Finally Meeting Morgan Ch. 02


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I maneuvered my way onto the bed succeeding in keeping the instrument of my pleasure deep inside. I rolled to my side to find your arms outstretched, beckoning. In the ambient city light I saw the glow in your eyes. Oh god! She does as well. I lowered myself to you and brought my mouth to yours. Your hands were soft and light on my face as you caressed it. I bent to offer you my mouth. Greedily, you took it. I held myself up as we kissed. A hand left my cheek and nicked the inside of an elbow – message received. I lowered myself to cover you as we dueled in our passion.

Whatever am I going to do tomorrow as you leave? I'll be a puddle of tears. What started as a flight of fancy, a chance read of a story, the thinnest of connections has brought us to this intimate, sensual connection. Your Morgan was ... inside voice.

Dear reader - There is a part of me that doesn't want to share that night with anyone. It was ours to be cherished and held, if I may, sacred. However, I suspect the howls of outrage and frustration might be such that you, who have traveled this far with me, would be forlorn had I chosen not to share how we loved each other that evening. I bow to your wishes.

You had me thoroughly aroused of course. You let it slip away; it lurked. Our kiss relit the hunger. I wanted to TAKE you, every inch of you in ravishment. You had found what I needed – submission. I had learned a thing or two along the way as well. You got every bit of pleasure giving as you did receiving, perhaps more. It was still so new and uncharted.

Finally you pushed me away - both of us breathless. I rained kisses on your eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose, chin – every bit I could. There was a soft laugh and, "Morgan I do believe you, even in the chill of January, are quite heated in your passion." I bit your lip gently. My fingers found the nipple hard and high. You jerked as I tweaked it firmly.

"Ah, so the hunted thinks she'll hunt tonight. Is that it?"

"I'm already desperately missing you and it's whatever many hours till you go. Yes, I admit I want to pleasure you. If I recall correctly, you said 'shag you into near unconsciousness.' That sounds about right."

"What is that between your legs pet? Is it not an instrument of your submission?"

Curses; foiled again.

I rolled to my back and waited for you to take me; I wasn't sure if you could see the smile on my face.

"We've written and spoken many times of this Morgan. Indeed it was part of your first communication with me. The domme cannot take what the sub refuses to offer. Are you offering yourself to me this evening?"

"Yes miss."

"I'm not sure I caught the tone of it. Restate, completely, what it is you wish from your miss tonight?"

"Miss, your Morgan wishes our final night together on this visit to be pleasurable, completely so, for both of us. I am yours without hesitation or reservation. Take me anywhere, everywhere, however you choose. This is my wish, my gift tonight."

I thought I caught your eyes tear before you bent your face to the valley of my breasts. I felt you sigh. You hugged me fiercely as your head rested. I was right. I felt the tear land, warm on my chilled skin. Then your arm moved from beneath me, you shifted slightly, and it began.

Once again you wreaked pleasure on me. As your mouth moved to my breast your hand found the devil inside me. From the bed I did have the advantage of leverage and by god I used it. I spread my legs, pushed my feet into the mattress, ground my hips to meet the thing, bucked wildly, put my hand over yours – anything that would bring me release. I felt liquid, languid, alert, wild. I knew you could sense it. Your mouth was as relentless and thorough as your hand. I cried out my pleasure. I called your name, pleading with you to finish me. Every time I felt close you pulled back or slowed. How you knew was beyond my ability to comprehend. I was trembling in frustration and want. Please god let her give me what I need. I was actually able to peek over the edge. That's how close you brought me. You slowed, it slipped, I howled. You revved up the engine again. I swear to god I was beyond gone. With a whispered "NOW" I fell into the abyss. I melted in the flames of it. It tore me up, ravaged me, saved me, it blossomed, completely, inside me. It was like nothing I had ever known or felt before. I think there was a place in my head that said, "If this is what an out of body experience is I'm in."

When, mercifully, sadly, it finally let go of me I the only thing I felt was your head on my chest and your soothing hands caress me as I came to ... did I faint? Was that the buzzing in my ears? I wasn't sure I could feel my limbs. Breaths seemed a precious commodity as I gulped for air. You lay still, loving me, caring for me, nursing me. After a time I felt you move. I saw your smiling face above me and, lovingly, "Hi honey. Did you have fun?" Helpless, I laughed.

"Did I pass out Ally?"

"I'm pretty sure, yes. You had one final gasp of pleasure, your body went completely stiff, and you went limp. You had me worried there – until I remembered my head was on your chest so I could hear the pounding of your heart. Enjoy it?"

I think I will always remember the effort it took to raise my hands to your face, bring it to me, and kiss you. Soft and sweet it was. Maybe the most exotic train wreck of pleasure I had experienced in my life and you killed me completely with your usual, hysterical understatement. It was okay though – I got you back pretty damn good.

"Mmm it was okay."

For a moment you thought I was serious. My eyes gave me up.

"Pet, you came dangerously close to chastisement with that."


"Then it's chastisement. Turn over pet, turn on your belly." I felt that damned thing still buried as I turned over.

I felt your hot breath by my ear; a lick and a nip, and, "My pet has misbehaved. A spanking is in order."

Panic – I don't do pain well. I'm a nurse. Shots are okay. Even in my youth, basketball brought sprains and the like. I was luckier than some. Nothing really bad, just the usual assortments of elbows to the cheek, a broken nose (once), and bruises, bruises, and more bruises. But pain? Nuh uh, not this girl.

You knew. You felt me tense at once. You lapped at my ear as you whispered, "You need this pet. Not the chastisement, though that as well, but to know that this can and will also bring pleasure. You may not believe, but will you trust?"

I nodded.

The first smack stung. The second, in the same spot, hurt. By five I was in tears. By ten I was begging you to stop. Then, it changed. It's like running suicide drills. You lose comprehension of how bad your lungs are burning and all you want to do is get to that fucking finish line - alive. Then you sag and fall to the floor gasping, smiling. It changed that quickly. Damn, I knew you could tell. That was when your other hand slid beneath me and you started again. The slaps rang out. I had stopped crying and was moaning – but it was from the touch of your fingers on my clit. Somehow you managed to hold the dildo in me while you strummed me into oblivion. When it hit me I was shocked. This was not the same; no, very different. But it was as though I had won. I had faced a fear and in taking it on I had won. The sexual high was vivid and beautiful. As I twitched and called your name I felt you slide on to my back. You held me as it crested and I came back down. As I lay panting, again, you whispered, "That was grand. Congratulations."

"How many?" I had to know.

"I lost count at fifteen. It was near to impossible to finish you with you gyrating like you were."

Oh my god.

You slithered from my back. I turned so we were face to face. I was still warm while you were impossibly chilled. I reached down for a blanket to cover us and warm you. We held each other in quiet. It was a while, but finally,

"You knew. You told me. You knew I wouldn't agree. But somehow you also knew that it would take trust to give me to you to show me this."

"Yes, pet. Very well said; Bravo."

How amazing that, so soon, we could be so quiet together, not needing to fill the void with noise. It was lovely.

I stirred, kissed you, asking, "Alison. What, how - it's my turn. Or yours – whichever." You kissed my nose and smiled.

"Whatcha got in that bag of tricks missy? Show me your stuff." Laughter; how grand.

"You're the one with the bag of tricks young lady. First off, why don't you clean off this thing? I may use for it later."

I handed you the plastic pleasure. You brought it to your mouth. My lord I almost had another spend with the erotic show you put on as you cleaned it. Your eyes gleamed with the knowledge of it. You kissed me wetly and wickedly.

I reached for the black bag you'd left on the corner of the bed at the foot. I opened it and peeked. My eyes widened. I turned my head to stare at you open mouthed. You smiled.

Dear reader - I've made the editorial decision not to share the detail of all the items bag held. Many of the items were already familiar to me and I trust to most of you well. Besides – my story. This is me sticking out my tongue!!

I grabbed a feather and smiled at you as you lay near. I bent to kiss you softly and then pecked at your nose.

"Ally, please close your eyes and let me love you." You smiled and nodded.

I teased, stroked, feathered, kissed, licked, feathered, stroked, kissed – you get the idea. There was a point where you simply surrendered; you were quivering, your limbs were spastic in their jerking movements. I had yet to do anything other than feather your sex. You had long ago been reduced to pleading, crying, and begging for me to pay attention there. I let my warm breath tease you – more than once. I blew air at your clitoris at I saw it pulse in your excitement in between letting the feather touch it ever so gently. This was where my height and reach was an advantage. I could lie above you without touching any part of you I did not want to. I did. I could reach from tip to toe. I did. I could give you pleasure anywhere, with anything, without any other tactile sensation for you. I did. You were absolutely fabulous Not once did you open your eyes. Plead? Whimper? Beg? Call me names? Four for four on that score. Just when I thought you couldn't take anymore I made you wait another five minutes. You swore revenge. I kissed you again. I scampered, scurried, moved from head to foot of the bed, anywhere I could touch, tease, tantalize, and torture you.

After one last bit of lavishing love on your foot I knelt between your legs. The feather caressed skin that had long ago (I think) run over its goose bump allotment – maybe for the rest of your life. As the feather ran lightly over your pearl my mouth followed. Warm breaths brought more moans and pleas for relief. When you had stopping trying to find my mouth with your hips I reached the tip of my tongue to slip lightly over it. Everything stopped. You grabbed at air, you grabbed at the bed sheets, and you grabbed the pillow to cover your screams. You rocketed into a dimension of pleasure that, I have to admit, I had not seen. I grabbed it with my lips; your hips bucked. I thrust two, then three fingers into the pulsing heat of you. You lifted your legs, pushed your feet into the mattress, and nearly bucked me completely off of you. I felt you go limp as you crested. You had once told me you were multi-orgasmic. I found out you weren't kidding.

I continued to pleasure you. I took your hands and placed them on your swollen nipples. Nothing more needed to be said. I kept after you and watched as another took hold of you. I helped you ride it out and continued. The silky essence of pleasure poured from you. I had to have my fill. I grabbed a vibe, turned it on, and placed it on your pearl as my mouth drank greedily. One peak would ebb, another would start. They seemed to meld together. I hadn't been here with you before so I let you guide me through the adventure of your pleasure. I had to use what leverage I held and my strength advantage to hold you some kind of still. When you had finally had your fill you begged, "Enough." I brought my head up and worked my way the length of you kissing, licking, loving every inch. I slid off you; you whimpered. I moved atop you again and covered you with me. This seemed to be what you wanted as you simply sighed. We lay on the bed together, neither speaking. I caressed your face, smoothed your wet, tangled hair as best I could, and held you.

You were beautiful. You were completely gone. You were glorious. I think that was the moment I figured out your secret. It wasn't that hard actually. It just took me a minute to realize. For so long I had been the one initiating with my lover that perhaps I had stopped actually giving. It was still new with us. There were lessons yet to be learned. I only knew you had been loved.

My back was to the clock. Time didn't matter anyway. I have no idea how long you lay still.

Softly, "I have to go to the ladies. Would you please get me a glass of water, Morgan?"

"Of course, baby. Do you think you may need a hand to steady yourself as you stand?"

Soft laugh and, "I may."

I stood. You finally stirred and moved. I waited, my hand held out to you if you needed it. You stood, a bit shaky. I held your elbow until your gait was stronger. You turned into the bathroom. I went to the kitchen for two much needed glasses of ice water.

I brought them back to the bedroom. A flush, a rinse, and the door opened. You padded softly back and sat next to me. We were both parched. Who knew ice water in January could be so good?

You spoke first. "I want you to come home with me."

I gulped. I set my glass on the night stand. You did the same. We both lay back; I pulled the covers over us. Face to face we talked. Our hands were busy caressing, smoothing stray strands of hair, nothing erotic – just lovers loving.

I sighed and spoke softly, "I know Ally. I do as well. Can we look at a calendar tomorrow at breakfast, see where we could plan for the long weekend I mentioned, and go from there. It would give us something to look forward to and, no small matter, I could begin looking for a job, talking to realtors here. Are you completely opposed to coming here? We haven't even spoken of that."

You were silent; I waited. "No I don't imagine there is any reason not to consider it. Perhaps we can both work from each one's side on this. We'll have another time planned and sort it out then."

"Now that sounds perfect. Thank you for at least considering it."

You yawned. I looked at the clock; it was nearly 1:30 am. "Should we think about sleep?"

"My flight is at 6 pm." (yawn) "I wanted to ..." (yawn)

"Aw, Ally honey; you're so tired. Let's sleep and see what the morning brings."

Nodding, you yawned, sleepily, "I think so."

I pulled you close; you nuzzled your nose into my neck. I smiled into your damp hair and kissed you. We both slipped into sleep.

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kboneonekboneone12 months ago

This one I was a little lost in it. It jumped around so much, I was at a loss.

I liked the travel bit! It was a bit like give and take. I'm sorry, that is a much as I can say.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago

AVL, you've done it again!

I can't wait to read Part 3, hoping beyond hope for the happy ending, but trusting your skill to make whatever ending meaningful and true.

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

Damn...... soooo friggin HOT! ( the fire of hell is NO competition)

SpringBreezesSpringBreezesover 11 years ago
remarkable, deeply erotic storytelling

With a pace that compels the reader on and on, we move relentlessly forward as these two (perhaps unlikely?) lovers grow through their erotic adventures. It remains difficult to comprehend that this installment of the story covers but a single day.

How many ways do the characters grow? The dimension of their growing sneaks upon us; what seems to be a (very hot) series of maddeningly erotic scenes is in fact the fast-passed tale of love and self discovery. What lingers for me, as just one reader, is the growth of Morgan as she finds herself and her true art of giving.

Through their increasing intimacy, Morgan and Ally move their lives from one place to another; through Morgan's daring she and Ally both find rewards far deeper and more profound than one might think a single day could yield. In AVT's hands, this single day of amazing sex and growing is not just believable, it appears startlingly natural. AVT's storytelling is stupendous.

1Martiniman1Martinimanalmost 12 years ago
Simply Beautiful!

There's many adjectives I could use to describe tis story: beautiful, erotic, sensuous, sexy, and marvelous are just a few. I felt like I was sitting with Morgan at her kitchen table sharing a bottle of wine as she told me this tale.

AVixenLitterally asked me this question as I read this chapter, and yes, I feel like she was asking me personally, "Are you enjoying my tale as much as I'm enjoying the journey"? My answer is a most definite...I most sincerely did!

This is a must read, and thank you AVixenLiterally for a journey that was so wonderful. Now to rush off and read the next chapter.

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