Fatherly Love


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I go for a run in the early hours, trying to understand what just happened; why didn't I stop myself before it was too late? When I return, Jimmy is fast asleep in my bed. Fuck. I sleep on the couch tonight.


One hour before my alarm goes off, I'm fully awake. The sun is yet to come, and I found myself alone in Luke's bed. He's not here. Dad is still fast asleep in his bedroom, hard cock under those sheets, and I find Luke in the living room. What happened yesterday was more than I could have ever wished for.

He avoids me the rest of the week, which only strengthens my desire. Are you jealous I didn't suck your cock, or jealous you were not sucking your dad? I think a lot about his words, and the most honest answer is the one I'm most afraid of. I consciously try to get closer to them, both of them. Only wearing my underwear at home gets everyone more at ease, dad wears only shorts. I complimented him the other day, encouraging him to join the local gym.

This afternoon I'm helping him to set up a dating app account, as I promised. He met Sophie through a friend of a friend, and when I told him he could meet hundreds of women on his phone, he finally gave in. Easier than discussing with your friends your type of girl.

"How tall are you?" I ask as he looks sheepish under my shoulder. "You should be the one doing this."

"I'm 6ft2, and you know all of that already. Besides, you were born with a phone in your hands while I'm just an old sod."

"Phew, I was wondering when you'd start complaining," I laugh. "Right, 6ft2. I thought you were 6ft4?"

"No, that's more like Luke, or 6ft5, actually. Do I need to say my weight?" dad asks, making a shy face.

"Not really. That's fine."

We scroll down the list of physical attributes, and I help him fill out what he's looking for. "Shall I just write big boobs and tight pussy?"

Dad laughs, leaning back on the couch and spreading his legs. "You can't write that, can you?"

"You can, but I wonder what sort of people you'd attract."

He places his arm around my back, and it feels nice and warm. I'm protected and safe in his arms. "Let's not do that. The last thing I want is for someone to think I'm just a fucking creep."

"If you have a good picture, you can get away with anything, dad." I lean on him just enough to get his body heat transferred to me while I hold the phone in my hands.

"Is that so? And you have that experience? Can you get away with anything?"

I blush. "Dad, it's not like that. I don't have dating apps."

"How's Nancy?"

"There's no Nancy anymore, dad. It wasn't working out."

"Oh, you didn't tell me that." Then, he scruffs my hair, "well, I'm sure you'll find a nice young woman - or man - in your right time."

Or man.

"I'm not gay, dad," I lie.

"I'm not saying you are, just telling you whatever you choose, I'll always be here for you."

I dive for a hug, enjoying how big his body is, and how I love him more and more with each passing day. His words are vital, and they resonate with me.

"I notice Luke is not sleeping in your bed anymore. Are you guys alright?"

He smiles, not uncomfortable. "Son, Luke and I are terrific friends, and I don't want you to think that I want to replace mother with anyone. I know I had a few girlfriends, but it's hard to -"

"I know that, don't worry. And you're entitled to be happy. I think it's easy to be jealous, but I have no right to do so."

"Jealous? Like they'll take me away from you?"

Somehow, he hit the stop with extraordinary precision. "Maybe?"

"Jimmy, oh my dear Jimmy, that's never going to happen. You come first, before any friend, before any lover."

"It's alright dad, doesn't have to be in that order. You need to put yourself first."

Dad sits upright, legs taking over the couch, his body fragrance subtly entering my nostrils. "Jimmy, if one day you'll be a father, you'll understand. It's a love like no other."

The silence sits between us until I bury my head in his chest and whisper a thank you, his hands around my hair, brushing it, soothing me. "I love you," I confess, a feeling so strong that I doubt anyone can break it, and he replies without hesitation in his voice, I love you too, Jimmy and the silence stays for a little longer, the lingering emotions of a father and a son.

He lets me lay my head on his lap as I clutch to his clothes and caresses my hair. "Jimmy, Jimmy, what's on your head?" His touch feels right. The soothing of his voice carries me into an almost dream world where nothing matters. Just dad and I. And he replies to my pledge, "I love you too, son. And I'm always here, no matter what."

No matter what.

I don't answer and just let him take care of me. His hand caresses my arm and plays with the lines of my muscles. "You turned into a wonderful man, you know that? It's marvelous to watch you play, and I'm sure tomorrow you'll be a winner again."

There's some anxiety that he's able to brush away. "I'll win it for you, dad," I tell him, tasting the warmness of his body on my face. His legs are strong, providing a hard surface with a soft coating, and it's comfortable to lay there. It's tempting to caress the inside of his thighs, but I'm also afraid to scare him away.

"Nah, Jimmy, you win that for yourself. Fight for what you believe in. I'll be happy either way, so don't put that pressure on you."

The fabric of his sweatpants is soft and comfortable, and I wonder if he's as hard as myself. Dad would never forgive me if I tried anything of that nature - he used to have Sophie for that, but now, he has no one. I can help.

"That's alright, dad," I say, touching his leg and sensing his shiver. I'm close. "How was the breakup with Sophie?"

"It was predictable." His hand is gentle on my forehead. "I think it was for the best, anyway. That's why we're looking into this dating app shit, ain't it?"

"There's also Luke, dad."

"Luke is a friend, not a date."

My hand gently slips onto his inner thigh, and he sighs. "I think he'd like to be more than a friend, dad."

He stays silent for a while, and his fingers softly play with the hem of my shirt, pulling it up. Skin on skin. "You think?" I hum a, yes, and then he drums softly against my ribs, shivers traveling at the speed of light. "Tell me, Jimmy, would you be jealous like you were with Sophie?"

"I'm not jealous."

"It wasn't the easiest of the times when I brought her over. That's why I didn't insist."

He lets me keep the hand on his inner thigh.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, like when mom left us."

He keeps his hand on my ribs, probably sensing my heart beating on his fingertips. The living room is in absolute silence, his breathing echoing in my eardrums and warmness on the middle of his legs that travels through to my hands. Being so close and intimate with him makes me a happy son. I adjust the position on the couch, getting into a more fetal position, pulling my legs up a bit, and shifting my head a little closer to his tummy. Daddy says nothing, but his breathing changes. Luke didn't tell me why he was muttering my name, Jimmy, when they came back from their Saturday night outs, but if I heard them right, something was going on that included me. It's not fair to try and get a reaction from dad like this, but I'm enjoying the intimacy if nothing comes of it. What I don't want is dad pushing me away and sealing himself into a hermetic box of feelings.

"Don't worry, son, I know I can count on you. I always did." His hand slips down my ribs, and a couple of fingers are in between the elastic band of my briefs, just on the hip bone, and now it is my breathing that changes. "You've always been a good boy, and even if you're not my son, I love you like one."

There's no doubt about my dad's erection. The briefs are saving him from a pitching tent, but when I press my face down, there's no doubt about it. My hand caresses his inner thigh, and I brush gently against the hardness of his cock. There's no way he's not feeling it, but he keeps it to himself. His hand goes below the elastic band of my underwear and he is breathing heavily - what's on his mind?

"I want to be the best son," I reply, shy and coy. I caress him in languid movements, and the back of my hand is exposed to his aching erection. Never, in my life, I thought I could be this close to him. All the fantasies that played in my head didn't come close to the anxiety of being this near my most wanted prize. My cock was hard inside my briefs, stretching the fabric of my underwear, and dad's hand was getting closer. He wants the same as I want. I attempt to go further, and my hand leans against a hard cock.

But dad grabs my wrist.

"That's close enough, son."

I leave my hand there, not daring to move.

"Let's enjoy the moment."

A minute goes by when neither of us moves. His hand is still half inside my briefs, and now I wiggle my ass a little bit, so he has to make a move. Instead of going for my cock, as I desired, he takes his hand from my undies and places it back on my ribs, caressing my skin while murmuring my name.

"What's wrong dad?" I ask, keeping my hand still on his leg and knowing very well he's still as hard as me.

"I feel wrong doing this, Jimmy. It's great to have intimacy with you, but the last thing I want is for you to think I'm an old pervert."

"Dad, I don't think any of that. I want this too," and I take the chance to press down his cock with my hand, making him gasp. He's tempted.

"Oh Jimmy, if only things were simpler."

I grab his hand, returning it to the elastic straps of my underwear, where it feels so good. "Don't worry about that," I say, words to tempt him, words to gain his respect and trust. "I need this as much as you."

But dad is not willing to betray his instincts. "No, son, there is a reason we are not meant to be involved with our own family. I can't break that trust."

"But you want this," I protest as he takes my hand away and prepares to stand up.

"And I shouldn't. Don't you see, Jimmy, this is forbidden."

"But! I saw you and Luke doing it!"

He goes silent for a second as his face changes from disturbed to upset.

"You shouldn't have. But that's alright, you are a grown-up now."

"Who's Brian?" The name has been on the back of my head since the night they arrive home late.

"Brian?" Father goes white in the face. "Who told you about Brian?"

"I heard you talking about him to Luke. Something like we can't keep doing this, Brian looks too much like Jimmy, and one day you can't tell the difference. So, who's Brian?"

"Nevermind. Forget about it."


"No, Jimmy. I'm too ashamed of my actions, and I won't put you through with it. I want you to be a healthy young man. Now that Nancy is gone, you'll find someone else." He stands up.

"Dad, please. I don't want you to run away from me. I promise I won't try anything else, but can we please be closer together? I don't want to be alone again."

"You're not alone, Jimmy. I'm here for whatever you need, but please, don't push the boundaries."

"I won't, daddy," I say, standing up. I don't tell him about the time Luke blew me because it comes across as too much information to take in one go. I see him going into his room and won't forget the bulge in his sweatpants.


As soon as the bedroom door is locked, I let my sweatpants drop to my knees and can't stop until I shoot my load, soaking it up in my shirt. My body shakes violently as I try my best to stop my moans from turning into screams, and all I have to blame is my fucking son.

His fucking sweet head on my lap, his hand caressing my thighs, his mouth so close, everything so goddamn close to becoming a sinful offense from which I can never recover. His body is a constant temptation, and he was as hard as me - that I could tell easily and took all of me to avoid grabbing him.

The masturbation goes on as I'm not done yet. I have never been this hard in a very long time; his scent of body wash and promises of the best head make me keep going, my balls not empty yet. The way he looked at me, he'll let me do all the things I want to do, all the nasty things. Brian was just an experiment, a prototype of the real thing, a smaller and less enticing version of reality.

And he was so fucking good already. The orgasms he gave me, how he let me fuck him senseless until his words were nothing but incoherent babbling, and how he learned to answer by Jimmy. Fuck! Another load comes at the speed of light, splashing against the mirror in front of me as I bite my lip thinking about my son.

I drop to my knees, weak, watching the come dripping down the mirror, leaving a trail of lustful sins and unforgiving desires. If someone finds out, it's the end of me.

I check if the corridor is clear and go to the bathroom, turning on the cold water to see if my erection goes down, but it's a challenge. I try not to think about him, but Jimmy's face is all over my mind right now, and his gorgeous body. The way he fills in his singlet drives me mad, always did, but right now, it's all I can think about.

He knocks on the door to check if I'm ok. I yell a yes, and get on with the shower. Wrap a towel around my waist and get dressed in my running gear, and go out. I haven't run in ages, but it seems the only thing to get him out of my mind. I text Brian, and he agrees to meet. His house isn't that far away, and I make my way running there.

Brian asks me to be quiet, as he has a roommate staying at home, but I don't care. I close his bedroom door and look at him: his haircut is recent, and the way he styles his hair is just like Jimmy's. That fucks me up. Why is my brain wired like this? I pull him towards me and kiss him hard and deep, soaking his perfect clean shirt on my sweat-soaked clothes. I want to consume him until he can't walk anymore.

The intern doesn't have to be told what to do as he kneels in front of me and releases my cock from the shorts as I remove my shirt and throw it to the floor. He is good at sucking cock, but I force his head to his limits repeatedly. I want rage, I want power.

There's dominance in knowing he's not Jimmy. And also anger because he is not Jimmy.

"Slow down, Simon," he asks, long strings of saliva coming down his chin, "you're very rough today."

All my veins are engorged, and I pick Brian up and turn him upside down, burying his face on my cock one more time and ripping his preppy trousers open without second thoughts, and tearing a hole in his underwear. My tongue has no mercy on his crack, and I want him moaning my name sooner rather than later.

I lube him up as best as I can, throwing him on the bed, and I suck his cock to the point of his orgasm. He's shivering under my power. I don't swallow and instead use his own desire to lube him up, and without asking, my cock enters him.

He asked me to be quiet, but Brian is the one shouting my name, nails holding onto my skin like hooks, his back arched as my body takes over him. There's no time for sweet talking, I want to fuck him, and I'm tearing down his hole. Just like I'd do to Jimmy if that wasn't off the table.

The bed rocks against the walls as I come inside him, but I don't stop. I flip him on his stomach and keep fucking him, pulling his arms back until Brian's nothing more than a submissive thing, screaming my name for everyone to hear.

I won't say his name once. Instead, Jimmy is on my lips every single time. I crush him over with my weight until another orgasm rips through my soul, one arm around his throat. I lost count of how many times I made him come, but after one hour of relentless fucking, sweat is everywhere, and Brian begs me to stop.

"You sure we can't fuck one more time?" I tease him, but I can see in his eyes how exhausted he is.

"What got into you? God, my hole can't take anymore. I can't even walk."

I helped him into the bathroom, his body filled to the brim with my sperm, and I showered him with tenderness. My cock is still ready for more, but I respect him enough to ignore my urges. At least I got relief without breaking my promise of leaving Jimmy alone.

"Why do you keep calling me Jimmy?" Brian asks one more time.

"It's just a fantasy."

"I see. Well, it's the best sex of my life, but it's hard to keep it up with you, Simon. You broke me again."

I wash his legs and cock with kindness, noticing his beauty, and apologize. "The other time was Luke's fault."

"I passed out. God, I never knew it could happen, but the pleasure was great."

"Well, whenever you want to repeat, call me."

We end up kissing again, and he gives me another blowjob, treating my cock like a king, and I wonder if Jimmy would ever do that to me. I tuck him in his bed and leave some money for the clothes I damaged, get my shirt and shorts back on and leave his building with a semi. The run back home helped get things under control, and my legs hurt from both the running and the fucking. I don't dare tell Luke I came to fuck Brian.


The past few days, all my energy has been focused on getting the fucking job. The marathon of interviews is complicated, but I made it through. Friday is the last interview, the all-or-nothing. And I don't have a plan B.

The divorce papers arrive at the worst time, but things must be done, and in the evening before the interview, I'm signing it instead of preparing. Both Simon and Jimmy sit with me to give me support, but I'm fine. It was expected, and it's the end of an era. To Jimmy's eternal questions, no, I won't be dating anyone anytime soon.

Simon smiles at me as I close the envelope. "Done."

"You're very brave. I was in tears when it was mine."

"We talked it through. No more tears to cry. And tomorrow, fingers crossed, I'll get the fucking job, and you can finally get your room back."

Jimmy has puppy eyes. "I got used to you living here."

I bet you did--best blowjob in your life. And same goes for his father. It will be challenging, but it's best for all three of us. It's difficult to be chasing a relationship with Simon when he doesn't want one, at least with another man.

"How's that dating app profile going? How many pussies?"

Both men laugh. "Jimmy hasn't approved any of them yet."

"Oh, is he your filter?"

"Yes indeed. He sees red flags at a distance."

Jimmy has a shy smile. I bet he's trying to stop his dad from hooking up with another woman like Sophie, and that's just brilliant.

Tomorrow is Jimmy's final as well, and I wouldn't pass the chance of seeing him fighting in a singlet for the life of me. He goes to bed earlier to rest his body, and I stay alone with Simon for a little longer.

"Did anything happen?" I ask straight away, "you guys seem tense."

And Simon puts his head between his hands, "ah fuck. You can tell?"

Simon discloses his intimate moment with Jimmy on that couch and how bad he felt about that. "So it was just that, then?"

"No. I went to Brian's place."


"And fuck him so many times, dude. He couldn't walk afterward, I had to take him to his bed in my arms physically."

"You could have called me. I loved his tight ass."

"Not tight anymore."

He makes me smile. "Right, well, but why are you avoiding Jimmy? Do you think you can't control yourself?"

"I'm afraid he might think there's a chance of having anything with me, and I can't do that."

I take a deep breath, thinking if now is the right moment. I go looking for the whisky bottle, grab two glasses, and pour down the golden liquid.