Fire Storm

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A fireman and four women in a forest fire.
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Dear Reader:

This story is a sexual fantasy and is strictly a work of fictional and is intended as ADULT entertainment, but we all know that some of our neighbors and acquaintances are acting out these scenes in their real life every day. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse any of the activities described herein and therefore encourages the reader to practice safe sex always. Show respect to your partner and only participate in those practices that you both enjoy and agree too. If you are offended by sexually explicit content or language, please DO NOT read any further.

All characters in this story are over the age of 18, and any similarity to any persons, places, individuals or situations is purely coincidental. This story is about people coming together in a time of crises, yet they still have needs and desires that need to be feed, even in spite of the danger or perhaps even heighten by the danger. Enjoy the fantasy adventure.


Melissa Foster left her office at 3:20 on the afternoon, of October 12, 2017, and climbed into her newly lease company Ford Fiesta. There had been a problem with a computer program that her company had sold and installed and the higher-ups in the company felt only she could handle this fast and efficiently. The idea was to fly her to the site make the needed adjustments to correct the problem by the next business day, however that idea was quickly vetoed, due to the forest fires on the western face of the mountains. Melissa was going to have to drive the approximately 560 miles before 9:00 a.m. the next morning.

Melissa's computer and programming skills were the best in the E-Volt Computer Electronics company in Sacramento, California and with almost 2.6 million dollars riding on this contract they did not want anything to delay that payment. So the executives elected to send their best to fix and aligning the new computerized system and its programs. Melissa had been with the company since graduating from college eleven years ago. She had gotten married to a young ROTC cadet that she had met before graduation and it looked like they were on the yellow brick road to a profitable and happy life. Then Carl was deployed to Afghanistan and six weeks after being in the country his Humvee was destroyed by an IED and he and three others were killed. Since then Melissa has buried herself in her work and has been a blessing to the company.

Melissa made a stop at her apartment took a quick shower and washed her hair, as she was drying her hair she looked at her image in the steamed mirror. As the steam turned to water and slowly evaporated back into the air more and more of her nude body was revealed. Mellissa was tall at 5' 8" and slender considering her height; she knew she was no runway model at 116 pounds but she turns a lot of heads at work and on the street. Her long straight brunette hair was a daily chore to wash, dry and comb out, but she was proud of the one length style that floated down over her head and shoulder and ended almost at her waist. Right now it was covering her firm perky breast with their rigid and highly extended nipples. What Melissa lacked in heft or sheer volume she made up in the firmness of her breast and the near rock hardness of her protruding nipples. When she did wear a tight sweater her nipples even within her padded bras were distinctly visible, thus Melissa tended to wear slightly larger or looser fitting clothes to cover their presence. However, she fondly remembered Carl sucking them with delight.

The Melissa's eyes took in her equally hairy bush between her legs. She had seen other women with their bald mounds, but she had remained true to nature. After brushing her teeth and rising she dressed in fresh underwear, jeans and a loose soft sweater and canvas shoes, picked up her jacket, purse, laptop, computer tools and programs, and overnight bag.

She had packed enough clothes, and toiletries for five days and through in a novel she had been reading and her old friend her trusty blue friend. Carl had purchased Melissa a Jack Rabbit vibrator for her when he was deployed more as a joke, but also as a safeguard that she would be satisfied while he was away and wouldn't start looking for help. The Rabbit vibrator is a vibrating and rotating sex toy, usually made in the shape of a phallus with a clitoral stimulator attached to the shaft. In Melissa's case, it was her favorite color blue. She loved her blue dildo with the tickler attached to it. Many a night since Carl's death, Melissa would fuck herself with it. She loved to go slow when she had a lot of time and when she didn't she would piston fuck herself as fast and hard as possible until her orgasm exploded. Sometimes she would fall asleep with it in her not wanting to let go.

Melissa stopped long enough to call her friend and ask her to check on Druid, she then kissed her all-black Tom on the head and spooned out two big servings of steak and gravy, changed the litter box, before locking the door and driving off.

The fastest route from Sacramento, CA to Las Vegas, NV she knew was interstate 5 south-east to Bakersfield and then onto route 58 east to Barstow and then on interstate 15 into Vegas which could be done in about 10 and a half hours, if you drive non-stop. She and some of her girlfriends had made that drive many time for a girls long weekend, but with the wildfires, Melissa was unsure that was the best route. She knew that if she cut up over the mountains and then southeast in Nevada she could avoid the fires or at least that was what they had been reported, but it would take longer. Unsure what to do she found herself on route 99 going southeast to Manteca and so she figured her sub-conscious mind wanted her to go over the mountains, so she turned east on to route 120.

The afternoon traffic was light and she was well away from the city by late afternoon and she pushed the little Ford hard. Near seven she stopped for fuel and a break. The McDonald's salad had filled her needs, and the BP filled her car's before hitting the road once more. She had a stack of her favorite CD pounding out a beat and the AC on full, even though it was October and the night air was cooling rapidly as she climbed the mountains. Somewhere along the way she missed a turn and was lost for a few minutes before she discovered she was on route 108 which would lead her up and over the mountains and back on to route 6. Although this road was less traveled and in the winter was closed due to snow she felt comfortable driving it. After that, the concrete seemed to speed under her little car and the mountains got steeper, and the air thinner. A little before midnight the fog got so thick that Melissa was driving only about thirty to thirty-five miles per hour for fear of going off the road. The visibility continued to worsen and she began to panic if she did crash up here; her cell phone may not have a connection and she being alone made her even more frightening.

That is when she came upon three emergency trucks near the edge of the road with their red lights flashing. She stopped and one of the firemen advised her to turn back because they were closing the road as soon as the locals had evacuated since a forest fire was coming this way and they were having difficulty controlling it because of the strong wind. She explained her circumstance and he advised against it, but reluctantly agreed to let her pass, since she had a full tank and if she drove quickly she could stay ahead of it, but that he would rather she turned around. Once again Melissa gave him a big smile and flashed a little more cleavage as a kind of thank you and drove on.

Melissa continued east up the mountain driving as fast as she could in the heavy fog which she now understood was really smoke blowing ahead of the fire. After another forty minutes and even though time was important Melissa began to look for a place to stop and wait out the smoke. That is when she entered Dardanelle located on California State Route 108 about 39 miles northeast of Sonora. There near the highway was a long frame building and a series of cabins stretching back away from the road alone a small blacktop drive. Even though it was late she turned in and parked. She was pleased to see the warm glow of lights filled the lobby and entrance.

As Melissa entered the lobby she was greeted by the large screen TV showing the fire consuming acres of dry forest land. Behind the desk sat a middle-aged woman with dark chestnut hair and four or five inches shorter than Melissa's 5' 8. Her hands and her neck portrayed her age but the bright smile and twinkling eyes were a comfort to the tired Melissa.

"Oh Dear. Did they not stop you?"

"Who? What? Stop me?" Confusion plaster all over Melissa's face.

"Why the firemen. All the people have been evacuated except my son Robert and myself. Robert was up in the forest when they came and I had to call him on his cell phone and as soon as he gets here we will be leaving also. The fire jumped the road and now it is burning on both sides of the road to the west and were not sure how long we can wait to go east."

Melissa then repeated her tale of woo and how the fireman had let her through provided she kept moving, but the smoke is so thick she could not see to drive on these roads for fear of going off some were and getting stuck.

"Well dear, I think you should stay with me until Robert comes and leave with us since he knows the road better than anyone."

"What about my car?"

"Do you have it insured?"


"Then leave it. Your life is more important."

That is when the two women heard a vehicle pull in beside Melissa's Ford. However, when the door opened into the lobby of the motel it was not Robert, but rather two more women.

First through the door of the office was Patricia Miller a young petite strawberry blonde with dark-rimmed glasses that seemed to enlarge her crystal blue eyes and light pallid skin. She was dressed in a black satin cocktail dress and five-inch black pumps. Her very slender form left little in the way of curvature and spoke more of a "Tomboy" figure all dressed up, yet her mannerism and clarity of thought made her seem older and more mature.

She was followed by a blonde, well that was what one first saw, but on further examination, it was obvious she had light brown hair that had been lightened with blonde highlights. Her bright red long evening dress with a slit up one leg, looked totally out of place, even more than her companion's outfit; and yet the heavy makeup and multiple pieces of jewelry gave her the appearance of one on their way to or coming from an opera or perhaps a theater showing. She was nearly as tall as Melissa and perhaps a half a foot taller than her companion, who was now standing near the check-in counter trying to engage the older woman for information on road conditions and the danger from the fires.

"Hello! Madam, can you tell me if the road is open to the west?"

"Oh no. I am afraid this young woman, pointed at Melissa, just came in from the west and the fireman were closing the road. The TV reported just a few minutes ago that the fire jumped the road and now it is burning on both sides of the road to the west. All the local people have evacuated an hour ago, except my son Robert and myself. Robert is coming as we speak to pick me up and escape to the east."

"We just came from the east and the fire was on both sides of the road and closing about two or three miles back. You can't go that way. Is there any other ways out?"

"Well there are some fire trails, but only a four-wheel vehicle and an experienced driver could use those. When Robert gets here he can help. Until then can I get anyone a drink? That smoke is really getting thick and is hard in the lungs." A few minutes later all four women had a cold bottle of water in their hands and all the eyes were glued to the report of the fire on TV and the parking area in front of the lodge.

Only a few minutes passed before Robert's 2012 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLT with Crew Cab SB 4WD wheeled into the parking lot and stopped. Robert came through the door a few seconds later and froze when he saw not just his mother but three other women who were all frozen in place and with eyes wide open and silent mouths gaping in fear. Then all at once, all four women started talking and demanding information and concern for their lives.

Robert raised his hands to stop them and then said, "Mother who are these women and whose cars are parked outside?"

They all began to talk again and once more Robert raised his hands, but this time they didn't stop talking, so he shouted. "Quiet! No one speak until I point at you if you want to stay alive!"

Robert pointed at his mother, "Mother who are these women and are those their cars?"

Mary blurted out, "The Honda Odyssey is mine and we are...."

"Shut up!"

"Robert, the cars are theirs. This woman was coming east and these two are going west."

"Go move the car back away from the building by the signs near the road. If the fire breaks through those fuel tanks will explode. Go NOW!"

Immediately Melissa and Patricia left the lodge.

"I need to talk with the fire camp. I will be right back." Then Robert passed through a door near the back of the lobby and Mary just looked at Momma Elsie.

Mary said, "He seems to be a doer and not a follower."

"Oh yes, If we need help in this situation, you have the best in my Robert. He is the younger's Assistant Chief of the Fire Brigade for this area. That is why he was up in the wood settings backfires, trying to deprive the fire of fuel."

"Where is he going?"

"He has an office in the back of the lodge and a radio so that he can call the fire camp, that is where they the firemen and others gather and the headquarters will be set up."

Meanwhile, the other two women returned caring their luggage and other bags, thus leaving the cars empty of personal items just in case. They both looked around before Elsie spoke.

"He is checking with the fire camp. He will be back soon.

Robert soon returned, "The fire to the east and west have burned over the road, however, the backfires I lit this morning seems to have checked the advance of the fire to our north. The chief recommends that we hunker down here and wait. If the fire in the north picks up they will send in a helicopter to take us out. For now, you ladies you will have to stay here in the lodge with my mother, that way you are all in one location and the parking lot is big enough to set a copter down in, meanwhile, I will check back every few hours."

"Just what are you going to be doing, that you're going to be checking in?" demanded Patricia

"My job. Fighting the fire! Mother, can you find rooms for them here in the lodge?"

"Can one of them use your room while you're out?"


"Okay Patricia, you will be in my daughter's old room, first door on the right once you go through that door. Mary will be in my room the first door on the left, and Melissa you will have to sleep in Robert's room second door on the right. I will use the office which is the second door on the left so that I can monitor the fire camp and you. Alright?"

"Sounds good." Robert said, "No one, and I do mean no one, goes outside!"

The four women shook their heads in obedience.

Robert pivoted on his heels and was out and in his truck in seconds and roaring off west toward the fire.

With the time now nearly two in the morning Elsie directed the three women to their beds and bathrooms. Melissa's room and Patricia's room had a shared bathroom and they both imagined a younger Robert and a sister sharing and spying on each other. Mary was in Elsie's bedroom which was the master bedroom in the lodge with its own bathroom and king size bed.

Meanwhile, Elsie moved some of her things into the fire office which had a cot and a small bathroom off to one side. She turned the radio to the frequency of the fire camp and laid down to try and sleep. All four women were tired and although very nervous were soon asleep.


The sound of pans and doors closing and the strong smell of coffee soon had all four women awake. They had slept about four hours and Robert had a big pot of coffee cooking beside a pan of bacon and hash brown potatoes. In another, he had scrambled eggs and was buttering toast when they all gathered in the kitchen. "Morning, get some food and coffee in you and then change into your traveling clothes. I think we can get you out of here in a couple of hours."

Elsie said, "How?"

"I had a fire trail open last night and it looks good. If the wind doesn't pick up in the next hour we can take my truck and drive out over the ridge."

"And if the wind does pick up?"

"Well, at least you will have eaten and dress to go. If it blows up nothing is lost. Only an opportunity."

The four women ate and talked, while Robert loaded a plate with food and with a large cup of coffee disappeared into the fire office to follow the progress of the firefighters.

Melissa said to Elsie, "You must be very proud of your son. I mean he hasn't slept, hardly eaten, and looks totally drained, yet he keeps pushing to save our lives and to stop the fire."

"That is his job. It may not seem like much to you folk in the big cities, but up here in the mountains where the forest fire is our worst enemy. Oh, most of the folk living in these valleys and on these ridges know just how important the forest is to our economy, our future, our homes, and yes to our very lives. However, we don't sell men like Robert short. We appreciate them every single day there is no fire on the mountains and three times that, on the days there is."


Some four hours later and with the wind howling down over the mountain ridge the fire was consuming forest acres at an alarming rate and the chance of even a helicopter pick up had been blown away with the advancing flames.

Robert was on the radio talking about their chances and it seemed that with the exception of some water drops northwest of the village they should prepare for a burn over.

Robert came out of the office with his empty dishes and set them down. "The most dangerous time for a wildfire is late afternoon when the sun is hot when the relative humidity is low, and winds are high. It's called the witching hour.

The base camp says that is what they are predicting for later on today. There is almost no opportunity for a helicopter pick up now. We have a cold storage locker behind the lodge that we use to store food in and it may be our best and safest spot if the wind keeps building as it has. The structure is mostly underground and is made of nonflammable materials. We can shelter in there if the fire comes closer and the base camp will hit it with as much water as they can move. The only problem is oxygen. When a fire burns it consumes all the oxygen in the area and if it sustains itself over our location for a long period of time we could be deprived of oxygen. I have moved all the oxygen tanks I have here at the lodge in the locker just in case.

In a recent forest fire that was ignited by a lightning strike, within hours, it grew from a manageable fire into a raging, unpredictable inferno, trapping a team of 19 men and women trained to fight forest fires. As the blaze changed direction with unexpected ferocity, the crew members had one chance for survival: so the crew lay face down on the ground, covering themselves with thin aluminum fire shelters, and let the fire burn over them. Fire shelters are a last resort.

With spotty radio communication here deep in the valley, means that we will not know if the fire has change direction until it's too late. So from say noon till sunset I want all four of you in the shelter. The wind feeding this fire may top 60 mph and there will be no time once it comes. If it moves away from us or burns over I will come for you after sunset. So stay calm, take a book to read and be safe."