Father Michael

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Innocent woman meets her priest and discover her husband's.
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I'm Carol, a married woman. I've been married five years to Jim, a wonderful and supportive husband. I have never strayed or had any thoughts about other men but one night, after a nice dinner, we stopped into a place to have a drink and dance. We met a man who Jim liked and seemed to like us. Since Jim doesn't dance much, the man, Ralph, asked me to dance. He pulled me close and in after a while began to fondle me, touching my butt and my covered breasts. I resisted but he was too strong so I guess I let him have his way. I felt bad that I had and that we were dancing that way in front of Jim. Since I was a Catholic, I promised myself that I would go to confession.

Going to the church the next Saturday, I entered into the confessional to give Father Michael my confession. I confessed a few things then hesitated and tried to get out what had happened the previous week. With some encouragement from Father Michael, I was able to blurt out that I had let another man touch me in inappropriate ways. He made me explain more in detail. I told him about the dancing and how I was touched.

He asked, "Where did he touch you?" and "Did you try to resist?" I said he touched my rear and some of my breasts and that I resisted at first.

"Tell me, if you stopped resisting does that mean you liked it?"

I admitted that I didn't feel it was very bad. He kept asking so I had to finally admit, I liked his touches.

He asked about my husband, if it worried me to be intimately dancing with another man.

When I told him that Jim was aware and that he didn't seem to mind, Father Michael's tone seem to change. He wanted to know if I told my husband of my feelings and how I was feeling talking about it. I tried to explain that I felt bad and that I Jim and I never talked about it. When he asked how I was feeling right then. I told him that I was uncomfortable but somehow also relived that I had confessed it.

He told me to reflect on what I had had done and gave me a few prayers so say but that I should came back into the confessional after the other people were gone. It was a strange request but I felt he knew best and that he really bad my interests in mind.

When the others had left, I went back into the confessional. He told me that what I had done wasn't anything evil and that I needed to further express my thoughts and feelings. He told me to touch myself in the same way as the man had done and to tell him how it felt. I did as he asked and ran a hand over my breasts. As I did, Father Michael wanted me to describe how and where I was touching and how it made me feel. I didnt know what to say but his questioning made me want to be open with him. Our conversation wen t something like this:

"I'm touching my blouse over my breasts."

"One hand or two?

"Just one"

"Try using both hands. How does that feel?"

I remember mumbling and acknowledging that it felt good.

"Does touching yourself make you nipples respond?" he wanted to know.


He told me to unbutton my blouse and touch myself again. When I did, he asked me to describe my feelings and if as I aroused? inside, I remember being very aroused but tried to stay calm. I had never been in a confessional with my blouse open and feeling good about it. Probing further, Father Michael wanted to know if I ever touched myself when I was alone, how it made me feel and if anyone other than my husband had touched my breasts before.

My hands kept touching and I told him that I did touch myself at times but that no other men had ever touched me. He pointedly asked me if I wanted the man I had mentioned, to touch my breasts. I was taken back. I told Father that, "Under no certain terms would I ever let that happen." I heard him laugh.

"My dear, if you didn't ever think of it, you are only fooling yourself. Most women have those thoughts, its just that few actually act upon their feelings. Tell me the truth."

"Father, in a way I did think of it, but I also know it's wrong."

I heard more chuckling.

"Carol, may I call you that? Thoughts and deeds need not all be wrong. If your husband saw the man touching you, then he must have thought it okay. You need to take into account his feelings too."

"You're right, Father. I have to believe that Jim allowed the man to touch me and felt that it was okay."

"Given your husband's permission, could you imagine another man caressing your breasts?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to take off your bra, close your eyes and imaging being touched my a man, not your husband. Then I want you to tell me how it feels."

As strange as it seemed and being somewhat aroused by our discussion, I did as father Michal asked.

"Is your bra off?" he asked. "Close your eyes and imagine the man."

Nervously I answered, "Yes, I am.....but......but.....why do you want me to do this?"

"I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you and that the things that you are feeling are very normal. Don't be afraid of touching all of your breasts. I'm sure that your nipples are hard now."

"Oh yes Father......I am......"

He kept talking and encouraging me to touch myself and telling him how I was feeling. The more he spoke, the harder my nipples got. I never felt as excited as I was right then.

"One more thing. I want to tell you husband about your feelings and then I want to meet with you and your him tomorrow evening."

After a while, he told me to relax and to get dressed. As I exited the booth, Father Michael came out and gave me a hug. It was more that I expected as I could still feel arousal in my breasts and nipples as he pressed against me.


That night, I told Jim that I liked dancing with Ralph and that I had thoughts of wanting to do it again. He wanted to know what kinds of thoughts. I mentioned the touching but not about how I liked the feeling. When I asked Jim if he saw Ralph touching me, he said he did and didn't mind. That was a bit of a surprise so I told him I had gone to confession and that Farther Michael wanted to talk to us. I said I wasn't sure what it was about but that we should go anyway.

After dinner, we went to the rectory and knocked on the door. Father Michael, in ordinary clothes, welcomed us I and offered some refreshments. We sat together on a leather sofa and Father told us that he often liked to visit with new couples, He said he liked to explain about the church and find out about them. I felt at ease until Father Michael mentioned my visit to him and about me intimately dancing with a another man. Turning to Jim, he wanted to know about how Jim felt about that incidence. At first, I could tell Jim was uncomfortable, he looked at me than at Father Michael. The priest was very forward and told Jim that he had nothing to be afraid of by talking about his feelings.

"I want to be open and frank with you Jim, it's perfectly natural to allow your wife to dance with others to be secure within your own self and not be jealous. Tell me, would you like to see Carol, here, dancing with other men?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What about intimately dancing and maybe some touching?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that."

"But you did see her and even told her that it was okay."

"Yes, I did."

"Tell me, did seeing them excite you a little bit?"

Jim wasn't sure how to answer. Looking at me he wanted to know what I had told the priest.

"Carol, you told me that because Jim didn't mind, that you felt you had his permission to keep dancing with this man. Isn't that, right?"

Yes. In a way that's how I felt."

"Stand up and show me where the man touched you."

I stood up and lightly ran a hand over my blouse.

"Is that what you saw Jim? How did it make you feel?"

Looking at me then the priest," Father, I have to admit, it did excite me a bit but he didn't seem out of line or anything. I liked him so I let it go."

"Would you have liked him to go a little further, maybe caress her even more?"

"No of course not, especially not at the time."

"How about now?"

"Oh... maybe"

I was feeling strange as I listened to these two men talking. I felt Jim was uncomfortable disclosing his feelings and but being aroused at the same time.

"Carol, come stand beside me."

I stood up and Father Michael put an arm around me.

"Jim, how does this make you feel?"

"It's okay."

He put a hand on one of my covered breasts, I stood motionless. "What if I touch her like this."

Jim sat upright with his mouth open. He wanted to say something but didn't.

"Jim, Its okay. I think you and Carol are a great and lovely couple, Nothing should stand in the way for either of you to enjoy the company of others."

As he spoke, He squeezed my breast and I saw Jim smile and settle back on the sofa.

"Carol, I know you like this feeling, show me how you like to be touched."

My mind went back to the confessional, I began to rub myself as I did in the booth.

"See, she knows how to receive pleasure. Do you like seeing her doing that?"

"I don't know Father, Is this right? I mean I guess I do but this is a church and you're a priest."

"I'm a priest who wants to help a couple get over some misconceptions. I need to know if you get pleasure seeing her receive pleasure?"

Jim was in a quandary but looking at me, he seemed to accept the fact that Father Michael's hand was on me. I nodded at him as my way of wanting him to be open. I didn't care what the priest was doing, I just wanted to hear what he was thinking.

Jim bowed his head, put his hands to his sides, took a deep breath and slowly responded, "Yes, yes....I guess I do."

Father Michael kept questioning Jim, "What did you think, what did you really feel inside when you saw Carol dancing with Ralph?"

Hesitantly he started to talk, "I...I.... I was sort of glad.....I mean....in a way, I was wishing I was him and could be as bold while dancing."

"I think I understand; you had the idea that if you couldn't be open and intimate with your wife then you were glad to see her with another man. Isn't that what you were thinking?"

"Yes, I suppose that is what I thought."

Still standing next to Father Michael as he lightly squeezed on of my breasts, "Did it excite you? Are you aroused right now seeing her being intimately touched?"

"Father, I admit it does arouse me.....I can't help it."

"Carol, how does it make you feel, knowing that your husband likes to see you with another man? Do you feel the same way?"

I looked up at him, then his hand covering my breast, I nodded.

"Father, this is a lot to take in. I didn't know about Jim's thoughts. In a lot of ways, I'm beginning to understand."

"But, how does it make you feel, knowing he gets aroused? Does standing here with me make you feel more or less aroused?"

I looked at Jim, there was defiantly a bulge in his slacks. I also felt a twinge in myself as we talked.

"This is now all beginning to make sense to me. I feel aroused because Jim is also aroused. Like you told me before, 'not everything I do or think is wrong and that if my husband feels the same then it must be okay'."

"Carol, dear, you are so right. I hope you don't feel intimidated or shy but I want you to touch yourself and show your husband how you like to be touched."

Father Michael dropped his hand, nodded to me and as I stood there, in front of Jim, I began to run my hands over my covered breasts. As I did, Jim sat up and stared at me, and his bulge seemed to get bigger.

"Jim, look at your wife, she is trying to tell you that she enjoys being intimately touched. Can you do that or would you like someone else to touch her?"

Jim stared but couldn't answer, Father Michael repeated his question.

"Jim, I know this is hard but I'm only trying to help. Look at your wife, she has a lovely figure. I'm only one man but I have to believe other men also find her attractive. I f you could, would you like to see her in the arms of another men? Maybe exposed? Would that increase your arousal, knowing she would derive satisfaction from it?"

"Oh God, Father, this makes me feel crazy. Tell me I'm not. Yes, she's beautiful and I do sometimes wish other men could see her as beautiful too."

"Carol, please take off your blouse."

I knew I needed to obey but seeing Jim, looking confused, I felt partially responsible for his distraught. Michel nodded at me and so I started to unbutton. I wanted to stop but somehow, in the presence of this priest and my husband, who I loved, knew I had to help. I slipped off my top and stool in my bra, hands behind my back and looked at Jim. A calm seemed to come over him as I did.

Father Michael put an arm around me and we took a step closer to Jim.

"What are you feeling now? Does your wife appeal to you? Would she appeal to other men? What would you say to them? Say to her? If you wanted to show her off this way?"

Jim just stared and shook his head.

"Just say what you're thinking. Nothing is wrong or bad with any of your thoughts. Tell your wife what you would say to her if another man wanted to see more of her. I know you love her and that's good. Just be open and tell her."

"Carol, you know I love you but I can't help or stop some of the things I'm thinking about. When I saw you with Ralph that night, I really liked watching the two of you. I saw that you liked him too so I was glad. Maybe, just maybe, I sort of wished that we could be together again and you and he could dance. Please try to understand."

"I think she does. Now, Jim, if Ralph was here, what would you say to her. Would you like to see her as she is now, in only her bra or maybe something more reveling?"

Jim's hand automatically went to his crotch and I couldn't help staring. Father Michael was groding him on and I could tell that Jim was getting more and more aroused. Seeing him excited, aroused me too.

"Jim, should Carol expose her breasts to Ralph? Tell her that you want her to. If he were here, I'm sure he would like to hear you say it. It's okay, I know its not easy but you need to let her know that it's what you want."

He mumbled something, Father had him say it again, then louder. He half rose up from the sofa and shouted:

"Carol, take off your bra!"

With a helping hand from Father Michael, I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor.

"How about the skirt too Carol, show your husband that you love him and how much want to please him."

Father steadied me as I fumbled and loosened my skirt. By this time, I wasn't feeling any embarrassment rather feeling relaxed in the presence of my priest. After all, last week in the confessional, I had expressed my feelings to him as I undressed and caressed myself. Now, I wanted show my husband, as well as myself, that he had no reason to feel ashamed of his feelings.

"Jim, as you can see, a married couple needs to openly communicate their feelings to each other. I may not be married but I have counseled many couples this way. Communication is the key; I don't want to be the one to be talking to you about divorce. Now, tell Carol how ravishing she looks, that she pleases you and that you wouldn't mind if she was as open with another man."

"Carol, honey, do you really understand me and my way of thinking? I know I don't always tell you what I'm thinking, I was afraid you wouldn't understand. Seeing you, I know now that you are trying to understand. Thank you for being so kind so me."

"Give you husband a kiss; show him you love him and understand."

I went over and kissed Jim. We held each other for a while. It was a very warm and special feeling. He put my hand on his crotch and had tears in his eyes as he did. I could tell that he was still sexually excited and I felt relieved that he had opened up.

"I love you Carol, thank you again."

"Kids, I think you have made a lot of progress today. It makes me feel good that you can allow each other to be yourselves. Jim. Please never be afraid to tell and show Carol how excited you get. Carol, you need to be as willing to please Jim in his needs. I would like to see the both of you again in about two weeks. Oh, and one more thing. If you can, and I hope you can, please contact Ralph and arrange to meet him for dinner or something. I feel that meeting with him again will help the both of you. When you come back, you can tell be about it."

We left the rectory feeling good about ourselves, personally I now felt I had nothing to be ashamed of. Once in bed, Jim and I kissed and hugged before going to sleep.

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JimmyWPG81JimmyWPG81about 1 month ago

Such a fun story!! Hope you are well, Carol - thanks for these stories.

Bogey3Bogey310 months ago

Fun story. I hope that you continue writing

Tasmanian_toungueTasmanian_toungue10 months ago

Very teasing story, more for a good edging than a hard cum, but still enjoyable.

PatsysubPatsysub11 months ago

i like it so much when my wife teasing me in revealing clothes,showing her cleavage or lingerie&high heels to other men,she humiliates me sometimes telling me i,m a pervert,when a wet spot on my pants is visible because of her dirty talk,saying she,s gonna go without underwear to visiting my parents,only thigh highs&high heel sandals under a short dress,but i like that,isn,t it?And then i came in my pants!

B0bbyshaft0B0bbyshaft011 months ago

The erection your story gave me unfurled like a spring blossom until it was as hard as a red hot poker. You haven’t lost your touch. I would so like to feel your cool finger tips on my cock.

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