Five Simple Rules

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Rob gets a girl - but there are strings attached.
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'Hey Rob,

I want to have a chat with you in private. Meet me at the pub tonight, 5:45?

See you there I hope!


Rob read the email again, looking for clues, but there was nothing. 'L' was Leanne -- the cute-looking girl that had recently started working in the office, just a couple of desks down from him. She was easily the sexiest girl in the company, and possibly the sexiest he'd ever personally met. What the hell did she want from him? While not ugly or socially awkward, Rob considered himself average at best, and a girl like Leanne was way out of his league.

'Probably just something to do with work, no point getting excited' he thought to himself. Nevertheless, he spent the rest of the afternoon in idle fantasies about hooking up with her, and made sure to look his best before heading out of the office after work.


The pub in question was a cheesy Irish themed bar in the town square, not Rob's sort of place at all. However, it was just round the corner from the office, which made it the de facto after-work meeting place at his company. It also had a few small booths at the back, and after a bit of searching through the after work crowd (nobody from his place today, thankfully), he found Leanne sitting in an otherwise empty booth.

As always, she looked stunning -- about 5'9", with flowing black hair, dark skin hinting at an Eastern background, and a body to die for. Rob had made as much of an effort to look good as he could, but Leanne was the sort of girl that looked like she'd just stepped out of a salon, even after a full day at work. Apparently, things like creases and sweaty armpits were something that happened to other people.

She looked up as he approached and smiled. "Can I get you a drink?" he asked, by way of saying hi.

"Sure, I'll have a G&T"

Rob fought his way to the bar and got the drinks, settling on a neat whiskey for himself. He'd normally have a beer, but for some reason this seemed like a more impressive choice.

"So, how was your day?" She asked. "Did you manage to finish up with B&K?"

Ah, so this was just work stuff after all, thought Rob. B&K was one of Rob's larger accounts, and not an easy one.

"More or less" he said, noncommittally, trying to hide his disappointment. He wasn't a fan of talking shop, and could think of a thousand other things he'd like to talk about (and do) with the pretty girl he was with.

Nevertheless, and much to Rob's chagrin, she just seemed to want small talk -- work stuff, office gossip, last night's TV, and so on. He had to admit though, he was having fun; she was a good talker and they seemed to have a lot in common -- and the jealous looks he was getting from some of the other guys in the pub was kind of satisfying.

As they were getting to the end of their drinks, Rob was just plucking up the courage to ask why she'd asked him there, when she suddenly sat up and looked at him.

"What do you think of me, Rob?" She asked.

Completely thrown off his guard, Rob started to fluster. "Uh, well, I, er, uh, what do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean? Do you like me? Do you find me attractive?" She frowned slightly.

Well if she was going to be so upfront, then so was he.

"Attractive? Of course I do! You're the most attractive girl I know!"

That made her smile. "Good", she said. "Too bad I had to make the first move, but we got there in the end. So, if I were to say I wanted to date you, what would you say?"

Rob was astounded. Could this really be happening? This was the girl of his dreams, way out of his league, but there she was, sitting there, all but asking him out!

He played it as cool as he could. "Well, I'd say I was flattered, to go out with you, even one date, would be a dream come true. But why me? I'd have thought Darren or John were more your type?" He regretted that last question as soon as he said it. Darren and John were the office players, very alpha male and constantly flirting and dating the hottest girls in the office -- Leanne included.

A cold look flashed over her face. "My type?" She raised an eyebrow. "Who are you to say what my type is? You don't know me nearly as much as you seem to think you do!" Her face softened. "Let me explain."

"I don't believe in false modesty -- I am an attractive girl, I know that. I'm not stupid, I can look in a mirror, and I can see the way guys react to me. I know the effect I have on men. And yes, I can have pretty much any guy I choose, if I wanted to.

But let me explain something you may not know about -- guys like Darren and John? Sure, they're hot guys, and they're fun, in their own way. But mostly? They're jerks. They see girls like me as trophies -- someone to date just to prove they can. All they want to do is fuck you for the bragging rights, and have something pretty to show off to their mates in the pub. I'm twenty-eight now, and I've been hanging around with guys like that since I first got tits. Frankly, I'm sick of the bullshit."

She seemed to realise she was ranting a bit then, and stopped to have a drink.

"You, though? You're different. Sure, you're not Brad Pitt, but then Brad Pitt is probably a jerk too. And in spite of your obvious lack of self-confidence, you're really not bad looking. And you, Rob, are just the type I'm looking for right now. At least I think -- I hope I'm not wrong?"

That last was phrased as a question.

"OK, so what are you looking for?" Rob asked.

"Well, that's a little complicated. Of course, I want all the usual stuff that a girl wants -- to be treated with respect, cared for, given flowers occasionally, all that fluff -- but I also have some other, er, needs. I've felt like this for a long time, but now I'm determined to get it. And I think you're the man to provide it." She blushed a little at this, the first time Rob had ever seen her anything less than totally confident.

"I'm intrigued" said Rob. "Do go on!"

"Promise me first, whatever happens, that you won't tell anyone at work what I'm about to say!"

"Of course. This is just between you and me."

"OK, now this might surprise you, or it might not. I'm basically looking for a submissive guy -- sexually, that is - one that will do whatever it takes to make me happy. I think you're a natural submissive; are you?"

It was Rob's turn to blush.

"Submissive? What the hell makes you think that?" he blurted.

"Oh come on!" She laughed. "I ask you down here tonight without giving any reason why, and you just turn up, no questions asked -- just like an obedient puppy. Then you sit through half an hour of idle chatter, again without asking why you're here. Just to keep me happy. I think you'd do anything to please me! Besides, I've just got a feeling about you. Call it women's intuition!"

Rob sat and thought about that. He had played a few bondage games in the past, nothing serious, but it seemed he always naturally ended up playing the submissive role. But this was something else -- what she was talking about was not far off the sex slave fantasies he'd masturbated over on quiet nights at home!

"OK, you've got me, maybe I do have a bit of a submissive streak. I never figured you for a dominatrix though!"

"Oh, it's a new thing for me. None of my boyfriends have ever let me try it, but I think I've got what it takes. That doesn't mean I'll be some whip-wielding leather clad dominatrix" -- she smiled -"well, not all the time, anyway..."

"OK, but what else? What would you have me do to please you?"

"That's the thing," she said. "I will admit to being a bit of a sex maniac, but all my life things have been so plain and vanilla -- I want kinky stuff. And I want a partner that will indulge that. What do you say to that?"

"Well, it depends really. What sort of things?"

She laughed. "It doesn't work like that, silly! What I want to do is what I want to do, if you're with me you just have to go along with that. You don't get to pick and choose what you do or don't want to do -- you get your pleasure from pleasing me. If you accept your role, you'll find out in time. If not, then it's not your business to know."

She took another drink. "So, what do you have to say?"

"Well, I guess I'm interested." Said Rob. This was an understatement -- a girlfriend like Leanne? With kinky, submissive sex thrown in? That was as close to heaven as he dared to imagine. He was glad of the table between them, as without it there would have been no way he could hide the raging erection he had going on.

She smiled. "You've made me a happy girl. But, before anything else happens, I've made up some rules. Five simple rules, which as far as I'm concerned are non-negotiable. If you want to go out with me, you have to abide by them. You can of course break them at any time, but if you do, that's it between us."

"That's pretty harsh", Rob protested. "So if I don't stick by your rules, I'm dumped?"

"Basically, yes. I know what I want and I'm determined to have it. I like you, Rob, but life is just too short to not get what I want. If you opt out at any time, then we can still be friends, but you'll lose all boyfriend privileges!" She leant over the table, exposing a little cleavage and the lacy top of her bra, as if to emphasise the point.

"I've written them down for you," she said, fishing an envelope out of her handbag. She handed it to Rob, finished off her drink then stood up to leave.

"I hope you do agree to them, we could have a lot of fun together. Have a read through and let me know when you've made a decision."

With that, she kissed him lightly on the cheek and left.

Rob had to stay a few minutes for his erection to die down before he could leave.

Later that night

Rob knew instinctively that whatever was in the envelope was something that needed proper attention -- reading it on the way home wouldn't do it justice. Nevertheless, he had a good look at the envelope -- a nice creamy envelope, with his name written on it in neat, curly script. He caught a waft of her perfume on it. Damn, even her stationery was sexy!

He picked up a bottle of wine on the way home, and waited until he'd fixed dinner and settled down for the evening before pouring a glass of wine and turning his attention to the envelope he'd left on the sofa. He tore it open and started reading.


If you're reading this, then that means you've accepted my offer. I can't tell you how excited you've made me -- after all the crappy relationships in my past, I'm really looking forward to having a relationship my way!

I guess I've told you this already, but I'm looking for a sexually submissive man, and if you're reading this then I was right about you and you are.

When it comes to matters of love and friendship, I see no reason why things can't be normal and equal, but when it comes to sex, I want to be the boss in this relationship. I also want less of a vanilla sex life, and with you along for the ride, I'm going to explore that to the fullest. It's going to be great!

However, as I have mentioned, I have come up with five rules that will govern your sex life with me. Infractions of these rules will be punished in a way I see fit, and outright refusal to follow them? Sorry, we're over. It'll be a shame, but I want this too much to compromise.

So, here goes:

1. Chastity

I think I can trust you not to cheat on me, but I know what you men are like. Any opportunity you get, you're off masturbating. As far as I'm concerned, that's demeaning to me. You'd rather jack off than make love to me? Well, that's not going to happen. Before this relationship begins, you will purchase and wear a chastity device. You can choose which one, but it must be approved by me. You will hand the keys to me, and as long as you're with me you will only get to cum with my permission, and only with me present. You will not complain about this or ever ask to be let out.

2. Other people

I am highly sexed, and chastity or not, you are not always going to be able to satisfy me by yourself. I reserve the right to have sexual relations with other people as and when I see fit. I may include you in these sessions, I may not. Rest assured, though, that it's really all about sex. You will be the one I come home to, and you will always be the one that is more intimate with me than they can ever be.

3. Obedience

I have some pretty wild desires -- some things I have done in the past and some I haven't. I do, however, intend to try them all. As my sub, you will do as I ask, when I ask, without complaint. I don't care if you're not into a particular kink; your sole task is to please me. Whatever that takes.

4. Other people and your role

As I mentioned above, I may be bringing other people into our relationship. Unless I tell you otherwise, then you will also be submissive to them in the same way you would to me, and I expect you to treat them with the same level of respect. You do not get to choose who we sleep with or who you are obedient to.

5. Punishments

It's very likely that at some point you will disobey me, or fail to please me in some way -- in fact, I almost hope you do! I will punish you in a manner I see fit, probably physically. Be warned -- I can be a mean bitch when I want to be!

That's it. Follow these rules and we'll have a great time together!

Leanne xx'

Rob threw the letter down. What the fuck? Chastity? Other people? So she wanted to keep him locked up in some stupid belt while she went out and screwed whatever jerks she felt like?

"Sorry Leanne," he said to himself, "submissive I can do, but that's just going too far."

The Next Day

Rob arrived at work, meaning to tell Leanne where she could stick her rules. For some reason though, he couldn't bring himself to do it -- and Leanne seemed to be ignoring him, which wasn't making it any easier. He got through the day at work without speaking to her, and left for home.

Once home, he read the letter again. And again. He fired up his computer, opened up his browser and went on to google....

The Next Day


Need to talk to you about what we discussed. Meet you at the pub, 5:45 again?



Be delighted to. I hope you're not trying to negotiate though!

See you there xx



"So," said Leanne, after they'd bought drinks and sat down together.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, it's about these rules. I have to admit; the first time I read them I was going to give up on the whole thing. Seems kind of strict, you have to agree."

"Yes, it does come across pretty strict, but it's just a framework. It doesn't mean we won't have a lot of fun together. And no, I won't change or drop any of them, if that's where you're going with this!"

"Well, the thing is this. If you want to keep these rules, then I can go with that. But I've got a couple of rules myself, and I wanted to clear up a couple of things as well."

"Go on," she said, sighing, "let's hear it."

"OK, firstly, the chastity thing. When I first read that bit, I was a bit confused. I'd always thought of chastity as something knights did to their wives back in medieval times, and was imagining some massive great iron belt. But then I did some research."

Leanne smiled. "I'm glad you did that. It's not like that at all, is it?"

"No, you're right. It looks like that's a whole fetish in itself. You can get all sorts of devices, it seems, some look pretty good, and by all accounts, quite comfy to wear. I don't mind admitting, it was quite a turn on. I'm quite excited to try one now! But, I want to know how you plan on working it. I mean release dates and stuff. Are you planning on setting lengths of time? Or particular dates? And for how long? Do I get released early if I'm good? Or do we use dice, or what?"

"My god," said Leanne, "you have been doing your homework! To answer your questions though, there will be no schedules. No release dates, no mucking around with dice. As far as I'm concerned, that takes the power away from me, and all the fun out of it. No, it works like this: You get locked up on the day we start dating. I unlock you when I want to unlock you, and lock you up again when I want you locked back up. That's all there is to it; nothing else gets a say. Not marks on a calendar, not dice, and especially not you!"

"OK, that sounds pretty hot actually. But how long between releases, do you reckon?"

She shrugged. "Dunno really, it depends. If you're lucky and I crave your cock a lot, then you'll find yourself coming out quite regularly, on the other hand," she grinned, "if I find it more fun to keep you locked up and desperate, well then you won't be so lucky!"

"So then it's in my best interests to make sure you 'crave my cock', as you put it?" Rob grinned.

Leanne looked at him. "Exactly. But don't forget rule two."

"Yes. That's the one I'm not too comfortable with. So basically you can go out and just screw whoever you like? And I don't get a say in it?"

"That's not the way I'd put it, but essentially, yes. Understand one thing though: If I hook up with other people, then it's just sex. You will have the honour of being my boyfriend, and you will be able to be intimate with me in a way that they never could. Besides, have you never been in an open relationship before? I never said you wouldn't ever get to screw other people from time to time!"

Rob never had. He had, however, been cheated on before by an old girlfriend. The thing that had hurt the most was the way she'd snuck around behind his back. He'd felt foolish, and, well, cheated. He guessed this way was better. Besides, some of the stories he'd read last night had been about cuckolded men. And they'd been among the stories that really turned him on...

"OK, rule three then. I'm pretty cool with that -- I'm well up for trying new things as well. In fact, I may even be able to show you a few things," -- Rob had had some pretty wild girlfriends in the past -- "but I'm just not sure about this 'as I ask, when I ask' thing. Sure, if I'm not really into something, then it's my duty to go along with it anyway, but what if I really hate something? What if it not just doesn't turn me on, but it actually disgusts me? I'm no prude, but you can't expect me to like everything!"

Leanne thought about this.

"OK, that's a fair point. If you really dislike doing something, then tell me and we won't do it again. I should warn you though, if I end up having to cross too many things off, then I'd have to reconsider the relationship. Just promise me one thing though; however much you think you'll hate something, you'll at least try it once?"

"That's more than fair," said Rob, "But there are a few things I know that I really won't like. Could I have some rules of my own? Five Simple Rules? Five things that you'll never ask me to do?"

Leanne laughed. "Pretty cheeky, but OK. Try me, let's hear what you don't want me to do to you."

"OK, one. You mentioned punishing me. I'm fine with that; I'll probably enjoy it. But I assume that means pain?"

"Of course. I hope you're not going to be a complete sissy about it?"

"No, I can be a man about it." He grinned." But rule one is this: Nothing extreme. Nothing that leaves a scar, nothing that affects my day-to-day life. No branding, bloodletting, nothing weird like that. Sound fair?"

She smiled. "I must admit, branding my initials on your backside sounded fun. But no, I can agree with that. Next?"

"Two. This is a sex thing, so let's keep it sex related. I don't want to be expected to do your laundry, wash your dishes or anything like that. Let's keep it in the bedroom. Well, figuratively, not literally!" He winked.

"Not even as just a normal boyfriend thing, because you're a nice guy?"

"Well, that's different. I just mean I don't want you to be ordering me to do that stuff."