Finger on Sex Business Ch. 02

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Jobless no more plus some girl-on-girl action.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/21/2016
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Britt Eagles found work clearing coffee tables and quickly established herself as an energetic employee with oodles of charm.

The business owner, Harriet Baker, wife of an accountant and mother of two daughters at university, recognised the almost 19-year old newcomer was an asset and on day-three of her employment began training Britt to relieve at the till at off-peak times.

Although not used to handling money and already learning to be politely chatty to people she met, Britt proved to be a natural and with a good memory and her training period virtually ended within an hour.

Part of that time had been taken up learning the basics and set skills about how to operate the till, issue new tea/coffee cards and stamping them to qualify for a free cup after eight stamps, looking at the plates containing up to six or seven items and at times having to register items at the till for perhaps six customers if one person was paying for all in the party.

After three practice runs, Britt was operating flawlessly without having to look only once at each plate while registering each item on the till before totalling.

"You've done this before," said the impressed Mrs Baker.

"Not since my first couple of years at primary school."

"Well I never."

Britt flushed in pleasure and knew she's have sometime really positive to include in her next letter to her grand-parents.

Mrs Baker's 20-year old Rachel arrived late afternoon shortly before closing that day and helped with the cleaning up. She and Britt immediately established rapport.

The boss's daughter asked Britt, "Where do you hail from with that awful accent?"

"It's probably the origins of Cockney but I'm working on it, listening to the likes of you."

Rachel laughed and said, "You sound fun."

"It's just my attempt to impress an older woman like you."

They laughed and Rachel asked what did Britt do for kicks and Britt told the truth and said she mainly sat and talked to her landlady and went walking.

"Omigod you must come out tomorrow night with me for a drink with my girlfriends."

"You mean females who are at university?"

"Yes, as it happens."

"I must say no; I have no wish to be shown up to your detriment."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, but thanks for being friendly."

"Listen you chump, while the six of us do go to university, only Leonie and I are full fee-paying students. The other four are financially-assisted students and in their first year two of them wore second-hand clothes and..."

"I get the point, you believe I would fit in providing I don't try too hard. I'll..."

"Great, Britt. You are a complex thinker and I must say you're wasting your time working in my mother's coffee shop. You sound as if you should be breaking into commerce to work your way up the ladder."

Her mother called, "Rachel you are slowing Britt with all that talk. She's a power worker and must not learn there's an easier way working on the job."

They laughed and before moving away Rachel said, "I'll call for you at this time tomorrow. Pub dress is jeans and a top, minimum make up and tea is pie or pizza and a hot spud."

"Thanks enormously Rachel."

Rachel looked at Britt thoughtfully and moved off with a wave.

Britt heard Harriett say to her daughter, "I'm surprised you found the time of day to bother chatting with my new employee. She's a couple of years younger than you, more your sister's contemporary I should think."

"Mum she's one of the most beautiful girls I've seen and has yet to blossom and she's sharp as a tack with oodles of personality. You've found a gem in Britt and I'm telling you that girl is probably heading for somewhere big, especially if she can shed that awful accent."

"Yes, you may be correct in all respects. Already I'm developing a soft spot for her and she's only been with me three days."

Next evening Rachel and Britt began walking to the pub and the footpath was busy with people leaving for home. She casually looped her arm through Rachel's.

"God, Britt you took the initiative and just linked arms, whereas for the second time in a minute I was thinking of asking could we link arms because... because the footpath is so crowded."

"Oh, I just felt friendly and it seemed the right thing to do. I wasn't thinking sex."

Rachel burst out laughing and patted the hand of the arm linked through hers.

"Britt, you are such a scream. I feel the girls will just love you."

They pressured each other's arm, smiling at each other.

"Rach... I mean is it OK to call you Rach?"

"Yes of course and Leonie never calls me anything else since the days we were in the sandpit together at a birthday party when we were three or probably four. You'll really like her."

"Um how do I get to talk proper like you?"

"I haven't a clue really but know that environment is a significant factor. Look, Leonie took elocution lessons from an early age because her mother wanted her to become a theatre actress. But she's ended up deciding instead to become a broadcasting journalist, probably starting in radio and is taking media studies for her degree. She hopes to end up in TV news or perhaps speaking parts in film advertising or, as she says, whatever."

"I suggest you listen closely to how she speaks and if that appeals to you then model yourself on her. She has a great ear for accents."

As they neared the pub, Rach pulled out her phone using the quick dial function and said, "We are almost there" and cut the call.

She said to Britt, "That was Leonie who'll come out to meet us. We talked about this and agreed we must present you as someone special because we have been a tight six up till now."


"Just relax Britt; you are so different I believe you will be a novelty, hopefully becoming a stunning extension to the group."

"Oh god, Rach."

Britt had scarcely got that out when a young woman with a gorgeous mane of chestnut hair and incredibly pale face rushed up to them and held out her hand and said sweetly, "Hi, I'm Leonie Hopkins, who claims to be Rach's best friend and I'm wrapped that you are already calling her Rach, uninvited I presume. Methinks we are kindred spirits but don't know it yet."

Attempting to smother her accent somewhat, Britt said, "How do you do Leonie. Please call me Britt."

Leonie looked startled, glanced at Rach and then focused on Britt and said, "Omigod, you are yet another beautiful babe from Geordie-land. When Rach said, you were from up north and wanted help to tone down your native accent I had no idea; I thought you might be from Manchester. Please oh please, don't jettison your beautiful or rather your distinctive accent that is not without charm. I believe you are already trying to supress it. Just learn to shed some of the words that are unfathomable to Londoners, slow down your rate of speech listen to I and people like me speak and you'll be fine."

Britt thought what a lovely greeting. Of course, those three females had no idea that they would become the closest of friends.

Later as Rach and Britt shared a cab home with Britt to be dropped off midway, Rach said, "Your absorption into the group got off to a slow start when you entered the pub but you began to relax after the first couple of cocktails, your shyness evaporated and you ended up being the life of the evening, having us in stitches on occasions relating some of your life experiences, often told with your accent exaggerated. The girls almost said in one voice you must join us again next Thursday evening and I think Leonie is in love with you."


"I probably mean fascinated with you and keen to help you with your speech slightly, but I don't know. She told me almost breathlessly that you are such an endearing character."

"Oh, Rach no, I have no wish to come between you two best of buddies."

"You won't darling but I must say her real interest in you might be your body. Leonie is somewhat bi-sexual."

"Oh god."

Rach whispered, "Don't worry dear... she's great in bed and if it happens it won't do either of you any harm as she plans to marry well and hopes to have two adorable kids."

* * *

The day before Leonie Hopkins celebrated her 21st birthday, Britt called on her at home for her final session. They kissed warmly as usual but the embrace was somewhat longer with Leonie appearing reluctant to let go of her language student.

"Why are you being so lovely to me?" Britt asked softly, feeling no urge to break away.

"It's the end of the line for us," Leonie said.

She kissed her student and dear friend on the forehead and released her.

"I've gone as far as I can, assisting you to soften you accent and to encourage yourself to drop your former slang and yet still retain your basic accent that we agree is part of your heritage."

Britt smiled: "I hear what you say and I know you have made a difference. I haven't said anything to you about this until now but last week when Rita's nephew Ryan, the cab driver who originally brought me to her and occasionally visited us, said and I think in exaggerated awe when I greeted him – 'Golly Britt, you're learning to speak posh'."

The friends laughed and Britt gazed into the eyes of her taller friend and said, "Teacher, you must be very proud me."

To her astonishment, Leonie burst into tears and cried that she was losing Britt who no longer would have further use for her.

"That's nonsense, you and Rach are my best friends along with Rita, the only really close friends I have here in London. None of us is currently planning to move away to my knowledge."

She pulled Leonie to her and her distraught friend sobbed, "I meant the end of (sob) our intimate one-on-one (sob) relationship. You have no idea what you've become to me Britt."

Britt was neither surprised no repulsed. Rach had suggested something like this might occur if Leonie and Britt bonded. It had surfaced and the next move was up to her.

"Do you feel you have become romantically attached to me darling?"

Leonie stiffened in Britt's arms and didn't reply.

Britt pulled one of her friend's arms free and pushed it between their chests.

"Touch me darling and let's talk about it."

"I-I don't believe you know how emotionally I feel a-about you."

"Perhaps I'm more aware of your desires than you think."

"Th-that cannot be."

Britt thought it was now or never, that Leonie was emotionally awash, and her parents would be arriving home within an hour after collecting her younger brother from after-school tennis coaching.

She pulled away partly and pushed Leonie's hand right over her right over a breast and said, "Squeeze, I want you to play with me."

"Omigod, how did you know. Did Rach mention something?"

"Please Leonie, keep your focus; this is about foreplay and you're intelligent to know that sex is only sex and that we all like to get off with someone."

They staggered off in a hug to Leonie's bedroom and had a great time mutually feeling, kissing and lightly fingering until Leonie sighed and said, "Damn we must stop now because my family will arrive any time soon."

"That's fine darling; I can wait for the opportunity to go all the way with you."

As they rearranged their clothing, Leonie asked had Britt experienced a climax with any other female before.

"No never," Britt lied. "And my pussy is quivering as I think about you and I bursting into that bubble together."

"What... oh yeah!"

"Come for lunch on Saturday. Rita will be away most of the day assisting with a flower show."

"Oh Britt, I do love you."

"No Leonie, just think of us as being dearest friends who plan to become big into sex. Don't be frivolous about true love."

Britt was thoughtful as she walked the seven miles home, declining Leonie's offer to drive her in her mother's car that was in the garage.

She had a number of reasons for declining.

Above all, Britt wanted the exercise and that would give her time to think about her latest sexual association because this time it had been with an adult female and they'd gotten into the licking fairly sweetly. She was curious why Leonie had become so heavily aroused while she'd remained reasonably calm despite feeling rather excited about burying her tongue into one of her best friend's pussy as deeply as she could.

Their different reactions appeared to relate to emotion: Leonie had been desperately emotional by the time they'd lowered each other's panties whereas Britt had been aware of been somewhat detached, simply playing along to give dear Leonie what she wanted.

Britt mused that the emotional difference on that occasion had been influenced by the depth of their respective degree of focus, commitment and desperation; in other words, Leonie, had been more switched on about it.

"Very interesting," she said and immediately decided to throw herself into it next time to give Leonie and perhaps herself one of the best carnal encounters they'd ever experienced.

"Oh yes," she cried. "Go girl!"

Somewhat embarrassed, Britt nodded to a woman on a walkway seat who after hearing Britt's outburst was staring at her and looking worried.

Christ, that woman probably thought she was looking at someone escaped from the loony bin, Britt giggled and then immediately scolded herself for reverting into using slang.

She walked on, continuing to think in general about sex and that led her into wondering if prostitution would be a personally rewarding career, in most respects. She felt the need to talk to Rita about that.

However, the days went by and Britt kept putting off attempting to have that conversation about prostitution as a career with Rita and then the desire to talk about it dissipated.

* * *

Months went by and at the owner of the business, Harriet Baker, was on three weeks' recuperation following the laparoscopic surgical removal of a cyst Britt as acting manager locked up the coffee shop and headed off to a medical appointment as she'd not felt her usual energetic and care-free self recently.

Britt experienced the feeling of dread when the doctor said, phrasing the question in a peculiar way: "You turned nineteen almost three months ago; is there any reason why you couldn't be pregnant?"

"Oh god."

"I see."

Later when walking home, Britt decided to look on the bright side but struggled to find one. The best she could do was to console herself that at least she hadn't been told she was developing cancer which had been her worry. She decided to tell no one for as long as possible.

But Rita was the first to pounce. Days later, always alert Rita said, "I've noticed subtle changes in you; are you okay? It's not like you to be somewhat stilted."

"Yes, I'm quite okay, just a bit tired," Britt said evasively and without thinking touched a breast that felt tender.

"I think you should visit a doctor."

"I've done that."


Rita saw the flushing face before Britt had time to turn away completely.


Britt turned back to face her gentle interrogator and sighed heavily and shrugged, saying she'd wanted to tell Rita when the time was right but had no idea when that would be.

"Omigod, how wonderful for me but how awful for you my dear girl."

They hugged and Britt said no, she was already used to the affliction, um the idea of being pregnant, and asked, "What did you mean how wonderful for you?"

"I'm to be a grandmother, sort of."

"Is that grammatical desirable speech?"

"Nope but who cares?"

Britt hugged Rita tighter and said she must return home.

"Over my dead body sweetie; no way you will return to that awful household, ah unless you feel that you must."

"No, the thought of returning fills me with dread."

"Then that's decided. Sit and I'll make a pot of tea."

While Rita busied herself at the bench, she said, "First things first. Do you wish to keep the baby?"


"And you know who the father is?"

"Yes, and I was stupid to let it happen."

"But I's warned you about the need to always take full precaution."

Britt sighed and said she'd stopped taking the Pill because she'd been having an affair for almost four months with a female exclusively.

"Yes, and my guess the female is Leonie because I've seen the way she looks at you, very much more intense than your other girlfriends do. But Leonie couldn't get you pregnant. Do I know who the father is?"

Britt sighed heavily.

"Before I answer that, do you promise absolutely to comment to no one about who the father is and to take no reprisals, that every aspect of my pregnancy is to remain confidential between you and me?"

"God and I'm trying to guess which of our male neighbours are randy enough to go after a piece of you when they know you're in my care and that I'm likely to kick arse. Heavens, it could be any one of dozens because we know what males are like."

Britt delivered the name of the father.

Rita was truly shocked. Her mouth fluttered open and shut several times until she practically spat, "My fucking nephew?"

"I expect he's the only Ryan that both of us know. He'd delivered a fare in the area and called in for a cuppa. You were relieving for Mrs Black assisting as a volunteer preparing dinner at the hospice. Ryan was in a jolly mood after receiving his second big tip of his shift and I was happy to see him and was bored. I'd given him a welcoming kiss. It was long and I guess our tongues touched."

"You guessed?"

"Perhaps I allowed it to continue but I'd not expected it to happen, I'm sure about that."

"And that was enough to set him off."

"Um I might have said ooh."

"You bloody well remember giving him that seal of approval."

"Whatever, he looked at the door and I said that you wouldn't be home for an hour, perhaps longer and he... um... he seemed to take that as some sort of hint. He locked the door and rushed and began grabbing at me. And I remembered how kind he'd been was when I arrived in London and he brought me here for which I became eternally grateful."

"Omigod, and you are far from being a clueless woman and knew Ryan was married with children and that he was almost old enough to be your father."

"Yes, yes I knew but somehow in the heat of the moment none of that seemed relevant and I was aware I wasn't protected and actually the absence of a condom wasn't mentioned and I... um... I guess I helped push him in."

"Omigod Britt, perhaps you're a brainless idiot. No forget I said that; perhaps it was the first time you became really passionate about sex."

"Yes, I appeared to be on fire."

"Oh god, please spare me the details. What we need to do now is to plan ahead. I commit to being your surrogate mother to help with the birth and raising of your child."

Britt burst into tears and that tipped Rita to lose control and as she would often recall over the years, they had been clutching at each other like two drowning women.

More Coming

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