't something he would do regularly.

Upon reflection, he wished that if he had to share a room with one of his girl cousins, it would be one of the more attractive ones. At least then, he would have some eye candy around.

He walked outside to see at least a dozen of his cousins there. Some were swimming around the pool, while others were just hanging out around it. He even saw his sister and her fiancé by the drink table having some lemonade with a couple of other people. He went over to say hello to his sister first before he met up with two of his favorite guy cousins to hang out with, Tony and Mike, brothers from one of his aunts on his father's side. They greeted and fist-bumped each other and went straight to trash-talking each other, as most guys like to do.

They told him how they checked out his new car while he was inside the house, saying it was a sweet ride. They seemed jealous of him, which made Ray a little happy about it. Tony asked if he got any pussy with that car, just as Ray expected he might ask. The car did attract a few women on his vacation, and he did get laid once inside of it. But he wasn't the type to brag about his sexual conquests, so he kept the answer vague, saying he did alright.

Ray looked around for Annie but couldn't find her. He did see Jessica and Zoe sitting on the other end of the pool with their legs in the water. The bikinis they wore were just as sexy as he hoped they would be. He waved to them, and they waved back with big smiles.

"Be careful with those two," said Mike. "You're a good-looking guy now with a good job and an awesome car."

"Yeah, they may want a piece of you if they don't get a piece of one of us," said Tony as he fist-bumped his brother.

"They're our cousins," Ray reminded them.

"So?" They both asked in unison.

"Come on, we joke about that, but we don't actually do it," said Mike.

"Yeah, every guy has that one or two hot cousins they think about," said Tony. "Just like I think about your sister, who is looking --"

Ray interrupted Tony with a quick jab on the arm, just hard enough to send the message. The jab caused Tony to wobble a bit, but he laughed at the situation. They didn't have a sister for Ray to joke about nailing, so he had to endure them, which led him to bruise their arms plenty of times over the years.

"By the way, have you guys seen Annie?" Ray asked.

They both looked at each other before turning back to Ray.

"You haven't seen her yet?" Tony asked.

"No, I haven't. I need to talk to her about our sleeping arrangements. My mom wants us to share the same room together."

There was an awkward pause before Tony spoke.

"I take it you haven't seen her in a very long time, right?" Tony asked.

"No, it's been a couple of years."

"And you're sharing a room with her while she's in town?" Mike asked.

Ray nodded, and there was another awkward pause before both Mike and Tony started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Ray asked.

Just then, one of the swimmers was using the three-step pool ladder on the deep end of the pool to climb out. Ray's mouth dropped as he saw this beautiful woman with long, dark hair and olive skin wearing a red bikini. He did notice someone swimming back and forth several times in the pool, but the person was moving around too much for him to notice how hot she was.

"Hey Ray," she said, just before she stepped off the ladder.

Ray thought It was like the scene from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High where Pheobe Cates' character climbs out of the pool in the dream sequence. She started walking towards Ray, and even though she was walking at a normal pace, his mind was imagining it like the slow-motion sequence in the movie. Even the music from that scene was playing in his head. He was half expecting her to open her bikini top from the front to show him her breasts, which were much bigger than Phoebe Cates', at least a 34D.

She came up to Ray, giving him a big hug, pushing her breasts hard against his bare chest.

"It's so good to see you again; it's been forever," said the beautiful woman.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Ray asked.

She pulled away and looked at him right in the eye and said, "It's me, you dummy. Annie."

"What?" was all he could say.

He took a moment to get a better look at her and realize that it was indeed Annie, but a completely different version of her. Mike and Tony were doing their best not to laugh at Ray's embarrassment.

"I know I changed a little," she said.

"I can see that."

He thought she was being modest about how much she had changed. She lost a lot of weight and is now fit like a model. Her acne was completely gone, and she now had flawless skin. She wasn't wearing any glasses. And to top it off, she was wearing a bikini, unlike before when she only wore one-piece swimsuits. He figured she must've started wearing bikinis as soon as she turned into this gorgeous woman before him.

"I haven't changed as much as you have, Mr. Muscles," she said jokingly as she reached out and felt his bicep.

"Yeah, I've been working out."

"I'll say. You're making Mike and Tony look like chumps," she said before turning to the men in question. "Sorry guys."

"It's cool; I admit he's got us beat," Mike admitted.

Ray couldn't help thinking that he may now make Mike and Tony look like chumps, but she's making Jessica and Zoe look like swamp rats.

"So, we'll be sharing a room together; isn't that awesome?" she asked enthusiastically.

"It's going to be so much fun," he replied.

They talked for a few more minutes before Jessica and Zoe, who were now swimming in the pool, called out to Annie to join them. She said goodbye and dove into the pool; even the way she dove in seemed sexy to Ray.

"What the hell?" Ray said, still in disbelief.

"She got hot," said Mike. "And I have to say, hotter than Jessica or Zoe."

"No doubt about it," said Ray, still in awe of how Annie had changed.

Ray admitted to them about the music he heard in his head when she was approaching him, and they said they couldn't blame him. The way she came out of the pool while wearing that similar red bikini would remind anybody of that classic movie scene.

"But how did this happen? What's the story there?" Ray asked.

Mike and Tony didn't know the whole story about Annie's transformation. They determined it started two years ago when Annie got sick from the COVID virus; she was one of those who got it really bad and had to stay home for almost a month. During that time, she was too sick to eat much, which made her lose some weight.

Afterwards, Annie started going to the gym to stay fit and learned to control her eating. Her acne got much better thanks to some new cream she was using, and she had Lasik eye surgery so she didn't have to wear eyeglasses anymore.

"But you'll find she's still Annie deep down," said Mike. "A total nerd just like you. Still into comic books, sci-fi movies, and as you know still a big gamer like us."

"I'm surprised you didn't hear about this," said Tony. "Don't you guys talk to each other on your headsets while you're gaming?"

"I remembered when she got sick with COVID; I was gaming with her a lot while she was quarantined at home. But she never said anything about the weight loss or anything else she was doing to make herself look so hot."

"And now you're sharing a room with her," said Mike. "Good luck with that, bro."

Despite their joking, Ray was not going to let how Annie suddenly looked affect him in any way. She was still his cousin, one of his favorites, and he was going to have fun with her during their stay, regardless of the situation.

Ray jumped into the pool and joined Annie and the others in some pool games, and soon Mike and Tony followed suit. They were having a lot of fun over the next couple of hours fooling around, just like they always have since they were young. They played a few simple pool games and impressed each other with their diving skills. The best part was the chicken fights they had; Annie was on Ray's shoulders for this, and they won the majority of their fights. He used to team up with Annie a long time ago when she weighed more, and now her weight loss makes it much easier to carry her around and win some of the chicken fights.

Afterwards, it was time to eat dinner, and everyone left the pool to dry off and change into their regular clothes. Ray put on some jeans and a rock band t-shirt for dinner, while Annie was wearing a tight t-shirt and very small shorts. Ray was forgetting how sexy she looked in the pool during their chicken-fight team-up, but now it was all coming back to him. During dinner, he did everything he could not to stare at her. He tried to start conversations with his boring soon-to-be brother-in-law in hopes that it would distract him from looking at Annie.

The guests left, and soon it was just Ray, his family, and Annie and her family. They stayed up late having desert before they all decided to head off to bed. That's when he realized there were so many distractions throughout the day that he forgot to ask Annie if she was comfortable sharing the same room.

They were heading towards his bedroom when he finally decided to talk to her about it.

"Are you OK with us sharing a room together?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, it's going to be so much fun, don't you think?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it should be," he said nervously.

"Your sister did ask if I wanted to sleep in her room while her fiancé, Greg, sleeps in your room, so we can have some girly fun like we did when we were kids."

"She did?"

"But I thought it was wrong to keep her away from her fiancé like that, and she agreed, so now we can have all the fun."

"Awesome," Ray replied.

So, there was nothing he could do about it; he was going to be sharing a room with his sexy cousin. It was the greatest test of willpower he would ever have to face.

Soon after they got to his room, Annie took some clothes and items to the bathroom while Ray stayed behind to change. When he slept, he enjoyed wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt, usually a plain one. When Annie came back, she was wearing skimpy pink pajama shorts with a matching thin-strapped top that hugged her tits enough to show how big they were.

"Dammit" he thought to himself. "She's not going to make this easy for me."

"Before we go to bed, I brought my gaming gear. You want to team up and beat some other team on Beast World Mania 7?" she asked.

"I just got the expansion pack. Hell yeah, I want to play," said Ray, getting very excited.

They spent the next three hours playing Beast World Mania 7. During that time, Ray had completely forgotten about his issues with Annie and just enjoyed gaming with her by defending villages from rampaging ogres. By the time they were done leveling up, they logged off the game and both decided they were tired and had to go to bed.

Ray rolled out the sleeping bag his mother gave him and took one of the extra pillows from his bed.

"You shouldn't have to sleep on the floor, why don't we share the bed?" Annie asked. "It's big enough for the both of us."

"She's got to be messing with me," Ray thought to himself.

"It's OK, Annie. The sleeping bag is actually not so bad."

They both said goodnight and went to sleep. It took longer for Ray to go to sleep because of the boner he was trying to wish away. He got it as soon as Annie suggested sharing the bed together; all he could think of was every possible sexual position he would like to get her in. It took a while, but he managed to go to sleep in peace.


When Ray woke up first, he momentarily forgot he was sleeping on the floor when he tried to get up, thinking he was getting out of his own bed, but was trapped in his sleeping bag. He got out of his sleeping bag, had a big yawn, and stretched out his body. He was glad his mother got him an extra-comfy sleeping bag so that sleeping on the floor wouldn't be so bad.

He took out his contacts last night and decided to put on his glasses this time. He looked at his bed and saw that Annie wasn't there. He didn't think much of it; instead, he just left the room for the bathroom so he could pee. As soon as he opened the bathroom door, he was taken by surprise when he saw Annie there with wet hair and completely naked.