Fighter Ch. 04


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"You OK kiddo?" Marcus asked as he took off the gloves.

"No sir," Christian said honestly.

"Here drink a little water and just breathe. I'll get you some Motrin in a second so relax," Marcus said beaming.

Marcus got him cooled down and as he did nothing could take the smile off his face. Anna had won a very tough fight and Christian had done what he never could. His boy was the champ now and he couldn't be happier for him. As he cooled him off Christian started to feel better. The stinging was going away and he was able to sit up and not want to be sick. Looking at the belt he was all smiles and he looked to Marcus.

"You did it kid!" Marcus said and his own tears were forming.

"Because of your help sir. Only because of your help sir! I can't thank you enough coach," Christian said and his eyes got watery.

Marcus got up and did something he wouldn't have thought of. He kissed Christian on the top of the head and hugged him to his chest. For all Christian had been to him, his son was the biggest thing. Christian hugged the man who was his father in so many ways and let out his happiness. He didn't sob, but he was jubilant as the trainers came in and congratulated him. They got him cleaned up and ready to go. Marcus declined the party as he had a stop to make. They all laughed and took the new champ to Nick's after party. Marcus knew Fabiana would be there so he wasn't worried about Christian being a bad boy. As he walked along the halls of the arena he heard yelling. Walking around the side of the hall to where the noise was coming from he saw David Scallo berating Roy like he was a piece of garbage. Marcus stood by and listened to the tirade and after a few minutes of it he had enough. Rolling his shoulders back he walked forwards.

"What the fuck is this shit?" he said loudly as he walked in plain view.

"Butt out of this Marcus! This has nothing to do with you!" David snapped.

"Butt out? Fuck you! You don't berate a fighter for a mistake! You train him up so he doesn't make it again. Now shut your trap!" Marcus said with an amused smile on his face.

David stood up and crossed his arms as Marcus approached Roy and extended his hand.

"You fought well Roy. Anytime you want a rematch you got it! Now keep your head up kid," Marcus said proudly and Roy nodded his head thankfully.

"Oh good fucking God! He didn't fight good, he was sloppy as fuck! Now get the fuck outa here Marcus!" David yelled and Marcus spun around and was in his face.

David was taken back by how fast he was in his face.

"Didn't we have a couple of fights back when Davy?" Marcus asked in a threatening tone.

David hated the nickname of Davy. It galled him that Marcus would say that and as he looked into his eyes he saw a burning fire that was there the last time they met.

"Seems I remember them very well. Now why don't you tell Roy here what happened both times?" he said and the grim look turned into a sinister smile.

"Go fuck yourself! That's ancient history Marcus! You never held a belt so fuck you!" he spat into Marcus' face.

"Nope. I sure didn't, but I sure did kick your ass...twice," he said smiling and his hands were open and ready for anything.

David felt the energy building off Marcus and wisely backed down.

"This ain't over yet asshole," David spat and turned on his heel and left.

Marcus' eyes never left the figure until it was clear and away from his sight. Turning back to Roy he looked at him.

"If you want a new place to train son, look me up. I would happily train you and help you become better than ever," he said smiling pleasantly.

"I just might sir. I just might. Thank you," Roy said sincerely.

"Don't mention it," Marcus said and turned to leave.

Marcus didn't pay any mind to David Scallo being Roy's coach. Nor for making so blatant a play to get the younger fighter in his gym. He didn't feel bad as he saw that Roy could be a great fighter if he had a better coach. Marcus went to his car and drove to the hospital where Anna was recuperating. Along the way he ignored three calls from Nick that would likely have him try and go to Christian's after party. He wanted the young man to have a night out as he deserved it. As for what he wanted, he wanted to make sure Anna was OK. Pulling into the parking lot he found his way to the ER where she was admitted. Walking the long hall he remembered his last visit to a hospital. It was the night he admitted he was done fighting. Seeing people in for various maladies made Marcus think of his own life. Sighing deeply he walked along as the happy thoughts of Anna smiling filled his head. As he came to her bed he saw she had half of her face wrapped up. Her one eye was closed and her breathing was steady. He saw the IV in her arm and knew she was on pain killers at this point. Seeing a chair he picked it up and walked it to Anna's bedside. Taking her hand he held it as she slept.

Marcus had no clue when he nodded off, but when he awoke he saw Anna still slumbering. He got up and cracked his neck and went to the restroom. When he came back he found a soda machine and got a drink. Walking back to the bed he saw Anna's eye open slowly. Her smile was warm as she looked at him.

"Hi coach," she slurred softly.

"Hey sweetie. Feeling good I see," he said smiling.

"Yup," she said and giggled from the pain killer.

"Got you nice and doped up I see. Well that's good now we can train harder to show you how to duck," Marcus said chuckling.

Anna laughed then stopped as it made her uncomfortable. She still had a bit of a head ache, but other than that she was fine. She didn't know the extent of her injury as she was put on pain medicine almost as soon as she was brought in. Anna looked at Marcus and he smiled as he took her hand and gave her a sip of his drink. Anna sipped the soda softly and when she looked up he was sitting down again.

"So what's the prognosis?" he asked her.

"I don't know. They gave me a shot and I went to sleep," she explained as she laid back and got comfortable.

Marcus nodded and decided to find out. He stood up and kissed her hand. Anna saw the meaning of it and let go of his hand. Marcus went to the nurse and inquired for her doctor. A few minutes went by and a younger man walked up.

"Mr Daniels, I'm Doctor Smith. You are Ms Melendez' coach?" he asked politely.

"Yes, yes I am. What's the damage doc?" he asked his voice showing concern.

"Well sir. She suffered a mild concussion as well as a fractured cheekbone. Her orbital socket was also damaged and could give her problems later. But if we do a simple procedure she will fully recover," the doctor said officially.

"OK lets get it done then. The procedure should be covered in the health plan for my fighters," Marcus said.

"OK then. We can have it done by tomorrow night and she should recover fully in a few weeks. As for her cheek bone she'll be fine. However, she can't train or fight for three weeks," the doctor informed him.

Marcus nodded and went with the doctor to file the papers for Anna's surgery. He knew his insurance would cover it and as he was signing the papers Nick called him and it was urgent.

"Yeah," Marcus replied.

"Hey how's Anna?" he asked somewhat concerned.

"She has a broken cheekbone and a fractured orbital socket. She's out for three months," Marcus informed him.

"Shit! I was going to have her in a fight in two if she was available. It seems that Regina Taylor's manager wanted her to fight an up and comer, but she backed out. It would have been awesome!" Nick lamented.

"When she's recovered why not. I'm sure her and Regina would make history," Marcus said proudly.

"Yeah I'm sure. Hey reason I called is David Scallo said you called him out. He wants your ass Marcus. What the fuck did you say to him?" Nick asked.

Marcus shook his head and explained in detail what had happened. Nick was incredulous at the response he got.

"Wait, wait. Let me get this right. He was talking down his fighter and you saved the kids ass? Marcus didn't he cheap shot your boy how many times?" Nick asked confused.

"Doesn't matter Nick. Roy was getting pounded and he was flustered. It happens sometimes. I've seen a few fighters get prissy during a fight and cheap shot a guy who is killing them. Remember that one in Thailand in '95?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah didn't that guy go right after the other guys crotch repeatedly?" Nick tried to remember.

"Well yeah, problem was he was fighting a woman and losing badly," Marcus said laughing at the memory.

The fight wasn't a sanctioned bout, but Marcus had watched as the woman fighter was tearing the male fighter a new one for two rounds. Without flinching she had even absorbed several brutal hits from the man and still was winning. The referee ended the fight and declared the male the winner, but everyone knew the truth. Marcus looked at the phone and went on.

"Besides Nick I have nothing to prove against Scallo. He is a bum that got lucky a few times and won a belt. I mutilated him twice and he ran from me after talking shit in France," Marcus said laughing.

"Well shit talking or not he wants you in the ring. Says you don't have the balls to face him and be seen once again," Nick retorted.

"Dude, I can't fight. Remember, serious head injury, me no can fight no more," Marcus said sounding dumb on purpose.

Nick laughed at the way Marcus said it, but he persisted.

"Why not man. Just kick his ass fast and viola no more head injury," Nick offered.

"Dude he ain't worth my time. Like I said, he's a bum pure and simple," Marcus said with a finality to it.

"Anyhow. Hope Anna get's better dude. Maybe we can get her another good fight before Regina," Nick offered.

"Sure. She'll fight anyone anywhere," Marcus said firmly.

"We'll see, anyhow take it easy," Nick said.

Marcus hung up and went back to Anna's side. She was half in half out, but her eye perked up when he came in.

"I don't feel like a winner coach," she said softly.

"You are baby. You fought hard and won a good one. You can't say you lost at all," he said proudly.

"My face says otherwise," she quipped and Marcus chuckled.

"You'll be fine honey. Besides look at my ugly mug. I've had every bone in my face either broken or cracked, some several times over," he said laughing.

"But I like your face," Anna said smiling.

"And I yours baby," Marcus said and leaned down

He softly kissed her lips and she closed her eye. Anna didn't move, nor did Marcus do much in the kiss so as not to jar her. When he took his lips from hers she smiled at him.

"They are going to do a small procedure to fix the damage to the bone in your eye. You'll be good to go in a few weeks honey, so don't worry your pretty little head," he said upbeat.

"OK," she whispered.

"Now let's make you a bit more comfortable," Marcus said and walked to her.

He lifted her body and got behind her so she leaned against him. Anna sighed in content and enjoyed feeling him against her. It didn't take long before the medicine and the comfort of Marcus behind her made her doze off. Marcus held her like that until he had to leave for the night. When he came back the next day she was in surgery and as soon as she was out the whole gang was there when she woke up. Christian showed off his belt and Fabiana was there to wish her good spirits. To add to the good news they announced that in the following week they were tying the knot. Anna was happy when Fabiana asked to her to be maid of honor. Christian didn't have to ask as Marcus would happily be his best man.

The days drug by after the surgery and the good news Anna was back in the house recuperating. Her swelling had gone down thanks to the anti inflammatory she took three times a day. In the wedding it looked like nothing had happened to her aside from a small scar under her eye. Fabiana and Christian were so happy as they were pronounced man and wife they were in tears. Marcus and Anna watched Bernardo for them while they spent a great night out on the town on Marcus' dime. Anna was a natural with the baby and Marcus noted it. There was times he wondered about her family and what they would say of her current life. Remembering how she was cast out he decided to just let her live and reconcile with her family after. Marcus had no need to worry about that as his own parents died a long time before.

Anna looked up to see Marcus lost in thought and picked up the baby and walked to him. She set Bernardo on his lap and Marcus smiled at the little bundle. Picking up the baby Marcus smiled at the future of his son's family. The little one was so cute it made him chuckle at the sight. Watching the little guy sleep Marcus felt his own longing for a family in his mind. He had come so close once with Bridgette only to lose them both to a freak occurrence. There was a part of him that wanted a child of his own, but at the moment he wasn't sure of what Anna wanted. If she wanted to settle down with him he would do so happily, if not then he would accept her wishes. Bernardo opened his eyes and began to cry and Marcus was unsure of the reasoning for his howling cries. Anna giggled at his confusion and after a time she took Bernardo and cooed him to sleep. Marcus was relieved at the fact she was so good at handling babies.

They put the little one to bed and went to bed themselves. Marcus and her didn't do anything as she was still sore from the fight and her head was still not so well. Marcus gave her a nice neck and shoulder massage as they lay in bed. Anna loved feeling his touch and more so she loved the time they could be alone. Anna sighed as she felt the tension melt away in her shoulders and before she realized it she was asleep. Marcus leaned back and let her lounge against his body as she slumbered peacefully. He kissed the top of her sweet head and slept after a while as well.

The rest of the time in Vegas was spent recuperating and raising Bernardo. Fabiana was a great mother as Christian was a loving father. The two were the perfect parents for the little one and Marcus decided to do something special for the boy. On the day they went back to San Diego Marcus made a trip alone to a special place. Marcus had stashed away a lot of money from his wins and from having bets placed on his fights. The money had accumulated a lot of interest over time and he was eager to put it to a positive use. Taking the money out he went to a broker and set up a college fund for Bernardo. Knowing it was a good investment in the future Marcus took the papers home and when he got to the office he called Christian into it. Christian was somewhat confused when he saw Marcus sitting behind his desk with an angry look on his face. Not wanting to anger his coach any further he sat down quickly.

"So it seems you have a family to care for. That means you'll have less time to fight and train and more time to lose at the arts," Marcus said without showing emotion.

"Yes sir. But I'll still train as hard as I can regardless," Christian said pridefully.

"We'll see. Now what about the boy? What kind of future is he going to have?" Marcus asked with a odd coldness.

"As best I can make for him sir!" Christian said and his anger was rising at the oddity of the questions.

"Well then, perhaps I can offer more for it," Marcus said smiling and tossed the envelope holding the information of the fund.

Christian got a confused look as he opened the package and then his eyes widened. Christian could read English well and he understood exactly what it was. His eyes looked back up and Marcus was looking dead at him.

"I know you may not want to fight any more for his sake, but don't give up what your good at just yet kid. You never know when opportunity will knock," Marcus said knowingly.

"Yes sir. Thank you so much coach," Christian whispered.

"Don't mention it kid. Now while we are here..." Marcus started to say when Coach Riley came in and he looked worried.

"Marcus some guy is here and he wants to talk to you. Says his name is Scallo," Coach Riley said

"What the fuck does he want now?" Marcus spat under his breath.

He got up and walked to the door and as he looked he saw Scallo with a retinue of about five of his fighters. Marcus chuckled at the sight and as he walked to the man his own cadre of fifteen men walked behind their coach. Scallo saw it and his anger got the best of him.

"What Marcus? Gonna sick your boys on me?" he spat.

"Why? I didn't need any help to beat you then, nor would I need to now," he said dryly.

"You know what Marcus? Even though you beat me then, your still a loser," Scallo said smugly.

"What do you want?" Marcus asked and his tone brokered no time for hesitation.

"You talked mad shit in Vegas. Now I'm here and want your ass!" Scallo said smugly.

"Dude, you need an ass whipping again? Didn't I already knock you out...twice?" Marcus said smugly.

"Past tense fucker. You can't do that now. Now quit being a bitch and tell that fagot Canlos to make the match," Scallo said and his posture was threatening.

Marcus smiled and turned away from Scallo. He walked into his gym and his guys were unsure of what he was doing. A few of Scallo's fighters got a cocky look thinking Marcus had turned tail and run. They suddenly got a shock as he stood in front of his training cage and had the door open. He looked dead at Scallo and said loudly.

"You comin'? I figure this ring is as good as any for you to get you ass handed to you again!"

Marcus' fighters all started whooping and cheering. They laughed and pointed to Scallo and started taunting him to get in the ring. Scallo saw the gesture and Marcus' expression his men were slapping him on the back and he smiled smugly.

"Please. I'll see you in Vegas bitch!" Scallo said and walked out.

Marcus glared at the door and watched Scallo walk out. He was still a coward and that bit his ass. Marcus happened to look over and saw Anna and Christian looking at him. Anna had a fearful look in her eyes and Christian had one that showed he was interested in what Marcus was going to do. He took a deep breath and walked back to his office. Marcus looked up to see Anna staring at him with a worried look.

"Your not going to fight that guy are you Marcus?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Not if I can help it baby. But if he persists I'll crush his skull," he said quietly.

Anna padded to him and sat in his lap. She looked him in the eyes and kissed his lips softly. She was worried about his health if he should fight again, but something in her wanted to see Marcus in the ring one more time. They held hands and Marcus looked away into the gym. The sight of the men training made him realize she had to get back into it. Patting her hip Anna got up and he pointed to the gym. She kissed his cheek and rushed off to train. Marcus watched her go and turned on his Facebook account. As he opened it he saw Scallo had left a love note calling him all sorts of names.

Marcus ignored the words directed at him, but as he looked on he saw the conversation went further. He read a note from one of Scallo's trainers calling Christian a phony champ. The wisdom was that he didn't win the belt, merely accepted it for being a crybaby. Marcus shook his head and went on and his hackles rose as he read a review of Anna. The words of weakling to whiner stood out to him. What's more saying she had Marcus pay off the judges so she won the fight against Mijah. His anger rose as he read another note from Scallo himself saying that if she had a real coach like him she would have won a title by now, and not a worthless tournament in Reno. Marcus sighed and his phone rang.

"Yeah," he said angrily into it.

"Dude. I have it all worked out. One month you and him in Vegas and get this, the bastard got the pot up to over a half million! Please fight him Marcus! Oh dear God please do it! It'll be a huge pot for both of us!" Nick exclaimed.