Finding an Editor Ch. 01


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"Are you living together yet?" I didn't really know Jack that well, and was concerned for her.

"No, but we do spend a lot of quality time together. He wants me to meet his kids. What if they don't like me? It could destroy everything."

"Honey, if it gets serious, and it looks like it is, you'll have to deal with them sooner or later. I don't really see a problem. He's been divorced for four years now, and his kids are what, twelve and eleven? They're old enough to deal with it, and you had no part in the divorce. You should be fine. And she was the one who cheated, not him."

Part of her nervousness was she had never had children. Both her husbands had left her after discovering she couldn't bear children, even though she told her second husband up front. She wanted to adopt, he was agreeable, then wasn't. Ten months later he was living with a receptionist at his firm. She was four months pregnant when he left Hilda.

I felt eyes on me, and turned, to see Mariam, his ex, and her new banker husband. I don't recall ever seeing them in here before. I asked about it.

"Bob[the pub owner]is trying to open a line of credit to expand the place and do some upgrades. He is working with the bank, and they basically sent him down to check the operation out. Bob treats them like royalty, and they eat it up." Hilda explained. Then she shuddered.

"He's all right as long as she's around, but when he comes in alone he's like an octopus. One dance from any women in the place was enough, no one wants to dance with him twice."

Just before I left, I ran into Mariam in the bathroom. She smirked before she spoke.

"Benny? Really? You have a Master's degree, and he just barely finished high school."

I saw red for just a minute, before calming down.

"Yes, Benny. And it's more about what's in his heart, not in his head. He's the most loving man I've ever met, surely you remember all the little gestures he used to make? Well, he makes them for me now, and I love it. Tell me, when was the last time your husband cooked something special for you? Or held your hand on the porch swing, happy just to be with you? And the little gifts? I showed him a bird feeder I'd like to have, and he disappeared into his shop for a couple of days, and came out with the most elaborate feeder I'd ever seen. It was a miniature gazebo, two tier, in cedar. It was so beautiful I didn't want to use it."

She flinched like I had struck her. I got the feeling she was having a bit of buyers' remorse. Before she could recover I spoke again.

"I need to thank you, Mariam. Your decision to trade up worked out really well for both of us. You've got your executive husband, and I've got him. If anyone else gets him they'll have to pull him out of my cold dead embrace. I'll never let go."

I turned to leave, but couldn't resist just one more shot.

"Despite his lack of education, you'd be surprised what goes on his head. He's a lot deeper than you ever realized."

I almost made a mistake and told her about his writing, but stopped just in time. Let her find out on her own.


I got home and he was already in bed, almost asleep. He snuggled in to me and asked if I had a good time. I kissed him four or five times and told him I had fun, and for him to remind me tomorrow afternoon to tell him about the three day rotation.

I explained it to him the next evening after supper.

"Think of it as a bonding experience, honey."

I can still see his grin when I close my eyes.

"Oh we'll bond all right, but it'll be after the grooming, every time."

For the most part he was right.


Naturally production slowed on his books, we were taking too many love breaks. We still got the next one out way before the deadline, and were working pretty hard on the next, the last of his contract. His sales had picked up, and he was starting to generate a very nice second income.

We held Thanksgiving dinner that year at my house. It was the first time all our kids were together. I thought it would be awkward, and it was for a few minutes. My two girls and their husbands, four children between then, his three boys, two married, three kids, and the youngest was still single.

I had taught his children in high school, and they knew each other already, so it didn't take long to relax and enjoy the meal. Benny and I had been cooking for two days, mostly desserts, and he deep fried two turkeys, because with that amount of people we didn't think one would be enough. It was great meal.

All our kids lived out of town, mostly due to the economy. They were actually pleased when we told them to not worry about motels, we had more than enough room. My house had four bedrooms and a finished basement, so the marrieds all got a room, his youngest got the fold out couch, and three of the kids slept on air mattresses. They thought it was a great adventure.

We ended up taking the four girls, aged seven through nine, home to to our house, because they wanted to have a slumber party. We got out even more air mattresses, and had them settled down quickly. They all insisted they were going to stay up late, but by ten thirty the last had nodded off. I couldn't help but look at them and wish we had had children together.

Of course, they were all up by eight the next morning, and we made pancakes together, letting Benny sleep in. When they were ready, I sent all four in to get him out of bed. Mine called me Nana, and he was Poppy to his, and it started out with Nana Bonnie and Poppy Benny. By lunchtime it was just Nana and Poppy. We were both having a ball.

They had to be back by two, his kids were dining with their mother and her husband[that's how they identified him, it was never Dad or Tom, just 'her husband']at six.

They told us Saturday they hated it, it was formal, with guests from the bank there, so every one had to be on their best behavior. They returned to my house as quickly as they could without causing offense.

The girls had bragged about how much fun they had, so we took the boys Friday night. They were a little older, and they did stay up pretty late. I had to practically drag them up. They brightened when we told them the whole family was going to meet at a breakfast buffet.

On the way back I ended up in my daughters' minivan with both my girls and his two daughters in law. Both my girls commented on how happy I seemed, and his said that it was the happiest they had ever seen him, even before he and Miriam split, so I guess everything was just fine.

Plans were made for Christmas. They were all going to the in laws, so we were having our celebration afterwards, just before New Years Day.

I loved Christmas, especially when the kids were small. Now, instead of two girls, I had four, plus three boys, to shop for. It was heaven. We coordinated with the parents to make sure we didn't duplicate gifts or overstep bounds, but in the end I couldn't help it, and got carried away. The Christmas tree was really crowded after we wrapped everything.

We were all more relaxed this time, and I took all the girls, including the granddaughters, to church with me. It gave them all a chance to wear the new dresses I had gotten them.

If it hadn't been so serious, what happened would have been funny. I almost came to blows with Miriam, on the steps of the church. I had one of the granddaughters holding each hand. One of mine, one of his, even though by now we considered them both ours.

She went pale when she saw us, tried to control her temper, and came over, expecting her granddaughters to go with her. Angie, the youngest, latched down a little tighter on my hand and refused. I tried to keep the peace by letting her other granddaughter and one of mine accompany her.

"I don't want anything to do with your brats!" she spat. "I want MINE, and I intend to take them."

Before it got ugly the moms stepped in. I don't think they cared for Miriam very much.

"Mariam! Behave yourself. These are our children, and they'll sit where we want, with who we want. Do you understand? Angie, you and Nana go find a seat, we'll be there shortly."

By them I had Angie in my arms, and her arms were wrapped around my neck with a death grip. I was stroking her, telling her it would be all right, she didn't have to go if she didn't have to. We found a pew close to the front, and all the little girls went went me. My daughters and her daughters in law gave her a few choice words before joining us. I know it was un-christian like, but I felt a small sense of victory, a little payback for the way she had treated the man I love.

She couldn't let it lie. After services, she came flying down the steps, blood in her eye and a full head of steam. Before she could start, the reverend stepped up.

"Bonnie, Miriam, what a lovely group of children. You two must be very proud of such fine young women. It's good to see you getting along, putting your family first."

He spoke to the girls, and made sure he shook every hand all the way down to Angie, thanking them for attending, all the while giving Miriam pointed looks.

"Thanks, Bonnie, for making this a memorable service" he whispered in my ear, before stepping back, a big smile on his face.

Before anything else was said Whitney pulled the minivan up.

"Kids, mom, let's go. Poppy and the guys are making barbeque. It should be done by now. Who's hungry?"

The girls were all clamoring "Me! Me!' while they scrambled to get strapped in.

I couldn't resist.

"Miriam, would you and Tom like to join us for lunch? You know how carried away Benny gets when he starts cooking, so I'm sure there's plenty. No? Are you sure? All right then, girls, tell Granny bye.

I thought she was going to pass out with anger. She hated being called Granny, she insisted they use grandmother. I felt her stare for what felt like two miles.

Of course all the girls tried to give me hell, but none of them could keep a straight face long enough to finish, so they just gave up and talked about lunch.

Naturally the grandkids flocked to Benny when we got home, and he got to hear all about it. He tried to frown, but his lips kept trying to go the other way. Finally he gave up and laughed with the rest of us.

All the kids stayed for three days. They spent four hours with Miriam. She had some cookies out, bought of course, she really wasn't much of a cook, and had to leave the room when Angie told her Nana's were better.

Benny had a talk with me after they left.

"Bonnie, while I appreciate the humor in what you've done, and I'm happy my kids love you, she's still part of our lives. We'll have to share graduations, weddings, even funerals with her over the years, so try not to needle her too much. Please?"

Of course I agreed. It was pretty easy, actually. About the only time I saw her was at church and the pub occasionally.


We were cleaning up my house, gathering the discarded wrap and missed toy containers, when Benny reached behind the tree and pulled out a small box.

"Look honey, this one got missed, and it has your name on it. Open it up."

He had a great poker face, and I never knew when he was serious. I really didn't think much about it, it was in the paper my daughter used to wrap all her presents in, so I opened it.

I must have stared at it for two minutes before I raised my tear filled eyes to his.

"Do you like it? Fell free to pick another if you don't, it's the sentiment that counts. I told you, sooner or later I was going to want to make it official, and this seemed the right time. Please say something, honey."

It was a ring, with one of the biggest diamonds I had ever seen.

I couldn't talk, so I just held him and cried for about ten minutes, before I pushed myself away. We were on the couch, so I took his hands in mine.

Of course I had the ring on my finger by then, and it was never coming off again, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Before I say yes, you have to officially ask."

He slid off the couch to his knees. He didn't use flowery language, or give a long speech, simply took my hand.

"Bonnie, love of my life, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will, you beautiful, dear man."

And we kissed, a kiss of passion, promise, and love.

"Why didn't you do it while the kids were here?"

"Because this is the most personal thing two people can share. I want the world to know it, of course, but I wanted to have the moment between just us first. Disappointed?"

"No, but you know I'm going to be burning up the phone for about two hours."

And that's just what I did, doing a conference with my daughters and husbands, then his sons and wives. By the end of the second call everyone was calling me Mom. Damned hard to talk when you cry.


I waited until Thursday night to tell Hilda and Bonnie. Even then I didn't say anything, just used a lot of hand gestures. Sarah caught it before Hilda.

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed, grabbing my left hand and shoving it into Hilda's face.

She screamed, dove over the table, and we collapsed into a hugging, crying heap onto the floor, for five minutes.

Hilda called Jack, Sarah called Jim, and I called Benny, telling them to come over, right now.

In celebration, I bought a round for the house. Spying Miriam and her husband, I told the waitress to make their drinks on me for the rest of the evening.

"After all" I told the table. "they're indirectly responsible for my happiness."

Miriam was going to refuse, but her husband, ever a banker and pragmatist, sent thanks, and proceeded to drink doubles until he was completely out of control.

About halfway to oblivion, he staggered over and asked for a celebratory dance. I agreed, reluctantly, and Miriam glared while he almost humped my leg like a dog. When he grabbed my breast, I lost my patience, slapped the hell out of him, and went back to my table. Everyone had witnessed it, and many laughed outright. Miriam looked like she wanted to crawl under the table.

Benny arrived just after, and of course people told him. I'll never forget the look on his face. He went straight for their table.

By now he was so drunk no one could really understand what he was saying, but I think he understood when Benny pulled him by his tie until he was right in his face.

"Touch her again, asshole, and I'll go straight to your ass. Do you understand?"

He was drunk enough to be brave, and stupid.

"Whassa matter, li'l man" he slurred, "afraid I'll take her too? It was really easy, she almost begged me for it. Watch your back, maybe I'll take this one just for fun."

I don't think anyone knew he had been slapped until the sound went through the club, followed by a second, when he came back across with a backhand.

"Are you really determined to die stupid? One more word, and I swear on everything you hold dear, you'll have no more worries in this life. Don't you ever touch her, speak to her, or come near her again, do you understand?"

He still held him by the tie, faces inches apart. I saw true fear in his eyes.

Bob and his bartender saved him. Separating them as calmly as possible, he talked Benny down.

"Benny, let it go. He'll never bother another woman in my club, I can guarantee it. Maybe you should take Bonnie home. Come back next week, the first drink will be on me."

He turned to Tom.

"Tom, I need a loan, but not that bad. Miriam, I'm sorry, but you need to take your husband home. You're always welcome, but he's barred, for life. Give Bonnie and Benny a few minutes, then you need to leave too."

Shame and embarrassment were plain on her face as she led her drunk husband out of the club.


It was very quiet on the way home. When we were almost there, I started to apologize.

"Why are you apologizing? Did you lead him on, give him hints or indications that you were agreeable?"

I was appalled he would think so, and told him so. He just grunted.

"Do you think I don't know that? I'm sorry you had to see that side of me, honey. It hasn't come out in years. But I protect what's mine and what I hold dear, and I always will. If you can't deal with that, you may want to give the ring back."

I surprised him when I punched his arm.

"Idiot! You're stuck with me for the rest of our lives. I'm so proud of you for defending me, David would have never done it. And I'm glad you made your claim on me plain like you did tonight. I'm so hot for you right now I'm wetting the seat. So get me back to the cave, you barbarian, and claim your chattel."

Literally, he dragged me into the house by the hair, popping every button on my blouse, ripping yet another bra off, and that was in the driveway. He had my skirt and panties off by the time we were in the kitchen, where we christened the table, slamming in to me from behind. It was rough, brutal, and intense. I was screaming his name through both climaxes, and was whimpering by the time he came. There was no cuddling, he picked me up and carried me to the bed, throwing me down roughly.

"I want you again. Get me ready." he said, guiding my head firmly towards his cock. I'm not ashamed to say I sucked like my life depended on it, and ten minutes later he was pounding me again, this time missionary.

"Say you're mine!" he said, gripping my hair tightly.

"I'm yours!" I screamed. "I belong to Benny Henson! Completely, totally his woman, now and forever! Now fuck me, Caveman, use me like the property I am!"


We were both sore and a little bruised the next day. Benny was kind of sheepish, and I think he would have apologized if I hadn't stopped him.

"Don't you dare! I've never felt more secure in my whole life! My man fought for me, then used everything in his power to prove I belonged to him. I loved it, and want more, from time to time, but I don't think I can physically handle it on a regular basis. I'm so sore I had to use a pillow for the dining room chair. And I was proud to do it, proud to submit, to be subservient to your pleasure. Make no mistake, you do own me, and I'll always trust you don't abuse your power. Now, no more to be said, agreed? Except, once more, I love you deeply."

I wasn't kidding. Last night triggered something deep inside me, something that had always been lurking there that I had been afraid to acknowledge. I reveled in his power, and was definitely going to push him for more, as subtly as possible.

I decided to come clean with a secret I had been keeping.

A week later I brought it up.

"Benny, honey, remember when we first started this, I acted surprised when you brought up that website? Well, I don't want any secrets between us a married couple, so I have something to tell you. Show you actually. I've pulled up a writer, I want you to read their work, then come back and talk to me about it. There's only about twenty five stories, so it shouldn't take more than an evening to read. When you finish, I want to discuss them with you. Not tonight, I want you to think on it, but tomorrow, definitely. Now go."

He went into the office. We had set my computer up with a desk right beside his, and mine was the one on. I walked, fretted, peeked in. His face was set in deep concentration, then later I heard a laugh, then a snort. I went to bed before he came out, he didn't have to work the next day. I don't know what time he came to bed.

The writer, of course, was me. Back before Benny and I got together, I was lonely, horny sometimes, and despairing of even finding love again. Hilda told me about the site, recommending the romance section, but soon I had branched out to erotic couplings, group sex, and BDSM, often jilling off to the computer screen, thinking how lonely and deprived I was. Soon I was writing, turning every fantasy I had ever had into a story. You don't spend your life as an English teacher without learning at least the rudiments of creative writing. That's one of the reasons I was so impressed with his writing. It was sheer talent, he had almost no formal training at all.