Fitness Model Moms Ch. 04


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He nodded to Gia a quick hello as he opened the passenger side door for Amy.

"You must be her son," Gia smiled. "I'm Gia. We've been working together on this shoot."

"Oh hey. Nice to meet you. Caleb," he extended his hand to shake Gia's.

"Ready?" Amy rushed her son, assuming Gia would flirt with him.

"That's very sweet of you to help her. Most sons think they have better things to do," Gia complimented Caleb.

"It's no problem. She's knocked up, someone's gotta help!" Caleb joked, causing Gia to laugh loudly, annoying Amy more.

"Caleb," Amy peeped out the window, urging him to stop talking to Gia and come along.

"You're cute. Listen," Gia moved closer to Amy. "Tonight, a few of photographers and account managers for the client are having a little get together out on the beach. It's right near my hotel. You two should come"

"Yeah that'd be awesome!" Caleb exclaimed

"No thanks," his mother said at the same time.

"Aww, please? You can borrow a bikini the agency has. You could show off that beautiful belly of yours," Gia suggested.

"Gia, I don't think – "

"Yeah! Great idea. Mom, you look amazing. That big beach ball belly really looks good on you," Caleb said. "You should be proud of it, show it off."

"I hope to see you two tonight," Gia added.

"We'll think about it," Amy said, motioning for Caleb to get in the car. She was blushing on the inside, hoping her cheeks didn't show it. Part of her wondering if Caleb found her sexy. Part of her hoped he did.

She watched Caleb and Gia talk on and on about directions, where the party was, about the bikini she could wear. Amy grew more annoyed, swearing that Caleb was flirting with Gia.

Amy looked out the open passenger side window, "Caleb?"

"Yeah one sec, Mom," Caleb said, not looking at his mother, patting her on the head while talking with Gia next to the car.

They wrapped up their conversation, Gia waving goodbye to Amy, Caleb getting in the car. Amy was quietly pouting.

Five minutes on the drive back home, after Caleb admitted he sucked as a mechanic and had his mother's car towed. Amy spoke up. "Caleb, why? Why did you talk to her and say we'd go?"

"Hey, it'll be fun. Relax," Caleb reached over, putting his hand on his mother's belly. It was the first time he ever did that. Amy flinched, but couldn't remove the father of her baby's hand if she wanted to.

Amy stared at it, watching her son, slowly rubbing her pregnant belly over her t-shirt.

"Caleb," She whispered.

"Besides. I walked in on you last night. You do look great. You'll be turning heads left and right," Caleb continued.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," Amy took her eyes away from his hand, looking out the window.

"Yeah? So?"

"Just stop. Stop talking."

"We're going tonight, alright? It could be a fun night. I know it's hard carrying the baby around," Caleb patted her tummy, then put both hands back on the steering wheel.

"You have no idea," Amy thought.


Amy was miserable. The car ride to the beach party was awkward, Caleb trying his best to chat with her, make her laugh. He gave her compliments about the bikini. Amy hated it, not so much because it was showing her big belly and larger cleavage, but she felt exposed, ashamed that everyone could see the consequence of incest.

She wore a long, blue skirt around her waist. It came with the bikini Gia provided. Caleb was wearing a simple t-shirt and swim trunks. He helped his mother out of the car and led her to a table on the beach.

Gia showed up, hugging Caleb, causing Amy to look away and roll her eyes.

The other coworkers and photographers showed up. Talking to Amy, asking her about the baby, bombarding her with question after question, making her want to scream.

Looking around she saw her son and Gia standing near the pool talking. Amy looked at Gia's long legs, skimpy bikini and glared at her. She watched Caleb laugh and talk with the tall brunette. Amy grew more and more annoyed as the night went on.

There was a limbo competition which Amy felt she couldn't physically do. There was an open bar which Amy couldn't drink due to the pregnancy. There was a hot tub by the pool which Amy couldn't get in because it'd be too hot for the baby. She sat there, watching her son and Gia, silently growing angrier.

Several more photographers and coworkers came and went but Caleb spent most of his time with Gia. Amy knew why she was angry. Normally she wouldn't care that her son was talking to a pretty woman, but now things were different. Amy fought her inner desires to experience sex with Caleb again - a non-accidental, purely consensual, mind-blowing experience.

"No," she said aloud, answering a question someone asked and addressing her inner struggle to take her son to bed at the same time.

"Really? Wow," the photographer said.


"You don't want any drugs during labor?"

"Oh, sorry, yes the more the better," Amy offered a fake laugh.

Amy focused on Gia slapping playfully at Caleb's arm. "Slut," Amy thought, immediately chastising herself. Gia had done nothing but flirt with him; she wasn't trying to take Caleb to bed. Amy shook her head; it was something she wanted to do.

The evening finally wrapped up after an awkward buffet dinner with Gia and Caleb sitting next to Amy.

On the way home, Caleb once again attempted to get his mother to talk to him and enjoy herself. Amy ignored his questions and conversations only seeing red at him for flirting with Gia and at herself for being angry about it.

When they arrived home, Amy got out of the car herself, waddling to the front door.

"Mom, wait. I can help," Caleb caught up to her. Amy pushed him away.


Amy said nothing, fumbling with her keys at the front door. She dropped them and Caleb immediately picked them up for her, "Here you go."

She opened the door and marched to her room. "Mom? You ok?" her son asked.

"Fine," Amy closed her bedroom, once again leaving a confused son behind.


She avoided her son again the next day. Amy didn't notice that he cooked her dinner too. Caleb knocked on her bedroom door, Amy sighed, opening it, not making eye contact.

"Dinner is ready," Caleb smiled. "Want me to bring it to you so you can relax in bed?"

Amy fought tears and nodded.

Caleb adjusted her pillows, her comforter, and brought a tray to her with her hot lasagna meal.

He sat, watching her take a few bites, a tiny morsel landing on her belly. "Here, I'll get it," Caleb scooped it up with a napkin. "I probably didn't need to bring the tray. You could sit your plate here," he joked, patting her stomach.

There was a silent pause; Amy gave Caleb a look as if to say, "you can leave now."

"Mom, are you – "

"I'm fine," Amy snapped at him.

"Ok," Caleb stood, leaving her be. "If you need anything, just let me know."

Amy had to stop eating for a bit. She needed her son in more than one way. If he knew they already had sex and he was the woman he impregnated, he'd never want to see or speak to her again.

Amy poked at her food some before taking a few bites.

She cried herself to sleep, hoping that if Martin was looking down on her, he wouldn't be disappointed.


Caleb was really getting on her nerves the following day. He was everywhere she was, offering to help, talking at and to her about baby plans. Amy was sick of hearing about it.

"No name yet, Mom?"

"No," Amy was putting on her shoes to go for a walk.

"Can I come with you?"


Wait, maybe I could help you – "


Amy needed time alone, to deal with and get through this nightmare she brought upon her family. Caleb watched her leave, frustrated and concerned.

The next day, Caleb brought his mother lunch, leftovers from the previous night. She was at the modeling agency in meetings with project managers for a new clothing line client.

Amy scowled when she saw Caleb talking with Gia outside the building. "When will she go home? Does she live here now?" Amy thought.

"Oh hey," Caleb said, handing her bag. "Thought I'd bring you this."

"Thanks," Amy nodded, taking the bag. Gia tried to initiate conversation, but Amy waddled away as quickly as possible. Anger rose when she looked over her shoulder, seeing Caleb and Gia hug.

At home that evening, Amy headed to her room as usual. "Mom, wait," Caleb called out to her, following her.

"What?" She snapped at him.

"Hey, relax, I just want to talk," Caleb said.

"I want to be left alone," Amy said. Caleb hugged her, holding her against him. She didn't want him to stop, but she had to force the embrace to end for fear it her initiating something inappropriate.

"Let me go," She pushed him away. That was the last straw for Caleb.

"What's your problem? Huh?" He raised his voice. "Ever since you got knocked up you've been this way to me. You don't want to hang out anymore, we don't talk anymore, you – "

"Caleb, please, stop," Amy pleaded, the tears welling up.

"I mean, I get it, the hormones and all, but come on! Can't you be a little nicer to me? I'm trying to help you out here. I told you I would help with the baby!" Caleb continued.

Amy dashed to her room, attempting to close the door on Caleb. "Let me in!" he pushed the door back, causing Amy to stumble and plop down on her bed.

"What's your deal? Huh?" Caleb calmed a bit, seeing his mother crying, sobbing uncontrollably.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Caleb sat next to her, his arm around her. "Are you sure the baby is ok? You can tell me. Is something wrong with it?"

Amy shook her head through the tears.

"Tell me. That nice man you met; the one that got your pregnant. Was he not nice after all?"

She shook her head crying harder, that nice man she met wasn't the one that got her pregnant.

"Then what? Please tell me, I'm worried about you," Caleb spoke softly, kissing his mother's temple, holding her close. "Whatever it is, we can get through it. I'll help."

Amy said nothing for several moments, gathering her composure, only to lose it when she told her son the truth.

"It's yours," Amy said, resuming her sobbing.

"Huh? What's mine?" Caleb asked.

Amy placed her hand on her tummy.

"What do you mean mine? The baby? I didn't, I mean, we didn't - I'm not a donor either," Caleb said.

"We did," Amy wiped her face.

"We did what? Mom, what are you talking about?"

"You and I, we did it. That stupid college party you went to!" Amy pounded her fist to her thigh.

Caleb's face when white, his heart pounding, "Wait, wait, no, what are you talking about."

"I was there! I was there on that bed, in that room! And you were there!"

Caleb stood up, eyes darting around, "It can't be, I didn't see you, I didn't, I – "

His mother stood next, glaring at her son. "I was on all fours, you came into that room and you fucked me!" she pounded her fist on Caleb's chest. "You fucked me! You got me pregnant!"

He didn't know what to say. Caleb stood in shock from the news and hearing her use foul language, watching his mother sit on the bed, crying. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He remembered now. The woman on the bed, his dumb friend urging him to have sex with her, her head and face obscured. He went through with it against his better judgment. Caleb recalled how good she felt, how perfect the woman felt. He remembered cumming almost instantly inside her, having never ejaculated so hard and powerfully before.

Caleb took a step back, his mother still crying, and left her bedroom. He quietly closed her door and went to his room.


They managed not to see each other for a week. They kept to their rooms, Amy crying mostly in hers; Caleb numb, still in shock in his.

He cursed himself for giving into peer pressure; he cursed her for being there like that. Both of them were at fault.

Amy prayed to Martin daily, begging him to forgive her for what she had done; hoping that wherever he was, he wouldn't look down on her with disgust for making a horrible mistake. She told Martin she would never knowingly commit incest. She wrestled each night with her thoughts, guilt and shame mixing with lust and desire for Caleb. She wanted it again, but knew they never could.

She wondered if her son would ever speak to her again. Amy figured Caleb would move out, get an apartment with a friend, and that would be the last she ever saw of her son. She thought he might show up in a decade or two to say hello and make amends, but that would be it - no mother and son closeness, no adulthood friendship, nothing.

Amy was staring off into space, lying on her side, her eyes dried out from crying so much when she heard a soft knock on the door.

"Yes?" she whispered.

There was another knock. Amy cleared her throat, sitting up in bed. "Yes?" she said louder.

Caleb entered the room, eyes to the carpet, "Hey."

"Hey," Amy said.

Caleb took a few steps closer to her, before blurting out, "Mom, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I'm the one who – "

"No, I'm sorrier, I never should've done – "

"I never should've been there. You were fine, it was a college party – "

"Yeah, but it was wrong of me to take advantage – "

"You didn't. I was so stupid to be there like that, like a slut – "

"No, I mean, sort of?"

Mother and son paused, making eye contact, smiling sheepishly.

The older, Amy, spoke first. "Sit," she patted the bed. Caleb obeyed his mother, running his fingers through his hair, eyes down once more.

"I uh, I shouldn't have been at that party. It was for younger people, college students. I shouldn't have been in that room. When your dad died, I went nearly ten years without, well, sex. I wanted another baby and figured I could have sex - perhaps a large amount of it - and get a baby in the process. Then I'd be done, back to being a single mom, this time with a little baby. It was scratching an itch that had been building, while having a baby too."

"Yeah, two birds, one stone," Caleb spoke up.

"Yes, exactly," Amy smiled, the thought of losing Caleb as a son, a friend, diminishing. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I was there, having one final wild night, before the nice man I met would do his thing. You know? I was off birth control, but I stupidly thought I had a few more days until I could pregnant. I was wrong. Then you showed up."

"Mom," Caleb grimaced.

"No, we need and should talk about this. I've been too scared to."

Amy rubbed his shoulder, continuing on. "For a second I thought you were your dad. You felt like him. It was so quick though," Amy paused. "So amazing. It was different from your dad. It was incredible. But wrong, very wrong. I hope you can forgive me."

"Mom, I hope you can forgive me. I didn't know it was you on that bed. The room was dark and my friend kept pushing me to do it. What I could see was, well, an insanely hot looking woman on all fours - her butt in my direction. I couldn't see her face or hair. But wow," Caleb gave a fake laugh, hoping to ease the tension before continuing.

"I went for it. I knew it was wrong, but I figured I'd be going to this college soon, I'd make friends, maybe at parties, so why not?" Caleb placed his hand on his mother's, facing her now on the bed. "It was great. Better than great. It was so quick though, like you said. Normally I'd be embarrassed, but I figured this woman on the bed wouldn't know it was me. Guess I was wrong."

"I turned around and saw you stumble out of the room," Amy said.

"Yeah. Anyway, I was finished almost instantly. I haven't had much experience in the bedroom, but wow, I could barely stand afterwards. The room was spinning," Caleb explained.

"I saw stars," Amy added.

Mother and son smiled, glancing at one another for a while before Caleb spoke up. "I've been wondering what dad would think if he saw us do that. I don't know what happens when we die, I mean, I know what religion says and all. But I don't feel the dead look on us at all when they die. I feel like they are so far away in such a better place that they don't look on us or watch over us. If they did, what they see could make them sad. Why would they want to feel sad when they are in Heaven?"

Amy hugged her son, kissing his cheek. "You might be right."


"Do you know everything? Are you omniscience?" Martin asked The Guide. They were traveling between galaxies, watching them speed by as they traveled faster than light.


"Are you the – "

"No," The Guide interrupted Martin, already knowing what he was going to ask. "I'm not The Creator. I can't create matter or alter reality. I can only view it; travel through it, interactive with it, explore it, just like you. Think of it as a data system."

"Where did you come from? Before here?"

"I've always been here in this dimension. The Creator created me to help those that arrive here."

"Does everyone come here?"

The two beings slowed down, gliding into a faraway galaxy, arriving at a star being consumed by a black hole.

"No. Not every sentient being transcends to this place. Some are far too damaged."

"Where do they go?"

"Nowhere. When their corporeal bodies give out, nothing happens. Their consciousness doesn't transcend to this higher dimension, like you and many others."

"How many others?"

They left the galaxy, flying once again through intergalactic space, faster and faster, until galaxies became smaller and smaller. Groups of them became super clusters, super clusters became filaments. Martin saw billions of points of light before him resembling interconnected cities on the night side of a planet. They were sparkling, some exploding, colliding – it seemed alive.

"There are countless sentient beings that live there, in this universe," The Guide nodding to the massive galactic filaments. "Most of them come here and meet me. You're one of several trillion I am concurrently guiding through this experience."


After several hours of talking, Amy asking if Caleb was scared to be a father; him reminding her he was going to help out anyway, mom and son fell asleep holding each other.

They decided to pretend the child was strictly Caleb's brother; not a brother-son hybrid.

They next day they woke up. Caleb cooked his mother breakfast. Amy helped put the dishes away. He approached her from behind, his arms sliding around her, resting his hands on her tummy. He kissed the top of her head. Amy ignored any feelings of awkwardness and simply enjoyed being held by him. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"I could get used to this. We haven't exactly been spending quality time together," Amy said.

"Yeah, ever since I knocked you up," Caleb chuckled.

Amy turned around, hugging him tightly. "Yes, you did."

They stood, holding one another for a few moments. The much shorter Amy's belly against Caleb's crotch. She internally sighed relief.

Caleb ended the embrace, kissing her head again. "Love you, Mom."

"I love you too," Amy grinned, watching Caleb continue with chores she didn't ask him to do.

A few nights later, Amy watched her son clean the kitchen while digesting another meal he cooked for her. Afterward, he sat on the couch, extended his arm and held his pregnant mother.

"You, I didn't actually, you know, that night," Caleb stammered.


"You said I uh, did something to you that night. But I didn't," Caleb said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm not going to use such unladylike curse words like you to describe what you thought we did," Caleb joked.

"Oh!" Amy laughed, turning to her son. "Yes, I was a little distressed the night I confessed you're the father of my baby. Sorry for using adult language."

"Yes, well. I didn't actually do that. You know," Caleb playfully avoided saying the F word.

Amy leaned in, whispering in her son's ear, "You mean fuck me?"