Father Bland's Angels: Verse 01


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The cock did taste a bit funny, she thought. At the end of it she thought she tasted a musty flavour, slightly salty. Intrigued, she tongued the hole in the tip, figuring that it must be where the yoghurt-stuff came out of. Father Bland moaned in pleasure when she did it, so she kept it up even harder, hoping to please him.

"Okay, okay, stop," The priest bleated, placing his hands on her bare shoulders. "Stop for a second. Whooo."

Diana released the cock and watched it twitching up and down in front of her. The end of it was wet with her spit and the whole thing looked even more inflated.

"Whoo-eee," The priest said weakly. "You sure are good at that."

"Am I?" She asked, pleased with herself. "Really?"

"Yes, yes indeedy," Father Bland replied, before taking a few deep breaths. "Yes indeed. Now, I think we need to try it again, just a little differently. Okay?"

"Yes, Father, if I have to. I'm ready."

"Good girl. Now, open your mouth. Stay still," He took hold of her head, feeling her soft hair under his fingers. The lovely mouth opened obediently. "Just stay right there."

Diana held herself still, the priest holding her head gently, her mouth open as if for the dentist. He was moving his hips forward towards her, bringing the rigid length of the cock closer. She watched it as it passed under her vision, knowing and yet still surprised when it pressed against her tongue. The strange taste was stronger now. It rubbed along her tongue, going back and back until she felt the hairs at its base tickle her nose. It sure felt much bigger in her mouth than it looked.

"Oh that feels good," The priest said, clutching her hair. "Yes, close your mouth, yes."

She obeyed, closing her lips on the springy flesh of the cock, feeling its heat. It was quite hard to stop her teeth from touching it, it seemed very large now. The tip was on the back of her tongue and she had to fight down the urge to cough. Her eyes were watering a little, though she couldn't see much except for the front of Father Bland's shirt anyway.

"Yes, now I want you to suck it, Diana," The priest said, his voice sounding strange. Feeling even weirder, she started sucking on it like an ice block, unable to stop her tongue licking at the strange surface as well. "Yes, now just relax and let me show you how to suck a cock."

She felt his hands get a different grip on her, then he was moving her whole head backward, so that the cock slid out of her lips. When it was almost completely out, he pulled her head back in. The cock slid back inside, leaving a dribble of her spit that she felt run down her chin. She made herself stay relaxed and keep up the suction as he continued manipulating her.

"Oooh yes," He groaned eventually. "Oh so good. Yes, lick the cock as you suck it, my child. Yes, like that. Oh, lick the end, lick the end. Unnh yes that's goood."

Diana couldn't understand what Father Bland was finding so enjoyable about the whole thing. Surely it was just like sucking your finger? He really seemed into it, though, the movement of her head was getting faster and faster.

"Oh God, Jesus, yes," He intoned. "Oh, now Diana, could you keep -- oooh - doing this without me -- uh - helping you?"

"Mmm-hmm-mmm." She hummed, her mouth still occupied.

The Father lifted his hands off her head. She paused for a second, suddenly possessed of a kind of stage fright, before pulling herself together. She was a competitive spirit, a sportsperson, and there was no way she was going to fail at something this easy! With gusto she started sucking the cock again, bobbing her head up and down its length, the force of her suction creating long slurping noises. Her tongue went wild over the thing, lashing at its sides and swiping at the hole at the tip each time she came up.

Lucas moaned as he watched the pretty, half-naked teen energetically sucking his dick, her lovely tits jiggled with her movements. He longed to grasp them, but didn't want to go too far too fast. He could barely believe how good it felt, almost as good as the first blowjob he had gotten from Hayley Holloway. Diana was a little less experienced, occasionally he felt a little brush of tooth. Still, it was a warm wet and eager mouth, clutching his cock with soft lips.

Oh Lord, it was too much, he could feel the blessed sperm rushing up from his balls. He clenched his muscles, shoving himself into the teenage face a few more times just to prolong the enjoyment.

"Oh, stop, stop, Diana, yes!"

He pulled out of the heavenly mouth and with a shout of ecstasy, released his cum. A thick jet of it splattered across the perfect young tits, followed by another and another, making her squeal in surprise. He gasped and panted with the force of the pleasure, feeling a brilliant glow from within as he watched his cum spray her.

"Oh Diana," He said, grabbing the desk to stay upright. "Oh that was marvellous."

She was looking down at herself with an expression between dismay and fascination.

"It's the yoghurt." She said wonderingly.

"Yes, yes it is," He fought to get his breath back. "Yes, we call it 'cum', my child."

"Cum?" She repeated. "Gee, cum sure feels warm. And it's all sticky. Look, it's stuck to my hand."

"Yes, yes it is," Lucas said, watching the teenager playing with his sperm as it ran down her breasts. "Why don't you taste it?"

"Oh, um..." She looked at the stringy goo on her fingers. "Um, is it safe?"

"Oh yes, it's good for you. Go on, lick it up, I don't mind."

"Hmm, it tastes funny," She said, licking her hand. "It's... not that nice. Kind of yucky."

He watched her lick a few more globs of cum, making little faces of distaste each time. My God, he thought, thank you for these girls. Truly you have blessed the world with them. Thinking so, he pulled up his pants and put away his slimy cock.

"Now, Diana, we should get you cleaned up. Then I can tell you how you can help your father."

"Oh, great," She said, sitting unashamedly with her bare, soiled chest out. "What can I do Father? I so want to help Daddy."

"I think you have the skills, my child. I'll tell you exactly what to do, and what to say, and I'll give you some clothes to help you."

He told her this as he dabbed at her chest with some tissues, making sure his hands brushed against the firm young flesh as much as possible.

"Oh, that tickles, Father," She giggled. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Yes, my child," He said happily. "This is God's work."


Joe Takchi was sitting in his study, pretending to work on his manuscript as he thought about sex. He was writing yet another technical manual for his company's electronic equipment and was well ahead of schedule, so it didn't really matter if he wasted some time. His wife Sally had gone to work at her late shift an hour ago and if his daughter had been out, he would've watched some porn. As it was, he was stuck.

It was about five in the afternoon and outside his window it looked like a lovely day. Maybe he should ask Diana if she'd like to have a swim? No. In his heart, he knew it was a bad idea. Ever since his wife's interest in sex had dried up, Joe had found himself transferring more and more of his lust to their daughter. True, she was absolutely beautiful, athletic and unconsciously sexy -- but she was his only child, his flesh and blood. He could never act on it, no matter what fantasies he might have.

Trying to focus on the work was hopeless. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, so he reached under the desk and started rubbing the half-stock he had. His mind ranged around for something to think of, staying well away from his daughter. What about that girl who worked in the drive-through the other night? The young one with the long blonde hair and the blue eyes and the tits that pushed out her tight little uniform shirt-

"Daddy?" He jolted upright as Diana spoke from the doorway. She looked stunning as usual, wearing a tiny pair of shorts and a blouse tied up so that it showed off her washboard stomach. Her big brown eyes regarded him innocently.

"Oh, hello sweetie," He tried not to stammer. "Sorry, must have drifted off for a second."

"Oh, sorry Daddy."

"No, that's okay, sweetie. What's up? Are those new clothes?"

He took a long, long look at the skimpy garments and the flesh they left exposed. Usually his wife dressed their daughter in much more conservative fashions.

"Yeah," She looked embarrassed. "Yeah, I borrowed them from someone at school. Don't tell Mummy, okay?"

"Okay, sweetie. They look... nice."

"Yeah, they're much cooler," He thought her voice sounded a little stilted, strange. "Don't you feel hot today, Daddy?"

"Yeah, a bit hot," He agreed, feeling the heat in his groin. "Do you want the air-con on?"

"No, it's okay," She took a little breath. "I thought you might, uh, like to go for a swim."

He caught his eyes wandering over the lovely stomach and lean thighs, forcing his gaze back to her face. "Oh, I don't know, sweetie. Daddy's got a lot of work to do."

"Oh," She said, obviously saddened. "Oh, but I really want to. Are you sure, Daddy?"

"Yes," He said, knowing it was for the best. "I've got to work."

"But I've got a new swimsuit," She said. "I borrowed it too. I wanted you to see it."

Joe felt saliva flood his mouth. "Oh, well, um."

"It's really nice," She went on. "It's not like my one. It's a bikini."

"Really?" He croaked. "Well, I don't know..."

"Okay," She said quickly. "I'm going for a swim anyway. You can come down later, if you like."

Joe watched as his daughter's barely-clad ass disappeared out of the doorway, leaving him sitting with his cock twitching in his shorts. The sight of her bare stomach and thighs seemed burned into his vision like the glare of the sun. What would that body look like in a bikini? He remembered the one time he had dared to sneak a look through the bathroom door when she was showering, catching only glimpses of the lean hard body. It had been enough to fuel weeks of half-shameful frantic masturbation.

Surely he deserved to see this lovely creature, who he had created, in a bikini? He, who had provided a faithful family for her even though it had become totally sexless, surely he deserved some pleasure. Would it be hurting anyone if he watched, if he jerked off later over and over again? No, he decided, ignoring the dissenting voices within. No. It was his right to go to the pool and watch her.

Joe got up and looked down at the front of his shorts. The slight bulge there wasn't that noticeable. He was a fit guy in his late thirties, attractive and well-built with a thick head of brown hair. His daughter had inherited her love of sports from him and he still liked to keep himself fit and active. Swallowing down his excitement, he headed downstairs and over to the sliding glass doors at the back of the house. Outside he could see the three deck chairs next to the pool, with Diana's towel over one of them.

The door slid open and he stepped gingerly onto the hot tiles, looking around. There was a little splash from the pool and he headed over to it. He was only a few feet away when Diana emerged from the water, hauling herself up on the edge of the pool. He stopped dead, his mouth falling open.

His beautiful eighteen year old daughter lifted herself up with her strong arms, water cascading from her long brown hair. Her breasts were squeezed between her arms, perfectly round. She lifted herself out of the pool and stood on the tiles, dripping water as she smiled at him.

She was barely dressed at all. Her nipples were covered by a strip of tight red material that circled her torso and looked in peril of falling off completely. A tiny triangle of red covered her crotch, held by two thin red strings that ran over her hips. As she turned to pick up her towel, he saw that the red string vanished between the firm globes of her ass, which were totally bare. She gave her hair a rub with the towel, making the juicy flesh of her chest shimmy in the sunlight.

"Hello Daddy," She said cheerfully. "I'm so happy you came down."

"Guh..." He blurted.

"Do you like my new suit?" She asked, dropping the towel and twirling on the spot. Glittering droplets flew off the flawless body like diamonds.

"Glewh... Wuh?"

"Here, come and have a swim with me." She said, walking towards him. He couldn't help but notice the way the muscles in her legs moved so gracefully, her gleaming abs flexing.

"Uh, I don't have a, uh, suit, uh..." He garbled, unable to take his eyes off her body. God, how had this creature come out of his sperm, how had his genes made such a goddess?

"That's okay," She said, standing very close to him. He could smell the pool water on her body. "Here, just take this off."

She was holding the bottom of his shirt. Before he could complain, Diana was pulling it up and he automatically took over and slipped it over his head. He looked down at her, feeling very nervous in her presence. Somehow, he could tell she was nervous, too.

"Maybe you should take your shorts off too," She said. "Um, you know, so they don't get wet?"

"Um, I don't know," He said feebly. "Um, sweetie..."

"Here." His daughter said and sank into a crouch in front of him. Her fingers found the waistband of the shorts and pulled them down his legs. He was left with only his thin boxers over the bulge of his excited crotch, mere inches from her face. He noticed Diana glance at it, before she looked up at him and smiled.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Oh yes." He breathed.

"Then let's jump in!" She giggled, standing up and diving perfectly into the pool. Joe had to shake himself before launching himself eagerly into the water, nowhere near as gracefully as she had. He came up spluttering, looking around for her. The water felt cool on his hot body. In the thin boxers, he felt as though he was naked.

Another hot body pressed against his back and strong legs wrapped around his hips.

"Got you, Daddy!" Diana said happily in his ear.

He grabbed her legs automatically, loving how they felt under his hands, so toned and smooth. He could feel the press of her breasts on his back.

"Ah, you got me," He said, trying to sound normal. "You're too sneaky for me."

She laughed and released him, swimming around him easily. She looked completely majestic in the water, her eyes sparkling.

"You see, Daddy?" She said. "It's nice to swim with me."

"It sure is." He replied.

"So you're okay with being in the pool?"

"Yes, of course, sweetie," He was having trouble avoiding looking at the sensational body under the surface. "It's very nice."

"That's great!" She said, still seeming nervous. He was standing awkwardly, unsure of what to do, knowing he should say or do something normal. He was still debating when his daughter swam up to him and pushed her body against his front.

"Oh Daddy," She said. "It's so nice to see you in the water."

"It's uh, nice to see you too." He said clumsily. He was sure she must be able to feel the erection in his boxers, its felt like it was squashed against her thigh. He glanced down, seeing the curves of her bust flattened on his chest. They felt very warm.

"I, uh," He mumbled. "Maybe I should, uh, get out, sweetie."

"No, Daddy-"

"No sweetie, I feel a bit, um..."

"It's okay, Daddy," She said softly. "I can help you."

Joe gasped as he felt his daughter's hand smoothly close around the hard length of his boner, the underwear so thin that it might as well have not been there. He was as hard as he ever remembered being, feeling her fingers close around the thickness of his shaft. He looked into her eyes, which were studying his own face. She was smiling, as though she had won something.

"Di, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, Daddy," She whispered. "I want to help you."

The little hand was squeezing his dick, rubbing it up and down. The feeling was incredibly intense, he moaned aloud.

"No, don't." He panted.

"Let me help you, Daddy," She soothed. "I know you want to."

He moaned again as she jerked him faster, her tits rubbing his chest in time with her hand. Her free hand took his hand and shoved it against her butt. Reflexively he grasped it, groaning it ecstasy as he felt the young ass cheek in his palm.

"Oh God," He moaned. "Oh, stop, Di, stop. Please stop."

"No Daddy," She whispered, her face very close to his. "Let me do it. Let me wank your cock."

"Oh God." He said again, unable to even let go of her ass. It was just too good, the tight little body of his daughter up against his hot skin, the motion of her hand on his rigid flesh. She was smiling at him still, her beautiful face framed by her gleaming wet hair.

"Stop sweetie," He was saying, though he didn't want to. "We can't, we can't do this."

"Yes we can, Daddy," She said matter-of-factly. "It's good for you."

"No, stop it."

"I want to suck your cock, Daddy," She said, as though talking about some everyday activity. "Would you like me to suck it?"

"No, no, stop," He said, though he could move away. "No, we have to stop."

She was moving away from him instead, except for her hand, which maintained it grasp on his erection. He followed dumbly, wading through the water. She was leading him by the dick, smiling like they were playing a game. When they reached the edge she slapped the tiles with her free hand.

"Sit up here, Daddy."

"No, Di, you need to listen to me. We have to stop."

Her hand left his cock, but only so she could pull at his shorts, yanking them down his thighs under the water. If he had thought the feel of her hand was blissful before, the feel of it on his bare boner was totally incredible. The flimsy shorts floated down his legs as she started stroking the throbbing cock, still smiling sweetly.

"Oh Daddy," She said patiently. "Just sit up here. Just give it a try."

"No, no, we can't," He protested, even as he pulled himself up onto the edge. "No. stop."

She ignored him. He was sitting now with his legs in the water, his inflamed cock sticking straight up in the air. His daughter was between his thighs, her breasts against his skin, smiling down at his cock.

"Wow, Daddy, your cock is so much bigger."

"Um, what?" He said faintly, his head spinning.

"I mean, um, bigger than I expected," She giggled nervously. "It looks really good."

"Uh, thanks," He stammered. "I mean, no, sweetie, we-"

"Sssh, Daddy. I want to suck your cock."

"No, stop it-"

"I want to suck out the cum."


His denial became a cry of wordless enjoyment as Diana kissed the end of his cock and sucked the head into her mouth. He felt her tongue licking at the glands, probing at the eye of his penis as her lips sealed under his flange. The sensation was unbelievable. He had never understood sensations being described as electric before, now he felt as though she had blown every fuse in his body. It was a power surge of pleasure, rocketing up his cock.

Diana used one of her hands to grip the base of the cock, the other grasped his thigh to steady herself as she drew the erection further into her mouth. She was amazed at the length and width of her father's cock, so much bigger than Father Bland's. She didn't know if she'd be able to suck it properly, her jaw was stretched wide already. She was also amazed at how Father Bland had known exactly what would happen -- how her father would argue at first, then let her help him. Father Bland must really be guided by God!

Speaking of God, her own father seemed to be saying the Lord's name quite a lot. She had been told to expect this, so ignored it. Instead she concentrated on getting more of the big cock into her mouth, sucking hard and licking it the way Father Bland had told her to. It was much more difficult, the cock was reaching all the way to the back of her mouth and she still hadn't reached where her hand was holding it. There was no way she was going to get as much of it in.