Feuer Frei


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"You fucking know nothing about anything, your sluts up for it, I should know, I've been fucking her for weeks." Shaun shouted at me and stood with his fists clenched. Then glanced at Brians vacant seat. "Burney come here." he shouted, I was momentarily shocked, even though I already knew they ridiculed him by calling him Burney. "Go get him slut"

Obediently Loose slipped past him and headed upstairs calling out "Burney you get your wimpy arse back down here now."

I smiled as I filled my glass, they were both going to be furious in a minute when they realised he was gone, Shaun looked like he was ready to hit me, I needed a little more pressure to make sure of it. I stared at him "Your days of abusing him are done, now do yourself a favour and get your sorry, good for fuck all arse out of my house before I hurt you."

"Fucking what? You think you can take me you little shit. I'll rip your fucking head off and shit down your neck."

"ooooooo, I am so fucking scared, Cock Sucker." I said stressing the insult as I took a fag out of the pack.

"Where is Brian you bastards?" screamed Loose as she came running in the room.

"Dunno, did he fall in your cunt, slag?" I laughed at her. "Perhaps you should get four skin divers to go search. Maybe you can get them to fuck you afterwards, I am sure you can get loverboy here to stick his head in there and clean you out, I think you should know, you need a replacement."

"I picked up my glass in my left hand, the same hand as I held my unlit fag. I flipped my Zippo open. "So, big boy, are you man enough to be her cuckold? Could you be man enough to take what you have made Brian take? Hey soon to be cucky boy."

He started to move I threw the vodka into my mouth and flicked my zippo alight, he was rushing around the table towards me, red faced and raising his fists as I raised my lighter to my mouth and blew.

He screamed as the burning vodka hit him and engulfed his face, instinctively his hands moved to protect his face leaving him open to my attack. Punching his stomach, then stomach again. Ignoring the flames I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down, followed by a knee to the face. He was down, just for the hell of it I stamped on his bollocks. He laid there unconscious still doing a poor impersonation of Nic Cage in Ghost Rider. His repertoire was crap he finished with a really unconvincing Niki Lauda It looked more like a bad sunburn.

Loose was screaming and continued until Debs slapped her round the face. Shaun began to groan as he started to come round.

Debs looked at Loose and said. "Right tramp you had better take the human torch to the hospital and you had better come up with a good excuse for what happened and where it happened, because you were never here."

Loose looked completely shocked, she looked around searching for something. "Where's Brian?"

I looked at her and said "Safe".

Realising they were beaten, they got up and left, blisters were growing on Shauns head and his long blonde locks were no more. As I closed the door the slag hissed. "It's not over ."

Foolishly I ignored her comment and we set about cleaning up blood, putting things in the dishwasher and removing any trace that they had been here tonight, just in case they told the truth and brought the police here. Once we were satisfied that we had removed any evidence of either a dinner party and a scuffle I emptied the last open bottle of wine into two glasses and we sat down together and started to talk.

The Letter and more.

"Well it all started for me that night you came up with that stupid idea of opening our marriage up, that's when I started worrying, then when you had tied me up and the slut appeared at the door, it was obvious you had someone lined up to fuck. I was really worried. Its lucky for Shaun I got that letter because if he had fucked you I would have seriously fucked him."

"You mean you would have done more than that. What letter?"

"The only reason I didn't hurt him more than I did, was I don't trust that slag to keep her mouth closed any more than her legs. Bloody hell all he got was a little kicking and a slight singeing." I chose not to answer her question about the letter and continued with the things I needed to say. "But how about you, I got the idea you were too easily persuaded, what does that whore know that I don't?"

She looked worried. "I'll tell you but please finish telling me the bits I don't know. I will tell you afterwards."

Whatever it was I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was, but I agreed to finish before she told me so I continued. "I got home the day after; the day it pissed down with rain and picked up the post, it was all mailshots except one. It was hand addressed to me, I was curious I only ever get birthday cards handwritten to me so I opened it, and read. I pulled the letter from my pocket and read.

Joe I know we don't know each other very well, but I feel I must warn you before it is too late. A few years ago I let Lucy talk me into sharing her with other men. I said yes because I loved her. At first it was ok, I will never say good but then Shaun came along and my life is now hell. Now it seems he wants to get his hooks into your wife. He is charming when he wants to be, when he wants something, don't let him get her and don't let him fuck up your life the way he has mine. I don't think anything has happened yet but I fear it wont be long. You can phone me at the station if you need to know more, and we can arrange to meet. The number is XXXXXXX don't take too long.


"I had thought earlier that day about calling in to see him at the station and then it looked like I should have. So I made the call."

"After his shift I met up with him in the Drovers Way, a small backstreet pub that we expected to be almost empty.

I already had a beer when he arrived, I offered him one.

No thanks mate, he said then told me he would be in trouble just for being late and he didn't want her to know he was talking to me. I got him an orange and we went over to where we could talk privately.

We sat down and he started to talk.

He told me not to interrupt he had to get it all out in one or I wouldn't manage it. He told me Shaun is evil, he had destroyed him, his marriage and his life, he said he'd had enough and was getting out. He said that he thought Shaun suspected him, so he thought Shaun wanted to line me up to be his, that is Brians replacement and that stupid slag he married is helping Shaun to set it all up. He told me how she has been filling your head with bullshit about how good their life is, how much they like doing that shit. Then he said, and I quote. We, doesn't include me. I'll never forget the look on his face when he said those words, it really got to me. All I could see was a broken man. Then he told that he didn't think you had crossed the line yet but how the other day it might have happened He had walked in on you and Shaun, He said that getting disturbed had brought you to your senses momentarily, enough for you to get up and go. But he feared it was only a matter of time. I got the impression he had been punished for disturbing you but he didn't say so. Then with that same desperate look he said "Save her, save yourself don't make the same mistakes I have.""

I had to have a break my eyes had filled up, remembering that tortured soul, wanting, needing help but being the hero he was, he had wanted to save someone else first.

I told him that I had caught on, and now thanks to him I had a heads up that they didn't know about. I told him that while you might be believing Lucy but you were fighting the idea somewhat, I told him that you knew that I would never stand for it or you did after last night anyway. But then I told him that I had to act fast, and strike before they knew what hit them. I arranged to meet him the day after and to have a think whether he wants out. I said he'd done me a big favour, that he might have saved my marriage, I owed him either way."

"We nodded to each other and I left, leaving him there. I stopped off to buy that vodka and headed home, my mind working out the plan.

So when you got home I pretended to be pissed and tricked you into verifying what Brian had told me, and get you to admit things that you had been keeping from me. Then, as you know I told you as much as I dare, so I could make my plan work."

"Yes" she snivelled. "It wasn't till you came back down I realised you weren't drunk, you have that drunk act off to a tee you know."

She thought for a second then asked. "What do you mean as much as you dare?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

"N'No. I don't suppose I do, I can't apologise enough."

I wanted to say I doubt you ever could, but I kept it to myself, instead I asked. "Well what it it you have to tell me."

She turned red.

"I'I shouldn't have done it, you're going to be angry."

I got the distinct feeling she was not mistaken ,as I watched her summon up the strength to tell me.

"Remember that Saturday night, a couple of months ago?"

I nodded slowly, Yes I knew which night she meant, it was the night I first realised our sex life had turned to shit. I said nothing, my head running through the things we had done. Nothing new and I ended it early, it wasn't exciting, loving or passionate, it was a half hearted enactment of one of those fucking stories. First she had me kneel face down and she tied my wrists to my ankles, then my thighs together just above my knees. I was not comfortable or at ease, it was about a week after we had started to read those fucking stories. I was about to say something when she forced a ring gag into my mouth. Then she put headphones on me and played me music. That relaxed me a little, after all, so far, apart from the gag, nothing new. I had been aware she had left me alone for a while when she returned. She stood in front of me and I had raised my head to look at her. She was dressed in a black leather gimp mask with holes for eyes and a zip for a mouth, a lumberjack shirt, jeans and work boots. A black strap on cock protruded from the open flies and the sight of it all did nothing for me. I had feared for a second it was not her, but she pulled off the headphones and tried to sooth me. The only soothing it did, was to reassure me it was her. I was not relaxed and certainly not turned on. Then she tried to put the blindfold on me. For some reason I thought it was too much, maybe one of the stories I had read popped into my mind, I am not sure now. But for whatever reason I had objected, shaking my head violently and would not hold it still for her. She had kept on telling me to relax and calm down. She had grabbed my balls and squeezed and yet I had still resisted, I don't or didn't really know why, but I wasn't going to let it happen. Why are you fighting me? she had asked. Well if she hadn't gagged me I might have been able to answer. She had then gotten out some lube and started to grease me up, getting ready to to fuck me with the strap on, again I resisted. I might not have had much movement, but I had enough to make it difficult. Eventually I had convinced her that I was really getting fucking annoyed and was not going along with her plans easily, and she stopped and released me. Yes I remembered that night, it was when something changed. It was the night we decided that if we ever played bondage games again we needed a safe word and that safe word meant stop.

"Please don't hate me, hit me if you want, but please don't hate me."

I guess the anger raised by my memories was showing. Hate her? I didn't know. Angry? Certainly other feelings, emotions disgust, pity and probably sadness and despair. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Go on." I tried to keep my voice flat.

"L'Lucy, I'I let her in she was filming...."

That was as far as she got before the back door burst open.

The crashing of splitting wood and breaking glass refocused our attention.

Two men came through the open door, one holding a pry bar, the other, a pistol. The pistol pointed at me. They are wearing hoodies, baggy trousers and baseball caps. I might have laughed if it wasn't for the gun.

"It seems we have a stupid Cuck'. One that hasn't learned his place."

"Get out of my fucking house now." I shout, pulling Debs behind me.

"Listen up cucky, that meat now belongs to me." says the one with a gun.

"You were going to get to learn your place the easy way, but you acted up. You have taken Burney away from us, and hurt my friend, so now you're getting a crash course and it starts now."

The shock of their entrance had frozen me, looking at the gun in his hand kept me immobile.

"Come with me Mark, we will get the bedroom prepared" Lucy's voice, I had not noticed her come in behind them.

"Come here bitch, or I will put a hole in the wimp."

Wimp? Really? He obviously knows what went on earlier, ah well give a wanker a gun and he will think he's hard.

"No stay behind me Debs, if that gun goes off he will have to run." I say, trying to convince myself as much as her.

"N'no hun, I got us into this, I can't let you get hurt.

She looks terrified, her movements wooden and stiff. I reach out to her, our hands brush briefly, hers is limp, wet and clammy. She gets to him and he puts the gun to her head.

"Now cuck boy, you were right if the gun goes of me and my brother will have to leg it but now I got it against the bitches head, so no heroics." His voice grows louder as he now feels he has control. "Lead the way bitch, you follow cucky any tricks and she's dead."

She turns toward the stairs, he grabs her left shoulder with his left and and pushes the gun into her back. Debs seems to be forcing every step, as she reaches the stairs I have an idea. I hope she catches on.

"Going anywhere for your holidays this year?" I ask the man I assume to be Winston.


"I asked whether you were going anywhere for your holidays"

"What the fuck are you on about?" Debs stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Get a move on bitch." he said pushing at Debs. I took this as a sign she understood as she began to climb the stairs.

Debs is approaching the last few steps as I say. "We're going to Wales...........Aberystwyth."

Debs freezes, her foot touching the landing. Winston pushes her and shouts "Move." She falls forwards as I reach and grasp Winston's hood and drop to my knees pulling hard and punching the back of one of his knees. He tumbles over me and rolls head first down the stairs. I turn and run after him launching myself at him from the fourth stair I land on his chest, I hear a sharp crack and a metallic clatter as the gun slid off somewhere, ignoring it I call for Debs, she runs down the stairs to me. At the top of the stairs I see Lucy and behind her Mark is doing his trousers up I grab the keys from the hook and we run out of the door to the car. As we pull off a window smashes and we are showered with glass. I break the speed limit driving to the police station.


The police sent an armed response vehicle as soon as I mentioned the pistol. They found the house deserted apart from the body of Winston laying at the bottom of the stairs. He had a broken neck. Mark and Lucy were picked up at her house, both were summarily charged with Breaking and entering, conspiracy to commit rape, attempted rape, threatening behaviour and criminal damage. I was initially charged with manslaughter, but the CPS decided not to prosecute.

Brian has moved on to pastures new and Debs and I are trying to make a go of rebuilding our lives. Will I ever forgive her? Will we stay together? Maybe, only time will tell. Will I ever trust her again? Not a snowballs chance in hell.

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bigurnbigurn9 months ago

Good, but a little scetchy with the details. It seemed as if Shawn claimed to have been screwing Debs for the last couple of months. If so then all bets would be off. I would just be waiting for the right time to dump her... Dead or alive...

Pappy7Pappy7almost 2 years ago

Fairly well done story. That is a situation where him fighting for his marriage meant he had to fight his wife as well as the others. Not a good situation to be in. He should probably chuck all of them in into the sewer drain and move on. But ultimately it's his decision. Now, in the Southern States someone coming through the back door with a crowbar and a gun would end up at the morgue. Maybe wifey would be the victim of a stray bullet from the perps. Who knows?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

first 2 pages were good

socaltzrsocaltzralmost 3 years ago

You have a great rhythm in your storytelling. I appreciate your MC and his stance on trying things as a married couple and adding in is a violation of trust. While not everyone draws their line there, the more conservative partner needs to dictate where the hard line is. Once established, a coerced crossing of that line is a great way to ruin a relationship. Also, thanks for including the reality that greter size doesn't mean more powerful or better, it just means more.

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

Great story. Thanks

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