Fiancé Seduced By Roommate Pt. 04

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Consequences (and opportunities?) arise for the trio.
9.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 08/02/2023
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Author's note: This story is Part 4 of my first serialized work. Read the earlier parts if you haven't already. The concept behind this story, including generalized characters/names and premise, was suggested by Literotica user Rav09. The story's development and specifics are my own.

This story will contain themes of cuckolding, voyeurism, reluctance/seduction, and interracial connections. You've been warned.

And the usual disclaimers: all characters are fictional, similarities to real-world people/events are purely coincidental, everyone involved is of legal consenting age, etc.

Something was wrong.

That was my first thought when I awoke the next morning, even before I had regained my full consciousness. For a moment, I was confused. Everything seemed to be okay. The apartment was quiet. Amanda was sleeping peacefully next to me, her gentle breath barely audible. Even as she slept, I felt a burst of affection towards her.

It was at that moment all my memories came crashing back. Dante living with us. Amanda's not-quite-hidden attraction to him. My convoluted plan for Dante to seduce Amanda on my behalf. The plan backfiring; Dante sleeping with Amanda--my fiancé and love of my life--even before I had. Then Dante's strangely open confession... and persuasiveness that his successful seduction was a good thing. Persuasiveness that somehow had me agreeing that Dante might be right.

I flipped onto my back and stared at the ceiling. What had I gotten myself into? I loved Amanda so much, but would we ever be the same? Could she really have slept with our roommate without loving me less? Sure, in the video I'd captured of her escapade with Dante, Amanda emphasized her love for me... but what if she didn't mean it? Or what if she changed her mind later? I didn't know what I'd do without Amanda. All my life plans included her. I was less bothered by her giving into Dante's advances than I was afraid of what it meant for our own future. Especially because it was my actions that propelled her into Dante's grasp in the first place.

I sighed.

I was a coward. I still hadn't said anything to Amanda about what I knew. A part of me was desperate for reassurance that we'd be okay, but I couldn't find the words to begin. I pictured how it might play out:

'Hey, Amanda, my soon-to-be-wife... I know you slept with our roommate. I'm actually mostly okay with it, but I need you to tell me that you're not going to leave me. Oh, and I'd like to sleep with you myself too, if that's okay. That's why I left you alone with Dante in the first place.'

Amanda and I had discussed hard topics before, but this was unprecedented. I didn't want to make the situation worse by talking about it and saying the wrong thing. And so, I decided to put it off until later. I'd been too overwhelmed and exhausted for anything that night, anyway. I was a mess inside, but I did my best to pretend everything was normal.

For her part, Amanda didn't seem different at all. I was surprised how well she hid her indiscretion, considering how unable she'd been to hide her attraction to Dante to begin with. But my fiancé acted like her usual loving self. The only time she commented about that evening was to say she'd been worried about me after I didn't return from the store quickly.

As I lay in bed, swimming in my thoughts, I decided to delay saying anything to Amanda a bit longer. I needed to see how she was that morning first. And how she was around Dante. Hell, I still hadn't decided how I felt about Dante. One thing at a time.

It was Sunday, so Amanda and I were both off. I didn't know Dante's schedule, but he usually had a few massages lined up on the weekends. I hoped that Amanda and I would have a few hours alone together--time to check our dynamic without Dante's interference.

I looked over at Amanda one last time--reminding myself how lucky I was to have her--and then I forced myself out of bed.

The morning was uneventful. Amanda rose shortly after me, and we spent a lazy Sunday morning together, like we often did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary... other than Dante staying shut up inside his room. Lately he'd been more social with Amanda and me, so it was unusual that he didn't join us as the morning hours progressed. I almost began to wonder if he'd somehow left the apartment without me noticing, but around noon, Dante finally emerged.

"Morning you two," he said, sauntering over to the sink for some water.

"Morning," Amanda and I responded in unison. I glanced at Amanda, hoping for a clue about her feelings towards Dante the morning-after. Unfortunately, her expression gave nothing away... although she did place one of her hands affectionally on my shoulder. Just a coincidence or was she signaling her attachment to me?

"Hope you slept well. I'm on my way out--got a few clients lined up--so you lovebirds will have the apartment to yourselves in just a minute. If you're smart, you'll take advantage," Dante winked at us.

Amanda blushed. "Dan and I are just relaxing," she said, embarrassed by Dante's insinuation. I had to wonder, though, if her bashfulness was exaggerated for my benefit.

"Of course you are," Dante shrugged. He grabbed his keys and glided to the front door. "Just make sure you clean up any messes you might make while you're 'relaxing'. I'm your roommate, not your maid, after all."

Amanda was speechless as Dante exited.

"Someone was feeling bold this morning," I said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, that was a bit much," Amanda shook her head and sighed. "I like Dante, don't get me wrong... but it's not appropriate for him to be saying that kind of stuff to us. It's no business of his what we do in our private time. Would you mind saying something to him? He listened to you last time, when you asked him to keep his shirt on in the apartment."

I flashed back to that first charged encounter between Amanda and Dante--Dante's open torso flustering Amanda enough to come to me about it.

"Yeah, I'll say something to him," I agreed. I hesitated, then ventured a probing comment. "Just so you know, if Dante ever makes you too uncomfortable, we don't have to renew his sublet. We can find another way to afford our rent."

Amanda's expression faltered for just a moment, and I could see the struggle on her face before she recovered. "No, Dante hasn't made me too uncomfortable. I just don't want it to get to that point, you know? But it means a lot that you'll have my back if Dante does cross a line. I know we don't have a clear alternative for money."

I tried not to smile. Hearing Amanda say she'd be fine ditching Dante was a massive relief. I felt like I could breathe again.

"Well, let's hope I can get him to behave, and we won't have to worry about it," I said pulling Amanda into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," Amanda responded, squeezing me back.


It seemed like life had returned to normal. To be sure, knowing Amanda and Dante had slept together remained in the back of my mind, but it was no longer a source of anxiety for me. Amanda clearly still loved me; she had just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Normally, this would have been an awful excuse... except I was the one ultimately responsible anyway. Somehow it felt like Amanda hadn't cheated since I was the one who had started it. To blame Amanda was to blame myself. A mistake, maybe, but it wasn't the same as cheating. Not really.

Although my anxiety had faded, another emotion remained: jealousy. I realized the irony of it all, but it was a fact: I was extremely jealous of Dante.

Strangely, I found myself believing Dante's claim that he'd only gone so far with Amanda to help me--would Amanda still put off sleeping with me if she'd slept with Dante first?

That said, I wasn't an idiot. I knew Dante was attracted to Amanda and enjoyed 'experiencing' her. But still... I don't think he would have done it if he thought it wouldn't have helped me too.

And so, I didn't blame Dante... but the fact remained that he had slept with Amanda... and I hadn't. I needed to change that.

Only question was, how? Amanda was adamant that she wanted to save sex until after we were married; the consequence of her last boyfriend who took advantage of her. But as Dante had told Amanda after they'd slept together--sex doesn't complicate healthy relationships. Maybe Amanda had reconsidered her commitment now. I just wasn't sure the best way to test it.

But I would try. My goal had changed: instead of having Dante seduce Amanda for me, I would do it myself. Eventually.

Despite the events of the weekend, our lives went on with little apparent change. Amanda kept busy with school and homework; Dante and I stayed involved with our jobs. And yet, despite outward appearances, there did seem to be a simmering tension in the apartment that never quite faded away.

As Amanda had asked, I did pull Dante aside one evening and ask him to not make lewd comments about Amanda and me. I reassured him that I wasn't bothered by it, but it did make Amanda uncomfortable. I half-expected Dante to pretend to not know what I was talking about, but he surprised me. He simply shrugged, agreed, and went about his business.

None of us mentioned Saturday's massage... or what came after. I kept expecting Dante to say something to me about it, but he kept silent. I kept a close eye on the apartment cams while I was at work, but even when it was just Dante and Amanda alone, nothing untoward happened or was said. It was almost like Dante and Amanda's encounter had never happened.

And yet, there were signs. Occasionally, I caught Amanda watching Dante as he moved around the apartment, yet she always looked away quickly once she noticed my gaze. Dante would return the favor, his eyes running over Amanda's body and staring at her ass whenever she walked past him. He didn't hide it, leering at her right in front of me, seemingly unconcerned by my reaction. I mean, yeah, Amanda had a hot body, but Dante's lack of discretion was extremely bold. Once Amanda caught Dante staring at her, but she quickly turned and pretended not to notice.

Dante may not have made any more moves on Amanda, but he clearly was not ashamed to admire her from a distance, and neither Amanda nor I moved to stop him. It was like we were afraid that by acknowledging it, we'd have to acknowledge everything else that had happened too.

In the meantime, I did make moves on Amanda. A couple nights that week I began making out with her, but whenever I tried to take it further, Amanda stopped me. I could sense physically she wanted me, but mentally she couldn't allow it to happen. It did bother me that she resisted me more than she did Dante, but I knew it was because of her attachment to me, whereas she didn't feel like she had a relationship to risk with him.

Still, it was frustrating. At least she did give me handjobs both times, which was better than nothing. Barely.

I was committed though, and I decided that after a few more attempts, I would talk with Amanda. See if she'd reconsider her self-imposed restriction.

I was so focused on seducing Amanda myself that I almost forgot about our weekly massage deal with Dante. That Thursday, Dante asked me if I would be free Friday evening for my turn on the massage table. He asked so matter-of-factly, that I almost thought he was messing with me. But he didn't laugh, just calmly waited for my response. Somewhat off-balance, I told him sure, I was free.

It was the most bizarre massage of my life. Dante did the same high-quality job he'd done for me before, and my muscles were unquestionably relaxed, but I couldn't stop thinking about how this is how he had seduced Amanda. I was on the same table that he had fucked my fiancé on, and even though we both knew it, we acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. The relaxing physical sensations combined with my uncomfortable mental state made for a discomfiting contrast.

Amanda spent the whole massage in our room, allegedly studying, but I didn't think it was an accident that she avoided it, even if she wasn't the one on the table.

When our massage was finished, Dante didn't return to his room right away. Instead, after double checking that Amanda was shut aside our room, he whispered to me conspiratorially.

"So, man. Amanda run into your arms yet?"

I sat on the table, towel still wrapped around me. Did I want to have this conversation with Dante? I wasn't sure.

Dante sensed my hesitation. "Hey man, it's okay if you don't want to kiss and tell. I just want to make sure you got what you needed. It's not fair for me to be involved with Amanda if it didn't push her towards you. I don't like leaving jobs unfinished, you know?"

I decided I couldn't lie to Dante. "No, she hasn't come around yet. I'm working on it, but she's just not ready. I know she wants to, but I think she's afraid of what will happen when she does. Her last boyfriend left her after they slept together. I'd never do that, of course, and I'm sure Amanda knows it... but she can't help it. It terrifies her."

Dante looked thoughtful. "What do you say if we try the massage again next week? After all, it worked the first time. We just need you to be around for the benefits."

I considered, then shook my head. "I don't think you'll get Amanda back on that massage table. She won't want to risk it. And even if you did, I don't think you'd get anywhere with her with me there too. She'd be mortified if you tried anything in front of me. You'd be asking to be slapped, or worse."

Dante grinned slyly. "Oh, don't you worry about either of those things. I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be. I just need you to follow my lead when the time comes... and more importantly, don't leave the apartment this time. So... you onboard?"

I was tempted, even if I was skeptical that Dante could pull it off. But still... I had one last hangup. "Yeah, I'm game. Just... I don't want a repeat of last time, you know? I'm not mad at you for what you did, but I'm only okay with it because it's supposed to help me out. Promise me you'll only get Amanda as fired up as you need, and then you'll let me take over?"

Dante didn't hesitate. "Of course, man. I'm only doing this for you, after all."

I didn't fully believe that, but I wasn't going to argue the point. All I cared about was helping Amanda overcome her self-repression... and me getting to enjoy it, of course. If Dante got some side action too, so be it. Once Amanda and I were a couple to the fullest, Dante would fall by the wayside--and I'd have Amanda all for myself.

Even so, I decided to keep a close eye on Dante the following week from my cameras. Wouldn't hurt to be careful. Plus, I wanted to see if he really could convince Amanda to return for another massage.

To my surprise, Dante didn't do anything the first several days of the following week. I almost thought he'd forgotten, but finally that Thursday, he made a move--and I caught it all live.

It was late afternoon. I was still at work, but Dante was off, and Amanda had just returned from her classes. Dante was lounging on the couch when Amanda entered the apartment, and before Amanda could beeline for our room, Dante intercepted her.

"Oh, hey, Amanda," Dante said, leaping from the couch and casually stepping in front of her. "I've been meaning to ask. You're due for your massage this week, and I'm free tomorrow evening. Shall I put you down for it?"

Amanda seemed startled by Dante's sudden engagement. She stammered for a second before she found her words again. "Um, I don't think that's a good idea, Dante."

"Because you're afraid of what might happen?" Dante asked.

"Yeah, among other things," Amanda replied curtly. "We really don't have to talk about this, though. Just let Dan take my weeks moving forward."

She started to move past Dante, but Dante stepped back in front of her. "Amanda, listen. I know you're probably ashamed of what we did, even if you shouldn't be. But you've made it very clear that you're Dan's girl, and I'm not looking to interfere with that. Which is why having a massage this week is so important. I don't want to scare you, but I think Dan suspects something happened between us."

"What? How?" Amanda asked, startled by this news. "You didn't say anything, did you?" she accused.

"Of course not," Dante lied. "But Dan's a perceptive guy. I think he can sense something happened."

"Fuck," Amanda cursed under her breath, an uncharacteristic action for her. She let her bookbag slide loudly onto the floor in exasperation. "Dan can't find out about this. It would destroy him."

"It might," Dante agreed softly. "Like I said, I'm not looking to cause trouble with you guys. I think everything will be fine. We just need to not do anything out of the ordinary. Dan's suspicions will go away if everything seems normal, and you two can go about your happy lives together."

"Yes, yes." Amanda said, nodding her head. "You're right. We just need to live our lives like normal."

"And that's why I think it's important we stick to our massages. Look, I know it's awkward for you. It'll be awkward for me too. But if we stop the massages, Dan will wonder why. He won't believe you randomly decided to stop just when he sensed something between us."

"Fuck," Amanda repeated, letting out a deep breath. She considered Dante's words. "You might be right. I don't like it, but I can't deny it either. But I'm not doing any massages unless Dan's there with me the whole time. I'm not letting you massage me alone again."

"Fine by me," Dante agreed. "Like I said, I just want everything to return to normal around here. So, tomorrow evening once Dan's back, we'll get started?"

"Yes. Now, unless you have something else, I've got a ton of studying to do," Amanda said, grabbing her bag back off the floor.

"Study away," Dante said differentially, moving out of the way at last.

Amanda shut the door behind her and pointedly locked it, which drew an amused smile from Dante. He then returned to the couch and went about his afternoon.

I was impressed. Sure enough, despite the odds, Dante had secured Amanda's agreement to another massage. But next came the real test: Dante seducing her a second time... and in front of me. Dante was good, but I doubted even he could pull that off. If he did somehow succeed, fantastic. But even if he failed, I would be no worse off than I was now. I had nothing to lose.


Despite Amanda's promise, I still half-expected her to get cold feet at the last minute. But she didn't. When that Friday evening arrived, everything was in place. Dante had prepped the table and his equipment, while Amanda and I looked on from nearby chairs. I could tell Amanda was nervous, but she did a good job hiding it. I could barely contain my own anticipation, but for reasons opposite of Amanda's. Dante seemed as cool as ever.

When Dante retreated to his room, the moment of truth arrived. Would Amanda strip down and return to the table?

After just a moment of hesitation, she did.

As before, she removed all clothing except her panties before she climbed underneath the towel that Dante had provided. I couldn't help but admire the way her body looked when it was out in the open--her full breasts, beautiful white skin, and tastefully thick hips. Her dirty blond hair was in a loose bun and she wasn't wearing any makeup, but to me, she was as stunning as ever. No wonder Dante couldn't resist a taste.

I kept these thoughts to myself, of course. Still, there was no denying my blood was pumping. Could I really be about to experience Amanda's sexuality for myself?

"Okay, I'm good!" Amanda shouted once she was settled in.

Dante emerged a moment later, starting his music and oiling his hands, before stepping next to the table. Amanda was facing me, but she had her eyes closed, no doubt feigning relaxation. Dante folded the towel from Amanda's back over her hips, exposing her skin underneath... and then he began.