Finally Meeting Morgan Ch. 01


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Finally you pulled away. My eyes opened after a moment to find yours fixed on me. Your free hand brushed my shoulder and trailed softly down my arm. I ached to be touched - the need so great. You seemed to sense the tension beneath you; that if you touched anything remotely erogenous it would have sent me careening into orgasm. The subtle sparkle returned to your eyes; the tiniest of smirks creased your lips as your mouth moved, again, to cover mine. I couldn't resist, couldn't; my arms wrapped around you – one low in the small of your back, the other on your head and neck. Silky smooth to the touch, intoxicating, lightly, freshly scented.

Good lord in heaven!! I wanted to flip you on your back and take every bit of pleasure you had to offer – and then begin again, to stop only when you finally beg in a ragged pant, "Oh god!! Enough!!"

As if reading my mind your teeth tugged lightly on my bottom lip; another moan escaped.

"Is my Morgan thinking she's going to take charge?" with a lilt that hinted at laughter.

Without a word you bent to my neck with lips, teeth, nibbling, licking, caressing. My fingers curled in your long dark tresses holding you to me as my chest heaved in my lust. Your fingers slid across my stomach. Nails raked the skin as, helpless beneath you, I squirmed with desire. I realized with a start you had yet to remove your bra. My fingers moved to the clasp to unfasten it.

"Don't!" sharply.

Mute, I nodded, my hands falling to the bed.

Your mouth moved swiftly, taking my full nipple in your lips and teeth. I arched beneath you, crying out. As quickly as you had taken me you pulled away, leaving me breathless, disappointed, hopelessly lost.

With a minx-like grin you kissed the tip of my nose. Your eyes locked on mine, you crooned, "All things come to a pet who waits."

"Ally, I ...," your mouth silenced me, the kiss, soft as a whisper.

Cat-quick you moved to straddle me. From above you cupped the satin covered mounds and teased, "Do you like what you see Morgan?" My hot, flashing eyes gave you your answer. From my mouth, "God yes!"

"Would you care to remove my bra, pet?"

I reached for the clasp, undid it, and you pushed my hands away, the straps holding to your shoulders. Your arms crossed. As seductively as I'd ever seen, your eyes went to slits as you slid the silk down your arms, holding the cups in place. Leaning over me you revealed one gorgeous breast, lowering it to my mouth. I gasped; taking your nipple softly in my lips I bathed it thoroughly with my tongue. My eyes close as the scent and taste of you fills me. I changed the pressure; slurping as a new-born, suckling you.

You pull away; the other cup is lowered; the other breast lowered to my waiting mouth. My hands slip to the middle of your back, bringing you closer. The scent of you arouses me; skin so soft and supple, your nipple firm and hard. I nurse, tease, tug, and bathe it and would for as long as you left it for me.

I release it and bury my mouth in the lovely valley between your breasts drinking you in. It's warm and so intimate.

"I rather think you enjoy my breasts, Morgan. What say you?"

I let out a rather long sigh. "They're quite lovely of course. Just as I knew they would be. I do believe I could spend all night pleasuring them." Your soft laugh echoes through the room.

"Yes my dear I do believe you would indeed. But there are other pleasures I wish to explore with you." You slip from me as quickly and easily as you had straddled me. As you do, your mouth left a wet, warm trail from the valley of my breasts to the soft silk of my panties. I was near delirium with want.

So very softly, "Oh my, you are the needy one aren't you? Your essence fills my nose pet; how lovely!"


My mind is ablaze – both with desire and in confusion. I want so badly to take; the realization grows that you are, firmly, in charge. I want ... it pulses through me like a metronome. I NEED ... oh god, how I need – everything. Yes, every little bit that you have to offer and that I have to give – and vice versa.

The dam of my emotions finally bursts as I break into tears; they flood my cheeks as I cry, helplessly. I feel your body against mine as you hold me. My body simply is on overload and my mind can't keep up. You've taken this middle age woman to a place she never knew she wanted or needed; I only knew I wanted to be right here, right now; love or lust mattered not – I was yours, without reservation, reason – or understanding.

You lay still against me as my anguished sobs abated, softly kissing my neck and cheek, your hands roaming idly while staying away from anything erogenous. When finally I sighed, you asked, "Morgan, are you all right?"

Feeling completely ridiculous now, I answered, "Yes, Ally, I really am. I just ... well, I was just overwhelmed. You, me; you surprised me, caught me completely off guard when you called me 'pet.' I guess I'm used to initiating."

"You want to be led." -A statement; stark and simple in its candor. And yes, Morgan, in your heart of hearts you know full well she's absolutely right.

"Yes." So there it is; out in the open.

You reach around my stomach to my hip and begin to remove the silk panty; obliging, I lift my hips as you ease the now scented and moist waste of time from me, throwing them over the edge of the bed. Clad only in garter and stockings I am both naked and vulnerable. I shiver in the delight of it and in anticipation. You do not disappoint.

Quickly but gently you begin the next stage of the seduction. Rising slightly, you throw a leg between mine and press your mouth to mine – this time with an urgency and passion not yet felt. I wrap you in my arms as I return your kiss, our parted lips warm and moist, our tongues clashing, heating us both. I feel your breasts press to mine, noticing, idly, that your nipples are rock-hard, matching mine. Your hand slips down my side, caressing the side of my breast, moving to capture the pointed peak, tweaking it, pinching, teasing, and then moving down my stomach to the center. Your leg pulls mine apart as your fingers seek the soft, soaked folds of my pussy. Involuntarily I lift to your touch.

Easing from the kiss, you nibble my lip, murmuring, "My, my Morgan, you're quite ready, aren't you?" My answer is to pull your mouth back to mine, hard and demanding, leaving no doubt that you're correct.

Your hand cups my mound, pressing, searching, teasing, slipping through the moisture, opening me with your fingers. Those damn fingers are wonderfully maddening. Your fingernail drags across the pearl taking my breath away. You're light as a feather but I feel unable to move ... other than the urgent rocking of my hips as they strive to meet your fingers, desperately seeking relief and pleasure. You break the kiss and move to my neck, caressing me with your lips and tongue, bathing me, leaving cold droplets on my heated skin. Finally able to gather a breath I realize I'm in full pant mode; you've left me gasping in my desire.

I bring my hands to your breasts, cupping them both. My fingers caress, capturing the fullness, loving the swell, tweaking the hard points.

Your mouth moves again and I lose purchase on your breasts. I reach a hand, trying to find that sweet ass of yours and find it, maddeningly, covered in silk. Slipping my fingers beneath, I grope and caress its silky softness. I feel your breath hot on my breast, the nipple taken into the depths of your mouth; you widen your mouth to fill it with me. The hand at my pussy slips two fingers into me. I cry out; I'm desperately close. Sensing, somehow, you keep them still, yet your thumb teases and tortures my throbbing clit. My soft moans fill the air.

"Pet, you will come when I allow; no sooner. Understood?" Frustrated and needy I give my assent. Your mouth returns to my breast. Your fingers continue to torture and please. I squirm madly. I feel your mouth leave my nipple. I open my eyes to find yours gazing at me. "Pet, do I need to restrain you to keep you still?" Jesus god; it came and went in a flash but you saw it.

"Ah, so another layer gets peeled. My pet desires ... no, needs, to be restrained. No." You take my hands and raise them over my head to the bed post. "I will not restrain you. And you will not move your hands. Understood?"

I nod.

"Speak your acceptance to me, pet."

"Yes, Ally, I will not move."

Your eyes sparkle; you kiss me greedily, and return to laving my breast with your mouth.

Your fingers are evil; deliciously, creatively, probingly, completely, wonderfully evil. You curve to find my g-spot. I need a cum so badly and you've forbade me to without permission. I focus on gripping the headboard in distraction. As if you sense the peak, you stop. You remove your fingers, leaving me gasping again. Your mouth moves to mine.

"Pet, you are simply fabulous. I can't get enough of you, do you know that? Seldom is it I've been with someone who responds so completely and deliciously to me." I blush furiously but am warmed inside with ... pride?

As before, you rise above me, lowering yourself so your breast beckons above my mouth. Hungrily I move to take it. Desperate to pleasure you I suckle; my hands remain in place. Damnation! You move from side to side, taunting, teasing. One, then the other, and back again ... god it's fabulous. I lick at the soft skin beneath the breast. It's often overlooked; I do love the scent. You are deliberately slow in your movements. Then you surprise me by plunging your fingers back in the warm wetness of your pussy. Oh my god!! What did I just say? Your pussy? It's our first time together. What am I acknowledging? My fevered mind confuses me. All I know is that I want to pleasure you and be pleasured by you.

I feel it building again; the overwhelming pleasure of a mind blowing orgasm. My body begins its rhythm; the siren builds from deep inside; the heat climbs, taking hold of me. My breathing changes, my hips move feverishly.

All at once, you are astride me, your body atop mine, legs between mine. You grasp my legs and bring them over your shoulders, pressing your pussy to mine. Somehow the silk panty is gone; I feel your wetness pressed to mine. Your eyes have gone hot and wild as you gaze at me. Did I know you were this close? You had not let me do much more than love your breasts. When? How? My hips lift to meet yours as we dance the intimate, feminine dance of love. You press, you thrust. I lift, I press. We move in glorious unison as one.


The explosion behind my eyes is white. My body tenses as I arch off the bed. You press down to meet my thrust. I hear a keening cry somewhere in the room. It has to be me as somehow I feel your lips on my breast, tugging at the taut peaks. I rock my hips to meet yours again and again. The heat won't go away; no, it builds, insistent. My belly is tense, my legs shake uncontrollably. The blood roars in my ears and my sex. We are one. And just like that, the crest passes. I feel you begin to slip away; you've released my nipple, your head rests between my breasts, my chest heaves. I hear you pant; we both are. As my body slowly comes back in focus I feel you slip my legs off your shoulders. You lay atop me; we are bathed in perspiration, limp, sated. Did you cum? Was I so blinded by my own I missed it? How on earth?

I feel my arms being moved; you take them, saying softly, "Please hold me Morgan." I want to cry.

I hold you close. Somehow it went from zero to sixty and back. I hadn't felt you turn; hadn't recognized how close you had gotten. How did that happen? It's what I do; give before taking. How did you pleasure me so thoroughly and yet ... my god I'm so confused. I sigh; confused and contented.

As we lay together I feel you relax against me. You are a feather. My arms hold you close. I hear your breathing slow as you fall asleep. I smile and join you.

I wake with a start. Realizing quickly I am not home in my bed I lay still, taking in my surroundings. I am naked and there is a warm, naked, very feminine body next to me. I smile; my lovely Ally. I feel you stir ever so slightly and ask, very softly, "Are you awake?"


I sit up, reaching for the blankets, chilled; you must be as well.

You ask, "Morgan, are you okay?"

"Oh god yes Ally," as I cover us both. I turn, covering you with me, my arm across you and my leg between yours. I snuggle into the curve of your neck, content. My eyes close as I prepare to retreat to a most welcome sleep.

I feel you beneath me, warm, soft, curvy, so very sexy and feminine. I lift my head suddenly; in the ambient lighting of the room I see your head turn to me. I press my lips to yours, and ask, "Ally, you never gave me the chance to pleasure you. I ... please, I want to, so very badly."

"Morgan, darling, you need not plead." I feel your legs spread.

"Baby girl, why didn't you tell me? You had to know what I wanted to give you; do for you." I took away your ability to answer with my mouth, pressing it to yours, hungry, needy. I was all over you in a flash, taking, feeling, tasting, clawing, teasing; everything I hadn't had the chance (or the choice) to do the first time around.

I was intent on devouring you, taking you whole. My hands were everywhere like a blur; my mouth bathed, nipped, licked, lashed, and repeated. Your body was so quick to respond that, for a moment, I was taken aback. But, a moment later, I renewed my assault. Your every curve, peak, and valley was taken, tasted, touched, felt and caressed. I was a dervish in my need to pleasure you. I was rewarded at every soft curve and turn with gasps, sighs, moans. Your fingers raked my hair, grabbing occasionally as if to emphasize where you wished me to linger. I was all too eager and willing to do as your fingers commanded.

I finally made my way to the scented, soft, still moist folds of your sex. You were mine, finally!! I pushed your legs apart with my shoulders – giving me purchase to you. Intent on taking my prize I dove into the scented lips and lapped as a parched, near death human would. This was not the soft, subtle, lovely romance earlier. No. It was a determined giving.

As my mouth sought to please your pussy my fingers teased relentlessly. Pearl, rosebud, between your lips, rosebud, pearl, lips, caressing the soft skin of your thighs, your ass, your sex, everything!!! I wanted your cum; I would demand it. And I would take it – any way I had to.

As my mouth and hand took you, the free hand moved to a nipple, only to find company. We locked fingers for a moment until you moved to other breast. I took the high, full nub, teasing, twirling. I could feel you bucking under my assault; glorious is the word that comes to mind. My fingers thrust hard, my tongue urgent upon your clit; together we seek your climax. Will you?

It takes a few, desperate seconds (I think) and then it happens. Your body tenses as it approaches. I feel it; the intensity increases as I seek to draw your climax from you. As my fingers press deeper, more quickly inside you, you cry out in a last vestige of control, then tumble, helplessly, into the white heat. You bathe me in your wetness; your body convulses in ecstasy; I see you grip the bed as you lift and fall, helpless in the grasp of your bliss. A moment of pride gives way to a need to maintain my hold on your orgasm - not the easiest of tasks. The lithe figure beneath me is a slithering, wanton creature that tries to thwart my attempts to hold her. Your pleasure is my reward. I draw every last ounce of the heat from you, and, with one more cry and a tense, bucking thrust against my mouth, you crest.

Suddenly, thoroughly spent, you lay limp, breathless, panting. I slip my fingers from you and bring them to my mouth, savoring the slippery, silky treasure. Soft kisses bathe the inside of your thighs, the perineum and every scented, moist inch of the center of you. One last soft kiss at the now hidden pearl evokes a shiver. As your body recovers from its pleasure I slide up your limp form and hold you close. My kiss is soft now. I whisper little nothings into your ear as I move my head to your shoulder. You slowly regain your breath, though I can still feel your heart pulse.

"Morgan," you murmur, "that was brilliant. You completely took me around, and fabulously. Thank you. I'm wrecked."

I pick up my head; your head turns to meet me; our kiss is soft, so sweet. "My precious darling, your words fill me with joy. It pleases me to know that I was able to satisfy you so thoroughly." Fuck all; my eyes fill. I lay my cheek against yours softly. Bringing my mouth to yours, one last kiss; then, my head on your shoulder, again we sleep.

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kboneonekboneone12 months ago

WOW! This is a story with impact !! You wit is fabulous and I am sorry you lost Jackie, your significant other.

Ally is definitely another romance that abounds.

LiveCatLiveCatover 7 years ago

Brilliantly written (as ever) and hot as fuck!

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uover 9 years ago
She really is...

Literally A Vixen. Another masterpiece of a story by this author.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
Very Hot!

Don't worry about the faux pas, I didn't even notice it, LOL!

SharonsGirlSharonsGirlover 10 years ago
Curse You, Vixen!

How am I going to get anything done with so many stories of yours to read?!

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