Fiery Moon


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"Please, Sarina, I should take care of that wound before it gets any worse. I will need you to disrobe, though."

She nodded, blushing, and removed the tunic, and his eyes lingered on her small, slightly upturned breasts for a second, his breath catching in his throat. Then, he soaked a bit of brandy into one of the linen strips, and pressed it against the wound. She hissed with the stinging, and he looked at her apologetically, "It will help."

She made no move to stop him, so he continued to clean the wound, wiping the dried blood away from the puncture. After it had been cleaned, he folded the second into a square, placed it over the wound, and then used the third to hold the second in place. He wrapped it around quickly and efficiently until he was done.

"There, now take it easy with that shoulder until it heals."

She sat there, watching his face as he had dressed her injury, her chest bared to him. She had seen his initial reaction, had heard his breath catch. She knew from his reactions that he had feelings for her, but her secret would douse any fiery passion that he could have for her.

She put the tunic back on, and Cerek seemed to come to his senses. He cleared his throat and gathered the bottle of brandy and the bloodstained linen. Sarina's mind raced as her heart protested her mind's decision. She wanted to reveal her own feelings, but she also didn't want to have them betrayed once he knew her secret. It was a risk she could not take. Cerek put the bottle and linen aside to be put away later.

"You must be tired," Cerek said, resigned, "I'll wake you after supper is ready." Without waiting for an answer, he disappeared into the kitchen. Sarina sat there a minute, dumbfounded at his apparent excuse to retreat. He seemed hurt that his feelings were not reciprocated, and she felt low. But she had to protect herself. If he knew...

Cerek stood in the kitchen alone, feeling hurt by the fact that he was plunged yet into another situation with one-sided feelings, almost like the last time with Clara, but this one felt deeper than his silly infatuation with her. He more than just wanted to be with Sarina, he wanted her to want to be with him, to love him. She was keeping something from him, something that she regarded as more important than Cerek's feelings. Was she meant for another? Was that it?

She went upstairs to the room that he had prepared for her, and sat on the small bench in front of the massive bed. She saw a painting on the wall, of a woman who, as far as she could tell, Cerek bore a strong resemblance to. 'Maybe she was his mother,' she thought, and then she realized why this room was so large; it had belonged to his mother! His feelings for her were strong enough that he had put her in his own late mother's room, as it revealed that he held Sarina in high regard. Tears stood in her eyes, and she had to blink them away unshed. She had not expected to be the object of his kindness, let alone his heart. She decided right there to reveal her secret before things got any worse.

Cerek was still leaning against the counter, brooding about his situation. Was he just too nice? It seemed like others who were much crueler and harsher got what they needed. He felt the hairs on his arms bristling suddenly, and he turned around to see Sarina standing in the doorway. She looked worried, nervous about something.

"I haven't started cooking yet," Cerek sighed, but she shook her head.

"The room you put me in belonged to your mother."

Cerek nodded, "Yes, it was my mother's room. I wanted you to feel welcome. Listen, if your love belongs to somebody else, please just tell me before I make a complete fool of myself."

Sarina laughed, surprised, "No, I am not pledged to another. This is much worse. If I tell you, you will think me unsound, and if I show you, I am surely dead."

"Dead...what are you saying?"

She stopped him, "Please, just promise me three minutes to run before you come after me to kill me. At least, promise me this."

She walked to him, threw her arms around him, and kissed him fully on the lips, expecting that it would be her last with him. Then she stood away about four feet, and disrobed completely. He could only stand there, all words stuck in his throat as she stood as nude as she had been when he'd first found her.

"Three minutes," she reminded him. Then something happened. She began changing, bones snapping and reforming, red fur sprouting all over her body, her face elongating, her teeth becoming sharper, and within just over a minute, a full-grown red wolf stood in his kitchen where Sarina had been. She waited for a moment, studying his response, tense, and then began to turn to escape.

"No, don't," Cerek protested, and the wolf stopped, turning her head to look at Cerek.

"What you can become does not bother me. It's that you want to leave. Please, don't leave."

She whimpered, lowering her head.

"I would still like for you to stay. If only for a few nights, just stay."

She regarded him with her head cocked, her shiny yellow eyes on his. More bone snapping, fur disappearing into her skin, and in almost two minutes, she stood erect again, a human once more. Still she regarded him quizzically.

"Most people would run away or hunt me," she whispered.

"Most people are idiots."

"So, I give you my secret, and you still wish for me to stay?"

Cerek nodded, "You secret is safe with me. I would like for you to stay."

She stepped forward until she was only inches from him, and looked up at him, her heart pounding through her ribcage.

"I am an abomination, a cursed creature."

"You are a wonder of nature, and a beauty to behold."

Her eyes filled with tears, and unable to blink them back, they coursed down her cheeks.

"I have never heard anyone say this before to me, not after knowing my secret."

"I mean every word, Sarina." Cerek's hands gripped her shoulders gently, making sure that her eyes were on his, "A beauty is what you are, not an abomination."

She let herself be drawn into his arms, and a greater warmth and sense of safety enveloped her with his arms. Her own arms found their way around Cerek's broad frame, and her head rested on his chest. Cerek lifted her into his arms, and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom.

When he set her down, he forced himself to ask, "I can wait, if you would like. If you need time to think, I'll wait."

She sat on the bed and merely gazed at him. He looked down at her, wanting her badly, but not wanting to rush her into something she was not ready.

"Don't make me beg," she smiled softly at him.

He disrobed quickly, and then stood before her, letting her eyes rove over his body, his muscular chest, his solid arms and abdominal muscles, and then to the muscle that stood proudly from him. She got up and went to the edge of the bed. Her hands trailed up to his chest, and then down his sides, to his hips.

She grabbed his hips and pulled him forward onto the bed. He touched her softly with his fingers, her shoulders, her arms, then to her small breasts. He encircled each breast with a hand, traced inward with his fingers, touching her nipple, drawing a sigh from her. She shivered as his hands touched her, and then his lips, up on her neck, and she turned her head to bare her throat as he planted kisses along it, to her breasts where he flicked his tongue across her nipples.

He worked his way down her stomach, stopping to kiss her navel, and around it before moving down to where her patch of wild-red hair grew. He kissed the patch, already smelling her sex from between her closed thighs.

"I haven't... done that yet," she whispered, barely audible in her nervousness.

He looked up at her eyes, seeing the fear and anxiety written on them.

"We don't have to change that," he saw her shake her head.

"No, if you could see my secret and still have feelings for me, then I can give myself to you."

"Do you have feelings for me?" Cerek waited.

"Deeper than I've ever felt. You're so wonderful."

Cerek kissed her pubic thatch again, a bit lower, and Sarina parted her thighs. The smell of her sex was stronger, but her nervousness was just as strong. He kissed her thighs, feeling their smoothness, and the tense muscles underneath. He made his way inward until he reached the center where her thighs met, and she was exposed to him. He kissed her there, and she whimpered slightly, her nervousness fading. He found her scent and feel intoxicating, and he kissed again, and then poked his tongue out to taste.

She shivered as his tongue found her, again and again, massaging her inner lips, from the bottom and up to the top, where her inner lips met to protect the nub that gave her even more pleasure. He moved his tongue around the nub, and she whimpered louder, thrusting her hips forward to meet his warm tongue. His finger rubbed her inner lips, up and down, up and down, as his tongue played across her clitoris, and her hips thrust more urgently at him.

"Please, oh! I feel so tingly, it's so good!"

Cerek licked her a bit more forcefully, and her cries of pleasure reached a crescendo. Then her body locked up as spasms shook her. She thrust her pelvis up and arched her back, in the throes of her climax, shuddering and spasming. Gradually the sensations eased off, and she was able to relax, panting for breath. When she caught it, she could only beg, "Please, do it again!"

Cerek obliged, and within a few more minutes, had her to the point where she was shaking uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her. She could feel ripples of the change coursing through her, and her eyes went yellow for a second before she settled back down. She pushed the change back, and sat up as Cerek leaned back on his legs.

"How did you learn to do that?" she breathed heavily.

"You taught me," Cerek smiled.

"Can I do that to you?"

"Of course."

She reached out to the erect member jutting largely from him, touched it, feeling the velvety flesh of its head. Moving past it, to the vein-covered skin on the shaft, the pulsing heat of his engorged manhood underneath, the hair-covered sack at the base. Her fingers encircled the shaft and stroked slowly down to the base, and then back up to the head, gauging her actions by his responses.

"That's wonderful," he whispered huskily as her strokes became firmer, and her face dipped to it, her long, pink tongue emerging to taste the head, and the drop of precum that had appeared. Her tongue licked its way down the shaft, swirling, to the base, and then back up. Her mouth pulled his member in, sucking a few inches as a time, until the tip hit the back of her throat. Then, she moved back and forth, her tongue still swirling and lapping.

Cerek groaned, his hands digging into the sheets of the bed as she administered such pleasure. He could not control himself much longer as it was, but then she pushed the tip into her throat, and further, relaxing her throat, more, until her lips pushed against the base of him, and he pushed his hips forward, her lips and tongue sliding back and forth, and she held still to let him do the work. He caressed her wild red hair, twirling it in his fingers, but then he was too close to back off, so he tried to pull away, "I have to release now, I can't hold it back!"

When he pulled back, she shook her head, and her eyes turned yellow in a flicker before returning to their green hue. She grabbed his hips and pulled viciously, planting him inside her throat as he tightened. She could feel it throbbing, and then a wet splash in her throat as he climaxed. She continued to suck as his hips spasmed and his seed spurted down her throat. When he finally sagged down, she pulled him from her mouth, milking the last drops from him on the way out.

He collapsed back onto the bed, drained, and she watched as his member softened, growing smaller.

"Will it get big again, soon?"

"In a few minutes."

She reached down and massaged it for a minute, and then cupped the sack underneath, scraping it lightly with her fingertips. She kissed above it, just under his navel, worked upward until his throat was against her lips. He shivered against her lips, and pulled her against him. She could feel his manhood begin to harden again under her. He grasped her buttocks in his hands and pulled her up on top of him. His hardness was pressed against her thigh now.

"I thought you said a few minutes."

"More or less," Cerek smiled, "Are you ready, or should we wait?"

Without a word, she grabbed his member and pushed it at her entrance. Easing her way down, the head of it pressed insistently. She had trouble getting it in until the head abruptly sank in, and she gasped.

"So big, I don't think it'll fit!"

She waited until the vaginal walls had relaxed before pushing further. It became painful as something inside tore, causing her to cry out. Cerek winced, as she had constricted tightly around him. Rather than wait any longer, she pushed down, and was soon filled with him.

She moved slowly, just an inch, and the pain abated. Cerek could feel something wet on him, and prayed that it wasn't a lot of blood. Sarina began working it around inside her, in and out, around and around as she stretched to fit him. Cerek moaned, feeling himself deep in her as she sat up straight, her face toward the ceiling, her eyes closed, mewling as the pain became pleasure, and they moved together.

The tempo increased gradually, easing becoming riding. Riding became pumping, and then thrusting, until her bottom slapped his thighs and her small breasts bounced.

Her noises increased with the strokes, until she was crying out with each downward thrust, moaning, whipping her head from side to side, and Cerek watched in wonder as ripples of fur appeared and then vanished, as if her change was threatening to take place.

Then she nearly screamed as her climax struck, the scream perilously close to a howl. She bounced, her thighs tight against Cerek's hips, her hands on his stomach, but claws were beginning to form. He picked up her hands and held them in his as she bucked on him, and her climax brought his. A seemingly endless ribbon of his seed spilled into her.

She quit moving, shivering, fighting the change, still straddling him, her thighs still spasming, her hands-claws in his.

When she had settled, she sagged against him, and he could feel her claws still.

"It's happening," she warned, "I can't control it."

She moved off of him, bones again cracking and reforming, and soon she was the wolf, shivering as she stood on the bed. She looked down at his groin, which was covered with a mix of their secretions and her virginal blood. Cerek almost cried out in horror as she began lapping up the mixture, almost pushed her away. But he restrained himself, his fingers dug into the sheets as her now extra long, wide tongue cleaned him off, taking care not to nip with her long teeth. When he was clean, she curled up next to him and promptly fell asleep.

As her flanks rose and fell with her breathing, Cerek puzzled over their love. He had meant what he had said earlier, and would not betray his feelings for her. Maybe if she bit him, he could become as well, and things would be more natural either way...Maybe.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Short and extremely sweet, a diamond in the rough

Wonderful, simply wonderful. Very well written. It doesn't go overboard on anything, maintaining a good story-sex balance. I wouldn't even say that this is erotica so much as fantasy romance. I might go so far as to call something on this website tasteful! Imagine that!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

this is good i hope theres more in the future

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

It was beautifully penned. Such words that carried such strong emotions that made my heart pound and my stomach flip-flop. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very Interesting

I don't usually read this genre, but enjoyed this. Thank you. Well written, without the plethoria of errors found in so many. Again, thanx.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Very well written, I hope you continue with thier story!

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