Fiancé Seduced By Roommate Pt. 07


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"Took you long enough to get here," Amanda had smiled, her delicate hand stroking along Dante's cock. "Let's go to the bedroom."

She started to lead the way, but Dante stopped her. "Wait. I have something else in mind first."

Dante pulled on her hand, leading her not towards the bedroom, but to our kitchen. I followed them, removing my own clothes as I went. Once we'd entered, Dante suddenly reached down for Amanda, and lifted her onto the counter.

"Wait here," he'd said, as he walked past me to the fridge, pulling out his prize: a bottle of syrup.

My memory immediately went back to the fateful Waffle Day back at our apartment that had kickstarted Dante and Amanda's daily sex romps. Amanda must have had the same thought, because she giggled excitedly.

"Syrup? What are you gonna do with that?" she'd teased.

Dante showed her, dripping the sticky sweet brownness over her upper body, and then using his tongue to lap it up, one drizzle at a time. Unlike Waffle Day, though, he didn't pour any onto himself for Amanda to clean. No, this time, after cleaning up her upper half, Dante eased her legs open against the counter as he kneeled in front of her, his face at Amanda's pussy-level.

Dante had eaten Amanda out several times during their recent fucks—I couldn't pretend they were mere pregnancy attempts anymore—but he'd always done so in the guise of making sure she was fully ready to take his seed. Dante had no such pretense now, as he licked, sucked, and finger-fucked my wife to orgasm right there on the counter. Dante was pleasuring her now just because he could. It would have been almost sweet, if it wasn't for the fact that Amanda was a married woman—and not his.

"Oh, Dante, I love your tongue," she had moaned, squirming against his face.

"Not as much as I love your taste," Dante had responded, pulling back just long enough to reply before diving in again.

After Amanda's orgasm, Dante had helped her from the counter, where they shared a single passionate kiss. "That was amazing," Amanda had breathed, after she'd finally broken their kiss.

"Just wait for what comes next, then," Dante had promised, only then leading her back to our bedroom.

I was still erect, having learned early not to start masturbating too quickly, at least not if I wanted to stay hard for Amanda.

Once we entered the bedroom, all three of us climbed onto the bed, Dante and I facing each other on our knees, while Amanda moved between us on all fours, facing me and aiming her pussy towards Dante. Amanda by now had mastered my preferred techniques, and she began to suck me off, even as Dante entered her from behind. She moaned her pleasure directly onto my dick, and it wasn't long before I was shooting my load deep into her throat. Amanda had become practiced at swallowing my cum, and by the time I withdrew from her mouth, she hadn't spilled a single drop. I collapsed backwards onto a nearby chair, watching passively as the real pleasure began.

Dante pounded into Amanda doggy-style for a bit, gently pulling a fistful of her brown hair backwards as he railed into her. Her boobs jiggled rhythmically and her ass smacked satisfyingly against Dante with every thrust, the sounds of their lovemaking blending with the musky smells of sex that filled the air. This sensual mixture only further enhanced the eroticism I felt; watching my wife being pleasured so thoroughly by her well-endowed black lover was somehow as good as doing it myself.

For her part, Amanda had long since shed any pretense of decency, her face working freely as she savored the sensations of Dante's cock moving inside her. Her eyes were closed, eyebrows knitted tightly, nose scrunched, and mouth slightly open in what I can only describe as a continuous-O face. Long gone were any goals of pregnancy, concerns of motherhood, or thoughts of marital fidelity. All that existed for Amanda in that moment was Dante and the pleasure he provided.

Normally, Dante would have been content to keep this up until they'd both been satisfied, but tonight he had something else in mind. He withdrew completely from Amanda, who looked back at him uncertainly once she realized Dante's withdrawal wasn't temporary. Why had her reliable lover suddenly interrupted her lustful ascent?

Dante smiled reassuringly. "Lay back on the bed," he commanded softly, "I want to see your face."

Amanda obeyed, flipping onto her back and spreading her legs open wide for Dante. Again, I was struck by how utterly my wife had submitted to this man. A man we'd met only by chance, and even now, arguably should have been gone from our lives forever. And yet, here he was, clearly demonstrating his domination as he moved over our marital bed to slide his thick cock into the pussy that should have been mine and mine alone.

Amanda didn't even bother wrapping her legs around Dante this time, leaving herself spread open submissively as he took her. Dante's muscles worked smoothly has he continued to feed himself repeatedly into Amanda, her pussy spreading to accommodate him. I knew it was my imagination, but her vagina seemed to sense that Dante was its best chance of fulfilling its purpose—reproduction—and it invited him to penetrate deeper and deeper into its fertile folds.

"Do you want my baby?" Dante asked, kissing Amanda softly on the lips and staring into her eyes.

"More than anything," Amanda replied, continuing their call-and-response that had started during their first baby-making attempt. She gazed back into Dante's eyes, as she rubbed her hands along his muscled back.

"And I'm gonna give it to you," Dante promised, as he slowly restarted his rhythm once more. "I'm gonna plant a black family tree inside you, and it's gonna grow and grow, swelling your belly until it's full. Everyone's gonna congratulate you and say how happy they are for you and Dan... but you and I will both know the truth: it's gonna be my black baby in there."

"Mmmmm," Amanda moaned her support, although it wasn't clear if she was responding to the pleasure of Dante's cock or the idea of carrying his baby.

I'd long since given up on being bothered by Amanda's back-and-forths with Dante. In the end, it was impossible to know how much of Amanda's responses were truthful. She'd always claim later that they were things she'd say in the heat of the moment, rather than things she really meant, although I suspected that was only partly true. Regardless, Dante always took Amanda's words at face value.

"There's a good girl," Dante said, as he found his rhythm. "You never get tired of my cock, do you?"

"Never," Amanda confirmed, shaking her head slightly as she continued to stare deep into Dante's eyes.

"You're married to Dan, but you're my little slut now, aren't you?"

Amanda didn't respond verbally, but she bit her bottom lip and nodded obediently.

"And you always will be, won't you?" Dante grinned, already knowing the answer.

"Mmmmmm," Amanda moaned again, as Dante's words heightened her pleasure further.

"That's why you want my baby, isn't it? You don't want it to complete your family. You want my baby so you'll always have a reminder of just how much of my slut you are."

Amanda nodded meekly again.

"I want to hear you say it. Tell me that you'll always be my slut," Dante said softly, even as he continued to thrust steadily into her.

"I'll always be your slut," Amanda gasped in a single breath, rapidly approaching her climax.

"Now tell Dan," Dante directed.

"I'll always be his slut," Amanda said, tearing her eyes away from Dante long enough to glance at me. Even with our quick eye contact, the ecstasy in Amanda's eyes was obvious.

"Good. Now cum for me," Dante commanded.

Amanda did.

And yet even as the last of her spasms subsided, they still weren't done. Somehow Dante remained unfinished.

Dante pulled himself out of Amanda, climbing from the bed, his stiff black cock swaying impressively in the air as he moved. It glistened with Amanda's juices, highlighting the impossible fact that somehow she could fit the imposing monstrosity inside her.

"Dan, I think Amanda might need some water. Would you mind grabbing us some?"

I looked at my wife. Even post-orgasm, it was clear that Amanda was exhausted, although blissfully so.

I got the water.

When I returned, Dante was standing at the edge of the bed, Amanda staring up at him in lustful wonder. Her hair was a mess at this point, sweat coating her body, but the satisfied smile plastered to her face revealed her true state.

I passed the water to Amanda, who thanked me and sipped from it eagerly. Once she'd had her fill, she returned it and gave her attention back to Dante.

"Dante, this has been amazing, but you have a job to do. I still need your cum, remember?" Amanda said, her exposed breasts heaving as she caught her breath.

"Oh, I didn't forget," Dante reassured her. "I just wanted to fuck you as much as possible first. Because that's really what you want, isn't it?"

"I mean, it's not a bad side benefit," Amanda admitted, watching Dante hungrily as he climbed back onto the bed.

"Side benefit?" Dante repeated questioningly, crawling to Amanda. "I think me fucking you is the real benefit. Having my kid is the side benefit."

As he talked, Dante reclaimed his position over my wife—Amanda spreading her legs to allow him back in—but he didn't enter her. Instead, he let his cock slide over her pelvis and onto her belly. His face was once again directly above hers, and they kissed.

The kiss continued for a few seconds, both of them savoring the other, until Dante broke it off. He spoke again, just above a whisper now. "So what do you, say, Amanda? Isn't fucking me what you really want? What you've wanted since the first time I fucked you on that massage table? What you wanted when I fucked you at your bachelorette? What you wanted when I fucked you on your wedding night? What you still want?"

"Yes," Amanda said, without hesitation this time. "Yes, to all of it. Now fuck me, Dante. Fuck me again."

"Always," Dante promised, as he at last maneuvered his cock back and downwards to Amanda's awaiting pussy. Once more, he entered her.

As they fucked, Dante brought out all the tricks he'd learned over the years about how to pleasure my wife, touching her in all her favorite ways, rubbing her sensitive spots, whispering the dirty words that she loved to hear. Amanda melted at the pleasure, and I could see Dante at last allow himself to enjoy Amanda's complete surrender to him.

This time, when Amanda came, Dante came with her—their mouths kissing fiercely as Dante's cock poured yet another potent stream of jizz directly into Amanda's fertile womb. They remained locked like that for some time, until at last their lungs finally emptied, and they had to break apart for air.

Like before, Dante didn't withdraw from Amanda, letting his cum settle deep inside Amanda's body before he disturbed it. I didn't know how much cum Dante had emptied inside Amanda by this point, but it was enough to impregnate her more than a dozen times over. Still, even now, he was careful to ensure every possible drop was left inside her.

Although by now I suspected that this precaution was for show, and that the illicit lovers' real desire was to maximize the time they spent conjoined.


As intense as these fucks were, however, Amanda and Dante's time together was almost at an end. After Amanda confessed the enduring nature of her submission to Dante, they had only a few more passionate encounters before our sought-for positive test finally arrived.

Amanda had emerged from the bathroom one morning, waving the pregnancy stick excitedly at me. I saw the two lines, realized what it meant, and joined in her excitement.

The joy of knowing that I would be a father a second time was one of the brightest moments in my life, even if the circumstances behind it were atypical, to say the least. Amanda and I shared happy tears together, knowing that our struggles were at an end.

It was only when I off-handedly commented that Dante was going to be disappointed that his fun was over did Amanda's mood falter slightly.

We broke the news to Dante over video-call. Although I knew he loved that Amanda was now carrying his child, I don't think he expected us to follow-through with bringing his fucks to an end. His face was a mask as we explained his services wouldn't be needed now that Amanda was pregnant. I sensed he wanted to press Amanda on it, but he held his tongue and offered us congratulations instead.

As the months went by, life at our house slowly returned to normal, with us refocusing on Noah and preparing for baby number two. Amanda's libido surprisingly didn't diminish with this second pregnancy, and we continued to make love, even as her belly swelled larger and larger with the black baby inside it.

We decided we didn't want to learn its gender until after it was born, and agreeing to name it only once we knew: Liam, if it was a boy, or Brynn, if it was a girl.

The birth itself went smoothly, at least so far as squeezing out a baby could be smooth. After cutting the umbilical cord and wiping our new baby down, the nurse presented our wailing newborn to us for the first time.

"Looks like a healthy girl!" she'd announced, letting Amanda hold her.

"Hello there, Brynn!" Amanda had cooed softly, as Brynn's cries filled the room.

It was a special moment, and I knew that I was going to love Brynn regardless of who her true father was. She was ours now, and she was beautiful.

Once Amanda and Brynn were cleaned and stabilized, we finally brought Noah in, letting him greet his new sister for the first time. It was clear he didn't quite know what to think about her. At first he seemed excited to have a sibling, but then he turned quiet and serious.

"Does this mean I'll have to share all my toys with her?"

Amanda and I had laughed, and we knew that our family was complete at last.

None of the medical staff ever said anything to us, but I caught some of the furtive glances they shared when they thought I wasn't looking: Brynn was very obviously black.

As the next few days passed, we began to see some of the fallout from Brynn's mixed ethnicity. Amanda's parents were not happy that their wholesome white daughter had just given birth to a black baby, even after Amanda assured them it was a donor-baby. My parents, on the other hand, were just happy to have another grandchild.

Amanda's friends were excited for her and took our donor-baby claim at face-value, although during a video call, Megan shot me a questioning glance, which I ignored. Other than her, though, all of our friends and family believed the black-donor story. After all, they all knew Amanda was a wholesome woman and mother. The idea that she'd ever cheat on her husband—especially with a black man—was preposterous.

Dante finally visited us a couple weeks after we'd returned home. Amanda and I were both utterly exhausted—from the childbirth itself, but also the process of caring for not just one, but now two kids. Sensing our exhaustion, Dante assured us he didn't have sex in mind. "I know it takes a while for a woman to heal up," he'd explained, as if that was the only reason we hadn't started fucking yet.

He didn't stay long, claiming he just wanted to check in, but his expression when he first laid eyes on Brynn told a different story. Amanda had shown her off to Dante proudly, thanking him for the gift he'd given us, and assuring him that no baby on Earth would be loved more. A strange look passed over his face at this meeting between biological father and daughter, but then it was gone. Dante congratulated us again on the healthy birth and headed for the door. It was only on his way out that a trace of the Dante we'd come to know emerged.

"You know, I'm only a text away if you ever need help with childcare. Or if you decide to have another kid."

With these parting words, Dante left, leaving Amanda and I exchanging bewildered looks.

Would our time with Dante ever truly be done?

Author's endnote: When I started this series last summer, I knew from the beginning that I'd leave the trio's relationship open-ended. Would it fizzle out off-script, as so many flings do? Or was this more than just an extended fling? How exactly might Dante's relationship evolve with the couple, if it did continue? The possibilities are endless, and for me, these open possibilities are more enjoyable than any one definite ending could be. If you prefer certainty, you can decide how it ends yourself, in whatever manner you see fit.

And don't worry—Seducing My Friend's Mom Pt. 02 is still coming.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

At the beginning of this last part of the story, while Dante and Amanda were the first to consummate her marriage, it had become the vehicle to consummate their own more tangible and deeper nuptials of their own expressive union. One wedding with only 1 consummation bound together, sealed with the expression of physical and mental advantage.

The greater anomaly here is that their witness her lawfully married husband was still in the room on their wedding night, that Dan had not 'left the building" as they used to say after a Elvis performance would be over and done with.

In the real world it would of nearly been a impossibility for Dan on his wedding night after his wife and him had taken their public vows, for Dan not to of experienced and acted upon the darkest cloud of depression of his life. The high wire had broken without a safety net. He would of acted loudly and negatively without using words. The now cuckolds high the highest, and Dan's lows the lowest with no words just self loathing casting off blame. Odds are instead of leaving together on a honeymoon Dan would of left a single text that he would be having their unconsumated marriage annulled in his dark clouded emotional over reaction to empathize his own self loathing inflicted in blame, disappointment, and manifested anger upon his wife for a time. My opinion again, but in this kind of relationship you can not skip over the great conflicts, it is like a seasoning added to the best story of wife sharing to be believable. I am more than confident only one would of left for Mexico while only one of the other two were left behind in the cloud of guilt and despair.

Moving a head after Dan and Amanda's desire to have another baby with Dan's fetish in control now for so long a time, and with life so rewarding together, not forgetting they have a child Amanda should of shut down her husband's wanting to return to wife sharing by manipulating .. brick wall hard. If Amanda refused to be the regulator their would be none. I mean duh, they never really actually considered more than the pretense of adopting a unwanted new born. I guess you need to have the excuse to have someone to be the home wrecker, if they are going to build another. Obviously the objection of Amanda wasn't real.

My surprise was that Dan's need to have the home wrecker alone with his wife hadn't included him erecting the memory with hidden spyware that could pick up every sound, even a bedroom whisper to experience those single moments with the full range of emotions, and interactions.

Ronb12LRonb12L13 days ago

Thank you for continuing the story...I wish we had one final chapter to see where the couple end up with everything...including how Amanda and Dantes relationship may flourish and their obvious love they have....thanks alot....hope to read more

stealthwaspstealthwaspabout 1 month ago

ve thoroughly enjoyed the series but the ending left a lot to be desired. What made this series special is that it stayed away from the corny tropes that ruin these types of stories. The second half of this chapter undermines all of the previous great storytelling. Using a baby as the means to bring Dante back into the mix was a bad decision.

UncleBullyUncleBullyabout 2 months ago

good writing, decent story.

bluepixiegurl316bluepixiegurl316about 2 months ago

Why was Dante's race important at all? Why is it worth making a big deal out of aside from the issue of paternity? The categorization doesn't make sense. He could have been any ethnicity it seems.

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