First Time at Hedonism - Day 02

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Skinny dipping & watching my wife with another woman.
8.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/12/2018
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It was the morning of our second day at Hedonism II, a Jamaican all inclusive resort that would become famous (or infamous) for its drunkenness, debauchery, and sexual promiscuity. We did our part to help build that reputation I guess. But let me just jump back into my memory where I left of from Day 1.


It was incredibly early and I was awake watching the sun break over the water. No one else was awake and I probably shouldn't have been. We had no tee time at the golf course or breakfast reservations in the dining room. No maid service to rumble through the halls to wake us. I just enjoyed being up with nothing to do.

I watched Sherry sleeping for a while. She was alone in the bed, stark naked with the blankets at her feet due to the tropical heat. There were a few early morning people starting to pass by our window. Joggers mostly though a few looked like they might be off to an early morning dive trip or something. Our room was right across from the famous nude beach and the beach trail was not 4 feet away from our hotel window so I watched them all go by. Any one of them could have glanced in to the window and seen Sherry sleeping naked in our room.

The sun had fully risen when I realized I had a big day ahead and should probably try for a few more hours of sleep. I closed the window and crawled back into bed, thinking that I must be doing vacation all wrong to be up this early. In my bid to get enough room to lay down, I woke Sherry – not on purpose – but she was receptive and amorous. We had really good sex for the third time in less than 20 hours, leisurely but not without passion.

She took me in the mouth at the end, complaining with a giggle that she was just a little sore. I told her she was going to have to toughen up as I saw a lot of work outs in the days ahead. (I had no idea how true that would be.)

We dozed until 9 or so and took our morning showers and dressed to meet our new friends who promised us a tour of the resort after breakfast.

Sherry loved resorts and golf and tennis clothes and was absolutely buzzing to be able to wear her tennis outfit. She had given me a preview back at home - a strapless blouse with a tennis skirt in bright pink with white highlights and white sneakers and those silly short socks. (At home, though, she had worn no undies underneath, which I guess would be an entirely appropriate wardrobe choice here. I kept hoping to sneak a peak.)

Sherry had complained the day before about the heat and so she had her hair in a pony tail so that it wasn't on her neck. A white sun visor and her favorite sunglasses that made her looks like a movie star. I followed her lead with a favorite golf shirt (a really bright peach) with black shorts and tennis shoes. Perhaps I also had a minor thing for dressing like a peacock. We were on vacation. We looked like we would have been right at home at that country club we didn't belong to.

I walked behind Sherry the whole way to breakfast, just admiring her ass and great legs. (She did have panties on - I caught a glimpse.) It secretly amused me that she loved golf and tennis outfits so much because in truth, the only balls Sherry had any talent with were between my legs. She couldn't drive a golf ball of a tee or make a volley to save her life. She always blamed her pendulous breasts for lack of sports acumen. I'm sure there was something to that.

We met Dan and Brenda at the main food court area at 10:30 for what we thought would be a brunch but turned out to be a standard breakfast service that most of the guests were really only now beginning to show up for. The couple looked rough, both with what appeared to be painful hangovers. They wore weathered cutoffs and tank tops and Brenda wasn't wearing a bra though she clearly had ample reason to need one. They both look like they could have slept in those clothes, except I doubted they slept at all.)

We looked around and realized that just about everyone in the restaurant was similarly suffering and scruffily attired, and realized we were almost comically overdressed versus everyone else around us and the only ones without a hangover.

Brenda thought it was cute we were so perky, but as a friend felt it was her duty to set us straight.

"This whole place is all about not giving a fuck" Brenda said. "Flush the toilet and brush your teeth, and try not to break any beer bottles where people walk, but other than that, stop being so civilized. No one here wants that. Just get primal. You'll dig it."

Past that, she did think Sherry's outfit was pretty good. "You look like the rich mans daughter that teases the boys at the tennis club but goes home and fucks the pool boy. You wearing panties under that?"

I guess that was a compliment. Brenda was good for saying things like that – descriptive, outrageous and irreverent. She had been raised in Dallas and had grown up in country clubs – this we had heard about the night before – and there was no doubt she probably knew someone like this.

Dan was similarly clever even through his punishing hangover. He kept looking Sherry and I then looking away, and finally asked if there was a knob we could use to turn the volume and brightness on our clothes.

(It was the cheap booze they served at Hedo – it was strong and did the job, but the morning hangovers could just be killers.)

We ate mediocre eggs, fatty bacon and drank good coffee. The Bloody Marys on the side put it all together. Nothing like caffeine and alcohol to cure a hangover. By meals end Dan said he could finally look at the waves without feeling ill.

After the meal, I sat there for a few minutes before Brenda, realizing I was waiting for the check, said "Christ, are you really waiting for the check? Free. Get it? Leave your fucking dirty plates and lets go."

The tables around us all heard Brenda and everyone laughed. I sensed that I wasn't the only one who had done this at the resort. Free everything just all took some getting used to.

We toured the "prude" side of the resort first. It was more civilized and tasteful. It had very clean and calm swimming pool, a nice exercise room, and even a small business center. It was also empty.

"No one hangs out on this side of the resort," explained Dan. "We just have a room over here because they say the other side of the resort is always cranking and it's hard to get sleep over there."

They showed us the dock where the boats to snorkeling and diving arrived and left and how and where to check out wind surfing boards and other water toys. This part of the resort was something we recognized from other all inclusive resorts like Club Med.

It was already hot as we left the dock areas, and Brenda mentioned that she had forgotten sunscreen and wanted to drop by their room, which we did. Similar to ours in amenities and size, it was a total disaster area of dirty laundry, empty Red Strip beer bottles, unfinished joints and discarded lingerie.

"We're on vacation." Brenda explained with a huff. She picked up a pair of underwear - it could have been either of theirs - and chucked them over to the entrance of the open closet. "We're just going to go home and throw it all in the laundry anyhow."

We had come to get sunscreen (hugely important here) and Brenda - a blonde with light skin - applied her sunscreen by the handful. She had no modesty as she lifted her top, massaged the lotion into her cleavage and bent over to get the back of her legs. We all kind of sat around and watched Brenda as she put sunscreen everywhere. It was actually pretty titillating.

"It's a wonder we ever leave the room." Dan said. Sherry giggled at this.

Back at the center of the resort, we walked into a big – BIG – bar and nightclub that was buried somewhat underground in such a way that the wall behind the bar had a window out into the pool. We hadn't even known this place was there.

They showed us the nude beach of course, and as we walked we could tell they were looking for a reaction. We didn't say a word until we were right next to our room, then we pointed out our window. Brenda and Dan shot each other a glance at that, but we played it poker faced as if all that bare ass and swinging tit action wasit was the most natural thing in the world.

We walked along the beach and soon enough W\we came to a fenced off area that looked like the entrance to a pool and inside it found many hot tubs including one that looked like it might fit a small army of people. (We thought it was a pool until Dan pointed out the jets.)

"Too hot for this during the days." Sherry pointed out.

"Hotter at night honey." Brenda said.

Finally we got to the edge of the resort, which looked like the entrance to a construction site more than anything else. The chain link fence was covered over with a tarp and extended a few feet into the surf, but otherwise looked very insecure. You could easily walk right around it without even getting your knees wet.

"That doesn't look like a security fence." I pointed out. "A thief could walk right around that and break into the rooms here easy."

Dan explained that the resorts like this were owned by the government or at least by the politicians. If you wanted to be found dead, a good way to do it was fuck with the tourists or hotel. It turned out this was the entrance to the "shopping distract."

Dan rounded the fence and I followed him. He spoke to a black man with braids who took his money, dug around in the dirt and came up with a baggie. It wasn't hard to tell what was in it. Dan stashed it in his shorts immediately when he was on the "wrong side of the wall" but once he was around the fence and onto the resort side he took it out casually and showed us his purchase.

"No one will harass you here unless you are an asshole or do something stupid. Pot is not a problem." He put the pot back in his shorts simply because it was easier than carrying it and we were on our way.

There were a few other intriguing things at the end of the resort, most notably what looked like a small forest of hammocks and hanging canopies, all of which looked comfortable. The potential uses of this place at night might be easy to guess, but weren't speculated on.

We wound up back on the path to the "nude/prude' sign at the center of the park and we were close to our room. Sherry asked if it would be okay for us to stop and perhaps roll a joint if anyone had papers. (Sherry and I were both active smokers back then, but had left all of our pot and paraphernalia behind as we were concerned about customs.) Dan had what we needed.

We invited Dan and Brenda in. Dan sat down on the bed and Brenda popped over to the window. Sherry and I popped over to the closet and looked around for something low-rent so that we wouldn't stand out from the crowd.

We had all needed to use the facilities. Lots of coffee to be dispensed with – and so Sherry and Brenda took a quick opportunity to be bathroom buddies. (I will never understand the need for grown women to pee together.) Sherry exited the bathroom in just her strapless bra and panties – Brenda still on the throne in the background – and she did that thing where she pulled down the bra and turned it around on her body to get at the hooks. After that, she dropped the panties and pulled on her brief little bikini. If Dan seemed at all surprised by her nudity, he didn't show it.

I hit the head and Dan hit the joint and I was back in action before the pot made the second round. It wasn't great pot to be honest – but it was okay and we finished the J while Sherry and Brenda went through her wardrobe, oohing and clucking like they were shopping or something.

The pot was the kind that makes you antsy and energetic \so there was no question that we might lie around in the hotel room and enjoy the high. The outdoors awaited.

Sherry said "I need to swim. We gonna nude or we gonna prude?"

We all looked at each other and Brenda said, "Fuck it. I don't want to go back to our room. Nude it is."

The walk was short – just around the building – and we all took some of those cheap ass plastic deck chairs out on the sand. Brenda and Dan stripped the shirts and dropped the denims, then went about lotioning up themselves and each other.

I had already sat down, so I pulled up my hips, dropped my cutoffs and dropped them to the side of the chair. It didn't feel weird and no one seemed to care. All eyes were on Sherry, who didn't immediately undress. She charged the surf, getting about 10 steps ahead before Brenda stormed in behind her.

Watching Sherry and Brenda frolic in the surf was fun – two beautiful girls with the balance and grace of water buffaloes. Waves knocked them sideways and took their legs out from underneath them until finally they swam out far enough to stand with little more than their shoulders and heads above the surf.

They appreciated the cool water you could tell, and sat and chatted for a while about who knows what. Finally when Sherry was relaxed enough and not paying attention, so Brenda grabbed the string on her bikini top and it was off of her in an instant. Brenda held it above her head so the crowd could see, but Sherry was still up to her neck in the water. One of the men yelled, "Shark! Shark!" as if he could scare Sherry from the water, which everyone got a laugh about.

Finally Brenda grabbed her by the shoulders and walked her out of the water. Sherry held her boobs for a second continuing to play shy so Brenda reached down and untied the bottom of her bikini strings on both hips and it dropped to the beach.

Sherry made a little show of walking up to her chair with an "oh well" look, her breasts bouncing and swinging with each step and she plopped into her chair with an exaggerated drop. Everyone was staring at her closely trimmed, almost shaved pussy. It was not a common look back then.

Sherry laid back and shut her eyes, enjoying the sun and resisting the urge to see if Dan or anyone else was staring. She knew they probably were. She put her hands behind her head, which did great things for her breasts, and went into a pose of relaxation and contentment She never took morning drinking well, so she pretty much dozed off.

Dan, Brenda and I had carefully applied sunscreen as soon as we had sat down. (At a nude beach, you have to pay special attention to lotioning down your naughty bits – which can make it look like you're masturbating if you aren't careful. We realized that Sherry would be cooking in the sun almost immediately. Dan and I grabbed bottles of sun screen – this kind the white lotion – stood on each side of here and positioned the bottles in front of our penises and squeezed. It made people laugh again as it was so very graphic.

We thought Sherry would jump up and scream but instead just laid there and wiggled her body like it felt amazing. Dan, Brenda and I all started rubbing the lotion in, Dan and I attacking legs first but Brenda grabbing the slippery breast and rubbing the lotion into them before moving to her neck and tummy. Dan and I worked our way up to her hips, but he stopped and I alone got to make sure her more private area was not going to be turning red soon.

I think it was the laying on of lotion that sealed a kind of intimacy between us all. No one flinched or felt like they were encroaching. We spent many hours drinking and rubbing suntan lotion into each other while we chatted and occasionally got up to swim.

We completely forgot about lunch, so finally about 4 o'clock we grabbed our meager clothing and went up to the center area where they served burgers and hot dogs pretty much all, day, then by agreement separated for a nap. I had no doubt Brenda and Dan would not sleep through the time as they had been whispering suggestive and sometimes very graphic comments to each other pretty much all day.

Sherry and I went back to the room and she did attempt to sleep. "Too tired to fuck" she said. I didn't feel cheated. We had days to be together and I was frankly drunk and kind of maxed out on the sun.

We woke up somewhere around 7. We knew that Dan and Brenda had reservations that night for the one restaurant at the resort that did cost money. (It was a nice place – very small though – so you were only allowed to reserve it once each week.) We were essentially on our own for dinner.

We ate light and stayed for a stage show – a variety show where guests were free to sign up to entertain, but the employees at the resort also played music an sang, did skits, and generally did their best version of the kinds of after dinner entertainment we'd seen at Club Med's and other resorts on other trips.

The guest acts tended to be more adult in nature – including an amateur stripper, a group of four women belly dancing in tandem and a few other benign but suggested skits. Finally a guy walked up the mike, dropped his pants perhaps the biggest single cock I'd ever seen, and told jokes for 5 minutes about his shlong. I don't remember many of them but one was "It's so big that it won't take calls from Speilberg."

He finished up by telling a story about how a woman passed out from fear when he first exposed her to it, and how he had so much concern about her but fucked her anyway. He said he had taken a picture, and held up a photo with an entrance to a large transit tunnel. It was kind of offensive, but funny. He probably could have put the dick away after exposing it and the act would have gone over better, but I sensed he was getting off on what he was doing as his cock seemed to grow continually over the course of the act.

After the show, people started drifting away and it felt like it might be a quiet night. Sherry and I weren't really in the mood to hang out at a bar, so we decided instead to go relax in the hot tubs. We pretty much knew they would be clothing optional – but after grabbing a few drinks for the trip, we dropped by the room to grab some towels and put on our suits anyway. (Sherry really only put on the bottom half of hers but slipped on a t-shirt.)

During the day, the hot tubs area had looked kind of bland like the swimming pool you'd find in the middle of an old apartment complex somewhere. By night it had been transformed to something more romantic thanks to soft colored lights hidden in such a way that while it was still quite dark, you could at least get a feel for the place and what was going on. And there was a lot going on.

There were about a half dozen smaller tubs made for two to four people – another six large enough to a seat 8 to 10 couples without squeezing in and then a large tub that looked like it might be a really big swimming pool. The tubs that sat a bunch of couples seemed to be very popular and we were in the mood to be sociable.

It was so dark we were practically blind when we asked if it would be okay if we joined them, we just heard a chorus of "come on down." Our eyes were adjusting to the dim light when we dropped our clothing and sat it on a nearby table and slowly slipped into the hot water.

We could tell there were four other couples – some immersed, some sitting on the edge of the tub - but it wasn't until we were actually in the water until I could see that one of the men sitting on the edge had a woman's head between his legs and she was basically giving him a blowjob while everyone else watched.

It felt immediately like we had jumped into the middle of something, and in fact we had.

The woman with the cock in her mouth was much younger than the man she was blowing. Both were attractive in a non-conventional way, and everyone in the tub seemed to be watching intently. She was kind of a one trick pony – just a back and forth movement with her neck and her lips going back and forth on his cock, but it only took a few minutes and she was sliding back off his cock. A few drops actually hit the water – just a quick moment of "eww" factor to that – but she smiled and swallowed dramatically and then slid back in the water. He slid back in too, and more cum off his cock mixed with the churning water of the tub. That kept happening – I realized those pools must have some very unique "bath tub rings." I have to admit that part took some getting used to.